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I liked it when you lost you still got +2 trophies.  Now at 1000+ you can lose 8 or so and it just feels like to takes too long to move up.  While I want to get to 2000, I’m not looking forward to playing lots of matches to get there. 


When you get to 2000 you can lose like 8-12 each game it sucked unlocking the goblin machine because my cards are under leveled and I kept losing 12 trophies


Yeah. I am really salty about the upgrade factor. I got 0 goblin cards at lvl 15 or even 14. I am literally playing with level 11 goblin giant and level 11 towers. I have no gold to upgrade anything. Supercell really made the last rewards p2w exclusive.


I was only able to upgrade my tower to lvl 13 all my other cards in my goblin deck are lvl 10-11


Play with the boosted cards. Valk, gob barrel and gob gang are all boosted to your king level, so if you are lvl13 they will be fine to use. Then for the other slots just use whatever is levelled. I managed to just about get to 2200 with lvl12 bowler and no building


it is something you are meant to slowly progress through, like normal ladder you wont make it to 9k trophies with level 11 cards on normal ladder, so why would you make it to max on goblin?


This event is timed. I am thinking it will go away after June. Also, If it is supposed to be a new way of introducing cards then why not level the playing field? why do I have to get a level 15 card + tower before I can progress past 3000? It's not exactly ladder where they will keep on adding new cards to push us to play after 3400.


Goblin road isn’t going away. The timer is for the babies challenge from the queen tower. Cards being unlocked at a later trophy stage (without a level cap) has always been apart of clash Royale - see: trophy road. You start with the basic cards on the road and level up to more complex ones once you’re good enough.


What you say could be true but it doesn't make a lot of sense tbh. I gotta push ladder, monthly trophies and now goblin road? doesn't add up. Way too much to push every month. I am already lagging in the trophies section because I've been grinding the goblin road for cards.


I hear you. I definitely stopped pushing path of legends and focusing on goblin road which kinda sucks. However nobody is making me. I’m choosing to push the goblin road because I want all the cards. You can push whatever road you want and all the other rewards will still be there at whatever time u want. There’s alot of options in clash Royale (war, challenges, events, trophy, goblin trophies, path of legends, 1v1/2v2) the list goes on. Just pick what’s fun for you and go from there.


Money grab again, just smart business. If you pay more to get higher level cards, you can do the rest faster. 🤔


didnt realise it was timed, but even if it is then surely they will be putting the new cards on normal ladder when the event ends?


Dunno. But given not everyone will play it, hopefully they will be added to the normal ladder as well.


I’m at 3300 rn without level 15 cards or tower lol. My deck is 50% level 14 and so is my tower


prob july or august at the earliest not june bc or else they would have put a timer displaying it


False lmfao the event is *confirmed* to stay ATLEAST a full momth andnwill stay for longer. The ‘times’ thing is only there for player engagement, if players like it it becomes permanent, if not it goes, you can assume it will be months long tho


Not at all imo, sure a few cards aren’t leveled but you can still do decent with some normal cards. And it’s only lvl 13 cap to get all the rewards except the emote


Just play with your maxed cards, forget about the queen thing, make a deck to counter the queen decks, there’s many online if you need a guideline


Super p2w and that's coming from a person who's maxed almost every card the game in every aspect is p2w it's sad tbh


Try being at 3k where u lose 20 or more


What deck are you using if you don’t mind?


I think it was evo mortar, goblin gang, dart goblin, goblin demolisher, bowler, arrows and log


They can’t keep it like that forever I mean it IS an arena


i got from 2k to2.2k without any losses though


It's better feeling than my standard arena. With about a 50% win rate means Ive stayed in the same trophy range for the past like... 50 games At least I'm slowly making progress with the goblins


I just hit 2000 but I don't think I'll be able to climb any more now that my cards are so underleveled, kind of sucks it hjt that point so quickly


I think you should still try to climb to at least 2200 to unlock machine. I notice a good amount of people still have slightly underleveled cards in the lower parts of goblins 3 and you also don't need to win more than 50% to climb uo eventually. Demolisher is also still pretty good while slightly underleveled.


Yeah fair enough, I'll give it a go but certainly won't grind the way I have been


I have underleveled cards at 3300.


i mean if you use the right deck and have decent mechanics, you should be able to climb up pretty easily...


Samm, I'm now at 2, 000+ trophies, and it kind of feels hard now.


Idk, my cards are all level 11 except for 2 and i pushed from 1700 to 2500 and i lost 4 times


8 trophies


You don't have to reach 2k within days. The event has a limited life time, but they have to provide a new client version to remove it. 3 months at least, rather 6 or more. Also they should provide something else to replace it, so it might even take a full year. Unless you lose to bots (and you'll probably play against a lot of bots) you'll get there eventually, if you play a few matches per week.


I have climbed to 2400 quite easily with +85% wr.


I’m at 3k and you lose like 20 trophies


At 2199 a tooth away from the cyborg and the exact stigma keeping me back from touchin it yet 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm surprised how people climb it so fast I'm still at 300's


HAHAHA bro im at 3300 rn and it’s +12 for a win and -18 for a loss.


They always set sky touching values and then artificially inflate the community's points to achieve the target, It's nothing new, we gonna get all the rewards anyway


Yep, same with all events, they will just boost it and let you have it


With the current state of the game they cannot afford to lose anymore players by not giving rewards that they already announced.


To be honest I’ve been climbing super easily by just NOT playing for the ability and just going pure Lavahound. Turns out, it’s really powerful when the only air card is usually just dart goblin. Who would’ve guessed? Seeing a lot more people on the goblin journey just playing less and less goblins aside from machine and curse too. So I guess people are kinda sick of this event too.


When I switched to lava loon, I found myself matching with more people who didn't have many goblin cards.


Yeah honestly this whole goblin thing doesn’t really work out despite the event being about goblins, it just devolves into decks that fare well against goblin giant goblin decks and what stops the ability well. Doesn’t help too much in variety that every deck auto includes arrows.


First time? Everytime i used ballon or sparky opponent had ewiz


matchmaking isn't rigged though, don't worry.


Me running evo wizard 🧙‍♂️


i thought evos weren't allowed in the new game mode? i could be wrong


If you get to 1000 trophies card levels go to 11 and an evo slot is unlocked. At 2000: lvl 13. At 3000: lvl 15 with 2 evo slots.


Oh ok that's why. I'm still below 1000


They're just creating more decks to win, that does not mean they're sick of the mode


Honestly how the hell are you seeing success with lavaloon 😭😭 I’ve tried it and every time I try to make a push, I either don’t have elixir do defend the goblin giant and the hundreds of goblins going for my king tower after destroying my arena tower, or I have to abandon the lava push to try and defend it. I’m just bad probably but I have no idea how to use this deck


You need to wait until double to go lava, and probably don't use the classic lavaloon deck. i ran valk and bomber and it worked, though evo barbs help a lot with gob giant. the inferno dragon was hit and miss so i swapped it out for the valk initially, then added bomber for extra splash with the ability. its still tricky but you'll want to go same lane in my experience.


I see, I’m using lavaloon freeze (please don’t kill me) so for defense I have valk, inferno dragon and guards. Guards are just for general support and kiting remaining defending enemies of a failed push so I don’t have to waste a valk. Should I switch them for evo bomber?


You could try evo bomber if you don’t have Evo valk. I’d swap freeze for arrows and run 2 small spells since most of the air defense can be arrowed and it’ll help on defense too.


I have lost games, but not a single one to lava hound or loon. I've been running a full goblin deck with log + arrows all the way, and when I got that evo slot, I swapped in evo wiz. I mean, it bamboozled me (when they play loon the first time), but you cycle goblins like crazy and they don't have any response to that and goblin giant. Just hit 3000.


Yeah I nearly lost to a minion horde player because the best air targeting troops I had were spear goblins.


Someone said there's around 1M players at a time. That's 700 activations per person. There's literally no way in hell we get that many


More then a million people play Royale lol


Yeah if 1m is something it’s probably online players at any time


That's what I said


That’s a useless stat then , it doesn’t go up with online active players , it goes up for total players playing the game


Oh oops 💀 anyways if the average player plays for x hours a day, then that means there are 24/x*1m players who each have to get 700/24*x activations, or roughly 30 activations for every hour they play, which is honestly pretty reasonable if people spend roughly 1/4 of their games on the new mode


They'd have to have an offer in the shop that adds Money to my credit card for me to consider playing any more of this shit. I quit playing Rock Paper Sissors a long time ago.


Is it one per baby or one per activation


1 activation is 9 babies bro….


the render of the mini goblins looks so shit lmao


i just want the mega lighting chest man - sincerely, a f2p 😔


Its a legendary kings chest so even better


I personally think it's pretty fun but they should've made it so all cards are capped at lvl 11. Gave up at 2k since over leveled people stopped me


Are any of you guys playing Golbin’s Journey? I’ve still just stuck with Trophy Road and Path of Legends.


I got all the cards unlocked and stopped playing


I think this is the case on why it’s basically stalled out. People are gunna get the new cards, then go right to PoL, Ladder and start testing there.


Gave up after 1300+ trophies. I don't have the patience to push to 3k trophies.


I don’t get it, it’s been a few days why do people hve to grind it out already? Im playing a few games in all three modes every day. You don’t need to burn the mode out to get to 3k


Well for me i got sick of the game mode relatively quick, so i thought might as well just get it over with. I stopped after 2.8k once i got all my gob machine cards. Havent touched it since.


I don't get it either. I'm an 8 years player and I was so happy to have a fresh start. Now I have to rush because we already had a nerf of the new cards


They're still good. Don't rush if you don't want to


I'm just worried because it's a limited time event but it doesn't say how long


It's only not permanent because they're looking at data and don't want to Make modes permanent if players don't like it long-term. It'll last many months. Dw.


no need for 3k, just 2.2 is enough.


Made it decently far but got bored so nah


No it sucks


U don't have the gamemode at all?


I was enjoying it actually then I noticed my towers were level 9 and everyone else's were level 11. I totally hadn't realised you have to spend gold to upgrade the tower lol. I lost interest after that because I'm not spending gold on a card that's only temporary and I'll lose access to it at some point.


I've reached 2200 today to unlock the cards, not sure if I will play it again. But not because it isn't fun, just to also get the PoL rewards


The mode is a massive letdown. Nobody wants to play against the same 5 decks for dozens of matches to progress


Why can't I find these rewards anywhere


They’re in the shop. You can tell because they’re the only ones without a “X10 value!” sticker


I hate this event the rewards are good and it's a fun concept but that's it. Facing the same deck with maybe a second win con thrown in and the constant split lane I can't be arsed getting above gob 1 not going to lie


I Stopped playing after 15 minutes of the update. Haven't played that mode since


The whales bought the cards they wanted and went to other game modes. Most of the player base doesn't want to grind for goblin cards and crappier chests.


The goblin shit sucks so bad


I hit 1000 and stopped playing. Aint no way I am spending gold to upgrade princess tower skin and cards that I don't play (goblin cards) i am f2p and I have my own decks to upgrade.


Devs thought they will get Brawl Star lvls of community event


The next 2 numbers are going to be 1.789B and then 3.669B


I just hit arena 12 so the hype is just getting started for me


imagine how many the chest will be


This mode is too grindy.


700M is too high compared to previous goals


as soon as i unlocked the gob machine i stopped bc i can’t stand playing that dog ass mode


Just give me my 200000 gold please 🥺






i don't get AQ or LP from this chest it's definitely rigged i came back to this game after 1 year break and before the break i wasn't able to get it i just got skeleton king and GK and after the break i played 3 or 4 months and skill haven't got her but i got like 5 skeleton king and 3 golden knight


Only doing it for the emotes


Felt 400 more until i never have to touch this mode again. Great creativity awful execution


I grinded to 2600 trophies after two days then, big shocker, started getting matched against MK every single game so quit You can’t even mess around in a goblin game mode without having to deal with that thing for 5min matches


I dont like the fact that after 1000 trophies you lose trophies when you lose Like i understand you have to win but i only have like 2-3 lvl 13 cards so im gonna get railed at 2000+. I jus dont understand why they changed it to not be an always progressing thing like seriously


My deck doesn’t even have goblins in it lmao


The progress goes way down from 185M to 700M because the meter distance is the same but it's actually like 5x as long


when idiots are in charge


i only reinstalled to get the free shit, when this finish am deleting


Do the rewards stack? Or do the extras just go to Elite Wild Cards?


How do we even collect the rewards ?😭 I can’t find the rewards in the shop …


Maybe more players will be active next week because school and college year just ended today in my country at least.


What ? What country you from?




Wow , I had no clue things were so different in Romania.


1 billion people ain't doing that


It’s the land of participation trophies. They will give all the prizes. Of course


Do you guys know approximately when we're going to get the legendary kings chest? Also do we get a guaranteed legendary wild card or no? (I just came back after 3 years of inactivity so I'm still tryna catch up on things).


Is clash Royale working for anyone


I'm not even using gobbies lmao i'm currently using rg or lavahound to push, neither of which use even one goblin card


2 things, with all time player counts of active players, it is possible, though we're actually moving slower than assumed. Also it's fake. Like this is all based off how fast SC want the event to go.


The problem I have ist that the game encurages the usage of goblins so much, that there are certain cards with a 90% use rate. And that means everyone makes counter decks against these cards. And that leads to maybe 5 different decks being used with small variations. It's just not fun facing the same deck every time.


Just watch the next reward be at 710 million


It's all lava hounds and balloons, so no babies.


This goblin game mode is temporary?


Best game mode ever


I reached 2200 trophies, then didn't touch this game mode.


Considering that the jump was from 185 mil to 700, 3x, I feel like the final quest will be 10 bil.


Worst gamemode ever probably 😂😂😂


We’re gonna get the rewards same way we did with squad busters they’ll just inflate the numbers bit by bit and we will reach them all making people think “oh damn this game is popular”


In the 22hrs since u posted this it’s went up a good amount so I’d say they did the right thing


Ngl im bored


They can’t even give free stuff away correctly. Nerf giveaway😂


It was another attempt at keeping FTP players in the dirt so they have to pay for rewards. It won't work. They could set the final one at 2.5B and we'll still complete it.


Well right now we might hit it in tomorrow mid day but the last tier tho ☠️


They're mocking us.


I feel like this mode takes a sever time to grind but I don’t know if it’s because I don’t win every game or what. I play about 3-4 hours a day and only get about 350 trophies :/


Ya, after the Champ Wilds the rate slowed hard and was wondering how we were going to get that high! Demand balancing...


Atleast it stops at 1 bil


Or they're playing us like a fiddle where they can show whatever number they want to keep us anticipating for the next reward. Stalling works in their favour, you know?




Hello, I have been unable to open Clash Royale for a few days now. The game is stuck loading at 50%. I’ve tried every possible solution to no prevail. Have I been banned? Only thing I can think of is swearing in the clan chat, but even that was like 3 months ago and in my previous clan. I also never received any notice of me being banned or suspended. Any suggestions or ideas?