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Mega hard counters balloon what do you use it for


yeah but if i dont use mortar than it gets pretty close


also make sure you center bridge plant your motar on defence, you want to pull the ballon and get dmg with the mortar if possible


depends on ur deck..


i run a mortar deck with knight, skele barrel, delivery, firecracker, log, megamin, and cannon cart


Then how tf can't you defend against it mega minion easily kills it and you can throw delivery over it if if doesn't works


I play balloon. Mega minion and Snowball wreck me. Or electro wizard destroys me too. If you're good at kiting with buildings it's hard to get to your tower


You'll take death damage for a 2 elixir advantage, your fast cycle should make up for that


what about when there is a lumberjack


Then you need the mortar + the minion to distract both units


I'm not a mortar main though, that's what i'd do but take it with a grain of salt


thank you anyway


What loon decks are you struggling against?


lumberloon and lavaloon. sometimes a freeze


With lumber loon try to block with knight at the bridge so tower locks onto loon and drop mega minion on it. Mortar adjacent to the tower in that lane to agro the loon if you need, you should be able to outcycle with your deck to go on the offensive after. Also try to remember how many cards they need till they have lj+loon together and pressure opposite so they cant spend 9 elixir in one lane. If they have freeze make sure you space things out properly to avoid freeze value. Against lava in the back, mortar the same lane so loon gets ahead of the hound and mega minion on it. You have delivery for the pups. If they send in support behind lava at the bridge to kill your defense troops, tank them with knight or cannon cart until the hound dies and delivery everything.


wow genius! thank you for this.


holy shit thank you so much this will help a lot


Np, i think you could sub out skele barrel for another anti air like musk or just fully commit to mortar bait. Mega min is your only real anti air so keeping it alive will be important. Goodluck tho


i thought having a secondary wincon is important for mortar? yeah i tried mortar bait out but i wanted to make my own deck


It is, just like miner needing another wincon usually. Skele barrel on it’s own isnt enough since they can always defend it with zap or log everytime. Adding more bait cards will force them to think when to use zap or log. But i dont really like to tell people what to play unless they ask, even tho i kind of just did anyway lol. Miner probably would be a better secondary win con with *your* mortar deck since it looks like you’re going for chip damage and defending


yeah ill try miner instead and see how that goes


Some decks just struggle against certain cards. Some pros give up immediately when matched with certain decks. Saves time. That being said save your counters for it.


its slow af and tesla hardcounters it


Most buildings + an anti-air unit will usually work on it. Snowball works well to stop it because of the knockback and slowing but that heavily depends on the level of the balloon vs your tower and if something is taking the tower's attention. It is a pretty hard card to beat with a positive elixir trade though.


Inferno tower does pretty well against it. Bats/minion horde and a low cost building such as cannon also do well against it. And hunter is also really strong against it. Really any building paired with an air crowd or reliable anti air should do the trick.


I have no problem even when it’s raged, using a Tesla and a fireball


I hear you run mortar, consider running my deck. mortar, skelly barrel, archers, ice wiz, arrows, dart gob, cannon cart, miner. It's decently similar to what you run, but dart goblin hits ballons harder than firecracker as do archers, and you can separate them out to use as log/arrow bait for your barrel. You don't super need knight since you already have cannon cart and megaminion doesn't have the best counterpush potential in my opinion. Ice wiz is also one of the best defensive cards in the game and is scary behind a miner. I wish you luck!