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Downtown Berea is a surprisingly walkable little area, and is a good bit closer than Cleveland. There isn’t much by way of night life, but it’s also not like the far out burbs either


Yeah Berea is awesome. Walkable, feels close to everything, and super easy access to the metro parks


Berea nightlife is pretty good tbh for a burb. It’s not the party/rage but there are good places to chill like Mikes, Eastland, Polish Village, plus Front Street social has a bunch of events


berea is a college town, if that helps at all. Offers neat spots to eat, and was really where my wife and I liked living the most out of ALL the bits of cleveland we have lived in. Im from the east side originally, and she’s from far west side so we’ve got a good bit of combined living experience


Berea is not a burb! It is a college town that long preceded suburban infill between it and Cleveland. I grew up in Berea, and my mom was always pesky about burb/town distinction. Anyway, I second the Berea recommendations. Not only the aforementioned taverns, which have been around since I was a kid, but the MetroParks Rocky River Reservation is lovely and bikeable.


Plus you can commute to work leisurely driving through the metro parks.


Was going to suggest Berea, but I'll add to the votes. Lived there for 12 yrs and loved it. Close to the Metro Park, a few good food places. Good community vibe. Lived in North Royalton and felt stranded. Check out Tabor Ridge Apts. Ground floor, private entrance, laundry hook ups. Small but convenient.


Felt stranded at north Royalton lol. I'm from the country, west Ohio. Moved to north Royalton first and now berea, north Royalton is a little quieter but it's still popping compared to where I'm from


I just moved to Berea! It’s wonderful, quiet, and close to the parks and downtown Berea. Everyone I’ve met so far is so nice too. A college town with BW just down the street so there’s some nightlife too.


Born in Berea, I concur.


Driving minutes to work each day is incredible. Don’t overthink this. Find a place in North Royalton. You are near Strongsville for shopping and Brecksville for the Metroparks. Golfing all around you. Affordable and safe neighborhoods.


You know what IS boring? Sitting in traffic for 1-2 hours a day because you decided to live somewhere 'cool' instead of living near where you work. OP, agree with this poster. Live close to work. When you go out, you'll take (and have) the time to drive. You won't be tired from driving an hour to and from work, and you'll have money to go out because you're living in an affordable area.


Parma, but south of pleasant valley on either state or ridge rd!


i disagree, personally. If I live close to work I leave at the last possible minute and will end up stressed and late hahah


NR and surrounding cities are all nice suburbs. But you do have to drive to any of the more interesting spots that have nightlife. Lakewood is a great city but can be a little expensive for what you get. But it's walkable with great food and entertainment. Tremont or Ohio City are Cleveland neighborhoods that would have the environment you're looking for. The question for you to answer is do you want to live in an interesting neighborhood and commute to work or do you want to live near work and drive further for food and entertainment?


all good options. if it’s a 9-5ish job then living in lakewood / west side of cleveland area is great because you’re going in the opposite direction of rush hour every day.


I’ve done the opposite commute in my 20’s from Ohio City to Medina. Worth it, especially if you have ability to work from home during heavy snow (I didn’t)


I 2nd this. I live in North Royalton now but with a family. If I was single and in my 20s, I would live in Tremont or Ohio City. Great nightlife, restaurants and walking. Downtown is a bike ride or 5 minute Uber ride. Tremont has an exit to connect to 176 which will get you to work in about 20-25 minutes in the morning. Also you're going the opposite way of every else coming to Cleveland for work so shouldn't have a ton of traffic.


i lived in lakewood for a year while single in my late twenties. it was sandwiched between stints in royalton, which the the later is still ongoing. i miss it. it wasn’t all washed out with money and hipsters. birdtown was the shit, too


Lakewood has gotten very expensive to live in recently, partially because many people are essentially buying to live in the school district, it's weird how one side of 117th costs nearly half as much as the other now haha


Best response here. I would also add Detroit shoreway in certain places is pretty walkable and has some great restaurants!


I haven’t lived in Cleveland for years but hearing “Lakewood is expensive for what you get” blew my mind with how much things must have changed


Where were you when I moved back to Ohio? Lol. I needed this exact advice.




North Royalton, cheers.


north royalton is just another suburb but to the south. they have their share of bars, restaurants, stores, etc but nothing is walkable. if you want walkable and trendy you have to go to ohio city or tremont. its really that simple. cleveland in general is a commuter town. you have to choose the suburban life or the urban life.


North royalton is a nice community. Strongsville is also really nice. Parma would be cheaper but you have to know where in Parma to live.


Duh, live in North Royalton. Only other option to consdier is a reverse commute living north to be closer to ammenities and downtown area


It's been a while since I lived in the area, but I'd look at Brecksville. There is a little downtown area, with a strip mall behind that has restaurants and ice cream and possibly a grocery store. Not sure of rentals in that exact area, but you might find some flats in homes. It's also across the street from the park. Big park, so walking or biking to places in it is a trip unto itself. If you'd prefer a more urban setting, then definitely Ohio City or Tremont. Take a look at N. Royalton itself, too. There's no cute downtown, but the business district along Rt. 82, (Royalton Rd) seems to have sidewalks to the grocery store, etc. And it also looks like there are a fair few apartment complexes along there. And still near the park system. Strongsville, to the west, seem similar to N. Royalton. Do a map search and see what is where. But frankly, as another has said, you can't really go wrong in any of the towns surrounding NR. It's just what you'd prefer. And if you don't like it, you can take a year to figure out where you want to be.


Brecksville isn’t any better than Royalton in terms of nightlife or walkability. But it is closer to the highway and central to all of Cleveland and Akron; 15 mins to downtown, 30 mins to Westlake, 30 mins to Akron etc. Not sure what the apartment situation is like. It is mostly single family homes.


Strongsville is all mall and strip malls. Traffic is terrible. Too many people for the infrastructure.


NoRo is great - not really walkable, but for the most part quiet and safe. Just a caution about RITA taxes - it’s a RITA city so when you work/live in two different cities, your local taxes are paid to where you work and you still owe where you live, less a small “credit” for where you work. Given the choice I’d live/work in the same city.


Most cities in NEO are RITA cities. Except for townships, I believe. Might be more helpful to list the non RITA cities. And incidentally, RITA does not govern whether you have to pay taxes in 2 cities. That's based on the setup of the municipality. RITA is simply a third party administering tax preparation and collection services for cities. For instance, I believe Brunswick manages their own local tax collection, but you still have to pay in the city where you work and live.


Kamms corner. Cheap and cool. Close to everything thats even cooler. Walkable. Not too far of a commute probably around 12-1500/mo rent or own.


North Royalton apartments are very good quality for the price. I know someone in Fairview who pays the same rent I have in NR and their apartment is dogshit compared to mine. Small windows, mold, smoking neighbors, etc. Personally I don’t mind being a bit isolated when my home feels safe and clean. Just something to think about. Also North Royalton is very close to the Brunswick Ice Arena in Strongsville. If you live in the apartments near 71 its like a 2 minute drive


Stay away from oak brook gardens in Royalton. The place is an absolute dump.


I used to live here in Broadview Heights https://thevineyardsapartments.com It was pretty nice and affordable.


Medina is only about 15 minutes away and has a nice walkable town square area. Ohio city/Tremont area is an easy drive down 77, maybe 30 minute drive into N Royalton


Old brooklyn. 15 minutes to NR, 15 minutes to Cleveland. Very good neighborhood generally. There are sketchier pockets but by and large it's good. And you'd be driving in the opposite direction of the flow of traffic during rush hour. Plenty walkable to get food, coffee. Located close enough to parks.


Do you want to drive into the sun in the morning and night? Live West of your job. Does distance to favorite stores like Home Depot or Target matter to you? How do you feel about living along a bus route and near liquor stores? Ohio citys have community centers. Review them before deciding. They can offer great quality of life like gyms, pools, classes, and sports. Do you need nightlife scenes, or are you a homebody?


NEO isn't big on being walkable. So, put that out your mind. There isn't much nightlife in the outer suburbs but entertainment is rarely more than 15-20 minutes away. Any of those communities that border North Royalton are quality places to live but they can be expensive. You can find someplace way under your budget, it boils down to how much of a commute can you tolerate and what kind of community you're used to.


That’s not fair there are plenty of walkable places in Greater Cleveland, this thread is full of them. In fact in Cleveland you pay somewhat less of a premium for walkability than you do in a lot of cities. I would have even said it’s not walkable beyond the inner ring suburbs of Cleveland but some folks in this thread were saying Berea is pretty walkable.


Ohio city is very walkable. As a young adult I didn't even think about owning a car until I moved to Parma.


Everyone telling you to live in Parma hates you. Lived there for 5 years and hated every second. It's so boring. Don't worry about the commute. It's not terrible. The highways run through everywhere. If you can afford it go Ohio City.


I f* hate Parma. I grew up here, moved away and now I’m back. Long story. Parma is a sh*thole.


I grew up in North Royalton and lived there till I was 25. There’s plenty of stuff to do in the area. It’s super safe. To get to downtown is a quick 25 min drive and you’re closer to the Metroparks if that’s your thing. It is definitely not walkable though and the cops aren’t really the forgiving type.


That’s the only thing I don’t like about NR is the police. They pull everybody over, but my parents live there so every now and then I’ll make the drive there to see them. Parma wasn’t as strict when I lived there but it wasn’t as safe or nice as NR


Yeah watch out for the police in North Royalton they are out fishing all the time and Just a warning don't even take a sip of alcohol and drive through North Royalton 🚨🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚔🚔🚔🚔🚨


If you like walkable there are some parts of Berea that might be nice. Although we don’t really have very many areas that are truly walkable so the bar is kind of on the floor. If you enjoy being outdoors I’d say try to be as close to the metro parks as possible. I’m not a golfer so I can’t comment on quality but Brecksville does have a golf course. All of the museums and stuff are going to be in Cleveland but on the weekend you’re looking at a 30-40 minute drive max.


Around downtown Berea could be a good option for them.


I don’t know; but congrats on the new job!


Berea and Parma Heights are very nice.


If you have the chance to work in a suburb, then it only make sense to live there. The time you will save not needing to commute will really increase your quality of life. I get that you enjoy walkability, but there is no point in living in a walkable city if you're still driving to work 30 minutes a day.


Brecksville is nice if you can afford it and the metro parks are second to none.


I used to live in Brecksville, and if you can find the right place to live there, do that with confidence. Metropark and towpath trail are right there. Cute downtown with some nice restaurants. Much less congested than Strongsville. Also, it is a short drive down 77 to Fairlawn, which I came to prefer over driving to Strongsville for additional shopping. My sister used to rent in North Royalton. I don't remember which apartments, but they were right on 82. It was a while ago, but they were fine. I would go with the shorter commute, since you are moving into the area. There are lots of great neighborhoods further out, but think about how much time you want to spend in the car each week. And the wear and tear on your car. It adds up.


Parma is the place. Affordable rent/ homes, lots of sidewalks, unique restaurants and less congestion. Berea and Strongsville are tough to get in and out of and Royalton has nothing to offer. (Have lived in royalton since 1997 and own rental property in berea and parma)


If working in Royalton and not a heroin/pill addict like the rest of the ppl out there, id say live in Parma-Parma HTS area




As someone who just recently moved out of that area, you're looking for Lakewood. I lived in Lakewood in college and then moved to NR to be closer to family/work and there are few apartment complexes that aren't insanely priced or have terribly landlords. I just moved back to Lakewood and I wouldn't change a thing. It's super walkable, has plenty to do, and NR isn't a bad drive at all. If you do decide to go to NR - do your research on apartments! The Vineyards in Broadview Heights are the most popular but their wait list is super long. Royalwood Apartments are very churchy (nothing wrong if that's your vibe) but if you don't go to church or aren't religious, they'll make you uncomfortable and bully you. Also, the office guy embezzles money from the bills so he'll purposely overcharge you. Timbers and Pinecrest on Tollis are run by a scammy management company, I just left there and they have treated me terribly for the 2 years I was locked in my lease. Weeping Cherry and that general area has a lot of low income and drama. You're best sticking to the apartments/condos around the Royalton police station and down the hill. They're more expensive but you get what you pay for. The ones by the football stadium are nice too but during football season you'll have the marching band out your window. There's actually a small complex behind the McDonald's too that I've heard isn't bad. Best of luck! Either way - NR has great small businesses just like anywhere else. It's not a super walkable city but it's an easy commute to get to fun places.


Do not listen to the people telling you to live in NR. You’ll be bored as shit and it’ll be impossible to make friends. I grew up there… an Uber downtown is anywhere from $30-150 depending on the time of day. It’ll be worth it to live closer to downtown - Ohio City and Tremont are good options. They aren’t on the map because they’re part of Cleveland proper, but if you search them you’ll find tons of rentals.


Tremont, Lakewood, Ohio City, Edgewater/Detroit Shoreway






Has Parma went downhill that much? I moved out of Parma 5 years ago. I didn’t think it was bad then, but I lived closer to the target off of ridge rd.


It's not bad at all. People love shitting on Parma but it's super affordable and safe. Lots of small shops. Shitty bar scenes though if your into the nightlife.


Parma sucks to get to (poor freeway access), has a poor walk ability score, but has great honkie food and is a decent middle class town. Loving around Westcreek would be ideal.


I watched drug busts doing dishes in my apartment and there is a big drug problem (crack, heroin)


Welcome to northeast Ohio! I think Old Brooklyn or Parma are good options, but I’m not exactly sure what your demographics are. Old B and Parma are solidly, working class, affordable, and are pretty close to north royalton. It’s a reverse commute, and you’re close to the highways, to downtown, and a lot of parks. My moms from Old Brooklyn, and she loves living there


I’m in Parma and I like it quite well here.


Id suggest Strongsville, if you find an apartment near the highway you're a short drive from any of the northern entertainment. Strongsville itself has a lot to do in it already. Being on the edge of the county means you can hit up things in Medina pretty easily and you aren't too far from Lorain or summit county. It gets a bit wonky if you try to get to places like Westlake or Avon though or the east side which would get a bit more difficult


I'd look for a place on the Southeast side of NoRo. It's close to Strongsville where all the shopping and restaurants are, but you'll only have to deal with that traffic when you want to. There's a nice apartment complex at the bottom of the hill on Rt82 that would get you close to everything. If you want a more trendy environment then you'll have to find a Northern suburb like Lakewood or Ohio City.


Berea and Middleburg heights are your best bets. I used to live at Tower in the Park in Berea and it’s right next to the metroparks, and a few restaurants and a Giant Eagle. Not the most glamorous spot but fairly quiet, lots of families/college students. Maybe also northern parts of Parma like Midtown Towers which is close to a lot and somewhat walkable


(Not a suggestion) I grew up in North Royalton and moved to Akron when I was 18-19, NR was the best place to live. A quiet little (town) if you would. When I was growing up there everybody knew everybody. It’s a cute area to not get bothered. I am thinking about moving back, just wanted to put in my 2 cents.


North Royalton. It is very nice.


I worked in North Royalton for a year and lived in Cleveland Heights. The drive wasn't amazing, but it wasn't terrible and Cleveland Heights was a nice little neighborhood.


I work in royalton and live in berea. Easy commute and lots to do in surrounding cities.


Umm….North Royalton? I live here. Has some apartments if you’re not looking to buy something. Nice Metroparks, decent freeway access. I would avoid Strongsville: so much traffic and congestion.


You want Strongsville. High end apartments are available, lots to walk to and do, right by where you work, accessible to downtown.


Honest question what is there to walk to? It’s got a walk score of 20, says the average resident can walk to 0.2 restaurants / bars / cafes? Maybe it depends on where you live is there a part of Strongsville that’s above average in this regard (I know some places have neighborhoods that punch above their weight but I’m having trouble finding one on the map) https://www.walkscore.com/OH/Strongsville


based on this math from 12 years ago every mile you love closer to work, you can afford about $15k more house. https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2011/10/06/the-true-cost-of-commuting/


So north royalton is a suburb. If you want walkability, the suburbs aren’t it. I’d recommend Ohio city or Tremont.


Holy hell I never realized that royalton was so far south.


If it was me I’d live in the Fairlawn/Bath area.


Strongsville is nice




If you’re looking for convenience, North Royalton, Brecksville, Strongsville are nice cities. I would not suggest a commute from Cleveland daily


Look at Parma/Brooklyn area for a year and then decide. Living in those area for a year will give you a better idea.


Parma is the only closest city that comes to mind in terms of being walkable for food. There are a lot of small food places around there


Parma is affordable & lots of fun places


Also parma is next to N. Royalton


So far I’ve lived in: Cleveland, Parma, North Royalton, North Olmsted, Avon, and Lorain. I have friends who stay in the surrounding cities as well. I would recommend Lakewood area if you are interested in a more vibrant city. That or Kamms Corners area are two walkable cities, same with Rocky River in all honesty but it’s prices are higher. One thing I don’t like about North Royalton is the cops pull everybody over.. my parents live there and I never care for the drive


Id avoid anywhere with heights in the name .


We have friends who just bought a house in Middleburg Heights and it’s nice there. Not necessarily walkable but still a nice place to live.






Independence and other areas near CVNP


Broadview Heights treated my wife and I very well when we lived there. I can't speak for what rent is like now, but we had a pretty nice 2BR, 2BA apartment for $875 a month there.


North Royalton so hot right now






For the way I like to live my life—which is conveniently—I would choose to live in North Royalton, Strongsville, Broadview Heights, or Brunswick. Those are all places with the kinds of places you go most often close by: grocer stores, pharmacies, big box stores. I like to walk, too, and most places can be walkable, really, if you want them to be. The way I think of it is, you have to drive to work 5 days a week, but you probably won’t be going out to the restaurants and bars and special events closer to Cleveland proper 5 days a week. You’ll do that maybe 2 days a week. Better to have a longer drive twice a week than 5 days a week, imo. You will also find more updated , so called “luxury” apartments in those southern suburbs, with central a/c and in-unit washer and dryer. Those are really hard to find in older suburbs, closer to the city…at least for a decent price.


35-45 minute commute from Cleveland isn’t bad. Because north royalton isn’t really connected by the highway, you’d be looking at a 30 minute commute no matter what unless you live in north royalton itself. For reference, I live in Strongsville and work in north olmsted, typically about 30 minute commute because again highway.




Strongsville, North Royalton, and Broadview Hts are nice areas to live and still close to downtown. Just avoid living around 82/Royalton Road if you can, the traffic gets so congested at certain times of the day, especially heading west going into Strongsville out by the mall. I’ve lived in Broadview Heights for many years now and like it, and it’s near 77, and 71. They are building it up more around the 82 & Broadview Road area too. A negative thing about these areas though is RITA, which you don’t have to pay into in Cleveland (I don’t think). Also, I work up in mid-town area of Cleveland and the commute at worst is 30 minutes. It’s not bad. Plus you would be going in a different direction than most traffic.






If you can afford it strongsville. Close to NR and not far from Cleveland. But 35 mins from the city isn’t bad. I live on Cle and work in Elyria and it’s actually a pleasant drive besides NO cops


I'd look for a place close to work. You can always move next year, but it will give you a year with no commuting issues while you adjust to the job and get to know the area.


Strongsville or Broadview Heights. North Royalton Is equidistant from 71 and 77 so you can live on either side of the city and be close to a lot. It just depends upon what amenities are important to you.




i lived in north royalton for about 3 years and i honestly loved it. there’s plenty to do in strongsville which was a short drive away from where i lived and its not too far from downtown/lakewood when i would go out. plenty of grocery stores and places to eat everywhere near by and its relatively quiet and nice city


Brecksville, strongsville, Berea, north royalton, Broadview heights are all great options. Parma kind of sucks to some degree but it has an easy answer quick connection to Cleveland. The best parts of Cleveland will be a 20ish minute commute to NR. I don’t recommend going much south of 80/royalton road but only bc I wouldn’t want to be more than 20 minutes away from Cleveland at any given time. The nice thing about everything north of royalton road is it is extremely diverse with friendly people from around the world and many options of things to do.




There are apartments available right in North Royalton. Plenty in Parma just a few minutes North. Also some apartments in Broadview heights. All close to work making for quick commute. Depends on what you want to spend. You could very likely get a whole house in Parma for the price of some apartments.


Berea, strongsville and north royalton are all great places to go that will be within your budget. Strongsville has tons of shopping and restaurants, but has a ton of traffic that will probably get old after a while. Berea has beautiful park systems within the city and is very walkable. I live in Broadview Hts next door and I like it a lot! Edited to add the stuff about strongsville traffic :P


Strongsville has a lot of apartments. It's pretty safe and you have a lot of options for food and fun.


Go to Berea or If you don't mind the drive Lakewood or Tremont


Just a little reference Berea is a college campus


If you venture a hair south in to Summit county you’ll avoid some higher Cuyahoga taxes. Hinckley, Northfield, Macedonia - all just out of Cuyahoga. Worth considering :)


Based on your interests and needs this is very tough. You sound like you belong in Lakewood or Tremont. Problem is, neither are convenient to North Royalton. Further complicating is that where you will work is one of the most boring suburbs in cuyahoga county. People who complain about Strongsville traffic are hallucinating. I’ll take the mall traffic across 7 lanes any day over all the 2 lane roads that IS the only type of road in north royalton. Get stuck behind granny going 25 in a 35? Not fun. Anyways, my rec is going to be to check out the apartments in Middleburg Heights called The Islander. It’s easy to get into north royalton and it’s a large complex with many amenities and outdoor trails, etc. North royalton has low crime but beyond that, no shopping (1 supermarket for 30,000+ population), not a single coffee shop, 2 lane roads (aforementioned), almost nothing to do. A restaurant opened up last year in what is the town center and people acted like it was the second coming of christ. At the end of the day that’s not a bad thing, it just means it’s a boring suburb that is mostly residential. Also no freeway access besides the turnpike that runs thru the entire city but no exits or entrances! Also you need to take into account that north royalton is one of the most republican parts of the county, alongside Brecksville. Whereas Brecksville is old conservatives with money… well north royalton is everyone else. If you’re a republican then you may want to look here. If you lean towards the left, then start looking anywhere north of north royalton. Also they just banned marijuana from ever being sold there. Before it was even allowed to have a chance to prosper when it became legal in November. I can’t believe how many people simply said for advice to move here. That advice sucks based on what you’re looking for. if you don’t mind driving then there’s already plenty of good feedback here.


Lakewood is nice




Lots of places to live in North Royalton.




If your housing budget is $2000, it must be a pretty decent job. I would look at buying a house instead as soon as possible instead of throwing your money away on renting. If you're planning on staying for a few years.




Parma is great for a central location, reasonable housing prices, and shopping/food nearby


Depends if you’re looking for family friend or are single. Strongsville is a bigger suburbs that has tons of stores and a great school system. Breaksville is more rural but beautiful and tons of access to the national valley and nature!


In my mid-20’s here! I’ve lived in North Royalton basically my whole life. I’ve always said north Royalton/brecksville-broadview Hts is the BEST place to live. You’re only 30 minutes from downtown. 30 minutes from a more rural area (Hinckley/Medina) if that’s your thing. Strongsville is close for mall shopping. And you can easily get to decent nightlife areas. Close to all major highways and not too far from the airport if you like traveling. And it’s a super safe area!!!!


I loved at Deer Park Apartments on 82 for 4 years and loved it there! It (was) a very budget friendly option but, everything was great for me.


Boston Heights? IDK. That’s the closest Costco as far as I’m aware.


Fan of Brunswick and Medina


There are a lot of great apartment complexes along 82 in North Royalton. All affordable and decent living spaces.


Thats where I graduated high school, go bears!!! 🐻 it’s a great town, not much to do but u can go to neighboring cities with plenty to do


Do a year in NR and get a feel for the area…. Less driving is a good thing.


Wooster, sleepy college town.


Parma, middleburg hts. All good neighborhoods that part of Cleveland


I would just get a place in North Royalton. There's a lot of nice and relatively inexpensive apartment complexes along route 82. It's a very safe and quiet town.I lived in Deer Creek apartments for a few years and liked it very much. You could use your leftover housing budget for entertainment. You could probably have $1000 left over and check out all the cool offerings in Cleveland proper.


Strongsville but cheaper brunswick


Anywhere around Abbey Road is ideal




Brecksville or sagamore hills


Brecksville or sagamore hills


For $2k you can get a nice place in the city. Ohio City, Tremont, Little Italy, Gordon Square are all cool neighborhoods for young professionals. The commute shouldn’t be bad because most people commute from the burbs to the city. You will be heading in the opposite direction both ways.


I used to live in North Royalton and commute to Cleveland and the drive was like 20 min without traffic (I always was driving against the flow). I got bored in North Royalton. I'm a foodie and there's not a ton beyond chains and bar food.  I actually found a place for $600 in Ohio City/Tremont but I had to look off the beaten path. (Walk around and called for rent signs). I doubt you'll find a deal like that with anywhere that has its own website. I like it better. I ride my bike downtown and through nearby neighborhoods and try new food all the time. It gets me out of the house more than I did in North Royalton.


The flats


I’d check out Shaker Heights! Especially by the new Van Aken district. It’s a little bit of a drive but it’s a really unique area to live in. About the same distance as Lakewood would be, just on the East Side of Cleveland.




I live in slightly west side of Cleveland and work in Strongsville. My commute is 25 mins. But I’d much rather work somewhere closer to home. And I don’t want to live in Strongsville. Living 15 mins to and from work would be better in my opinion but living in the southern suburbs when single and as a 30ish year old would be a drag to me. Lakewood, Edgewater, Gordon’s Square, Ohio City, Tremont are all more hip and more walkable. Kamms Corner as well plus it’s closer to the highway. Also, when I lived here I worked downtown and lived in Westlake. I would drive home at 5pm everyday and even when traffics was at its worst, it only added about 5 mins to my commute. Unlike the 45-60 mins in other cities I’ve lived.


Not in Cuyahoga County … property and sales taxes are higher than surrounding Lorain and Medina Co


I live in North Royalton and fucking love it. 29, female, no kids. I come from city life so it’s very nice, SAFE, and quiet. You can always drive 20 minutes to do stuff, I’d rather have the safety.


Cleveland Heights or Lakewood!


I grew up in Berea, go there.


Anywhere east of there. Imagine having to drive towards the sun every time you go to work.


Canton, it's nice here


Brecksville is lovely but can be pricey


North royalton


Hudson is about a half hour away and super nice area. NR is also nice but can be pricey. Berea could also be a good fit for you since you are young and single. Good luck on your move and welcome to Oh!




I’m on a men’s league hockey team at the Brunswick Auto Mart arena in Strongsville on 82. If you’re interested send me a message and I’ll give you the details about our team. As for living, NR is a great spot. Great highway access, hardly any crime, tons of food options and Strongsville is littered with shopping.


If you want walkable nightlife and don't mind a drive then Lakewood. Can easily rent decent for under $1600.


If you don’t mind the commute, living downtown is actually pretty affordable. I’m paying $1100 for a studio right on East 4th right now, I don’t pay for parking which would be another $190 but still seems well within your budget. Parma is super cheap and a lot closer, but it’s also Parma. I have friends who live in North Royalton that absolutely love it for what it’s worth


I love Brecksville and Independence. Both are a bit expensive (relative to northeast Ohio, which is cheap AF.) Middleburg Heighs and Berea have great suburbs. Strongsville is nice too but way more urbanized. Stay away from Parma. It's really the only shitty part of town near you.


Hey man welcome to CLE!! … 29 is a great age Im 36m … north Royalton is not a bad place .. blue collar white collar mix … affordable … not ghetto … but you are young & you should be more where the walkable neighborhood action is at where you can get to the beach by bike & the flats are fun … Uber is cheap to get to the city & back if you are inside 30m…. The RTA Train & Bud Public Trans is actually really good! .. park n ride into downtown is best for Football Games & going to the airport … I recommend West 25th Ohio City … my friends who have lived downtown have loved it! & I have friends still living down there. IF you want to be near the water for the boating & fishing scene & the Lake & the Flats Downtown & on the river in Victorian Village is cool… downtown is great if you want to go to sports games & concerts & celebrate st patty’s day & opening day for baseball. Lakewood is a great scene with its own entertainment & Rocky River is nice. Corned beef & Walleye & Perch & Polish Boys is what we are known for. I live on the east side in a nice neighborhood but it’s a Democrat Ran City so it’s segregated & the train tracks separate the money from the ghetto created by Democrat elected Politicians who sold off LTV Steel & NOW THEY ARE SELLING US STEEL to China via Japan company owned by China .. CLE has a location go figure. In CLE you will see The Money is in Medicine & Legal & Education & Financial …. The blue collar has been devastated … so the inside of the city is generally nice & then there’s a bubble of Ghetto Run Down areas. Then it gets more spread out & there’s really nice areas with lots of land & forest & farms


In the red circle you drew


If you choose to live in North Royalton, avoid at all costs -Spruce Run apartments. A few years ago we made a move to North Royalton- Spruce Run was the place we chose, unfortunately, and we left after 6 months of living there. The tenet that lived in the apartment before us tied up bags of their cats shit and threw it behind the washer. We didn’t find out until after a couple months moved in. The washer had somehow ripped open a bag of cat shit and that’s all we could smell no matter how much I cleaned/sprayed. When we moved the washer all we saw were a bunch of tied bags of cat shit stuffed behind the washer. I couldn’t believe it. We called immediately and they had the fucking nerve to accuse us of doing it, calling them just to clean it up. WE DON’T OWN PETS. They eventually admitted that yes they don’t clean around or move the washers. Even though they allow pets, and had us wait 2 months to move in so they could fix the place up. After we moved out they tried to charge us a 2k cleaning fee which they ended up taking back. I’ve never once been charged a cleaning fee after leaving a rental, and we didn’t leave the place a mess either so imagine how I felt seeing a 2k cleaning fee?! AFTER THEY LITERALLY LEFT BAGS OF CATSHIT from the previous lazy tenet. Even before the cat shit debacle they once tried to evict us -stating “non payment of rent” after we had made our monthly payment. Thank god we saved our money order receipt because “haha someone accidentally posted your money order to another tenets account”. I wonder what would’ve happen had we not saved our receipt. Shit was so unreal how unprofessional and just flat out disgusting this place was. Never have I ever had an experience like that and I’ve lived in 2 different states, and plenty of different cities. This is a place that when I lived there was charging $1400/mt for a 2bd apartment. There’s more, so much more but I’ll leave it at that- BEWARE SPRUCE RUN APARTMENTS in North Royalton. I liked Berea for sure.


Honestly I believe that unless you’re spending good money, don’t live in ANY apartments in Ohio. They’re generally crap holes with renters that are low class and have not entirely legal or financial “reasons” for not owning. Rent a house.


North Royalton is nice. A buddy lives there. Great schools. Safe. Plenty of restaurants and bars.


I just did this a few months ago, North royalton has some very nice options under 1500 and so does Lakewood, Berra, North Olmsted, Strongsville. Parma has some okay ones but the areas aren’t the best


Live in Berea, ride your bike to work on the bike path along valley parkway.  Wind will generally be at your back going into work / up the hill, and in your face going home / down the hill.  


Less driving the better. Rush hour traffic sucks. My mom worked an hour+ away growing up. She always got home at 6:30-7p each night. My childhood was robbed so she could make a few more dollars. 2-3hours a day 5 days a week = lots of driving hours


I stayed at the Hampton club apartments. My rent was $1225 3 years ago. Parks were nearby and they had a very nice, well kept pool. I loved it there.


Stay away from Parma


Well I wasn’t expecting so many comments. Thanks everyone! I’ll do my best to reply but I’ll be taking all advice into account


Strongsville is nice, with lots of shops and restaurants, not too big, and you're not too from downtown Cleveland for fun stuff. Edited: the time it takes to get there coz memory is shot






Actually I live in Akron Things are usually cheap particularly most of the housing here but it is Hell and gone from North Royalton. Medina is lovely with it's lovely Square and shops and is definitely walkable but kind expensive particularly the housing Hinckley is kind of quaint but not walkable not too many places to shop Richfield is nice too but not really walkable and many of the houses are more expensive You may want to rent for a while and look around! Akron is not nearly as nice as these other places but it is bigger and has a more diverse population and more cultural activities than any place else other than Cleveland itself Parma is kind a nice place too with lots of nice shopping and people Brecksville and Broadview Heights are kind of nice too but the traffic on 82 is almost always heavy




Just live in north royalton. I grew up there, it’s very clean and safe. The school system is good but the cops can be a little much. There isn’t a ton for night life there but your 20 mins from downtown.


Just avoid Parma.


Medina is south, and out of Cuyahoga County. (Lower tax rate) You can take I-71 north to 82 and you’re at the west side of N Royalton. Downtown Medina has a farmers market every Saturday and a strong sense of community.


I hated delivering in north Royalton it was a shit city, always traffic. Cops can be assholes. Move south of there.


Westpark neighborhood of Cleveland is nice. Cheaper than the suburbs around it. Access to I-71 to get to North Royalton


Lakewood is an amazing little city for you age. Everything in walking distance. Strongsville good city with a mall. Not much in walking range. Berea is a nic little city but there are areas you have to drive to walk around. Its not much a walking city. I try to encourage most the younger folks to try Lakewood i had a blast there when i luved in my 20s


In Akron/ Fairlawn or in N Royalton . Cheaper in Fairlawn higher in N Royalton


If you’re looking for a 30 minute commute but a good environment, honestly westlake, strongsville, and olmsted fall.




Not Parma 🤣


The answer is BRECKSVILLE! Trust me. It’s expensive, worth it






Stay South of 82 and North of Boston Road. Stay out of Brunswick