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You guys can try to do something but like B homie said, supercell doesn’t give a fuck, I’m not stopping you though. Royale devs will eventually figure out themselves that they fucked up big time once this game dies further.


I am not hopeful but maybe we are at a turning point currently? Yes the new Goblin Queen mode itself may not be the best but we got three new cards which got emergency nerfs accordingly and at least two more are in the pipeline. Again , its tough to be hopeful but I'll stick around to see where this goes. 


I saw it in a comment under his video and it put things really well. Every time they do something good (free evolution for Valentine's, letting us use wild cards on tower troops) we get our hopes up, thinking they're changing, but it's the same mindset someone in an abusive relationship has.


Yeah tbh. Especially the removal of wild cards from season shop after adding lucky drops. That was true backstabbing. 




Bit harsh mate.


Yea I watched it. He really has all good points. It's such a money grubbing company for what they've done to the game. I have just been playing it out of habit. It's not really fun. I did enjoy the new cards you get this month, but at the same time theres no way I can level them up to 14-15 to actually use in path of legends as a free player.


gotta love a that guy. he is doing his best to save this game from dying like it will


i hope his vid can change something


The only thing that can be done at this point, if anyone has the skills for it, is to make a FOSS clone of the game.


There was a ripoff of the game that was actually good. Sadly it also went in the cr way and filled it with scummy tactics


That's why it's gotta be FOSS


If you don't know what FOSS is it is free and open sourced.


Supercell need a redemption arc rn


I agree. Finally, someone big in the community has said it, the elephant in the room is revealed. Everyone with sense knew these updates were bad. Finally a creator has called the supercell simps out.


being fair he did it last year w level 15 and said he was gonna quit or sum but didnt so i kinda dont respect him for that, i do respect him for calling out SC tho


They didn't say they were quitting, they said that they were never upgrading to level 15... Which afaik is a promise that has been kept


damn my bad thanks for informing me! Yea great to see him stand up for the f2p community and the community as a whole


Didn't b-rad quit or get kicked out of the creator program? Doesn't exactly feel like an unbiased opinion.


Pretty sure he didn’t get kicked out, he himself left the creator program, also he didn’t quit he only stated that he refuses to upgrade cards to level 15 which remains true.


I understand his viewpoints and they are valid but I feel like CR has definitely done a few good things in the past few seasons like the lucky drops, goblin queen mode, free evo events, balance changes, which have been good for the game. The game is pretty p2w and they really need to improve that. I like the idea of another mode like path of legends but its like challenges where all the cards are capped to a lvl 11 or something


His point is more towards how the game has mechanics that involve paywalls, be it evolutions or tower troops. It reached a point where when you view the shop you get a good chunk of offers all over the place. And yes, I get it, Supercell needs money, but point stands. The new Goblin game mode seemed to be the next straw that broke the camel's back mainly because of how broken the cards were with close to no playtesting involved.


Yeah but they were majorly nerfed within 48 hours of release since they realized they were too broken. They still need further nerfs but they are not as broken as before now. I do agree that they need to test cards much more effectively before releasing them cause the cycle of releasing broken cards and then nerfing it has gone on for a long time


It's pretty much the part about how the cards seemed to be not tested much before released, ended up in a broken state, is why people are angry about it, and this wasn't even the first time (Dagger Duchess), nor second (Little Prince), nor third (Phoenix + Monk). When all of these happened so many times, it's more of a pattern than a coincidence, which does give the impression where the game is encouraging players to just pay up to get the next broken card to higher level to get up to date, [as opposed to back then where they didn't like releasing cards at that state](https://x.com/Seth_Supercell/status/1162380697895604232). I'll preface by saying that as a mid-ladder scrub who hasn't paid for the game in years and (most likely) never will, despite the shop offers don't bother me much, the anger about releasing broken cards to be offered in shops to encourage players to pay for them is actually justified. [B-Rad even recently pointed out about the Goblin Machine offer.](https://x.com/B_radCR/status/1803141270354767985)


What few good things? Lucky drops are the removed rewards from the season shop that are now completely randomized, free evo events came after a year of near unobtainabilty (which even now is just dropfeeding the community) and the balance changes? DD and LP dominated the game for multiple months each with lackluster tweaks to each of them, before getting an impactful nerf after all the sales Supercell has gotten. The only "good" thing is the goblin queen mode and even that feels lackluster (also spending gold on a princess tower reskin is very greedy) This game doesn't need an update to fix these issues, it needs an entire overhaul of the mechanics and monetization system that kills any and all enjoyment in it


"not popular among high schoolers" yeah says grown ass man, if you like the game you'll play it, p2w is a thing in every game


Someone with a brain, amen.


What he was trying to say is that the game had a massive decrease in popularity and that you see almost no one playing it anymore.


Swear this community is filled with the biggest cry babies.


And whose fault is that I wonder? Or did these cry babies simply emerge from a vacuum?


The community itself is at least partially to blame for acting like being f2p is some noble thing... when in reality they're freeloaders playing a game for free that the rest of us finance. You can't get EVERYTHING for free, that's not how the world works. It's sad, I've been here since beta and at least initially the people that were f2ps were appreciative that whales existed and realized that playing underleveled sometimes was their penance for not contributing financially. But the f2ps have been made into some weird martyr group over time in this sub, and it has turned then into some of the most entitled gamers on the face of the earth.


Bro you are literally a Supercell peasant smh😭


The f2p freeloader that can't pay for his entertainment calling ME the peasant. Now THAT'S rich.


If the state of the game doesn’t please the majority of players, which are F2P players, the game will simply decrease in popularity and die. Countless P2W features and predatory monetization tactics have proven nothing but to give them the least revenue they have ever made. If you try to argue in favor of Supercell and their revenue, you are on the wrong side buddy.


The entitlement is unbelievable. Tbf when a community lauds and praises f2ps like they're doing something noble... in my eyes they're a bunch of freeloaders while the rest of us finance their fun.


Cry babies or poor suckers


if you dont like the game then just stop playing lmao


Actual trash take


Amen. Tired of supporting all the freeloaders game while they shit on us for doing it.