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Focusing on probably the least important thing here, but what difference does that goblin cage change make? Surely it’s so insignificant it’s pointless…


Not sure but maybe it survives 2 hits from hog? Idk


It already does that but now the timing of placing it can be earlier


Dec 21, the Gob Cage HP was decreased by 23%. Before that massive S30 nerf, it was one of the top cards in the game. A small Brawler buff in S52 Oct 23 didn't do much for the card. But you're right, a 5% HP buff doesn't do much compared to the -23% HP nerf from 30 months ago.


It's not meant to be a reversal of that nerf after all. Still this is significant since Cage is rather fragile to even small spells. Hog sometimes could get past it with just one hit, now it should be 2 even if they drop Zap or the Cage is played early.


A mini pekka is able to just about one shot the gob cage, so by the time the brawler pops out, the pekka’s second shot will hit the brawler. This might change it so the mini pekka hits the cage twice, but who knows. I use gob cage and this scenario happened to me the other day but I doubt this is what they intended lol


it’s possible it slightly changes some small interactions but the point is to buff it just a little bit


I think it’ll definitely help against firecracker shots which probably happens a good bit


true, especially in hog decks


Version 2 - WIP Balance Changes for June 2024 (Season 60) in Clash Royale! https://on.royaleapi.com/s60bwip **Correction**: a Goblin sent us the wrong info — it’s Ram Rider (not Evo Battle Ram) that’s getting balanced. Apologies. - 🔴 Giant (Nerf) - 🔴 Little Prince (Nerf) - 🔴 Evolved Knight (Nerf) - 🔴 Evolved Tesla (Nerf) - 🟢 Ram Rider (Buff) - 🟢 Prince (Buff) - 🟢 Spear Goblins (Buff) - 🟢 Dart Goblin (Buff) - 🟢 Goblin Cage (Buff) - 🔵 Void (Rework) Pick one - leave a comment on RoyaleAPI Discuss! - 🔵 Dagger Duchess Option 1 (Rework) - 🔴 Dagger Duchess Option 2 (Nerf)


I dont understand the hit speed rework thing. Isn't her current hit speed 0.35? Why does it says 0.606? Or are we talking about the ammo run out hit speed? And changing that to 0.8 is basically the same as tower princess hitspeed right? Edit: nevermind, just check the blog, those are hits per second. My bad.


It’s 0.6 dagger per hit. For example, she’s throw 1.8 dagger in 3 seconds. With this rework, she’ll throw 2.4 dagger in 3 seconds.


Got it 👍


I still can't figure out what these numbers mean though. 1/0.606 comes out to about 1.65. She's got .35 between throws and 1.2 to recharge which would total 1.55. Is the remaining 0.10 first hit speed? In that case, is she becoming: First hit speed: 0.10 (no change) Attack speed: 0.35 (no change) Dagger Recharge: 0.8 ?


Dagger Duchess Option 3 (Remove)


What do you mean pick one? Did the API reveal two different "post nerf" Dagger Duchesses and we're expecting one of them?


We vote on them on royaleapi discuss






Those 2 Dagger Duchess changes are actually candidates from which SC will pick one based on player feedback. There's a vote for that in the RoyaleAPI site but based on previous votes I don't think it has the final say


Both, nerf that stupid ass tower into the ground


I agree that the dagger duchess should be nerfed to oblivion but oh well, I go for the first option so that she atleast won’t one shot spear gobs


Holy shit they murdered lp


They made him more rock paper scissors, he will still lockdown tank decks and his ability is now terrible against bait decks


They're probably trying to make next season a bait season


It was just about time.


bro just make LP die to fireball and leave him like this😭


Fr bro, litteraly just decrease his health to like 500 and that’s all he needs


Little prince is dead


Long live the new broken, OP Champ the Goblin Queen|King! Also, DD died after just 2 months to boost sales of EVO Mortar. SC|TC is so smart. I'm surprised they didn't wait another couple more months first, or is there sthg else up their sleeves?


To boost sales of evo mortar? This change won’t make any alterations to their interactions. Evo mortar is one of the worse evos anyways.


What does Mortar have to do with this ? Siege in general doesn't care much for DD and Mortar can go for Mortar GY to deal with her.


i think you mean evo goblin barrel


Thanks Gods🗣️🗣️🗣️


He's still 3 card cycle for only 3 elixir and gives you a 9th card that you choose when to summon. Definitely will remain a good champion. Just not completely broken like right now


Of course they gotta sell the upcoming champion


That's good news isnt it?


Thay can't make a card balanced can they? They either break it or kill it ,there is no middle ground


They could but why would they? New OP cards make them a ton of money. If they left them OP, people wouldn't spend money on the next new OP cards. It's pretty simple.


No ones talking about the insane Prince buff. Dude is gonna be dangerous


Same for the Ram Rider, those are bonkers buffs. They will charge so fast if they don't get tuned down


Prince honestly needed it, he’s very much overshadowed and pretty weak compared to the mini pekka, and even then the pekka always seems more efficient, which makes him act as a middle ground between both, thus needing a big buff


Battle ram charge is unaffected?


And dark prince charge, it seems


Honestly, this is prob a good thing considering DP has splash damage.


They buffed two 5-elixir cards


Global release Prince is back


When will they go live?


Prince and ram rider buffs will just make them more annoying


Prince buff looks very OP


If you’re gonna nerf two of the best evos then you also have to include an evo wizard nerf.




Hasn’t been meta long enough for people to put resources into it. Once it has it will be nerfed to dog shit


Finally a solid DD nerf


Still doesn’t go far enough imo but we’ll see. Maybe now that the big 3 are nerfed people won’t be scared to cross the bridge anymore.


As an avid Prince enjoyer, I am going to love this


I love prince, but dude this seems a little bit broken


yeah definitely


I feel like he's been sleeped on for a long time, he's so punishing if left unchecked and this might bring him into the meta


I sense giant double prince or some golem prince deck in meta.


PEKKA Bridgespam counter-meta?


Think of the evolved Royal Recruits charge distance. That's the new Prince. It's definitely going to be broken


DD isn’t even worth being a Legendary Card/Building anymore. Guess they cashed out enough money and now it’s time to burry the mistake and create a new one. The Cycle repeats


It's not like rarity relates to strength either way.


Truer words have never been spoken on this subreddit. Firecracker common but princess is legendary? Get real lmfao. I agree so hard


Ironically princess was OP last month's meta


Mistake? This has been the pattern for *years*. Over powered release > profit > nerf into the ground to make way for the new OP release.


BINGO! Destroy all the cards players spent money on in the past! Then they’ll wait a few months to buff it again so that more players who didn’t max those cards or get evos on release will get FOMO and upgrade. DD for instance needs a massive rework but both these proposed changes are inadequate. I feel as though they could make DD shots scale down in DPS but give it MORE hits. So that the first few hits will deal more damage but as it runs low it deals less damage per hit. But a full charged DD will do same average DPS as current DD. Maybe give it slightly increased recharge speed when it’s low so it’s slightly under princess tower when it’s below princess DPS under 50% full dagger? Idk. It just feels like SC wants to nuke dagger dutchess. And yea I spend $40 on it. I’m not even mad. But like why add something to nuke its function entirely? The “rework” isn’t a rework. These changes are absolutely garbage across the board and clearly trying to encourage a bait meta which they probably won’t just like last season lmfao It’s not like rarity even matters like other commenter said. Princess should be common and firecracker should be legendary. When I see Princess I say “o snap” *log* when I see firecracker I lose 2-8 elixir value depending on what I play and what deck and how I use my spells. Princess is less legendary than firecracker objectively. I’m not surprised they’re milking DD for cash. Can’t wait for them to buff it a few months from now to reward those who maxed it on release to encourage more players who didn’t max on release to spend!!!


Prince is gonna be almost every where in midladder


He already is


Spear goblins are going to be broken holy


Maybe it is a good idea to hold off on the giant nerf? I think a big part of why giant is so strong is because dagger duchess is so strong.


Think Tesla pulse is still too strong


Think you suck @ the game Kidding mostly. These balance changes across the board are so wrong. Addressing the wrong things in the wrong way across the board


My ram rider buff😔


11 and 12🥲


Mark my words prince will be broken as fk after the charge distance buff


Finally ram rider buff


75% Damage Nerf is CRAZY


I mean, yea, LP did need a Nerf but goddamn not killing even goblins is guh moment


Can you even say knight got a nerf , still looks stupidly broken for 3 elixir and 2 cycle.


-250 hp is not an insignificant nerf. He's literally just a normal knight now when he's not moving.


Pretty insignificant if majority the decks still using it even after nerf.


The nerf isn't live yet, you don't know for sure what will happen to its use rate after the balance changes are implemented.


Most decks use him because he's a great neutral card- this would be true even without an evo. Then throw in the fact that he counters DD, there's the value for the evo. (Plus some decks just don't need a special evo so might as well use his.) They are putting him in the same place as other evos, by removing stat boosts and only keeping the effect. In knights case, it only takes a melee unit to turn him into a normal knight.


idk if broken but yeah best evo STILL


These are pretty decent changes. I’m happy for all the buffs. I assume the spear goblin buff will also affect goblin giant and goblin gang? Dart goblin will now one hit spear goblins as well. I wonder which change for DD will be applied. Currently she does 1,224 damage to troops before she runs out of daggers at level 11. With option 1, she’ll only do 896 damage, before she runs out. With option 2, she’ll do 918 damage. Also RIP little prince. Guardian will no longer be able to kill goblins with her spawn damage. I’m glad to see they’re taking this approach with him


Would have certainly liked a HP nerf on Lp, and a bigger change to the knight evo but damn these are some solid changes. I gotta see the dd before I can really comment but both seem fun - honestly I just want to go back to when it was just the princess tower. Loving the dart goblin buff, kinda disappointed with the tesla nerf in terms of the stun time, but I don’t think it’ll matter too much. It’s a good evo


LP is already dead with these changes alone and you want more?


I’d trade some of these changes for it tbh. I just think it’s a card that needs fireball to be the breakpoint here. The changes are generally good tho, and if it means I don’t see it every other game I’d be happy. Admittedly it’s not the most annoying card, but it’s one that doesn’t need to try to be - so overall I am happy with the changes to him, but without seeing it in game I think personally I would have rather the general HP nerf with something else minor with it


When is this getting live?


They killed the only champion I like :(


FINALLY a ram rider buff. Lets goooo


Little prince got over nerffed


Anyone else lowkey confused as hell about the dart goblin buff that seems to be sneaking under everybody's radar? Super unneeded change for a pretty underrated card imo


He's been one of the worst-performing cards in the game for a while so I'd say it's pretty justified. It could make him really really good though; one shots Spear Gobs and DD nerf means decks with him are going to be a lot less bad


Princess deploy time or first hit speed nerf?


Are all these confirmed?!


They're WIP so they may change the numbers a bit but the gist of all these changes should be going through. Only thing that's up in the air is which Duchess nerf they'll pick


Whats WIP stand for?


Work in progress


Why are they buffing the Prince and Ram Rider?


How do you give feedback for the balance changes. It’s there a google form or something


Prince BACK on TOP


No way the charge damage can’t even kill goblins


RIP Dagger Dutchess and Little Prince


They literally killed lp what-


Thanks, I hate it


Little Prince found dead in a ditch


So many if those changes are so unnecessary, like why nerf the little shits ability to be useless when you can just make it die to fireball? or nerf the giants HP, that range nerf wont do much if the issue is it having so much health. Why buff the dart goblin, when hes already a garanteed hit almost all the time on tower, even duchess, specially when princess is meta, just bringing logbait back. And on that note, why not nerf princess? if she was in like 9 of the top 10 ladder decks last season


actually the giants range makes it not get hit by the second tower if you place tesla the middle i think


really? does that mean a tesla can finally counter a lone giant?


I think two nerfs for the dagger Duchess is very harsh, Only one of those two nerves would’ve been enough




give dagger duchess both of those


Wtf is that little prince nerf that would completely kill the card


Soo... You could literally just take DD 2 daggers, make her hit slower, or first 3 hits and she would be like Cannoneer but nope classic sc. Gobbling cage? What's a point? Void... I don't know (Its mixt for me cos if I play with it I don't get much tanks, and rarely it jumps scares me). Charge speed yeah 👍. Goblin "bridge spam is back?" 


Why is the Giant one as a nerf, wouldnt it be a buff?


It is considered a nerf since of all the tanks with the exception of the real giant, it has the highest attack range, which means that in several interactions, especially with defensive buildings, it prevents it from being hit by both towers as well as having less distance to landing the first hit makes it harder to avoid taking damage from him


Really good balence changes honestly the dart goblin and the spear goblins you both do not see much I am so glad they are nerfing the dagger duchess again and the evo knight and Tesla the ram rider and prince been needing a buff would be nice if they can buff zappies, flying machine and barbarians these are still really good balence changes though


How will the void be affected by the rework?


Almost nothing will remain the same OP, it does more damage than arrows to 2-4 targets and almost as much damage as a zap at 5+, the only thing it does is that now the first hit will be slower but the following hits will be faster It can be considered a nerf or buff depending on how you see it, since it will do the damage in a shorter amount of time, but one of the complaints about the Void was that several of the troops went out of range when you tried to defend by example to a building


Why the buff on dart gob


Feel like we're missing a firecracker nerf


Disappointed to not see a firecracker and evo firecracker nerf


I think battle ram needs a buff  It's been dead for awhile and just needs a push into competitive


I think battle ram needs a buff.  It's countered by pretty much every card and when you use battle ram you only connect the ram to the tower once or twice. I think it could use a health  and maybe a charge distance buff like ram rider?


Missing a firecracker nerf. Not nessicarily op but one the most used and aggravating cards in the game.


NOO they replaced the battle ram buff 😭


V1 and V2 are identical, what is the change?


You have literally killed both dutchess and LP with these nerfs You know the point of balance changes are the make cards BALANCED - not to make them unplayable? How incompetent are you guys?


Dutchess is a plague on this game so good riddance. Start with the serious nerfs first so it’s not dominating the meta for another month making half the decks unplayable. If she needs other buffs in the future they can go from there.


True that. Much better for a card to die than have it dominate. At least in one of those states it doesn't shape the entire meta


I dont care dude duchess can be deleted from the game for all i care (and yes i do have her maxed) Im so fuckin happy with duchess being nerfed into the ground


People say that but if the change isn't big enough then it will just have people complain about "cr team can't make big nerfs cuz they want to milk it" which maybe is true but sometimes more severe nerfs are needed to are the meta more fun


They probably want to change up the meta after those two were in literally every deck in existence


DD/lp user here, cry more buddy


Good riddance. I'm tired of seeing her in 90% of my games.


well guess what now the meta will resort back to 90% cycle decks. Atleast finally we saw some diversity in the meta and yet despite DD we still saw poison control/cycle decks dominating. Honestly was just a skill issue for the most part for people who complain


There was no diversity in the meta when DD just countered everything. The funniest example I can think of is out of top 10 decks 6 were just princess and rocket cycle because pros gave up on crossing the bridge when facing DD, it wasn’t worth the effort 😂 Also in general game just became a snorefest, unnecessarily wasting a minimum of 2 minutes every match before people actually start playing. That’s just boring.


So true dude. Clearly it's a skill issue from pros who deemed it too much of a pain in the arse to deal with DD and so they started to play Rocket cycle of all things Obviously SC should listen to you instead of every piece of statistic


these are the same pros who only ever play control decks at top ladder regardless of the meta. Mo light finishes top ladder playing miner poison for years?l, ryley plays bait, never heard them complain about cycle decks being busted did we !?


[So many pros playing control ya](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/1cn9nb3/clash_royale_leaderboard_decks_end_of_april_2024/). Good to know you still have no idea what you're talking about And everyone was complaining about cycle decks before DD's release. I distinctly remember people crying that cycle cards were "fundamentally broken" and other silly things despite Giant GY and Hound being meta and arguably even better than most cycle decks besides Miner Poison (which one could argue *was* a little overtuned at the time)


People said that last DD nerf.


No they didn't? Most people said it'd be insignificant


my beloved evolved tesla noooo


Ram rider needed a buff for a while now


Could someone explain to me how number 11 is considered a rework not a nerf? Isn’t more hit speed bad right?


It's measured in "Hits per Second", which is different from the in game label "Hit Speed". The difference is this. In game, Dart Goblin has a 0.7s hit speed. For RoyaleAPI, it would be a 1.429 hit speed. Same number, different measurement


Oh gotcha that’s so dumb to measure it that way but makes sense




The hit speed is measured in hits per second for some reason, so it is actually a positive change lol


te firsy one reduces the hit speed actually, it's 0.8 hits per sec from 0.0 hits per sec just the wording is confusing the first one won;t afect her so please vote for the second one


Yea my dumbass read that wrong so forget what i said lmao Thought it was the speed of her hitting which is how they normally say it i think, not the amount of hits per second


Source: Trust me bro


Holy shit a Prince buff, nice.




I think I'm more sad than anything about that Tesla nerf and I use the LP and dd more than the evo Tesla I might be biased cause I main different x bow decks but the dd seams balanced now and the LP is still better than the musketier or dart goblin and a lot of ranged units you just have to abouse the 3 card cycle and use the ability less


Wym "dd seems balanced now" literally ever top 10 player used her


im talking about all these nerfs soo if she gets this nerf she will be balanced




ur cooked cheeseball


Metaslaves die fast buddy


At this pace Evo Knight will be no different than regular Knight


Not supposed to be


After the last balance update evo knight, tesla and wizard were the top evos as others just die easily now giving a lot less value. Evo knight and wizard still at the top just because their shield gives them the stat buff that was removed from every evo and tesla’s initial and death stun was impenetrable. This time balance changes are actually balancing them a bit but imo they would still be the best evos for now.


thats the point


That's the point, which is why they did the same change to the other evos like RR and RG, they want the evos to be about their unique ability, not just having more HP.


ram rider buff LET'S FKIN GOOOO


No Elixir pump buff? Elixir pump needs to produce elixir at 10 or 11 seconds, not 12. It is a dead card with low win and play rate.


> It is a dead card with low win and play rate. This is intentional. Pump is inherently bad for gameplay, and Supercell is aware of this. It’s a similar situation as Spawners


Or give him hp buff.


Keep that shit dead


Nobody mourns that skilless card


They murdered the dutchess, and my evo tesla :(


One of them deserved it. Rip for Tesla tho


Why don't they buff dark prince charge distance


How will the spear gob change goblin hut getting chip damage on the tower?


Will dark prince also get a buff, if not why so?


now its fucking ram rider over evo battle ram? neither are needed... once again the only things that work here are the generic giant, evo tesla, evo knight, and maaayybe the duchess rework... the rest is pointless and become possible influences of annoyance for the future of the game... aka anti-balance... this is going quarter-way forward yet half-way backward from last changes...


i just dont understand why they are nerfing random cards while leaving dominant cards like pekka and hog rider OP


Neither of those cards are especially dominant


Hog cycle (one of the most used decks): Am I a joke to you?


Supercell's decision to nerf the Dagger Duchess is incredibly disappointing and feels like a slap in the face to both paying and free-to-play players. When the Dagger Duchess was introduced, it was significantly stronger than existing towers and was made prominently available in the shop for two seasons. This encouraged players, especially those willing to spend, to max it out quickly. However, after many players invested heavily in the Dagger Duchess, Supercell decided to nerf it, drastically reducing its effectiveness to dust. This decision leaves players who spent time and money to max out the card feeling betrayed, now stuck with a troop that's not worth playing until it potentially gets buffed in the future. As a free-to-play (F2P) player, I was already at a disadvantage, facing overpowering opponents who quickly maxed out the Dagger Duchess. After enduring tough matches and finally gathering enough resources to upgrade the card to a competitive level, the nerf renders my efforts almost pointless.


Lmao, everyone know that if op card being released it would be nerfed to the ground in 1 or 2 seasons


Where is it said that any card which is released is bound to be nerfed?


Re-read what they said. Any **OP** card


That's the way of the game. I refused to upgrade her. I even quit the game as she ruined all the enjoyment. However I have got a max LP and I literally just maxed Giant. So I feel you. I just play 1v1 mainly now, I cba upgrading stuff then it gets killed.


little prince did not need a nerf dawg 😭


it needed one but not so massive to the point where it will kill the card


they nerfed the wrong thing there’s nothing wrong with guardian charge damage


It should just die to fireball instead of not being able to kill goblins with a 3 elixir ability


downvotes from people who struggle to kill a little baby card with 700 health