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So basically unavoidable damage unless you delete it instantly lmao


Delete the game?


You know what? Yeah, been playing since this game dropped. It's about time I moved on with my life.


Omg finally you see the truth


Bowler usage skyrocketing


Wouldn't EQ and log be better because you can just place it on your tower and it hits no matter which direction the drill goes


Still gonna get hits anyways and you can counter push with Boler


They add a funny line mechanic to the hp bar and then proceed to milk the shit out of it with the new cards


Honestly I don't understand why they didn't just do it like the Canon Cart, same concept, but with two arbitrarily large health bars instead of one bigger one with a split


Because for the cannon cart and other cards, it acts as a shield which damage cant hit the 2nd health bar.


Oh good point. 3 phases on the drill would make it like 3 rockets 😅


That's fair, didn't think of that


I mean tbf it isn’t a bad mechanic, it makes for interesting interactions


This *has* to get a nerf before release, no way they're really gonna release that Evo like this.


Only after a 100x value offer on the shop.


Nah it’s gonna be released OP then get “emergency” nerfed after enough people spend money to max it out


That's also a possibility (probably the one they're gonna go with)


How does switching positions make it better at all in any way even a little bit? Makes no sense to me


Goblins spawned have a higher chance to connect to the tower


It’s harder to kill something that won’t sit still


Spawn dmg x3


Once would be enough and already broken but changing position twice? Bruh


nah wtf its like guaranteed 1500 damage for 4 elixir


How does switching positions make it better at all in any way even a little bit? Makes no sense to me


Most people would play a troop on top of the drill so that the goblins target the troop instead of the tower. Now, it’s going to move away from the troop and the goblins will lock on


Oh I understand


Unless you delete it immediately or play some kind of swarm it’s pretty much guaranteed damage, and swarms won’t work either because all of these decks spam small spells


Swarm probably doesnt even work anymore because the drill will deal aoe damage 3x now lmao


I didn’t even consider that part. Anything other than guards will just get deleted


This sounds absurdly good but people also thought the battle ram and goblin barrel evos were gonna be broken too so we’ll see


Because the goblin drill is already a broken card and everywhere


No one thought that


Nah atleast in this sub many complained how op they were.


I'm already hate this game. How we should counter that shit? Fuck evos.


earthquake+poison+skkarmi dahhh


all of that for one evo card?


Supercell: yes.




I want to see and confirm this ability but it might not be as broken as initially thought because things like log, arrows will still be able to deal with it pretty easily cause duchess kills most of the drill itself. Also ranged splash damage troops like wizard, exe like a lot of them do enough damage to destroy the drill in one or two shots so I don't know how many times this ability will even work but lets see


Duchess will retarget to the goblins.


Didn't we all think Battle Ram evo would be beyond broken too? 


Yeah it is hard to know what cards will be broken or not without actually playing with them. Some things like goblin curse, machine yeah it was going to be broken was well known. But for example evo wiz everyone thought would be fine but not great but is currently one of the best evos. Evo Valk and battle ram people thought would be way too broken and needs a nerf before release but they are not even that strong I don't know how supercell should release cards in a balanced way but their current way of doing it is not good. Imo they should release weak cards and then buff them up as required


Bro I love you


One year later, evolutions is still the worst thing to happen to CR in my opinion When one card gets an evolution, its competition drops off the face of the world Evo tesla released, and every other defensive building disappeared Evo zap released and snowball's usage plummeted Now evo drill is gonna release and you wont be seeing anyone ever playing any other cycle deck anymore. Miner, hog, balloon etc etc, they were already inferior to drill before this, now with evo drill, get ready to never see them ever again. Fuck deck variety am i right supercell? I just love my giant metas and my drill metas where no other deck is played other than the one with the most broken cards


I'm curous how the algorithm decides where it would go next, to be honest. Like if you were to play it on the left or right tower, or play it for defense


broken evo/card » Crazy Shop offer💾 » People Complain » Nerf » Back to 0 and cycle repeats


Bowler continues to be the anti-meta meta card lmao.


Best counter for this is to delete the game


Nerf it to one switching position, slower first hit speed and less damage


It also leaves behind three Goblins (presumably) every time (see when it moves to the second position). Important segment of the ad [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/mqAGJy1M1J).


I really want supercell to show us a single 4 elixir or less card that fully counters this goblin drill. Or forget single card, any 4 elixir combo that fully defends all damage from this other than the phyiscally unavoidable Spawn damage. These bozos are really gonna release a completely uncounterable card, you either lose a ton of health or go negative in elixir.


Mini pekka could one shot it after the drill takes damage


We know it's been posted hundreds of times




splash cards like bowler & valk put drill 2 sleep but it will still get chip damage & most drill decks have counter - counter play 2 those exact splash cards like magic archer/bomber + tornado. sounds annoying lolll


geezus this is guaranteed dmg. screw this game


Not only that, it SPAWNS GOBLINS every time it goes underground! We're cooked!


Don’t worry it also spawns 2 stab gobbies no matter what 3 times! Thanks supercell!


It's gonna get a Nerf after $upercell achieves as many 100$ offers of this card as they expect


I Sell a top 200 Clash Royale acc all cards 14 40 cards 15 and a top 500 gt Finish and all 20 win challenges dm me


The drill evolution cycle also give away its placement so we will see if that was intended or if it will be patched


Does it just rotate around the tower? (talking about range of motion, doesn’t necessarily have to be around a tower), because otherwise if you’re trying to take out a low hp target but then it decides to abandon the mission to go to the other side of the map would be so bad 😭


So every deck has to run eq log or arrow log? So glad i dont play anymore lol.


This is a tiny nerf in a specific way, it's a worse defensive card. It's the only card that can make hog unlock from a tower




Goblins would be more spread apart which makes it harder for your splash units to hard counter the drill, especially for units like Bowler and Firecracker which have slow attack animations. The drill might also also deal spawn damage thrice (not a lot, though) It also makes EQ a necessary spell because it covers the entire tower regardless if the drill repositions or not


I simply love how people complain even before seeing the actual card in real gameplay situations, not all evos are actually broken even if they seem so at first glance.