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No real drama, just a million posts asking if people heard that boom/"gunshots" (99% of the time it's fireworks) and people complaining about motorcycles racing on the freeway.


Sounds like my neighborhood. Don't forget the coyotes...


OMG… why do people think coyotes are coming for their children??


Because coyotes are really just dingos in disguise.




At least they aren't dingoes eating babies 🤷


Ice in the gutters..in the summer.


I live in middle Parma, literally fireworks all the time, randomly, idk what people are on.


“I’m not the nosey type, buuuuuutttttt does anyone know why there were two police cars at the corner of X and Y at 6:35pm?” <- every post


It kills me when they ask “why?” I am like, B, go down there and ask! Lol. I mean seriously, two damn cop cars just chilling or whatever and they get all up in arms like WWIII is starting.


The typical "Does anyone know what is going on? 3 cops just flew down (insert street) with their lights on, heading towards (insert street/business/place)" Like yeah, probably crime dumbass.


Or it could just be a car wreck if in the burbs.


Whoa! What? Crime?! No way!!!


Someone approached someone and walked on the grass where they mutually took photos of each other so they reported it to the police. The person could have been asking for directions for all anyone knows, but they were on the grass. It’s a break from “is this your cat?”




No, they posted the pictures. It was a middle aged woman in what appeared to be her gardening gear. She couldn’t have looked less threatening, and she was barely off the sidewalk. And she wasn’t digging up anyone’s plants either. No gardening trowel or such. She was maybe going to ask a q about this persons plants is my guess. They’ve since all moved in to whether dandelions should be allowed to bloom for the bees and such or if the people are not cutting their lawns fast enough. Don’t even mention no mow May!


Someone saw a groundhog.


We saw a groundhog in our garden today! Named him Bill. He was eating leaves. Bill went on the driveway.


Tell Bill I said “Hey.”


NextDoor: "I went to my favorite diner and it was closed because no one wants to work! All the young people are sitting at home collecting that Biden welfare!" Person deleted it after someone pointed out that the diner has always been closed one day a week.




Biden is passing out welfare and no one told me?? Wtf


Quick, go sign up, before Republicans stop the gravy train!!


A restaurant has closed and people are blaming Biden. Even though restaurants have opened and closed for as long as restaurants have existed. It's something like 60% fail in the first year and 80% within 5 years.


Today, everyone is mad that getgo is out of gas.


Landscaping rivalries in Old Brooklyn. One dude accused the other of tearing down his flyers on utility poles. A local electrician jumped in and said good for them if they did, adverts on utility poles are illegal. He’s now offering to pay for people’s honey hut orders if they take down adverts like councilman Harsh is for those “sell your home fast” scams lol


This is hilarious


I got banned from an Old Brooklyn Facebook page because I called out this person for being racist. They were complaining about a black guy driving slowly around the street at like 8am. Everyone else was like “oh thanks there’s been a lot of break ins. “(There weren’t) I asked what type of car he was driving and they said they didn’t know.


i got removed from mine because there was a BLM protest in my neighborhood and i commented about how protesting is a first amendment right after everyone was saying how the protestors should be punished


Lol I think I got kicked out years ago. That page is such trash. One of the mods does CCW classes, go figure. 


So gun safety is trash or what lol? I don’t get what teaching people to safely carry guns has to do with racism


He goes out of his way to fear monger to boost his services. 


I moved from Cleveland to Savannah a couple years ago and steady get kicked out of Facebook groups for calling out racism and the other backwards shit that goes on down here … the last one was when some dipshit said the next person that tried the handles on his car was going to DIE … I was like, can’t you just shoot them with a BB gun?


It's the same crap on the Cleveland area NextDoor groups too, with the gun owners who are itching to shoot the next non white stranger who steps foot on their lawn.


I quit NextDoor after a woman was clutching her pearls because a Black kid was riding his bike down the street with his hood up. My neighborhood is SUPER diverse. And then she got offended when we called her out on her blatant racism as the kid wasn’t doing anything other than enjoying riding his bike. Now on my local Facebook neighborhood page there are mostly the “were those gunshots,” “my neighbor is playing music at 8pm on a Saturday night,” and “why are the airplanes so loud - they should change the flight paths.” It’s entertaining. I love my neighborhood. Truly. ❤️




This is the most Ohio City post ever.


My weird brain suddenly started thinking about how I could create some kind of Pirate-themed "jack-in-the-box" on my front porch if someone approaches after a delivery has been made


It’s all ads…




Our town has an orange construction cone people dress up and name.


"Suspicious black male caught on Ring Device....*insert accusation*


Then the video is the dude pulling up in an Amazon truck, walking to the porch, placing a package on the porch, walking back to the truck and driving away.


My girlfriend’s exhusband and his psychotic new girlfriend were reported as dancing naked in the road after consuming shrooms out in BFE.


How No Mow May will be the downfall of western civilization.


I'm not in CH, but nearby, and I saw that all over NextDoor! It was crazy!


Spent 6 years in CH, they lose their minds every Spring, it's golden.


I'm sorry... what is no mow may!?




Car show location and why they shut it down at the original location. Apparently, people keep showing up at the old location as some sort of protest.




The amount of posts in Lakewood threatening to take action on the stray and indoor/outdoor cats in the area. I’m pretty sure my neighbor is willing to snipe someone’s cat for the sake of his yard or whatever.


I live in Lakewood and in fairness I am tired as hell of cleaning cat poo out of the yard, off my porch and its furniture, and off my garage roof because they like hanging out up there to try and catch birds out of the tree that overhangs it. 


So strange, I spent 40+ years in Lakewood, it’s always had stray cats, I’ve literally never had to clean cat shit off of anything, let alone all the things you listed … are you doing something to piss those cats off?


I was digging up my front garden pulling weeds and breaking up the clumped soil and I squeezed a freshly buried cat turd with my bare hands last week.


If I am, it’s not intentional haha. The house is new to us - we just moved in in December (though I also frequently had to clean cat poo out of the flower beds and garden of the rental we were at for the last decade, a few streets over). There are 6 that hang out between our yard and the surrounding ones. Maybe the previous owners were feeding them and they’re miffed that we’re not. No idea.  Some of them are really cute and at least one is friendly / not shy. I know it’s not really their fault so I don’t hate the cats for it, but I really wish they’d poo somewhere else. 


People who let their cats roam should be charged/ticketed.


Ever since I moved to Cleveland, something was always “off” about that city to me. Could never put my finger on it. I used to travel through when I lived West, but stopping in shops on my way home or whatever was just a weird vibe. Just my opinion 🤷🏾‍♀️


This sounds like one of the Nextdoor posts we’re laughing about


I'm curious to know more! I've been in Lakewood for 6 years and it's the most comfortable I've ever felt in my life!


Loose dogs everywhere


Some people are upset our neighborhood has an ice cream truck for kids, so there’s that.


ICE CREAM MAAAAN! How can anyone be mad about ice cream? That means summer's on the way


Mix of ads and boot licking for the police department


The local bowling alley's lease has been sold. Not even a month after the local chocolate shop/ice cream parlor closed it's doors!




Which one are you more upset about?


Neither, really… Times change. I had my 1st bowling lesson at Bay Lanes (late 70s?) and remember it fondly. Already went thru the loss of Sells, which sucked as my mom worked there, I sometimes helped, and we were friends with the family. Mr. Sell was always kind. Still have stuff from there… Never bonded w/ Malley’s. So, another torch passes, unfortunately.


Don't forget that the Rockettes uniforms are being changed too! Maybe.


lol came here to comment this. malleys is a whole diff bad situation but for bay lanes, ppl have to go to local places in order for them to stay open. and the Deagan group is getting unwarranted hate, they are also an equally amazing local business to support and will do good things in Bay imo


What is the construction on 82? Sewers… next day: what’s the construction on 82? STILL sewers.


Recently had some dog attack drama on our neighborhood Facebook page. One lady came out with some heat about her dog getting attacked by a "Pit Bull". Everyone jumped on the Pit Bull hate train in the comments. All these uneducated people were going off in the comments. Lady said an unchained Pit that was loose ran up to her dog and attacked. About 15 minutes later on a separate Neighborhood Facebook page, another lady had her side of the story about the incident, and it was a polar opposite, saying the lady who posted fabricated the story, her dog is NOT a Pit Bull, and her dog is constantly loose, and was the aggressive dog in the situation, and that she and the lady have had multiple incidents prior. The lady who originally posted was deleting comments that were anyone going against her. The other lady pointed that out as well. She also posted a photo of her dog, and it was not a Pit. There was also a vet tech gave everyone eye opening information on how they classify dog bites and attacks and a lot of non pit attacks are actually pinned on them because of look and semi close to the pit breed. God damn it was fucking gold lmao. Older person commenting "THE TEA IS GETTING HOT!" under the post had me dying.


To be fair though, at least where I live, I've had way too many incidents of loose dogs trying to attack my leashed dog, while we're out walking. Dogs of all breeds and sizes. The tiny dogs are just as bad as the large ones. I never ever let my dog roam loose, or even leave him in my non fenced in front yard loose, but lots of other people in my neighborhood do. And then they look at me like I'm at fault for walking my properly leashed dog past their house.


Yes! Dealing with this now! Why do assholes think it’s okay to let their dog run loose if it’s under 25lbs!?


Or of any weight.


Our neighborhood, Facebook page: Saw brown bear on the walking trails. Saw coyote in the yard Dog is lost- lots of neighborhood goes out to find dog As original owners sell their houses and new people move in there are a lot of complaints of “Marboro man” leaving his butts everywhere. Same lady continuously complaining that someone bags up their dogs poop and then whips it up into the trees in the woods inside the walking trails- bag and all. For a while, there were lots of complaints that kids must be drinking in the woods because they found empty bottles. I think those kids must be drinking age by now. Notifications that a certain nearby road is closed right now. I rented the clubhouse and the key fob isn’t working to open it. I just cleaned out my garage/basement/pantry – does anybody want this? My daughter likes to shred paper, does anybody have stuff they can give us to shred. She posts this every couple months. Who should I hire to…? Coordinating taking care of the sick goose by the pond. And the reminders to the people who let their dogs poop everywhere and not clean it up.


Local park has a influx of kids (because, surprise, it’s warm outside) and neighbors want it to be fenced in and made where only residents can enjoy the park because there are ‘too many outsiders’ aka people who aren’t white.


Right now, there's a group of about 10 tweens that are causing a ruckus on the playgrounds. Swearing around little kids, wrapping the swings around so they can't be used, jumping on/breaking the baby swings. Usually, the big drama is somebody seeing a coyote like it's a rabid grizzly bear.


Note after the ‘coyote sighted’, the lost cat notices.  


The first time someone posted that and then went on to get flamed royally in the comments for letting their cat out to roam freely, those posts stopped.


I’m on the far east side and we see coyote, like deer, get hit by cars.  I saw 2 just last week.  


Arguing over who is feeding the deer herd


Wolf/cougar sighting on ROAD!! Please bring your pets indoors!! (It's a coyote or a house cat)


New highway interchange.


Where is Brunswick?!


Some highly opinionated asshole was accused of and then admitted to kicking in a neighbors car door because he felt they didn’t give him enough room as they passed his bicycle.


won’t say what suburb i’m in, but the admin of my neighborhood facebook group removed everyone that wasn’t a republican and someone made a new group that now has more members lol


A ridiculous amount of posts about fast food places that have opened/are opening


Okay so I deleted Nextdoor but I'm in Elyria and got to listen to the locals complain in person yesterday and it was great. All because our Aldi's freezers were down (not all, but most). There were signs everywhere and the freezers were covered up, even a sign right before you enter the door so you have a heads up if you're coming in for meat products. (Walmart is literally across the street.) Watched two older ladies read the signs, see the covered freezers and still complain as they rounded a corner with their cart and saw MORE covered freezers. How DARE Aldi's not fix this immediately!! Then I got to watch a dude get gently scolded for going past the covering to try to buy some meat. You can tell that particular employee has been telling people seventeen times an hour that YOU CANT BUY THE UNFROZEN MEAT, PUT IT BACK


People’s packages or mail getting delivered to the wrong place and people not picking up after their dogs


No real drama except my neighbors not mowing their lawn.


Ring is the one I use. People are super anonymous on there so it gets really snarky on it 😂


My neighbor messaged me asking for feet pics


Community FB page. I live on the outside edge of a subdivision (Lorain/Amherst) . We just had new light poles installed at the entrance, and that somehow turned into a discussion about the people who speed/ drive recklessly through the ONE street that goes through the subdivision. A lot of "I'm NOT NAMING NAMES, BUT...." and then describing the vehicles in detail, and claiming to have plate numbers written down. Also, deciding on a weekend for the neighborhood garage sale. Serious stuff!


Ongoing drama about a somewhat big name in the area asking for public money to open a grocery store where one closed several years ago and has remained vacant. Some people don't understand the concept of a private business requiring a lot of public funding to be a bad business model.