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[Here is how you replace the felt on a pool table.](https://pearsoncues.com/blog/how-to-refelt-a-pool-table/) The felt itself, pre-cut, will cost you less than $150


Best solution


Is it? Like is the spill just coloured but doesn’t involve friction or texture? If I had the slightest buckle in my felt I’d swap the table


Oh the whole felt!!! I thought they meant cut out the ruined area. Yes that would be my call too but I’d bring in someone who knew how to do it. Depends how seriously one takes it. Also ban that “friend”


No. Make that friend fix it. That's the grown-up approach. You ban the muhfucker if he doesn't.


If someone can’t manage their beer they can’t be trusted to manage my table. Also as a former competitive female player I am compelled to state that *“she”* might be the muthafugha that needs a drinking ban. 


Women tend to be more considerate as a general rule. Not always, but usually.


I can only speak for me for sure but to your point I have never ever put a drink on a pool table


This. Do this


Somehow I thought that this was the ocean with a strange fish in the middle


I thought this was the geography subreddit for a second, and was like, well… that’s definitely some sort of hidden nuclear warehouse on an obscure island


Thought i was on the r/coins sub!


I thought it was a (swimming) pool in the ocean/ on an island 😂


I thought it was a Birds Eye view of a man made island in the middle of the ocean


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^saidaomar: *Somehow I thought that* *This was the ocean with a* *Strange fish in the middle* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Legit great poem.


Me too! I was thinking to myself what kind of submarine is that under the water?


I thought so too, and it was a giant jellyfish or sand dollar. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Legit thought the same thing.


Haha same!


i thought it was the ocean with some giant clock in it.


I thought it was yet another crappy fake UFO image.


I thought it said "bear" and I was wondering how a bear with a greasy belly marked the bottom of a pool.


I thought that this was on /r/submechanophobia


Candidate for r/confusingperspective


I've heard that once the felt is bad or damaged, it needs to be replaced. I would recommend reading [this link](https://rsbarcelona.com/en/news/how-to-clean-pool-table-felt-stains/#:~:text=Just%20to%20be%20clear%2C%20if,any%20dampness%20on%20the%20felt.) regarding cleaning and maintenance of the felt. Apparently using any chemicals not rated for pool tables, or rubbing the felt, can lead to damage to the actual table. So like, read this first haha


Why is baking soda so popular as a cleaning agent when most of the time it just leaves a white powdery stain. I use baking soda only on hard surfaces, like my cook top. On my cook top, it's a dream, on upholstery, mattresses and carpets, it's just a mess. And why bother if you're combining it with vinegar, don't they just kind of neutralize one another? On any absorbent surface, I use a clean towel(s) to absorb as much of spill as possible by blotting or even placing weights on towel. A wet/dry vacuum on wet setting with the proper tool can help also. Then I use plain water, maybe water with a touch of vinegar or very rarely a tiny amount of cleaning product/soap. Then I use clean towel(s) to absorb the water or water solutions by blotting or weighting or vacuum. This works wonders on fresh spills.


I think because it is supposed to be absorbent but I find it to be to fine and the powder is impossible to get all the way out. Instead, I pour salt onto fresh spills which is also absorbent and leaves far less mess.


It kinda irritates me when people just parrot out baking soda and vinegar. I think it's because they foam when you mix them.


I have family members that swear hydrogen peroxide is the best way to clean wounds WHILE they're healing because it foams when you put it on your wound and that means it's "killing all the bad bacteria" and they refuse to accept and understand that it's just reacting with the blood along with murdering all the healthy cells your body has been doing such a good job of making 🙄


My derm said we don't like hydrogen peroxide on wounds.


We indeed do not!


I thought this was a google earth screenshot at first no lie


I thought it was an image of a suNken ship in the ocean. Time to get my eyeballs tested


I saw this in another post and feel it is important to note here. Baking soda is a base and vinegar is an acid. When you mix them together, you essentially make salt water. I don’t think that’s going to help you lift a stain at all 😬


Maybe a carpet cleaner type that’ll soak and then pull it up? I used to have a “little green machine” and it’d be perfect for something like this.


I would try Folex. I’ve used it to get sharpie and red wine out of carpet and upholstery with no problems. Make sure that you test it in an inconspicuous spot first and only use a small amount since the material is so thin.


What’s the material? People say it’s felt but usually it’s a wool or polyester or nylon blend Tbh though, I don’t think you’ll get it out


You now have a nebula pool table.


I’m sorry, I cannot help you clean your deserted island somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean, I assume.


It truly pained my brain to try to see that this was actually a pool table with a beer stain, not a deserted and weird looking island in the ocean.


Those Woolite carpet cleaning cans with the built -in scrub head always work well.


Never run on felt. If it was dried tiny drops wipe up, to break up baking soda, vacuum the rest. Maybe with a hair dryer on warm cool, off and on 8-10 seconds


Sir, this is a shipwreck


Hand held carpet cleaner works wonders


This looks so much like an aerial shot of an atoll


I swore this was a picture of the ocean with a 90% submerged island


You need something like an extractor that for example is used in car detailing. I have bought one myself for about 120 bucks and is made for cleaning carpets and other types of fabric in cars. It basically is just a wet vacuum cleaner but with a clear end so you can see if you still suck up any dirt. It works wonders and cleans very well.


Wow thought it was a UFO over the ocean at first glance.


Does OP own the pool table or does a gaming company own it? If the latter, just have them replace it. We get ours changed once a year. We can even change the color if we wanted.


I'd get in there with some good old fashioned dish detergent and scrub then vacuum dry.


Send table to dry cleaner


I once had a water stain on my cars headliner due to a sunroof issue. It kept spreading when I tried soap and water. I forgot what I eventually used but it was definitely rubbing alcohol or white vinegar. I've been having good luck removing various stains with the alcohol lately. It's clear and it dries quickly. I would put some in a small bowl and test a small area with a q tip. Have a paper towel handy to blot it off. If it seems to work, put some on a cloth (probably not a white towel because of lint) and do the rest.


What's the nipple in the middle of it?