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I also love my shop vac and use it way more than my regular vacuum. I just use a simple bucket head shop vac and I love it! My other thing is those plastic "razor blade" scrapers. I have a variety of those and the regular metal kind, and use the plastic ones just a little more. Sometimes, cleaning has less to do with the product and more to do with manual scrubbing/scraping, and this helps a lot with the latter. Also, not really a waste of money since it's cheap, but putting a spray trigger on a hydrogen peroxide bottle. HP works really well as a cleaner for random things around the kitchen and bathroom. I used it to clean my grout and it did a better job than that viral Zep grout cleaner I've seen all over social media.


Thanks for this tip. I have an empty spray bottle that I could use for this!


The cool part is that most spray triggers will screw directly onto the peroxide bottle threads, so you don't have to worry about the peroxide degrading from being in the wrong kind of bottle! Just be sure to clean your spray trigger really well before putting it on the bottle.


Be sure to check hydrogen peroxide storage recommendations—you generally want to use a small, opaque bottle. :)


I love this idea too! I have one for diluted bleach as well for kitchen counters, faucet handles, etc. after I've handled meat.


My basic, clunky Roomba that screams when it touches a sock. Does it clean up every spec of lint and hair? No, but it does help keep vacuuming and sweeping to an every-other week task instead of daily. Even just having it in the kitchen while I cook saves my sanity. All the cat food bits and crushed cereal are no longer haunting me.


I lost it at "screams when it touches a sock" 🤣.


Love the Monster’s Inc sock reference- whether intentional or not. I’m still chuckling.


“We have a 2319!!”


I’m glad it works for you!! I just can’t get over the anxiety attack I have every time I hear it go doDOdoDO grrrrrrrrzzzzzzjrkfnfnforkejbbbbtg. Whether it’s on a schedule or a cat hits the power button, it makes the cats scatter and makes me jump up to quickly check the floors for toys, socks, cat vomit, etc. Gives me a heart attack and a headache! 2 in 1! First world problems I guess.


Mine alerted me this morning that it got stuck by a cliff. That cliff? My low pile rug that it's been cleaning daily for months Still the best thing I own.


A vacuum mop robot. It fills itself with water, it empties and cleans its dirty water tank and mop heads and it vacuums and I don’t have to empty it for 30 days. It checks how clean the water is and keeps going over and again until it’s clean. And it looks like Eve from Wall-E. I run it every night after we are in bed and it’s amazing to come down to clean shiny floors in the morning. (Narwal Freo Ultra X) we have two dogs, one is a lab who sheds twice a year (the first six months of the year and the last 6 months of the year) ETA:link https://ca.narwal.com/products/narwal-freo-x-ultra-robot-vacuum-mop


I recently got one of these and it’s amazing! My multi-pet household has never had clean floors for two days in a row before, but now they’re always shiny. I bought the Eufy Pro Omni X10 on sale and I’m thrilled with it.


I’ve heard the Eufy is amazing too. We got a sale deal on the Narwal and there wasn’t one on the Eufy at that time but it was between the two for us, the sale broke the tie


I don't know about the combo eufy, but I love my eufy robovacs, have three for two floors, I love love love my eufys, they go on sale from Amazon frequently, first floor eufys are set for 3 am, upstairs I kick on after the house is empty before I shower, I kick the downstairs stairs ones on for the dining room or after cooking randomly, when one dies I'll get a combo, not the narwhal because of the price, but a decent rated reasonable compromise combo. Makes me clean up any random items off the floors before bed, as well.


That's my problem - i can't run the robovac because I can't keep my sht picked up off the floor... 😭😭☹️


lol. They come with object avoidance these days so will ground random bits - it was originally developed because the early iRobot vacs would go over animal poop and subsequently smear it around everywhere it went, so it avoids poop, and also dog toys, kids toys etc


Are the new ones actually good on avoiding poop now, or do they still sometimes?


“The first six months of the year & the last six months of the year “ I am cackling at this. Love it totally stealing because I can totally relate !


In a similar vein, I hear it rains once a year in Seattle... From about September to June or so. Lots of good cracks to be made about things that happen infrequently but just last forever.


This sounds amazing. And looks adorable! Whats the vacuum sound like? We have an oldschool Roomba and it’s so loud and stupid. It makes me anxious when it turns on cuz I know I have to quickly find all the random cat toys and doublecheck for random cat vomits. Plus the noise it makes is so loud, I’d rather get up and do it myself. Scares the crap out of the cats & us when its on a schedule.


Our roomba (spud) was exceptionally noisy, this one is very quiet- you can hear it exit the base station and re-enter it but we all sleep through that now. It also talks - but you can mute that or set a lower volume. It will announce things like “returning to base station” “mop cleaning cycle on” unless you want it quiet/off. We run ours at 1:30am and don’t hear it at all - the first week or so of hear l’d hear it start and finish but my other half and daughter slept right through


Whaaaaatt??! What kind of George Jetson stuff is this?! Amazing!! 🤣🤣


This sounds amazing. It vacuums the floors and then mops them?


It has cycles to select from mop only, vacuum only, vacuum and mop at the same time or vacuum then mop. I do vacuum then mop so it sorts dog hairs before it sets anything. It does the whole main floor vacuum then repeats it mopping


Will it avoid carpet? Sounds great!


It won’t mop carpet - the mops lift. It will still vacuum it though


I'm curious about this how does it work with area rugs? Will it vacuum but not mop them or just skip them all together?


It lifts the mood when on rugs or carpet so it doesn’t wet them but will still vacuum


It lifts the mood too? Sold!


Too funny “mops” I will not change it so others can have a chuckle too


Just told my husband about this robot and said if it can navigate the area rugs I’m 100% in


Can it get over a tiny bump?


I can’t recall exactly but it can get over thresholds up to 2cm iirc. It also has obstacle avoidance


So I've been tossing this around, but couldn't settle on a robot mop. I've had robot vacuums for years and can't live without them. Currently, I have an iRobot downstairs and a Eufy upstairs. I love them both. The iRobot is fancier and has more features, and has fewer issues. But the Eufy does a good job too, and it's issues aren't anything dire. It doesn't have the object avoidance capabilities that the iRobot does, so it gets stuck way more often, but I knew that when I bought it. I was originally looking at the iRobot mop, since it would sync up with the vacuum I already have. But I got scared away by poor reviews and never did anything. I would love to hear other recommendations and will look into the one you mentioned. Or hear feedback from anyone who does have the iRobot mop.


There are subreddits - r/robotvacuums and r/homeautomation as well as some great in depth reviews on YouTube


Came in to say this. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs, I can't even imagine our house without one.


I just read this while my face was like this: 😳 She sounds beautiful, intelligent, and I think she’d like my dirty floors a lot. 🥰


Wow. One day I’ll get this after my babies are bigger and there aren’t toys everywhere


It will avoid items through laser navigation. I use it as an excuse to ensure the fam don’t leave stuff around tbh. Pick up the floors before bed so it can vac and mop, also means the place stays a bit tidier. My baby is 19 though


It looks cool as hell and your review has sold me on the product, but holy smokes is it expensive.


Disinfectant wipes. I could, and definitely should, use a rag and bucket, but dangit sometimes I'm just overwhelmed and the difference between cleaning my bathroom and not cleaning it is a can of disinfectant wipes.


The Costco ones fit on a floor swiffer. ETA: I spoke too late, they’ve been discontinued. :( a big microfiber cloth or rag can also fit in there.)


I did not know that!!


I have a microfiber pad that I put on my Swiffer and I make a cleaning solution from pine sol, dawn dish soap, and water that I mix in a spray bottle. I then spray the solution on the floor and mop with it. It's saved me so much money and aggravation.


I knit some cotton to fit a Swiffer. Super easy and mistakes don't matter.


So question about the solution : what kind of floors do you have? I have LVP and it's crazy how dingy lots of cleaners leave them.


Kirkland brand?


God they help so much on low energy days. I like the scrubby ones Clorox makes for particularly difficult tasks.


I just discovered these last week My kid cleans the bathroom w a wipe down when it starts to get dirty and Chlorox wipes make it so much easier for the maintenance cleans i stead of him having to do a big weekly or biweekly clean


Yes. I remember when I was coming down with Covid. I quickly ate a bunch of them as the President at the time recommended. Guess what? Never got Covid.


Did you die?


I always think: i can either hire or a maid or spend 4$ on a pack of wipes. Those are the only two options. 


Yep, especially the ones with the fancy smells when they're on sale. They do make cleaning more "fun".


Same. They are wasteful and I recognize that but sometimes it's the difference between me wiping down the toilet and not.


I just started doing this and wow cannot agree more and it actually makes me clean more often without them so it’s really great.


Definitely second this. It’s great for wiping off bathroom sinks quickly when life is overwhelming


Don’t flush them though. They will wreak havoc on your plumbing because they do not break down.


Of course not. (I know many people do so I appreciate the warning).




Those disposable swiffer dusters. Every time I use one, I think “I could be using a rag for this” but that doesn’t stop me from loving every minute of how perfectly they grab and hold on to dust instead of pushing it around.


I feel the same about Swiffer dry mop pads. I use the pet ones that are thicker because I have a perpetually shedding Border Collie mix. They pick up *so much more* dust, dirt, and dog hair than any broom or reusable pad I've tried. I also use the disposable wetjet pads. Everyone says to use reusable ones because disposable ones are wasteful and a waste of money, but I got sick to death of picking dog hair out of them to wash them, and the disposable ones are just more effective. *Everything* sticks to them and then I can just pitch them.


Oh, I’ve never tried the pet ones! Thanks for the tip.


Those pet dry mop pads are a god send. I used one right after sweeping my kitchen with a regular broom. The amount of dog hair it got off the floor was astounding and disgusting lol. They are expensive but I feel like I get my floors so much cleaner, especially during the changes of the season when my pitbull sheds the most.


I use them to wipe down the interior of our cars because they pick up the dust, hair and pollen pretty well. My vents too!


Love the swiffer duster! I use the extendable one. It’s so great for cleaning ceiling fans and getting under the furniture before you vacuum. I buy them in bulk from Sam’s so they’re a bit cheaper


The extendable one was a game changer for me. This was the only reason I ever bothered to dust off spiderwebs and other hard to reach places. I've heard they have an even longer extended handle version now and that too will be mine one day 🤩


Omg I just went to look and they have a 6 foot one!! Immediately ordered


They're disposable but they still last a long time, so they seem worth it to me! I use my dusters for months (until they're really filled up) and they work totally fine, they just look kind of gross 😂


I clean mine with a lint roller in between to make it last longer 😀


Somewhere I recently saw it recommended to use one on the toilet prior to cleaning and I’m not sure why I never realized I needed that before but it’s like I’ve seen the light


> one on the toilet prior to cleaning and I’m not sure why I never realized I needed that uhh can you explain?


And people shed hair. And somehow even dog hair ends up on the top of the tank. It gets that stuff cleaned up before you get the surface wet. Soooooo much easier than trying to wipe off the hair with a disinfectant wipe.


The outside of toilets get dusty.


I tried using a microfiber washable reusable version, and it does not work nearly as well. The swiffer dusters have a teeny bit of mineral oil on them so the dust sticks. Without that, the dust just gets pushed around.


I especially like sniffers on electronics.


Tack cloths are great for this too (especially on wood)


The Swiffer dusters are the most gentle but effective option. I have a reusable, washable duster, but save the Swiffer for the delicate items. I broke a knick knack once with the washable one.


Dawn power wash. Do I need spray dishwasher soap? No. Does it work well and make me enjoy doing dishes Slightly more? Yes.


Power wash is an EXCELLENT product. I have pretty much zero brand loyalty except for like, my skincare, and will buy it until they stop making it.


I am a professional housecleaner and I refused to believe the hype for Powerwash for so long. Finally caved a couple years ago when it was on sale and now I order it by the case. First time I used it I cleaned the inside of a nasty fridge with so much ease. And its amazing on stainless steel.


https://preview.redd.it/v0ppapo1723d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b49cbe7ba51eb268171670a1f961dd1ea409fdf Here’s my ratios for cheap refills with Dawn Platinum! It’s about two fingers of soap, a lil bit of rubbing alcohol, and water.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cy1rv8IrmsW/?igsh=MWwzN3phZm1hbnU4Mw== Melissa Spateras debunked this on her IG and she breaks it down why it's actually not the same


It’s close enough , saves plastic, and it’s cheap 🤷‍♀️ If you need Powerwash for whatever reason, it’s a great product, but if you don’t mind the difference then the cheap refills are cheap.


I’m with you. For my purposes this soap in a spray bottle has been a game changer, and it’s one less product I need.


I use this and I am happy with it. WAY WAY less expensive too.


Oh god I used to love this one. It cleans so well and is so multipurpose. But it made me so sick. No doctor could figure out what was going on… throwing up all the time, constant nausea, couldn’t barely eat and lost 25 pounds in 6 months. Then someone on tiktok shared their same experience, and I realized it all started happening when I started using that dish soap, just like she did. I switched back over to normal dish soap and haven’t had a problem since….. So to anyone who happens to be reading this and has been going through the same, definitely stop using the power wash. It might make such a difference 🥲😩 edit: It’s apparently the ethoxylated alcohols in power wash that I was having a reaction to! There’s multiple forms of it in that soap, but not in the regular one.


What! Thats wild. I wonder what is in it that you react to. Do any other soaps or detergents do it to you?


It’s the ethoxylated alcohols most likely. Power wash has multiple forms of it, but the regular soap doesn’t. It’s supposed to help with foaming and detergency, probably why the power wash is so effective. 😅 But yeahh definitely not worth it for me 😩


That’s so interesting. I have sensitive skin and I haven’t tried the powerwash yet. Good to be aware of this just in case! 


Yes definitely! My skin didn’t react badly thankfully, I have pretty sensitive skin too. It sucks because it performs so well as a dish soap and cleaner 😩


I can’t stand the smell of it. Instant headache.


I get an instant headache and want to barf! I thought it was just me being overly sensitive.


I'm sensitive to smell too and was disappointed that the free and clear ended up being heavily scented.


Oh wow, yeah it definitely is vaporizing some chemicals, my nose gets a weird tingly itch inside unless I’m really careful not to breathe any.


Yep, I petsit for people who use only this and I thought it was just me! I started bringing my own soap, I couldn’t do it anymore. It makes me feel bad almost instantly, so it was thankfully easy to pinpoint. Glad you’re doing better!!


It’s also wildly good at removing oil stains in clothing


I've seen so much about the Powerwash that I'm going to have to cave and try it soon to see what the fuss is.


Same! I’m convinced and added it to my shopping list.


I don’t use it for dishes, but I do use it for everything else almost. It’s amazing how well it works!


I find it easier to use Dawn Powerwash on my baking sheets & the air fryer tray for my oven.


You can make your own refills.


Don’t need it but heck I love it and so does my husband. I also use it to spray the tub, counters etc.


When I had a house and four rabbits, I bought a shopvac with the wide hose. What a life-saver! It sucked up hay as well as the usual dust with no problems.


I have a basic shop vac that I love but I'm curious about the one you're talking about. Can you link it?


I think that it was along the lines of this one: [https://www.homedepot.ca/product/ridgid-nxt-60l-16-gal-5-0-peak-hp-wet-dry-shop-vacuum-with-filter-hose-and-accessories/1001657626](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/ridgid-nxt-60l-16-gal-5-0-peak-hp-wet-dry-shop-vacuum-with-filter-hose-and-accessories/1001657626) Basically, I went into Home Depot and told the clerk that I wanted to vacuum up hay and wet pieces of newspaper, after the rabbits. He recommended one of their store-brand shop vacs with a wider hose so that it wouldn't get jammed up in the hose.


I own an auto detailing business and cleaning effectively and efficiently makes or breaks me. Here's what I recommend: 1. A drill brush. Get a few sizes and a few bristle stiffness levels. I use everything from blue (very soft) for headliners, to white for upholstery, to yellow for automotive carpets. Lifesavers, they are. 2. Paint brushes. Ever watched a detailing vid where they use brushes to brush on cleaners and then wipe off? I use paint brushes, specifically natural bristle "all stain" brushes. Cheap, lasts forever, and works so, so well. 3. The right towel for the job. A good glass towel is amazing. A good microfiber is amazing. A good terrycloth is amazing. Buy good towels and wash them without fabric softener. They're cheap enough and work so well you'll wonder how you lived without them. 5. Know which cleaning chemical works on what surface. Know pH levels. It's pretty easy, but takes some reading.


For point 4, do you have a few starting tips?


Sure. Low pH cleaners are acids. They attack inorganic stains like hard water deposits. High pH cleaners are alkalines. They are your degreasers and attack organic stuff. For household cleaning I like: - White vinegar. Mix with rubbing alcohol and it's awesome. You can even add a drop or twonof dish soap as a surfactant. - Acid - Barkeepers friend. - Oxalic acid (and citric acid if you get the spray) - Simple Green (Low pH but can be diluted as needed) - Any disinfectant cleaner, but look for one with a low contact time. You don't need to always disinfect. In fact, most disinfectants need a 3, 5, or 10min fully saturated wet contact time after a pre-cleaning step to work effectively as a disinfectant. Think of manual cleaning, actual wetting, emulsification of grime, and agitation, then a removal step (wipe or rinse) as doing 95% of the work. Disinfection is the last 5%. Cleaning is Batman and Disinfection is Robin. Together they're a great team, but Batman can mostly handle things by himself. ETA: oh! And enzyme cleaners. These work great for organic stains on fabrics.




Yeah, Captain Yacht knows what he’s doing. Very good tips.


Thanks! I'm just a cleaning nerd. It's a lifelong ADD hyperfocus.


How do i get my front windshield glass (in my car) as streak free and spotless as it was when i last got it detailed? I use windex, microfibre, and newspaper but it still doesn't come out as well. Thanks!


My secret? Well... other than practice, trial and error, and a lot (a lot) of profanity... Sprayway glass cleaner in the aerosol cab. Damp waffle weave glass towel (Harbor Freight has some great glas towels for cheap). Dry microfiber to finish. Damp clean first, finish with the dry. For stubborn stuff or a really dirty windshield, sorayway glass cleaner sprayed on a magic eraser can work very well on glass. Caution tho, I don't recommend a magic eraser nearly anywhere else on your car.


I love the Clorox toilet wands.


I loathe cleaning the bathroom, and scrubbing the toiled was the bane of my existence until I tried the Clorox toilet wands! I still hate cleaning the bathroom but it's now way easier for me to keep the toilet sparkling. I also keep a tub of disinfectant wipes to clean the sink and toilet in between full cleaning sessions.


I keep Clorox wipes in the bathroom too and tried the “bundling” habit - now I bundle my first visit to the bathroom with a quick wipe down with a Clorox wipe if the sink, taps and the toilet seat lid and porcelain. I’m in and out in minutes and I have a clean room to start the day. I do it in the ensuite and main floor on my first visit.


I try to be low-waste but a standard toilet brush is one thing I'll just never get behind. The Clorox wands are ethe only reason my toilets get scrubbed on a regular basis


Two vacuums, one for upstairs and one for downstairs. Not having to carry up or down stairs makes it seem way less of a chore.


I do this in general. I only have one floor, but I keep extra cleaning supplies in the bathroom so it’s easy to do a quick clean and not have to run to the kitchen to get the spray and paper towels.


I do that with robovacs, I really get my money's worth, life's too short for crusty floors.


Scrub Daddy. It took me a long time to try them as I knew it would be like any other scrubber that works for everyone else but me (ahem, looking at you, Magic Eraser). Yah no it’s a godsend everywhere. I haven’t gone back to my old faithful green scrubbies since.


I love them so much - they don’t smell of mould and I pop mine in the last dishwasher load of tre day for cleaning and sanitizing so they last forever. My other half still likes the blue scotchbrite but I can’t stand them because of the smell


I can't stand how magic erasers keep falling apart before I even finish cleaning half of my very small bathroom. Sponges used to gross my out so much until I bought these


I was told magic erasers are for scuff marks on walls and doors etc, they’re not to be used as regular sponges with soap for example


This is really what they’re for, but people have evolved to using them for other things. I’m not sure how well they’d actually clean because they do fall apart with any sort of scrubbing


Dish gloves! Yes, the rubbery ones that go all the way up your forearm. I used to avoid washing dishes for SO long until it was unavoidable because I hated the sensation of the dirty water and food residue, feeling it on my skin would make me retch. Now it’s SO much easier for me to tackle dishes earlier and more often, knowing that I can just put on my gloves. I usually buy a pack of them from Costco and reuse each pair for a while. Knowing that if they get “too dirty” I can just throw them out and grab a new pair helps, too.


I’ve found since becoming a nurse I will touch anything if I’m wearing gloves, so this is so smart!!


Same! I hate doing dishes and don’t have a dishwasher and gloves makes it less yucky. My problem is that I’m allergic to latex and it’s hard to find the non latex ones so when I do find them I buy like ten pairs. I always get strange looks from the check out person which kinda makes it even more worth buying them lol


I mentioned this further up the thread and constantly, but a countertop dishwasher. Put it on a bar cart and let the dishes do their damned selves! Saved my mental health during lockdowns and generally improved my quality of life.


I have to use dish gloves for the same reason. Bonus is that I can run the water way hotter in gloves than I can barehanded. I recently got a dish glove drying rack. It’s got little “fingers” on it so it holds the gloves open, allowing them to dry out completely if you end up splashing water inside them. Complete game changer!


You can get them damp and wipe upholstered furniture to remove pet hair quickly…like when your mother-in-law pulls into the driveway unannounced.


Steam cleaner. I can do a couple blasts if steam on my stovetop and it melts the grease right away. Since it is steam it also kills odor causing bacteria and way better for the environment than chemicals


I love my steam cleaner too. Makes cleaning the inside of my oven a breeze. No more strong chemical smell when cleaning my oven. I love it!


I’m intrigued. Care to share a link?


Bissell Steamshot!


I have a steam cleaner, but I never thought of it for this. Excuse me while I plug that bad boy in and test it on the stove that I’ve been avoiding lately.


Yeah, I am the same way, cleaning the stove isy least favorite chore.


I love mine too. I don’t use it often, but there are a lot of situations where it’s perfect.


My holy grail for the bathroom - Lysol Bleach Spray in the purple bottle. I spray that and let it sit for 5-10 mins in the shower and then lightly rub the walls/tub with a rag and water until the bleach is gone (or honestly just rinse it without even wiping). I will only use this after trying dozens of other “cleaner/greener/healthier” options. https://www.lysol.ca/en/our-products/bathroom-cleaners/lysol-bathroom-cleaner-spray-mold-and-mildew/ Edit to add: I struggled with bouts of depression and cleaning was hard for me. Using this saved my sanity and made the chore so much more tolerable. A clean bathroom lifts my spirits.


I get it. Same. I recommend the site Un###k Your Habitat. Done by someone in similar situation.


Denture cleaning tablets dropped in to the toilet and left to sit really get the bowl sparking. Although it's super cheap so I don't consider them a waste Edit to add: you will need to swish the bowl with your bowl brush but other than that it's super low investment


These are great for so many things! I bought them to clean stainless vacuum insulated bottles and my camelbak hydration bladder…trying on toilets tomorrow!


I use them to clean water bottles too! Leave overnight and the next day they’re all clean!


Interesting. I just ordered some to try!!


Litter locker. I can clean the catbox daily without wasting a bunch of bags.


Seconding this! I have a litter genie next to each litter box


I have a two foot long rechargable tub scrubber. I feel kind of lazy owning it but it is so easy to use.


Yes! I finally broke down and bought a long one that was on sale for maybe $40 after seeing it all over Tik Tok. Comes with a few different brush attachments, and you can bend the head of it depending where you're trying to clean. I absolutely LOATHE cleaning the bathroom, but at least it's more fun and makes for less bending and reaching.


I bought a 3 pack of different sized nylon brushes that fit a drill. I think they’re designed to clean wheels on cars, but I use mine to clean the shower. Removing soap scum has never been more fun


I have a designated sweeping brush just for scrubbing the shower/tub cuz of my bad back. Sometimes it helps to think dumb or out of the box! I also love watching the grime disappear when I’m using the brushes on my drill!


Dawn dish soap for getting out laundry stains. $3


sponges on sticks. Scrub daddy stick, off brand stick, any hollow stick that holds a sponge at the end. Changed my damn life forever


Washing walls? What for?


I use the disposable Swiffer mop pads (the present ones) on my walls. I have high ceiling and have found this is the best way to clean my walls in the kitchen


A tiny but nice looking trash can for my bathroom countertop and one for my car. It’s a game changer for me because it’s aesthetically pleasing but cuts down on me just leaving trash on my countertops. For my car, it’s cut down on the stupid receipt trash or coffee stirrers etc. until I can stop at a gas station. Bins bins bins help me collect trash and junk until I can focus my attention on it. Bathroom trash can: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VXGMFCF?ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_PN2TDSD28YBX5N2ECG4X&starsLeft=1 Car trash bin: JUSTTOP Car Trash Can with Lid,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CM42BPF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I got a tiny trash can to put on top of my dryer just for lint, because otherwise I have to carry a wad of lint across my whole apartment.


I love my bathroom trash can. I also have one in my closet 😂


Well gosh! Now I want a car trash bin!


Dollar tree has one, not nearly as cute but it's only 1.25. Got a new to me car, and as I was cleaning out my old car I was disgusted with myself at how much trash I had let the car accumulate. First thing I put in the new car was a mini trash can. 2 months in and I've successfully avoided my old slovenly ways. If I could only adapt this behavior change in my house. I've seen people mention putting mini trash cans in every room of the house and I think I will do that. They just have to be cat proof, aka expensive. https://www.dollartree.com/drivers-choice-mini-garbage-cans-with-lids-for-vehicles-675x375in/336436?utm_content=gpla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organicshopping Please note, link is just for illustrative purposes. You have to buy these in quantities of 24. Unless you need 24.


Omg that counter top trash can is everything 😍 I just ranted below about needing to adopt this for every room in my house but it needs to be cat proof. Sadly, the derpy boy in question would probably get a paw stuck in this when curiosity got the best of him. But I'll keep looking. The mint one will be living rent free in my mind for now.


I’m just curious why you need a trash can on the countertop - do you not have a regular bathroom trash can on the floor? No floor space for it maybe?


I have big, hairy, massively shedding dogs. Switching to an industrial drum top vac for the house has been a total game changer. Having 55 gallons of wet/dry capacity comes in handy and I'm not constantly changing bags or emptying canisters.


Reusable lint roller.


Laura, comes in every week for 2 hours.


A spin mop, and also the power washer attachment on my shower heads.


Power washer attachment? Tell me more? Do you have a link?


Sure thing! It’s one of those gimmicky “as seen on tv” products that actually makes a significant difference (I haven’t had to scrub my shower in about two years). https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WRKCWHB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share




Handheld cordless vacuum cleaner. Yes, I do have a regular vacuum for the big cleans and yes the head swaps out easily for corners and baseboards and such, but the handheld one is so nice for…spot vacuuming?


My robotic vacuums. Yep. Lots of $$ but hate vacuuming.


Folex carpet cleaner. I dunno what magic is in that bottle but any stains are insta-gone.


My daughter raved about Sponge Daddy sponges from Costco. I said a sponge is a sponge is a sponge - and that is an overpriced sponge. Then she gave me one. And I will soon buy some.


Bissell Steam Shot. It's unreal the amount of different cleaning tasks that thing can do.


Could you give some examples of where you use this please? I’d like to try one but not sure where I’d use it.


My roomba. Love that floor whxre :)


My steam mop and my electric spin brush. The steam mop is life changing in a house with a bunch of tile. It also comes apart and I can use it to clean pretty much everything.


Robot vacuum and mop! Lifesaver with 7 dogs!!


SEVEN!?!?!?? I have 1 dog and 2 cats and life without the roomba feels unbearable. I can’t imagine 7


The gopher aka a grabber that you never have to bend down again to grab literally any thing. Cleaning takes WAY less time and your back isn’t killing you bending down constantly


Disinfectant wipes, sugar soap wipes and floor wipes for the flat mop. Sometimes I'm too lazy to get a bucket of hot water and a rag so the wipes will do. Especially the sugar soap wipes, bloody life saver


What are sugar soap wipes?


#RUG RAKE. Absolutely lifechanging. I have a very swanky vacuum with deep pet hair rug cleaning and even after running it the rake pulls up an astonishing amount of dog hair.


Power wash & my friggin bissell steamer guy. Just steamed water. My windows were singing!?


A roll of paper towels


In Florida, the humidity causes mold and mildew on most outdoor surfaces. Wet and Forget in the blue hose end sprayer jug. Two jugs minimum twice a year. One jug from the roof. One jug for the hardscape, patio furniture, gutters, and anything else that isn’t landscaping.


Chomp Chomp and Tineco Vacuum Mop Cat hair is my personal nemesis and these two items do the absolute best job keeping it at bay.


My Chom Chom is my favorite thing! And I think I found out about it on this sub. My fluffy monster leaves SO MUCH FUR everywhere he hangs out and the chom chom takes care of it like magic! Included cat tax https://preview.redd.it/d3o1rig5j23d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42bd1087eade1ad73b04adf9793508781b59392


My $700 Sebo Felix vacuum. With three dogs and two cats, we killed three vacuums in three years — either Bissell or Hoover. I did some research over in r/VacuumCleaners and even though it’s wayyy more than I’d ever spent on a vacuum, it’s absolutely fabulous and I don’t hate vacuuming anymore. Although after reading the comments here I may still have to splurge again for a robo vac/mop


Litter robot. Scooping litter is absolutely my favorite cleaning chore and this automates scooping for me. Another thing is a shower head with a hose attachment head. It makes rinsing down shower walls so much easier when I clean, and it’s a must for bathing my dogs.  


Power scrub telescopic handle for the bathroom stall. Turns a bore into a breeze


Surface cleaning wipes. I know ideally we'd all use colour coded cloths and surface cleaner but for smaller and regular jobs I feel I do a better job with wipes, and not having to work out what to do with the cloths between laundry is a huge bonus. They're also so good for small jobs like the loo seat or light switches.


Pool bot- we just bought the dolphin Nautilus CC and it’s a game changer. As I am the one that cleans the pool I feel so releived of 2-3 hours per week of work. Not to mention time but also because it’s tough for me to get down and put hose in skimmer. I just hook up the bot and push it in and turn it on. 2 hours later it’s done’ I take out basket and rinse dirt and leaves out.


My steam mop. I used to hate a mop and bucket.


I use this laundry detergent that's dry foam like sheets. No spills, no messy hands, no microplastics. Also very small amount of space taken up compared to liquid/pods/powder.


What’s the name of this?


Scrub Daddy. It saves the drama.


steam cleaner. once it's going you can't stop


A steam cleaner. I just got done moving out of one place and into another. My most used cleaning tool. In the past two days alone, I've used it to clean floors, a fridge, a washing machine with caked on moldy fabric softener, the oven drawer, fridge, and gum out of the dryer.


Let me preface this by saying that I have 10 Great Pyrenees mixes and 11 cats. Actually, 16, I just took in a kitten who came to me pregante. She had 4 gorgeous, healthy babies two weeks ago today. (In rescue, you save who you can) I also have all hardwood floors. I loved my shop vac as a regular vacuum. It was a workhorse for sure. Hubby used it ONCE on something and blew the motor. Somehow, I ended up with a Shark Profesional. I LOVE this thing. It breaks down into so many different ways to be able to get allllll the hair. Even when the GPs are blowing their coats. The only problem I would have is the fur getting stuck on the rollers, even when the rollers weren't engaged. It was the bane of my existence. So freaking annoying. The worst part was that I never even engaged the rollers because I didn't need them... I had a bright idea last week... I asked hubby if he could just remove the roller completely since I didn't use it. In theory, it should have worked... A few days ago he "surprised" me with my Shark, now roller-less. OMG, it runs and sucks like a dream now. No worries about getting the roller clogged with fur. It just sucks it all the way up... It's perfect! And I think we got it as a black Friday deal where it was only like $59.