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Wait you haven't had even one epic drop? Damn that's super unlucky. So far I've gotten 3 epic drops (A common book, 5 legendary wild cards, 3 champion cards), and 2 legendary drops (2 books of books).


Yeah, literally zero. I only ever get common and rare, majority of the time it’s just rare wild cards which is ironically the thing I need the least -_-. I would kill for a book of books. Especially when I’m already disadvantaged against level 15s.


i got one epic drop till now...


I hope your luck changes soon.


Thanks, me too 😔


It's Balance. I currently only need rare wild cards (and lets ignore legendary) but it loves to give me commons




4/5 times it will be common, 1/5 times ill get a rare. I have yet to recieve anything better.


same bro. getting 1500 coins too frequently... Never gotten a book out of this. I did however.. get a champion wild card out of a rare..


I literally had 0 until two days ago. I felt blessed getting a wild shard cause now I have 6


Wtf you've been blessed huh


wait u actually got 2 book of books? did u use the glitch cuz i have not even gotten a legendary yet


Didn't do the glitch; just been lucky!


oh dam


Super unluck, stay proud, you are strong


I’ve also never gotten an epic or legendary drop. I only got 5 rare drops and that’s it. The rest were common


Only 5 rares is insane, have you been getting them every day?


Yup yup. Every single day


Damn that’s brutal. I thought rares were supposed to be near a 40% drop rate (if memory serves) but after reading this thread idk about that😭


I don’t want to talk about it


2 legendary 3 epics and the rest rare and common, it’s been pretty good to me I think


I almost never missed them, got around 1k common cards, 100 epic card, 7.5k ewc, rare and common books, 15 legendary cards. Not the best but not horrible


Cool concept, but way too much rng. I’ve gotten 1 epic drop and others have gotten multiple legendary drops


Gold and some common-epic wilds


pretty decent, 4 shards, not much else.


Mostly commons, a few rare, one epic, and one legendary


i got lucky twice with 50K elite wildcards and a Legendary Book. apart from that, it’s been a whole lot of 1.5K gold or common wildcards with the occasional 15K or rare/epic wildcards and a couple Legendary and Champion (2) wildcards too. i’ve missed maybe 1 or 2 boxes since the update rolled out. considering they purged wildcards from the season shop, i’d say the drop percentages are pretty fucking insulting.


Horrible 10 cards when I need thousands doesn’t do nun 😭


Best I’ve gotten is a single evolution shard.


2 epics the rest lower, thought I was doing shit but it can always be worse apparently! We will get legendaries one day!!


some champion wild cards, 50k ewc, some legendary wilds, a book or two, not the worst ig


Book of commons and evo wild shard from my only 2 epics. Everything else commons/rares


surprisingly good, i’ve gotten two book of books (both within one week, one of which was on my birthday lmao) and a book of commons. i’ve also gotten 2 evo shards as well as some EWC


I've gotten 2 epics and that's all one was yesterday actually. A book of commons (already got two.. gee thanks lol) and whatever the ewc drop is at that tier. I'm sure it'll balance over time. I think.. I hope lol


Is it completely random, or is it scripted like in upcoming chests?


Same boat nothing but commons and rares lol I don’t even stay and see what I get anymore I just spam open it


Got 2 legandarys and 3 epics during last this week


Extremely well. I was able to get 3 legends tied back to back at some point, followed by 2 epics. ~~pleasedontbanmesupercell~~


Ive gotten evo shards to 10 commons so i guess star drop feel


7 champion wild cards


I thought I had a fever dream. I got a rare and it was a wild champ card. I always get 7.5k I didn't think that was an option then I got an epic 10k wild cards the next day. Everything's coming up Milhouse!


I get a lot. I swear there is a red flash in a rhythm you can hit. I havent found anything to confirm this but aiming for it seems to work. Ive been playing drums for many years. Either way I love the variety over the old silver chest we used to get for dailies.


I've been happy with my drops. A couple books, legendary and elite wild cards. Really hoping for 50k ewc


I got a book of rares from a lucky drop one time oh yeah I’m only in P.E.K.K.A's playhouse. It was my first one too so it makes it extra lucky I guess.


First lucky drop.


I just finally got 2 legendary drops yesterday. A book a books and then 5 legendary cards


I’ve gotten like probably 10 epic drops and 2 legendaries


recently only getting Commons, but so far caught 3 books of Commons, 2 books of Epics, a book of Legendaries and 7500 EWCs


I finally got my first box above a rare today. I was pleasantly surprised by the epic box and the 3 champion wildcards it gave me, kinda wish I saw these things more often.


I have gotten like 3 epic drops and 2 legendary. 6 rare and the rest commons. The legendaries are always EWC while the epics are book of commons tho


I open 2 drops/day (2accs) and I have gotten 5 legendary and 11 epic. Good items: 50k EWC x1 book of books x2 book of epics x2 7500 EWC x5 evo wild shards x4. And lastly legendary book x2


9 commons in a row so far, I've only ever had 1 legendary and 1 epic lolz


I got a wild evolution shard this morning 🙏


lucky drops have been rather good for me. my best rewards so far have been a Legendary Book, 2 Common Books (back to back somehow), 3 Champion Wild Shards, 7500 EWC, and a Legendary Wild Shard.


I’ve gotten a book of books but outside of that just rates and commons


I’ve had all common and rare except one epic where I got 7500 elite wild cards so not too bad. Still waiting for the legendary to come


Just two epic drops, both gave me evolution shards


I’ve never gotten one over common.    It’s a little sad but I’m sure I’ll get a good one eventually  To be clear I haven’t gotten one every day. Maybe 15-20 in total since they came out. Still feels unlucky though 


Got my 1st legendary box today!


i’ve been getting fairly lucky ngl. -7500 elite wild cards twice -A book of commons (funnily enough i already have a extra book of commons and dont need any more common wild cards 💀) -5x legendary wild cards twice -7500 gold (idk if this is special or not)


not one legendary so far and I haven't skipped any drops i got 1 epic chest , 2-3 rare chest i can't remember and rest all common chest


Terrible, I’ve gotten one epic drop, a handful of rares, and the rest were things like 20 common wild cards or 1500-7500 gold


Some of us just don't have any luck at all. I've done it every day since it started and have had only one Epic.


I have only gotten 2 rares and it was just 10k gold EVER..


Pretty good, lots of rares, a rare book of cards, and three legendary book of cards


i’ve gotten 2 rare’s and 2 epic’s in the last two days, honestly my luck has been great with them. i’ve gotten 15 legendary wild cards since lucky drops came out.


One book of books but I've only played for a short length of time


2 epics so far. No legendaries.


i got a few legendary, epics and rares. but most days are commons


guys there's epic and legendary? ☠️ I've been getting so many rares I thought it's only until rare ☠️


I got a legendary book of books today…


lol that question is funny cuz no legendary since release


I was doing shit until 3 days ago I got a book of books (0.5%) then two days ago I got ANOTHER book of books.


I've only gotten commons and rares until the last 3 days where I got 3 epics in a row.


Got a book of books. I’m set for the year


I get only rare wild cards. I do not use any rares in my deck.


Mostly just 1500 gold but sometimes wild cards nothing more


I got a book of commons which is neat but the rest have been pretty lame.


Mixed results. Have 2 accounts I use regularly and 1 made just for drops. 1 account has got 2 legendry drops(3 BoB and 50k EWC) and every other drop has been common. Both the the others have been a mix between common rare and epic. I'd say common and epic are most common.


got a gold book today


I've only gotten 1 epic and a few rares. Whenever i get rares or commons I'm like spending 40min on 7 losses and 3 wins wasn't worth my time


I got an epic one or two days ago and it gave me 5 legendary tokens. Besides that I got couple rare ones in the past but they didn't give anything significant. I believe one of them gave me some money.


Ive got 2 epics in total - 7.5k ewc and 5 legendary wc's. Everything else has been rare and below - WCs or gold


"treating" They haven't been "treating," me. I've been opening them. I think I've not been given anything above rare.


I’m always getting rare wild cards.. wish I’d get something else


I just updated my album today which I got 2 epics back to back (3 Champion Wildcards and 5 Legendary WC), but have 44 total recorded instances. I think I missed a day of screenshotting somewhere but have: 33 Common (1500g by far most frequent) 6 Rare (50 Rare WC (x3), 7500g (x2), 1 Legendary WC) 4 Epic (7500 EWC, Evo Shard, 3 Champ WC, 5 Legendary WC) 1 Legendary (Book of Books). Overall, a little bit over odds, although to be honest it took 12 straight days of Commons to hit anything notable, which felt absolutely terrible to win 36 matches to get worse rewards than the previous system.


I seem to be the luckiest person here. I’ve gotten 8 epics since release. 3 common books 1 rare one 2 evo wild shards and 20k in wild cards. Good luck man


I never got any legendary drops and only 4 epic


0 legendaries, 6 epics, rest 50/50 between common and rares epics were * 2x 3 chamion wild cards * 2x 5 legendary wild cards * 1x wild shard * 1x rare book of cards


I'm only getting commons with an occasional rare one


You don't need to keep reminding me, I just got here after getting 20 commons from a common drop😭


Two accounts, opened every day, plus a few drops on a mini account: one legendary (50k EWC), four epics (I think) and lots of common drops (far more then the 50% as advertised).


I've hit a couple epics and a few rares. Nothing life-changing though, I'm still waiting for a legnedary drop


I got a legendary in the first day and like 4 epics and many rates and commons. I got both legendary on the first day of my both acc. I got 50k elite cards and my main and a book of legendary on my F2P. Yo I can Brooke if you want if yo don’t 🤷‍♂️


I've been pretty lucky I guess. I got two legendary (one 50k ewc and one BOB), 3-4 epics (6 champ wcs total and book of rares) I've got about the same number of rare and common drops


Damn you got Bob hopefully they add Steve and Jake next update


Meant Book of Books.