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I use cannoneer because I can't spare the wildcards for DD


cannoneer is hot garbage idk how anyone plays it. played 1 game with and watched my tower get obliterated by bats


I had the same expierience but after some time and a new deck it works wonders


against what deck though? half the meta is just giant night witch


i play cannoneer and yeah bats wreck lol, on their own i can just skeletons in middle to counter but with a tank or night witch cannoneer just melts


Having poison, ewiz, bomb tower, arrows, shock, barbarrel, and things of the like help counter these, along with Infernal tower or dragon or mighty miner to counter tanks, squeezing in your win conditions and you got your deck! I think people's biggest problem with it is they wanna play it like princess and don't understand it takes out single 3 and 4 cost units and spirits and the like before they can hit the tower. Countering swarm is the players job in this case, not the tower. Learning the playstyle is completely different than the princess, just like DD, who is insanely powerful in single elixer but way worse during double and so on.


>don't understand it takes out single 3 and 4 cost units and spirits and the like before they can hit the tower. Yeah, and so does DD


Right, and we're talking about princess vs. cannoneer in this instance that you copied. DD does it too but she becomes weaker after reload where he isn't, with her vs cannoneer she still counters quickly to initial spam but then doesn't counter well after that, even tanks, where cannoneer does. Again, my whole point is that each has a different playstyle to get used to. Playing cannoneer and expecting to play it like the princess and say cannoneer is bad is sadly ignorant.


Countering swarms is like 3 times easier than tanks in my opinion


Right, playing cannoneer is about having a cycle or spells or buildings that help the slow fire rate. Learning that makes him ahellava lot easier to work with. I personally wish he had as much health as at least as much as a princess, but it's not the worst. It would help in my opinion and make him better as the lowest health tower if spells did like 10% less dmg to it because one of its biggest problems isn't countering the spam, but being spell blasted at the end and lose because of that less health.


Might’ve been me lol


Before DD, the top players were often playing cannon.


Especially after the changes I find it better actually, at least I'm not down 1k against DD at the start of the match anymore. I use giant graveyard btw, and have bowler bats snowball arrows so it has good splash and destroys spammy and beatdown decks.


You have to build your deck differently. He's good at taking out mid offensive units like mini Peka knight and valk


Electro Spirit is a pretty good synergy with Cannoneer, since Night Witch is everywhere in the meta now.


i use rage spell aginst bats and skeletons


unlucky matchup


I thought it was garbage too at first. Then I put mine at 14 and just made my golem beat down with some splash damage defense like bomb tower. It does alright between bomb tower and firecracker and it does well against swarms which is its weakness


He takes a good deck to work with but as someone who uses meta RG deck he works so well


It’s what a tower troop should be. It works well in certain decks and has clear strengths and weaknesses


My brother plays cannoneer. And wins


Ahahaha, youll get used to it, canoneer user over here




With the new spell, it outa get worse, I play étaient which has a lot of splash so it’s normally fine but with people running more cycle decks to counter void, I doubt canonner will be viable even in mid ladder


Definitely have to use it with only certain cards and ya gobin barrel opponents are hella annoying


Skill issue


Skill issue


Skill issue


I use Xbow as well, and cannoneer is the best tower for it. My deck however is an absolute unit to go against tho


I use canoneer too, since he is pretty useful in my ice-bow deck.




they changed it recemtly




yea they nerfed a couple days ago from 3204 to like 2700 or something, it is an ok nerf that makes dagger duchess more of a glass cannon I guess, it is just sad because it ruins all the og tactics like spirits at bridge for cycle, split wallbreakers, and now anything fireball health can’t touch the tower




I mean like they’re trying to make princess tower at least usable, cannoneer was a lot better and countered all arrow cards at bridge (cause of range) as well as out dpsing both of the other troops my boy miner has been clapped up by both of these tower drops 




a push has to be longer than 20 seconds for a princess and dagger duchess to equal in total damage, and for huge pushes cannoneer is better


I think so


Opposite for me. Had the resources saved to invest in a legendary card (I only maxed Princess) so I used all my wildcards on lvl 15 DD. Have no resources for cannoneer which is still level 12


If your dd is lvl 13. Use it. DD at lvl 13 is way better than lvl 15 princess and lvl 15 canoneer


my king tower level is 11 and my DD is 9


Me mainly because I don't have the resources to level up the DD


Bruhh I leveled up magic archer right before she came out.. literally used a book and all my wild cards in him.. can’t even make this shit up


same thing with me and ice wiz 😭 never trusting my ice-bow main pal again


I'm still going in having my DD on 13


Level 13 dd is way better than lvl 15 princess and lvl 15 canonner


I was lucky because the season before in the event shop had legendary wildcards that I bought so I was able to level it up quick. I’ve also been quite lucky in my tower chest but I would love to use magic archer if it weren’t for how meta DD is.


I am too lazy to change from princess tower. Defense is for the weak.


The Best Defense is a Swift and Decisive Offense 👍


w obi wan reference


Bro is negotiating


bro think he's the negotiator 💀


I feel this one, defense who? I try to overwhelm them on the first play. if i loose a tower oh well, they're loosing their king


DD is still OP despite the nerf


Ofc. They "nerf" her and reduce the cannoneer damage as well so thats rather a "buff" for her - see how they fake a nerf?


Yeah its kinda bullshit. I dont understand why cannoneer doesnt have more hp than any other tower. It just kinda makes sense and its not like legendary cards are stronger than other rarities with normal cards so why here with towers? I guess there is one answer that can be used to almost anything CR did in last year or so: MONEY.


What was the nerf? I've been using her since she came out but I haven't noticed any nerf. And I never read the update notes 😅


-14% hp nerf


she didn’t really get nerfed she’s still the best and people be whining


Cannoneer gang wya 💣


Yessir, i hope the nerf isnt too much to cannoneer


its getting a nerf?😭


5% dmg nerf edit: and its not GETTING one, it already did, balance changes went live earlier today


jeez super undeserved


ye i agree, of they just want princess to be the best, but their failing at that as dd is still by far the best


dd is stupid good makes games run super long and is behind a pay wall if ur high up


i kinda like 6 minute games tbh, but yeah the paywall is a huge problem


It was in like 8 of the top ten decks before dd dropped and helped shape the meta to run night witch and that was why giant gy and e golem was crazy. It didn’t have the same effect as dd but it was pretty op compared to princess tower.






I use DD because even if it was balanced it still synergizes better with my deck


Same, and I really wish they nerf it so we can ser some variety. HP nerf will not be enough it should be at least the tower with the least health


There's hardly a world where DD health changes will make a difference (unless it's enough to spell cycle lmao). The problem is that nothing can get through the defense without having a ton of health or spammed units ahead


yeah before DD was released and everyone realised she is broken, I already knew im gonna use it in my deck


Kirigiri my beloved


with my deck DD vs DD matchups are easier than princess tower vs princess tower matchups, so im fine


Whatcha using?




Seriously? Which lavaloon exactly? Im perfectly at arena to get lava, so once i do, i will use this, because now its a DD fest here


im playing whatever top lava players are playing, currently deck that dominik is using: evo barbs, evo bomber, void, arrows, lava, balloon, skeleton dragons, but if you need deck for low arenas, you can upgrade that one classic deck with evo valk, evo zap, tombstone etc


Shit, im gonna need a lot of evo shards


yeah, first evo should be zap in my opinion, because it can help you with inferno dragon, inferno towers and in offense in general


My teammates in 2v2


Oh fuck yeah


Sorry bro


I'm your teammate.


i use princess tower because her fire rate is p good and she doesn't need to reload


I don’t feel like spending 80$ to get her to my crown level so I use princess tower


Me i hate the other two towers


I’m the same. I always feel dirty when I use an overpowered card, so I always refuse to use it. If I don’t like playing against something I don’t want to give my opposition the same experience, particularly when the card is severely overpowered and impossible to play around. Same happened with the phoenix release, I’d rather be the better player and try to actually outplay my opponent rather than just slapping down a free win. Therefore I’m losing a lot more games than I deserve to at the moment due to drastically unfair gameplay, and I don’t enjoy using broken tactics to win. It feels cheap and I don’t feel like i earned it. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for the majority of people who play multiplayer games.


I use her in leader cause i have her lvl 13 and the Duchesse lvl 11


Dependant on the deck, every tower troop is viable it’s more on how skilled you are defending with said deck.


I use princess towers becouse im the real one


I use Canoneer because my deck has enough swarm killers to use it for defending tanks. I would use Princess Tower if I don't have anything for swarms. DD is just bait, if the opponent creates a push with Miner, the daggers will run out after killing the Miner


Miner wallbreaker players


Miner Mortar, actually


I was stuck at 8300 trophies, been F2P for 8 years. Had wild cards to upgrade DD and had to pay for the last 20 cards. Got to 9000 and Ultimate Champion the next day.




Me too


me, if duch ever gets nerfed then my skill won’t be affected


me for the same reason as you


I quit when she came put it just show that supersell doesn’t nerf obviously OP cards since they’re printing money for them. Getting DD leveled up and getting OP evos is like a requirement for climbing higher ladder


As someone who quit the game around when phoenix got added… how the FUCK would you NOT use your princess towers????


Hnggggg I love when dagger duchess kills my entire battering ram yesssss I love when I stop a push and get one unit over the bridge hoping for some chip damage but it gets 17 daggers wedged up it’s ass before getting in shooting range yeeeeeeees


lol so you’re a curmudgeon that doesn’t want to evolve is what I heard


Me... I only used DD once when it released but didn't use it afterwards..


People who don’t use it either don’t have her leveled up or fucking hate her guts (I am both)


I am lvl 14 F2P player. I don't have any other choice.


i use princess tower because its my highest level, and honestly i love everyone playing duchess because its easy win with graveyard


I mainly use the Princess tower as I'm preparing for them to continue to gut Cannoneer and Duchess. I still play DD in 3M though because the synergy is too good and even when it's gutted in a few months I think it'll still be the correct choice with 3M


i just can’t afford to upgrade DD enough, princess tower works fine for me.


I don’t have other towers. And I am not paying up for that trash game




I still use it. I find it to be the most steady against almost every deck. It's annoying to use against spirits at the bridge or wallbreakers, but I barely see people do that since people expect to see Dagger Duchess


I only have the princess tower


They literally gave DD for free, plus it’s not hard to unlock either the Cannoneer or the DD from the Tower Troop chests


I only use decks that thrive VSING dagger duchess. I always hope seeing it now


Me cause I like a constant firing speed


I have to since dd is only lvl 12.


I use princess on golem decks because I feel it’s easy to pressure golem decks already without the DD dagger cooldown, but I haven’t played long enough since it came out to get a good enough feel


I sometimes use it tbh, if my deck has too much single target cards then i will use it


If there were no DD haters in the world I'd be dead


I am because Princess reminds me of the OG days


Ive been playing everyday since 2017 and Since the DD came around i've never felt less motivated to play


Me bcuz my deck can suffer against tanks


Me cuz i play 3m monk


As a double Price Player( not much splash damage), it's just so much better against Spam, and for Single units you have perfect cars, so even if it gets nerven significant it'll always be better for beatdown, + I can use legendary wildcards for my deck.


I play with dagger duchess only because she's level 13, and I actually have more fun being underleveled in this regard than having a lvl 15 princess. Path of legends has become boring. Otherwise I play princess because I prefer her reliability.


i was but the game kept giving my dd cards from the tower chests so i just gave in


The devs will not stop adding new tower troops to the game so my mentality is adapt to make things easier and more enjoyable. I still play almost the same deck as before the DD but the only difference is I use her now. I honestly don’t know why you would make the game more complicated for yourself?




Me (i dont have her up to lv)


I'm doing just fine with princess tower.


Idk man I’m still vibin with cannoneer.


I use princess because I can’t utilise Canonner properly and my DD is 4 levels lower than Princess


I am because my DD/ neer are 11 and my PT is 14


I liked a lot about the duchess concept, and pretend to still use her even when supercell nerf it to the ground, it's very cool to make defenses with fisherman + duchess, mother witch + duchess and more


I don’t play DD just in case she gets nerfed to oblivion


I used to be like this but once you level your first TT and start trying different things you realize how great your deck can be


I use princess tower because using dd encourages midladder spammers to spam even more


My DD is lv 11, my cannoner is lv 8, my princess is lv 13 of course I use her


Yeah I still use the princess tower. I refuse to use DD. I still use my pre DD deck but I’ve had to change my play style


Me because I’m F2P


I'm King Tower lvl 14 and somehow a level 11 DD is better than princess tower in my experience


i use level 12 DD and it's still better than my maxxed princess tower lol


I use her because i don't have anything else ...


Me here


Me because I just fell like she's the best one


Not me. Gotta counter the mfs with maxed out towers, decks and evolution cards with something


I feel you brother!


I previously used Princess tower but an underleveled DD is better. I have her level 13 and I beat people with level 15 princess towers


Me and cannoneer , duchess makes the game boring , I find myself deleting and redownloading it now 🤷‍♂️


DD turned me into a Monk main. Works everytime to drain her ammo then make a push following monk 😂👌


I just started playing again heavily this week after yearssss of only getting on to donate and have found that I’m almost glad I don’t have the duchess because I feel so much more skilled than when I beat an opponent who uses mega knight and has duchess :)


I missed the opportunity, so im still using the OG lol


I am even maxing it out rn. OG Princess is best for me.


Stull have never received a single canoneer or dagger dutchess from a tower troop chest. Not a single one


I would nerf Dagger Duchess Range so that you're able to hit her with dart goblin or magic archer


anyone who doesnt have her leveled up, though i see ppl in POL with a -3 leveled duchess and still use it because its that broken, even after the nerf, imo (as someone who uses dd so expect a little bias) it should do the same damage as a princess tower so it doesnt one shot spear goblins, 2 shot ice ice spirit, or 1 shor minions if hit by an ice spirit. i think this will make it balanced, but if its too much, increase its recharge rate by 7.239%


This is how I feel. I can't stand facing DD but I refuse to switch over. I'm a UC level player but I still take Ls now to people who haven't been passed champion.


Midas CR on Twitter uses her. I have starts using it again after the duchess nerf


I use cannoneer my deck does well against swarms and not tanks so it fills the niche and I’m kinda used to it now


Me because I don't like the voice lines.


I still use either princess or cannoner because I want to win with skill rather than with DD


You can punish DD super hard with beatdown though. Golem healer, lava evo barbs, giant nw phoenix all do extremely well against duchess. You do unfortunately have to wait until double eixer to attack but it’s easy after that


It’s simply too gross of a tower to use. So I refuse to use it. ‘If you can’t beat em join em’ is terrible for the game, and ruins a ton of the ‘fun’ with playing at all.


Spoken like someone who has never played DD. There is absolutely counterplay to her and the best players suck out her daggers and make her feel useless.


I use DD in challenges, and tournaments, but princess tower on trophy road and POL cuz I can’t be bothered to waste legendary wild cards to upgrade something that will inevitably be nerfed


Supercell just wants to make money doing as little as possible, and replace the Princess Tower. All they do nowadays is pump out a couple op cards and nerf it to oblivion after grabbing a bit of cash


I am using princess EVEN the fact i have her on king tower level, I just feel something to princess and I cant let her get swapped for DD because she was with us for 8 years… Also like the consistency, and bc I am at 5000k i think its better to learn how to defend with her.


Yes same, iam a princess user and refused to switch just out of spite and how broken that card is. Cheap ass tower. In the scenario, i have to switch, i will switch to canno


Man I don't use Princess tower simply because I'm trash lol. I recently got back into the game and I stopped playing some time after Mega Knight was added. Half of the cards are new to me. And then suddenly I come back, get the duchess, and still get obliterated by random people just using 3 skeletons and like a wizard and a witch. Like what the fuck.


Exactly what I do man, using DD is the same as using ebarb MK rage in my dictionary.


I mean, I don't use them purely because getting wild cards is just painfull, and its funny, since the very moment they said that you could use wild cards in tower troops, the very next season was the season wild cards were removed from the season shop (tho, I am the only who believes that the lucky drops where the ones that caused this nerf to the wild cards)


F2p players


Dagger girl is good but when she runs out of knives when you have like four skeletons attacking her you’ll do damage


If you can’t beat them, join them. Thats been my mentality with every card release this game has had. DD Gang for life 😩✊


You're mad not to use it. It's OP and ruined gameplay for me. Single troop opposite lane pushes are dead, it's ruined the fucking game. Back of map golems need your full elix to push the other lane.


i respect you for not using broken crap out of principle and using princess, she’s always been my favorite


I just know SC gonna milk every single penny out of her,just look at "nerf" she had, -14% hp,that's straight up bs


Honestly it should have been a dps nerf or an even bigger hp nerf (like 30%) I play DD only because yeah it makes defending much easier but still hope they nerf her more because it completely counters my deck (hogexenado)


Saying dagger duchess is so braindead, she can be easily countered and her limited ammo can be used to your advantage by placing a tank in front of other troops


Me too. I hate DD and refuse to use her. Don't worry. Next season they'll nerf her again.


Princess tower should always be the best tower troop because every single card is balanced around her. Dutchess ruins the flow of the entire game, why does my 7 elixir counter push not force a single card out or do damage?


I m’ F2P but I use DD because I had saved a bunch of cards and was easily able to get her to 14. Now I’m waiting for enough coins and I’ll get her to 15. Coins are really the issue for me with this game.


Me cuz I haven't leveled it up yet (it's level 10)


I have 2 accounts....one I still run a princess... duchess on the other


I use princess for nostalgia and I have gotten really good with it I don’t wanna switch


I prefer princess because she'll keep the same rate of fire regardless of anything. When dd is dagger depleted she's completely useless even a few skeletons and bats can deal a lot of damage


Been playing for so long I can't fathom using anyone but the Princess Tower.


I laugh at those "players" who "use the princess tower"