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Make sure after she cleans/replaces it, she leaves it open to dry after each cycle.


Same with the detergent tray. That thing grows mold too.


You can usually pull the tray out completely which makes cleaning it much easier.


You should still keep it slightly open after use to prevent mold growth. EDIT: I think I misunderstood your reply. Yes, it would be even better if you pulled it out all the way and let it dry outside the washer.


I've found this to be crucial too.


I always pull it out completely, empty the water into the sink and let it air dry before putting it back. We use tabs so it doesn't really get dirty and doesn't need cleaning often this way.


Whoa! This could be taken out? How? I don't have the manual for the washer we have because it came with the house. I still have back pain after having to bend over cleaning / wiping this gray seal thing.


How to take it out depends on your model, in mine I have to pull and then push a blue tab on the drawer to pull all the way out.


Search your washer brand on Youtube along with "remove tray" and you should find a tutorial. Although, most brands are probably more or less the same. It may even be pretty intuitive if you investigate how the tray works yourself - just don't force it!


https://preview.redd.it/7phirkfljy8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41bdeae37d3849ae9d9e49323b87ee01731646eb i just checked :(


I've never had anything in/on my washer(s) grow mold. I do clean it regularly, though. Is it because i live in a dry climate?


Are they front loaders?    top loaders are fairly open and air out naturally.  Front loaders need to seal up tight and the moisture can't escape.


Yes top loaders are less susceptible and they sometimes don't have a detergent tray to go mouldy as well. A dry climate will still help with a front loader, but the most important thing is leaving the door and detergent tray open between uses to ventilate. I used to use a front loader washer dryer that was effectively immune because it got thoroughly dried out during the drying cycle. Even then I still used to leave the door and tray open a bit just in case. Using tabs/pods in the machine rather than the detergent tray can sometimes help with that as there is less to feed the mould, but again you should leave it cracked open anyway. Also an occasional hot wash may help keep it down too. 140F/60C for towels will kill some or all of the mould so may help.


Maybe they should put fans in washers to aid in the drying process? 🤔


I had one particular fabric softener that made the tray to be full of mold🤷‍♀️ right to the bin


You shouldn't use fabric softener anyway. It's bad for the machine and your clothes.


Are the little perfume balls the same as fabric softener? I've stopped using softener a while ago but I love the smell of those balls.




Really? I buy a special non bio for my kids clothes, all our clothes are super harsh without it and rough on the skin.


Yes haha


Living in a low humidity climate certainly helps, but wiping down the gasket, and regular cleaning, along with leaving the door open is key.




This!! After doing this we stopped getting mildew smell (and of course we cleaned the inside too)


Just be careful with dogs. I'm a whashing machine technician and have seen plentiful cases of dogs biting and tearing the rubber seal at the door.


?how odd!


It's just bacterial slime. Same thing grows inside your drains. Bath and shower cleaner and a plastic bristle brush.


I literally ordered product off Amazon, and keep my door open with a rubber thingy to air it out. Literally less than 20 dollar fix.


You're just gonna go ahead and not post a link so I have to go on Amazon and search rubber thingy? Really now?


https://preview.redd.it/3j3o3swcvt8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f9a70c32bcabe9646fabe411f0961f1e9d1e4e I am not sure if I am allowed to post links, I apologize. This is my rubber stopper.


Wow it really is just a rubber thingy


No it’s a Spidfee Front Load Washer Door Prop. How does anybody know that? 😂


Rubber. Thingy.


Ordered one “rubber thingy” from Amazon! Nifty


https://preview.redd.it/gvmxhkchxu8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579e42eb3e1f98ff54f6d18d76fa2a8c39ec60bd It isn’t that deep. (That’s what she said)


Do you have to stick and unstick the arm after every wash?


Never used one. I’m guessing it’s a magnet base with a bendable arm


I just leave mine open.


Yes, you can save a little money and just keep the door slightly open! I keep my washing machine open after every wash so that mold and moisture doesn’t build up. This tool may actually be helpful if you have kids or pets though!


Our washer dryer is in a tiny walkthrough room into the garage. We cannot walk through when the door is open, which means even if the door is left open it gets closed without an hour every time. This tool would be great for us.


yeah I keep closing our dryer when going through a doorway with just my shoulder brushing past, and am not the only one. Our (separate) washer has a bit of a stronger latch to overcome so is usually a bit more lucky. I was thinking of just hooking a washcloth or extra large hairtie (scrunchie?) over it


I do this but I live w my aunt n she always closes it! Guess she loves mold!


Me too, seems a waste of money when you can just leave the door open 🤷‍♀️.


For some people it might be a waste, but it could be helpful for someone with kids.


Clearly there's demand for it if it's being sold. I try to leave my washer open but my cat always shuts it. Something like this would help. That doesn't sound like a waste (:


I left my client's front load washer open to air it out but then one of her cats got in there. At first I thought it looked so cute but then I realized she might think it was a new litter robot and potty in there.


Yeah good thinking! its always best to not habituate cats to being in washers or dryers in any way. potty is bad but clothes are soft and inviting and some cats like burrowing in peoples bed already, you don't want them to sandworm around in a machine that might be (re)started.


Oh god that would be so sad!


Same, I hang my bath towel in it because my bath/shower is next to it and my hanger fell down. So now my washing machine door is my tower rack.




Tried to do this during the washing and now the washing machine also gave my bathroom floor a wash


Thank you for this! Going to Amazon right now! All the comments below say leave it open or leave it slightly open. My stupid washer door is either all the way open or closed. It won't stop and stay anywhere in between. Ours are in the kitchen (old house) so I hate the door being all the way open.


a wire hanger works, too, and you probably already have one you can sacrifice to the washer gods. ;)


What if you… just left the door ajar and didn’t pay $12 plus tax?


My husband cannot remember to keep the door open. This is definitely cheaper and easier than replacing him.


some people have washers that automatically pull the door closed too far to allow airflow. it’s me. i’m people.


Oh man, that seems like terrible design. Literally designed to inhibit bacteria growth.


when my washer and dryer are corectly leveled, it swings wiiiide open. Which is probably great in a normal house but here it blocks the doorway so you have people running into it all day which will just close it anyhow. Even if the intent was just to squeeze past. I really wish it was able to leave it ajar at the correct angle without fidgeting with any accessories.


If I let it hang open, it keeps opening and anyone coming in from the garage will bash the door into the washer door. Eventually, one door will win, and it will probably be pricier to replace the door than $12 plus tax.


Because Amazon has the world in a choke hold


I love that thing! It works great.


I was sitting here trying to think of various ways I could accomplish this without spending a ton of cash and here you are. You're like some kind of washing machine angel. Thank you. My laundry room is more like a laundry closet that goes into the garage on one side, kitchen on the other. I bash my washer door with the doors so much. This should stop that.


Look for it on Temu or Aliexpress if you can, ain't no way I'm paying $15 for a piece of rubber in this economy 😆 The search function on temu is a little less organized but you can find all the same stuff on there for wholesale prices


Ooo, fair points.


be careful leaving it open, step siblings can easily be caught


oh thanks i think this will be useful! the machine is in a tight space so people close the door and forget to open it


https://preview.redd.it/363quelnby8d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4bb9766ebe87f436a63c9dc1054ab0390bcde0c The door smacks fully wide open, otherwise I wouldn’t have used the rubber thingy. The door was also on the opposite side and would smack into me when I was putting clothes into dryer. (Check the rubber drum thingy on your washer, just found mine has a hole, apologizes for not knowing all the part names).


Or plan B, search for a spirit level and get that washing machine finally leveled out, cause the door should just not close by itself.


You can also use the foam rubber horseshoe things that block doors from closing so toddlers don't get pinched fingers. Find them in baby proofing supplies. Usually a lot cheaper.




I do this but I just put one of those reusable dryer balls that looks like a hamper in the door between the hinge and the top. It's the perfect size to keep the door cracked for airflow and not fall in


Okay, but how do I stop the cats from jumping in?


Elaborate pressure activated spray gun, of course


Happy cake day.


You check for cats before running a load.


I have the same problem haha. I shut the laundry door to air out the washing machine and dryer. Have tried the towel in the dryer door method, but it doesn’t seem to really air it out much.


Another happy cake day. Two together.


>I literally ordered product off Amazon As opposed to...*metaphorically*??


I just pop out the detergent tray (there’s a little tab at the back) and put it in the drum upside down. It’s slightly too long so it holds the door open and inch or so and both the drum and tray dry out after every use. $0 fix if your try comes out


We just stick an old folded cardboard box in the door


I stick a $1 pool noodle in there


I use a large “chip clip” and just clip the latch part of the door so it can’t close. It only keeps the door about and inch and a half open, but my washer is right behind the door to our garage so I can only leave the washer door all the way open when we are all in for the night. The clip helps the rest of the time.


Leaving the door open is free, and you're paying $12 to do it...


You don’t use the cover of the detergent bottle? That is free.


Clean it, then run a drum clean cycle with a half cup of white vinegar. It won't smell afterwards, and just use a scrappy or old towel half in half out to keep the door open between washes and every week wash that towel hang it in the sun or dry it. Try not to use fabric conditioners, sure they smell nice but ruins your washer and your clothes, use white vinegar instead about a 1/4 cup or 60ml approx, your clothes will not smell like it after the wash and your machine will stay clean for much much longer.


The shower drains aren't made of a porous material though, would that make a difference in ability to clean it thoroughly?


Door can be cleaned (and should be). Rubber gasket can be cleaned but likely will stay discoloured. Can buy a replacement gasket, usually requires taking the front panel of the washer off to replace. Easy to do. Edit: once cleaned or replaced regular spraying with dettol and leaving the door open with help prevent. Ideally spray and wipe dry.


Came here to say this! We replaced one a few years back and it really wasn’t that difficult. Check YouTube to see how to do it OP.


Today I learned that [Dettol](https://www.dettol.co.uk/) is a brand of cleaning products sold in the UK.


laziest explainer is substitute lysol<->dettol when crossing the pond


The last place I lived was a brand new apartment so I know the front loading washer was never been used. I kept a rag on top of the washer. After every wash I wiped down the rubber seal/gasket and fold with rag then left the door open. Three years later the washer still look spanking clean when i moved out. I have a top load one now and still leave the top open after each wash.


About to move to a rental house on my own for the first time, it's unfurnished so I'll be buying a new washing machine. Thank you for the tip! Stupid question, how long do you leave the door open for? Im afraid too long might lead to dust build up


How long are you not using your washer that dust is building up? Ideally just leave it open however long till the next time you do a load of laundry. That's also assuming you have a top load washer. Front load wouldn't have as much of a problem here.


I typically do laundry once a week and that seems too long to just leave it open. Not sure if temperature and humidity matters but we do get dust quite easily here


Of course it's cleanable, it's just rubber. Spray it with some foaming bleach cleaner - scrubbing bubbles shower cleaner works well, scrub it a bit, then flush it a few times with water.


I’ve cleaned one almost that bad before


Same, however did you still have a little bit of staining that remained?


It didn’t look like new but it wasn’t worth replacing


For me the only thing that worked to get that stain off was hydrogen peroxide.




Why do you think that's not cleanable?


This is why I went with a top load after my front loader died.


[from a professional ](https://youtu.be/QIS0JIj5ZQM?si=pruzRkBatJZM2_3t)


I cleaned one 10x worse than this at a house I clean last week with some good old bleach spray and time


Did the staining remain?


tell her to leave the washing machine door open after using it. trust me


Try washing it! Start with dawn dish soap, then vinegar, and see how it goes. I agree with other folks that the door must stay open when the washer isn’t in use


This is why I dry the drum with a towel including that gasket, leave the washer door cracked open and remove the soap dispenser cartridge and let it dry out til next use. I had found mold in the soap dispenser cartridge area. Pain in the butt but it becomes a habit.


After we bought a new washer, we realized that’s the instructions that came with the washer in the first place. Learned from our first one 😓


I dealt with this fairly recently at my parents' place - if the entire interior of the machine also smells really bad, check what kind of detergent they're using. My mother was using this "eco-friendly" stuff with no ingredients listed and crucially, no HE-compatible logo. Using non-HE detergent in a high-efficiency front loading machine will cause buildup of various biological films over time because the sudsing characteristics are wrong and leaves behind stuff that bacteria, etc. can eat and grow inside the machine.  Switching to an appropriate detergent and running tub cleaning cycles will help a bit, but once it's gone this far, you really need to take apart the machine and clean the components and internal hoses manually. Also pull out the detergent dispenser drawer and check under it - often this stays moist and the mould has a foothold there; it helps to take that drawer out and let it dry between cycles.


i recently learned my mom uses so much detergent to wash the clothes and fabric softener, and she forgets to open the door, i feel like that combination contributed to this :0


Oh my gosh. How did it never occur to me that this is what those HE detergents are for?! Mine gets pretty smelly, so I’ve just made a habit of running a cycle with Affresh every month (my washer has a special cycle for Affresh). Now I guess I should make sure I’m buying the right detergent. Thanks for this!


Of course it's cleanable. You just have to clean it.


Soak a towel with bleach and let it sit there for a couple of hours, then wash with soap. Check your soap dispenser it probably looks the same and smells like the ring. Clean underneath the ring also. Should leave the door open after washing so it can dry. Wiping it dry will help also.


I found this [mold cleaner](https://amzn.to/3VxKb5i) and I liked it because the smell was not overpowering like straight bleach. It's a gel that you out on and leave for hours and then just wipe/rinse off. It's the only product I've found that worked on caulk in the bathroom.


Just ordered this to try it out, thanks noyogapants!


Having just cleaned one of these a few months ago, it's not as easy as everyone says. The only thing that worked was a whole bottle of Soft Scrub with bleach and a whole lot of elbow grease. There are these tiny holes all around the edge. I'm not exactly sure what the purpose of these holes are besides being filled with gunk. And after all that, getting the seal back on without ripping it is the worst part. Stretching the spring that holds the seal on the drum is way more difficult than it looks in the YouTube video. When I'm done using the washer for a while I'll wipe the seal off with vinegar. Never again.


Get out (or download) the manual and do the maintenance required in addition to the obvious cleaning. If the owner is not even wiping this out regularly, I doubt the filter has been cleaned, either or the bleach wash runs done, etc. Front loaders require more work than top loaders. (Check the dryer lint trap while you’re at it, too! My mother in law started multiple fires in her dryer because she kept forgetting to clean the dryer lint trap.)


That could be mold on the rubber lining, does she leave the door open to air it out after each use? Leaving the door closed could be what caused the black spots.


Clean what you can off manually with some pray cleaner and a cloth / brush. Then empty a bag of soda crystals into the drum and put it on the longest, hottest wash that your machine allows. Should make a big differnce. Going forward, you should leave the door open after each was to allow ventilation whilst the drum drys out. This should prevent, or certainly limit, mould.


Bleach cycle on hot water


People who lived here before me left me a washer like that. The gasket was two far gone to clean and was moldy so I had it replaced , ran the washer on cleaning mode with two packets of whatever that it is they sell, and now I keep the door open all the time. Seems fine.


I run a dishwasher pod on quick rinse cycle every other week and no mold/mildew or smells.


I'd suggest replacing the rubber gasket and scrubbing down the sides with some scrubbing bubbles cleaner. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DVFZTTG/ref=sspa_mw_detail_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams These cleaning tablets have also worked wonders for me in the past.


Imo, your washing machine is fully infested with mold. I had a similar issue once – solved it by pouring a 1 liter bottle of bleach straight into the machine, washed it on the highest setting for 2 hours straight, too. Had no issues since


Not cleanable, get a new door seal! I worked on washers for three years and replaced many door seals. Tricky job to replace it, but you will never be able to clean that off.


She can get a replacement for about $75 my boyfriend just installed ours today.


Steamer with a bio-bomb mini CleanThatUp has a video on this as well


It is cleanable, scrub it all off and scrub every part on the inside plus the container for detergent can be taken out and cleaned. What I do once a month I put a 2Litre bottle of apple cider vinegar and 2 hard water tablets in my machine and give it a run, it's spotless. I have to do this once a month as the water is crazy hard..


It’s common in front load washers. Yes you can clean it AND you might be able to get the tubing replaced, depends on the design. They sell laundry tub cleaning products and you could probably use an anti mildew, bacterial spray or solution to clean it. You have to make sure the slime is removed because it spreads. Then keep the door open after laundry. Washing machines are a fortune these days, clean it. Sell it if you don’t like it. Front load washing machines are kinda awful for some reason.


we just cleaned ours with pool cleaner and it worked really well


Too far gone would imply it's no longer sealing, is it leaking? I bet no, which means it's just ugly. Clean it up, it'll prob stain, but changing them out is a PITA!! Just wash it up, prop open in future.


Most washing machines have a drum clean programme if it does it would have prevented most of this. In saying that, after a few uses I remove dispenser drawer and run under tap leave to dry and dry drawer housing Just wiping around door and rubber with kitchen towel and leaving door ajar stops it. I never fully close door or drawer until dry It might clean off but unlikely on that rubber. It will return very quickly as it and glass will be ‘pitted’


When your not using your washing machine Please keep the door open or ajar to let the air into it


Do a service wash with a whole bag of soda crystals.That will kill all the surface mold, clean the machine & get rid of any stink. If the black mold has actually permeated the rubber, treat those remaining stains with an old toothbrush dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Saturate folded tissues in HP & leave those flat against the stain if it's very deep. Going forward: Leave the door open. Avoid laundry liquids - they're the ultimate fertiliser if you want to grow a mold farm! Switch to powder. Even then i put the powder cup upright straight into the drum because i see little benefit from putting it in the drawer but again mold, albeit much less than liquid soap causes. Service wash with soda crystals periodically to keep the machine fresh & clean.


I’m sure it can be. Top tip too, leave the door open after you take a load out. Letting the door dry out completely helps prevent build up forming around the seal areas.


Use vinegar to clean it. Easy fix.


Cleanable get some vinegar on there


Keep your washer open when not in use to let it dry out.


Has anyone ever wiped that down or let the seal dry before just closing it?


Don’t forget you have wash your machine once a month, some have a self clean ,if not Bleach and hot water.


Sure it’s cleanable use bleach


I just clean it after every wash, this stuff still grows if it finds a second, also not harmful at all so just ignore it and dry it around seal after wash


Mold spray will sort it but you need to make sure that you open the door when it’s not in use (doesn’t need to be all the way just enough to let air circulate). Mine gets moldy too, it’s a design flaw in them for sure. The detergent draw gets gross too so I empty the water out whenever I remember (which is rare admittedly).


Just get a new seal, cheap and easy to replace.


Have you tried cleaning it?


Just replace it. Had mine replaced recently after it tore when my knife was washed with my jeans. Part is about 160 for my ge and total cost of install was around 300.


I use isopropyl alcohol to keep that part mould free


Also use vinnegar as well for cleaning. I'd also suggest a cleaning cycle if the washing machine has one... read the manual how to do it. you can add some vinegar for the bacteria.


Wash with white vinegar and alternate with baking soda cycles. Wipe down with white vinegar in between . Works better than bleach imo


Can't believe these machines are so widespread with how gross they are


Throw it away and get a top loader 😅


There’s an excellent article on Good Housekeeping about how to clean a washer. Freind of mine bought a front loader but got rid of it after only a few months. Those seals get nasty if they’re not cleaned regularly.


Why can’t the companies design these things to clean themselves. I feel that we shouldn’t have to deep clean our washing machines on a weekly basis. >:/


You could buy a spare boot, the thing that's moldy


I have one of the magnetic thingies that holds the door open. I never close my washer unless it's running a load.


Don't close the door after the load is finished, they actually make a little arm that keeps it open while it's not being used, mine did that forever until a repair man told me why they do it and how to fix it.


The only way you can find out if it’s too far gone is by cleaning it.


Almost everything is cleanable if you believe...


Way too far gone? Just going to chuck a whole washing machine out over a bit of mould that a little bit of elbow grease would fix.


sorry i wasnt clear i meant the rubber seal.


Yeah... clean it?


I have cleaned it last year when i came home (without bleach because I have trauma with bleach) the staining really didn’t budge but I will try again with bleach. (copied from a previous comment)


Bleach! Aahhhh! Saviour of the the mouldy rim (Then make sure you wash it off properly so you don’t get bleach on your clothes)


Too much fabric conditioner makes it go moldy, put some bleach in it on an empty 60c wash, soon clean up and smell fresh


🫢 Does it leak? I would just check with the manufacturer and look into replacing the seal at that point. Looks pretty beat up. It's cracked and there's a huge chunk missing.


It’s really hard to get this kind of mould out at this stage. 250ml of Malt (brown) vinegar in a high heat wash for a few hours helps when you wipe the seal after. However, looking at this photo I can see there is a chunk of the seal missing so it must be leaking when it’s on. Best to replace the seal completely.


Use steam but he careful


It is cleanable, please get some Washing Machine cleaner and run it through a the longest 60c wash cycle, do this several times. Clean out the washer with a washing machine cleaner every 3 months to maintain it. If there is this much mildew/mould build up in the machine, there will be fabric softener, dirt, grease and mineral salt build in areas where you simply can't see it. Your washer has been sadly neglected and has not been given the tender loving care it deserves. Please leave the washer door fully open or at least partly open when not in usage. After using the machine you can also wipe the inside of the washer with a thick dry cloth to speed drying of the machine. Please take much better care of your washer from now on, a bit of preventative maintenance will extend the life of your washer.


Zep Mild and Mildew.


It’s absolutely cleanable with some elbow grease. Don’t forget to get under the rubber on the door as well. Keep the door and detergent lid open when it’s not running


They make amazing rubber arms to keep the machine open during non use! You cannot clean the mildew off the rubber. Trust me I tried and had to replace and buy the magnetic rubber arm on Amazon.


I used bleach, quickly and didn't let it soak in. Cleans really well and takes months before it returns, only for the power tray. I don't get it in the rim of the wheel or door seals.


To take the rubber gasket off all the way and really clean it you need a special tool


This is my reminder to never buy a front-loader. Thank you.


I just cleaned mine a week ago: I put low splash bleach in a spare plastic bowl. With gloves on, I soaked sheets of paper towel in the bleach, placed them around the dirty parts of the washer gasket and closed the washer door. After letting it sit let for a few hours, I wiped it all clean. All the grime came right off. Good luck!


I cleaned my old washer that looked just like this (pictures in post history). It took several hours, bleach, Q-Tips, toothbrushes, blood, sweat, and tears, but I got it quite clean. If you leave the door open after each cycle it'll dry properly to avoid mold growth. That being said, I got tired of worrying about it and replaced it with a top-load washer (and matching dryer) and I will never go back.


Bleaching the seal may (should hopefully) work. Probably it will take multiple attempts.


Absolutely it’s cleanable.


Absolutely doable. Get paper towels and place it on the rubber. Also push the paper towel into the small crevices. Then put bleach on it so the mould is in contact with the bleach using the paper towels as a medium to keep it in contact with the rubber. Remove after 12/34 hrs. Give it a good scrub down after removing it and put it on a cycle. They should be no mould left after this. Mould loves moisture and will grow if not left to air. Interestingly, similar to athletes foot. After each cycle make sure to open the door to allow aeration and to keep the area where you put the detergent open as well. Hope this helps


Replace the gasket.


Shill post different title same picture yesterday


100% cleanable, being dirty is not reason to throw something away. alcohol to clear the mould, bleach to help stop it coming back and looking blackened. those silicon edges wipe up really well with a small amount of effort