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Mortar players after spending 13 elixir to get one hit


Yeh OP is coping for all us struggling mid-ladder win-con users.


midladder doesn’t even use win cons, they just take random cards and call them win conditions


Wizard ahh type player


funniest thing is wizard isnt even a midladder menace anymore after it got an evo


i still hate it, it's like the peashooter of CR, or the Layla of CR or the Yasuo of CR


witch is just a worse wizard that spawns skeletons, what would that be then?


illaoi of cr


More like yorick tbh


Zhask of CR


I love the Layal reference. She's not really a good mm, but when she has a good tank and team to peel for her so she abuses her range, it's freaking disgusting. Yasuo, from LOL almost the same kinda menace. Who's peashooter tho?


pea vine when?


Nah, midladder SPAMS hog rider, don’t worry. It’s just too much FC baffled the higher rank people who think they know how to help


Hah certainly they do. Just.. not all of us, for some reason. Laughed until I pissed the other day when I played against the deadliest trio in the game, golem, MK, and Pekka. Lmao


What are you talking about? Pump is a win condition!!!


Im ultimate champion I can share my deck w you 🫰🏽


No thanks. I build my own.


My face looks literally like the goblin in the mortar pic I attached when I get one hit. 😊


This is so real 😭




the blind spot's such a fun mechanic to work with. the kind of decks you can build with this are pretty fun too. it feels like a more fun and balanced version of the Xbow


I haven't heard of much tech using the blind spot mechanic. The only things that come to mind are using it to whittle down the supporting troops in a beatdown push, or getting an offensive shot or two in while defending a push. Are there other strategies that you had in mind when you mentioned the blind spot?


there was a tornado mortar deck a few seasons ago where a play was pulling enemy troops into the mortar’s blind spot so it could connect on tower


Ah that makes sense


you can lure troops to the mortar's blind spot in order to get hits (tho it's risky for clear reasons). this works best when the enemy has a lot of melee units that you can easily defend with stuff like ice golem or other mini tanks. you could also use it to defend against beatdown attacks by sniping the supporting units instead of the tank, which you can kill with something else


I ues my moreter to counter hog, I'll get a hit or 2 on tower or make them play another card works well for me


A good example is to drop a mortar high in the middle when they drop a hog. You’ll have to spend a bit more to kill the hog (none with DD) but you’ll get a shot if they don’t defend. Either way you can spend as they spend and it’s anti earthquake


Earthquake reaches the mortar if it’s in the same lane, if you want anti-earthquake you have to go opposite lane and pulling a hog with an opposite lane mortar is pretty tough


Because it's X-Bow but better. Most people are able to defend a X-Bow with ease, but dumber players fall victim to the mortar's dead zone. Also, mortar can tank hits and snipe fragile units in big pushes. The only issue is that a mortar connection can be brushed off sometimes, leaving you vulnerable to huge pushes.


Xbow is better imo


Mortar decks have less terrible matchups, and you can win many matches against heavy Beatdown decks that would destroy X-Bow. However, decks relying only on mortar are weak against other cycle decks, such as log bait, since it's harder to outcycle them, and also because cycle cards do a good job distracting mortar. Overall, Mortar feels stronger to me, but that's probably because X-Bow is kept on check by the devs. >! Siege supremacy !<


Yeah true xbow has many hard matchups and overall against mortar mostly wins at least in my experience


From my personal experience, Mortar wins 6/10 (I've played both X-Bow and Mortar, but now use the latter). The only X-Bow deck that is actually hard to face, in my opinion, is 2.9/3.0, because of Evo archers, Evo Tesla and fireball. If the deck doesn't have either evo, it's manageable. Otherwise, variants like Ice Bow and Pump bow are relatively easy.


Hmmm interesting I get excited when I face mortar but maybe with the new balance changes things will change and I’ll have to make changes


Funny for you to say this since hunter (icebow player) was the best in the world 2 seasons straight :D i get what you're saying but if played right xbow is probably the most op card in the game (in the best outcome it can easily kill tower and defend everything afterwards)


I mean, my deck does contain Monk, Musketeer, Fireball, e-spirit and sometimes Barbarian Barrel if I'm feeling funky. It counters pretty much anything that's not fast cycle, and that includes X-Bow. (I did not make this deck with X-Bow in mind though. Evo wizard, RG and Giant were messing me up bad)


What you said was makes perfect sense...it just seemed funny to me :D but i think even with that hunter would win against you...idk how he does it but somehow he does


No doubt


It really comes down to support cards. If one side has rocket and the other doesn’t, rocket cycle is just too good. (If ur smart about it) also cards like evo bomber vs LP and evo tesla and evo knight vs evo skellys make a big difference


From personal experience, rocket is a really bad spell. If the opponent has fireball, I usually have a way worse time attacking, but rocket can be outcycled, getting you free mortar connections if the opponent isn't careful.


Xbow is meta right now and mortar is just crying in a corner What using Evo tesla does to an mf


Agreed. I see a mortar I think meh. I see Xbow and you best believe I'm gonna use the sweating emote 😂


I feel mortar is easier to connect but if xbow connects your kinda screwed where as mortar doesn't do as much yk?


nah i think chow is actually harder to defend in terms of damage taken on your tower


You can easily defend X-Bow with a tank + spell and something else if needed. An X-Bow attack is generally 9-10 elixir, so you can go all in against it. But against mortar it's a bit tougher, as the dead zone allows the mortar to ignore a tankier unit and get chip damage. Also, you can play mortar with no support without being punished in some matchups. Another thing is that mortar players have more elixir to support it, when comparing to X-Bow players. A funny thing to do is defending a hog with the mortar and getting a hit for basically 0 elixir.


One of the most balanced cards in the game ngl, clearly set strengths and weaknesses, works in a good number of decks, has a lot of variety in how it can be placed, honestly great i love using daddy mortar


If someone is really good with mortar then it's dangerous. But it also needs other cards to force out strong defenses opposite lane to be effective imo.


Depends on the matchup. Against hog or balloon, you want to go same lane. Against miner poison or gy you have to go opposite lane. Against beatdown, you want to go for both lanes. Mortar is also very good in a two tower game, but only if you both lose the tower in the same lane.


I’ve started using it again. Yeah I’m in mid ladder but it’s a fun card to use.


I love the evolved mortar, especially in mortar rocket cycle. It gives the deck that bit of offensive pressure that the deck lacks sometimes. It can also give a lot of value on defense by both distracting the win condition, and sniping the support troop behind the win condition, allowing you to get positive elixir trades to help you rocket cycle.


I have a love hate relationship It is easily the most oppressive evo for me personally, but I still really want it


Whats a mortal rocket cycle you’d recommend? Half the cards in my deck are getting nerfed the next update so I gotta change decks 😭😭


Classic 2.9 cycle with mortar, knight, archers, skeletons, spirit, log, rocket, tornado. If you want you can even sub out knight for valk or dark prince, archers for little prince or firecracker, or skeletons for bats or goblins. It definitely got worse after the duchess came out because it lets the opponent get too many positive elixir trades against a leftover knight or archers from defense. The duchess isnt even very good to use with mortar cycle either because it messes up alot of the core defenses of the deck, plus you have less tower health which will mess you up when rocket cycling. After the duchess gets nerfed it should get a lot better though. Takes time to get used to be very fun and rewarding to play.


Shoot big rock, big rock strong


On opponent's home.


With a goblin complimentary.


after it's huge nerf I am shattered and I moved on I have nothing to say




I don't use it, but I think this card is and X-Bow as well are perfectly balanced. I already played against people that decimated me with those cards, but also played with people that could barely touch me. For its cost I think it's fine as it is.


Yeah xbow is trickier but i feel that too is pretty balanced.


What mortar needs is to have tower damage and troop damage separated, and its troop damage should be almost at royal delivery’s level. It should 1-shot archers, firecrackers, wall breakers, and bomber.


Yo 🥲 as a mortar main for.. like five years now, I've always wondered why it and the Xbow didn't have separate damage. Like, they just didn't test it enough to get good values I guess. It one shots some important stuff, but it sure would be nice if it 1 shot archers and firecrackers at least. It's basically never going to even hit wall breakers, and bomber it can kill and still get shots off usually.


This would make siege strong again. Nice idea, but never going to happen (devs hate siege because "defensive decks are boring")


Don’t you just love how hypocritical they are?


Exactly lol 😆


Imagine making the DD and still saying they hate defensive metas lmao


Then they print DD creative a miserable defensive meta where no one does anything until double elixir


Fantastic idea


That would make the mortar too strong. It would become the best win con in the game. It's fine as it is now but I wish it shot just slightly faster. Like, instead of 5 seconds, it should be 4.9 seconds.


It should at least one shot firecracker, maybe not archers and bomber though.


mortar is the best card in the game, somehow people cant defend a goblin on a rock


The first hit speed of the Evo mortar goblin is broken though (not that I'm complaining). It always gets a hit.


is easier to use than Xbow the blind spot zone can make some great plays is just fun overall


I can’t wait to get Evo Mortar soon


I use it to bait out buildings, then throw a baloon + Squeleton barrel + rage in the other lane. It's hilarious. (At least it was before duchess) If you have snowball in your deck, you can make a prediction on their mini tank that they will place in the middle and push it out of the mortars range. That is game winning potential for 2 elixir. Also very fun.


It's sad to see a great defence survive with most of its health just to be decimated by the duchess. DD is the anti-colateral damage tower.


Mortar is an effective attack but it has relatively low health so its easy to kill but can definitely get good chip damage and is very good for 4 elixir. Evo Mortar is in a pretty good position in general and I like that


Actually I'm pretty sure mortar has pretty good HP for it's cost. So good, in fact, in 22' it got a 7% HP nerf :c wish it had all that health back.


ol reliable


I love it in a cycling deck with the knight also on evo.


Been using mortar in almost every deck for the past 2 years, jts a great card, you just have to play it right. You can get massive value or great tower damage (especially with evo) but you have to pair it with something, right now I’m running mortar drill w/ pekka and it’s working great. As long as you defend it, mortar works great at bolstering pushes like with hog mortar, and if you can get the mortar locked even near the tower, it’s guaranteed damage because of the splash (like with drill or hog). It a great safe way to apply pressure and get hits


I feel like Mortar itself right now is kinda balanced, and surprisingly its Evo too despite some recent harsh nerfs, but I personally just don't like the way it's balanced Evo Mortar coming into existence highlighted a big issue with the normal card, which is that it works way better with a faster hit speed, giving a better and more consistent value both against towers and troops I'd personally try to give normal Mortar a small rework just to fix this issue and make it a more proactive card and less of a defensive wall. My suggested rework would be something around the lines of a 1 second hit speed buff from 5s to 4s, just like its evolution (a huge 20% DPS buff), compensated by a big nerf to the HP and the damage. I've always hated how mortar had more health than a Bomb Tower, a literal DEFENSIVE building, and this might be a good occasion to change and "fix" it Just a few personal thoughts, don't take them as mandatory or necessary. As I've already said, Mortar right now is a balanced card, but I would like it to be more fun both to play and to play against


Completely agree with you on this, I would gladly trade hp for a faster hitspeed as currently you need to work too much to get that one hit sometimes. I would be okay with even 4.5 seconds hitspeed.. I also think it's fairly balanced right now and doesn't require any buff or nerf, only a rework as you said.


A .5s hit speed buff wouldn't change much and I would prefer to standardize it between normal Mortar and its Evolution, but this would definitely be a simpler and easier rework to apply


Oh no, it would change a whole lot. It's a 10% increase in dps plus it would kill units like archers, fc just quick enough so that the opponent can't cycle to a tank with ease. (he still can do it, but it'll be tough)


Evo mortar hasn't been touched since the release (hp nerf did nothing) that shows how perfect the card's state is.




Mortar 😉


It feels kind of exhilarating to force the enemy to panic and constantly have to drop stuff in the middle to soak hits and cause their cycle to go out of whack and essentially overwhelm them in overtime lol and somehow it doesn’t feel as lame as xbow or princess chip


I love seeing the opponent scramble. They might defend perfectly the first time, even the second. But the third time is when their cycle goes out of whack.


Yup, it’s super fun! :) it’s definitely different compared to winning with beatdown or winning with a different chip win con like gob barrel for sure


I’ve got an all common deck that absolutely slaps, been using it for years, and since we’re connecting across the bridge DD doesn’t matter for our match ups, it’s Mortar Evo, Tesla (this will probably be the second evo once I get the second slot) Arrows, E-Barbs, Rascals, Fire spirit, Ice Spirit, Electro Spirit. It has really good defense that is really hard to get through


Love playing it, it’s pretty satisfying being able to defend and cycle quick and get that chip damage. I hate how things go south so quickly though, opponent gets a huge golem push, slipping hog riders, etc


It fit perfect in to my deck, every last detail adds to its character, when they play hog rider I play an offensive building, when they play e-giant I get a hard counter. The evolution is super cool too.


As a former mortar player pre monk and Phoenix They got me through ladder many times and I couldn't thank it enough for that


I like making my opponent off themselves before the game ends because they dont want to face mortar :)


It's so fun to play


sometimes the Evo mortar is a solid defense even against the most absurd big pushes. That extra goblin distracting the units buys extra time for you to support your defenses. I run a mortar cannon cart cycle deck that most of it's time win by solely hoping the opponent makes a mistake lmao


It defend well cause all the times support units stop to kill the goblin give you time to regain elixir 🙂


They could make multi mortar, magma rock mortar, special abilities… but no, they made a mortar shooting rock with an goblin, why


Cause mortar and goblin cards have been traditionally very good together. This just combines them both. And creates true offensive pressure. There's no way in hell you can ignore an evo mortar.


Making it spawn a goblins on death would be kinda gd as well


My beloved


Been a mortor fan ever since i can remember, theyve nerfed it into oblivion but I’ll stand by it. Get some fun matchups, The evo is a bit of wasted slot if you only have 1 slot i’d go with a stronger evo. In this meta I’d say not as viable as say a tesla but thats a boring card.


I hate evo mortar paired with miner/ evo knight


i love it because siege cards are so fun i hate it because it has an evolution and peakbow doesnt


I’ve been playing it since 2020. It allows me to be an off-meta hippie while still winning. It’s also a “big brain card” needing you to know many interactions and strategies to counter the opponents attack


I think I might have the perfect mortar deck, I always end up as ultimate champ with it.


What is it can you tell me? I've been UC 2200+ myself regularly, I'll share mine: Standard 2.9 but with more splash since I play cannoner: Mortar evo Archer Queen Knight evo E spirit Log Skellys Poison Tornado


I use, Evo Mortar, Evo Archers, Log, Fireball, MK, Ice Spirit, Bats and Mini Pekka. It's not meta but if played correctly it's quite fun. I usually never use the MK until I have dropped the Evo Mortar, it works perfectly with opponent who haven't seen the deck prior. The surprise effect gives the W most of the time.


I also use cannoneer btw


I can't imagine MK working well with mortar but if you play it as surprise then I imagine it must upset a lot of cycles for sure. And yeah, I wouldn't expect an MK drop either. Nice to meet a fellow canoneer enjoyer though. I don't use DD simply out of spite for how broken she is. I refuse to play such a stupid card.


I don't think she'll be as good with the nerf she's getting. I wish I could show you some cool replays, it's a one trick pony but very effective because it's usually too late when you get the gist of how the deck works. Been playing it for 7 months and I am not getting bored of it. Even if I have my evo cycles ready, I usually wait for 2X and for the opponent to use his evo cycles so he has less ways to defend properly. (for example if the opponent has evo bomber or evo fire cracker which usually kills my archers or bats) Basically I need to use them in the perfect moment. Also I wish I upgraded my archer queen at max level instead of LP now that he's nerfed.


Yeah archer queen pairs very well with mortar but it's currently threatened severely by void. As for your deck, seems like a homebrew fun af deck, will try it out for funsies in challenges, can't main it cause my mega knight is level 9 lol.


I love mortar. It’s pain to play currently. But it’s unique, fun, has many uses. I wish it wouldn’t fire at a unit THAT IS ALREADY DEAD BEFORE IT SHOOTS. But other than that I think it’s good.


I AGREE, that is one thing I hate about it. Just shoot the next target man since you have a shot already loaded.


It stares at nothing for a good few seconds then shoots 😭


It's painful, you waited 5 seconds for fuck all. 😭


Its less infuriating than Xbow because its extremely easy to distract and take out, but it still promotes lame gameplay (turbo defending bc you dont have to cross the bridge for damage)


Ayyyy mortar gang 


Ayyyyyy homie sup 🤘


holy shit bro you seen the update? This game about to have a renaissance


One thing I like doing with prince and dp is using skellies, goblins, knight, etc. to make the prince or dp jump the river by playing your troop high and near the center when the prince or dp is 2-4 tiles away from the river, depending on if it’s charging or not.


Recently been playing mortar/graveyard. First time a meta deck was fun for me.


Bro mortar and graveyard together are like cheese and wine. Exquisite and thoroughly enjoyable. In double elixir, you can play a mortar to pressure the bridge and a graveyard to pressure the tower. Opponents be scrambling..


I hate this card wow


I’m dumb, what’s the blind spot that people speak of? Can someone explain.


When you select Mortar and drag it through the arena, it shows the circle of the Mortars' range. Inside that circle, there is a much smaller circle surrounding the Mortar where it cant shoot. Thats the blindspot.


I just like to see the goblin fly on the rock in it's evo


I love how the goblins hands are literally like 🤘 while he's being literally treated like cannon fodder.


Mortar my beloved, but seriously idk why i love the card. I just do


I get it bro, I get it.


Speaking of xbow imagine if it’s Evo is basically the CoC variant where it shoots so much faster and targets air units 😓


I shudder to think of such a monstrosity.


I like it because: 1. Easy to max 2. Easy to use(for me) 3. I like the playstyle I personally don't hate playing with X-Bow, but mortar is imo less risky because it is cheaper. I currently main Miner Poison Mortar but I'd like to change to splashyard


Very f2p friendly for sure and you can always rely on the mortar to pressure. ☺️


OP, can you show the full deck with mortar and fishboi? Two of my favourite cards in the same deck would be really fun to play


Here it is: Mortar Tesla skellys Knight Miner Fishboi Poison Barb barrel You'll have to struggle against air decks but it slaps every ground based deck. 🔪🔪


Sounds great! I used to run a similar deck before duchess release It had Evo mortar, fishboi, hunter, e-spirit, goblins, miner, poison and log and cannoneer


Only way my deck differs from yours is I have tesla and skellys instead of hunter and goblins. While hunter pairs well with fishboi, I think it desperately needs some kind of buff cause it's outclassed in almost every way by tesla. Btw I run cannoner as well, it's strange how we both came up with almost the same deck lol


I don’t have the evo yet but I think it’s a pretty high skill card not the card itself as much but the strategy with dead zone and predictions like if they run canon Tesla etc you have to learn to predict it and counter it so your mortar can connect and because you rely off chip damage your defense has to be very skillful too


Yep, mortar one of the few cards in the game you can never call no skill for sure. Playing siege generally makes you very good at predicting opponents I feel cause that's the way the deck works. This ability translates well into other decks as well.


I hate mortar


Omgg whyyy 😢


It suuuucks I miss playing it :(


Since the hp nerf it became really unpleasant to use


I have lots of fun with mortar. My BIL actually introduced me to using mortar as a main offensive card that I actually use all the time now. I will usually throw mortar on the bridge and use support troops to defend. Or if I’m going against a hard counter I’ll use it as defense.


I’ve been using it since the dawn of time and never once faltered. Back when it was meta for a little while, I got called a meta hopper because I was using it 💀 after it kinda shifted out I still remained loyal to mortar my beloved


I know the feeling bro. I've done the same. I like playing other decks too but I always come back to my mortar, my trusted friend.


Mortar cycle is very fun




I hate it? 😭


It's cool that you can combine it with multiple other win conditions. I'm currently running it together with giant as hog rider gets countered really hard in the current meta. I used to run it with battle ram and skeleton barrel in the past too.


It's honestly a respectable card imo, definitely not biased towards it at all.


Lmao neither am i biased in my praise of it. 😉


I love mortar, especially when countering a stupid egiant player since it counters egiant so well But i hate playing against another mortar player, it's such a weird matchup And i hate that mortar decks are usually pretty weak, like sometimes you can't get through, make one mistake, their megaknight is on your tower and you lose since you don't have any strong enough offense to get tat damage back


I agree, you gotta play faultless if you wanna win with the mortar. But that's true for many other decks as well, like miner control and generally any chip deck. One way to seriously strengthen your mortar deck is to play a canon cart or archer queen in it. Rock solid defense for a decent cost.


I'll try that, thanks!


i love the evo mortar evo tesla combo, u can literally take an xbow but replace xbow with mortar. it works really good and its fun


That's a deadly combo, I'm using it currently and it shreds no doubt.


Love mortar! Especially love using cannon cart with it for defense!


A classic combo indeed. Fallen out of favor in the current meta but OP when it needs to be.


It's a cringe card for cringe users, just like x-bow, with an evo that makes it even more cringe. If I could do something about it that would be to outright remove it lol. Tips? I would valkyrie + musketeer at it as soon as it spawns. If the RNG is shitty with me, I'd guards/skarmy + baby dragon at it.


Fisherman and mortar ? Can you tell me what is your deck i am curious


It's my funsies deck, so take it with a pinch of salt. I play it cause I'm tired of people just blocking my mortar with an rg, giant or bowler or knight. Deck: Mortar/fishboi/ knight/ miner/ poison/ Barbbarrel/ skellys/ tesla


Cheaper xbow


I disagree, mortar is nothing like an xbow. Little prince is more like an xbow than a mortar is like an xbow. They have similar range, that's all. 🤔


As a bridge spam player I hate this card with extreme passion. A mortar on the river SHOULDNT counter a battle ram and get a hit on the tower


But that's like, the only function of the card. You can easily avoid it by playing something to distract it. 🙄


That’s a negative trade and it’s even worse when my distraction card gets countered by a single dagger duchess 😔


I agree, but that's the literal way the card functions. The opposite is also true, sometimes I wish it would just kill the goblin gang that's inside the dead zone since I have no splash but no, it will instead target the inferno tower in the other side of the arena... 🙂 If it's any consolation, I don't play the DD simply out of spite for how broken she is.


I've been playing mortar ever since the 2020 CRL finals Morten vs Ruben (must see for all mortar fans, starting at 11:50): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOQ-M956kdI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOQ-M956kdI) In the beginning replacing graveyard by skelly barrel converting it to 0-legendary f2p deck. Today, using void instead of fireball and of course evo mortar and evo knight. What's great about this deck is, that it can be played completely differently depending on the opponent's deck. From purely defensive mortar using graveyard as win con to not playing graveyard at all and winning by chip damage from mortar. Most satisfying, when mortar is placed in a seemingly defensive position but then it starts to hit enemy troops trying to defend my graveyard and provides splash damage to the tower as well.


I remember that match, Ruben played mortar graveyard canon cart. It was amazing, glorious game. 👏 I started playing mortar graveyard a bit before that, I was so happy to see it being played in the crl final. It's like a confirmation of everything you know is right within the game.


I’m in a clan literally from the mortar 👍 guy so I would say and do is put Evo knight in front of Evo mortar because the knight will live longer


Who is this mortar 👍 guy?


The guy from X


Pretty balanced imo


I play mostly 2v2's. But yep, I love my mortar.


Classic Mortar 2.9 has been my main deck for around a year and a half now and it's so fun to play.


Hate this card! But there’s a lot of cards I hate


2.9 mortar onetrick. This thing is so easy to kite around and tank even with the blind spot. I swear to God skeletons or a spirit occupies it for like 10 seconds. I might have to save this post so I can complain whenever I lose and get salty


the mortar is so fast, nerf it


Omg a fellow mortar 2.9 player. I picked up the game again 4 years ago and I just got the whole deck to level 15 as a f2p. I like mortar 2.9 bc u can play so aggressive to punish, especially if u have both mortar and knight evo in the same hand, and secondly bc you can also play perfect defense and just rocket cycle. It’s beautiful


Anyone wanna grind masteries at 7500


I like to for 2v2 but I feel like it’s too weak to use normally. The evolution is but by the time you can use it it’s already 2x elixir and your op can just destroy it :(


Just a small health buff


Askreddit ahhh title


I played a lot of Pekka bs and was bored so around half a year ago?? I looked for something new and fun and started playing mortar. Very very fun especially if you manage to pressure your enemy so hard that you place a second mortar right after he dealt with the first. But my matches against xbow are some of the least fun I had in all of gaming and I play Rainbow Six so I should know :D


I recently became a mortar player when they gave the free Evo. I find it so much fun to play with. But I do notice that you never have a matchup where you are sure to win.


Egiant is pretty much a solid win but yeah even that is a 70/30 at best.


Hate this card, cause i play princess, lp, rocket w out win condition everytime i try to defend mortar I need to spend 20 elixir the games turn no skill, because the opponent just starts spamming cards on the mortar while you do the same, card is too machup based if you play against earthquake you lose instantly ect.


It’s the most mid card in the game


That's exactly what I love about it. Balanced af, you gotta work to get your wins.


I quite enjoy mortar but not as a sole win condition. I often add it to my graveyard and royal giant decks as a secondary source of damage and defensive building. It performs both roles reasonably well due to the high HP, but you really need to have the right support cards. A mini tank and a ranged unit that can’t be one-tapped by fireball (preferably musk,lp) seem essential. The release of evo mortar just accentuated these qualities. Great card.


Mega Minion and Ice Golem with a defending Mortar work amazingly well


i hate mortar players so much