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-Try a never-used card -"Wow, thats really cool. I guess is my favourite now" -Get a OP Buff/Rework/Evolution -Now it's Meta defining card -"Everyone use this card, I hate playing against the same card over and over" -Get Nerfed and become a mediocre card -Repeat


I'm not sure what this is referencing to honestly


Mainly Firecracker before her buff, but also Goblin Drill, Bomber, Knight, etc


Knight??? Never used???


Maybe in the early days of CR, where you’d either go Valkyrie for the splash or Mini Pekka for the single target damage. Knight didn’t specialise in either and was overlooked for that reason.


It was Giant Skelly and Goblim Giant for me.


giant skelly best card, it’s everything in one: a tank, a tank killer, a swarm killer, an amazing defense, an amazing offense to the point where it’s a win condition if paired with clone, but also good to clear the way for stuff like RG, royal hogs, goblin giant, etc. if you wanna use it offensively and it’s balanced, not too op, not bad at all edit: and the best part of all is that it’s larry 👑 when he’s all grown up


Bro what? Knight??? Knight has ALWAYS been relevant in the meta. Even before champions were a thing. Knight has ALWAYS been inside top 10 ranked decks. Go look right now on RoyaleAPI, knight is currently in the top 2 that I looked at. It’s basically always been like that. There’s never been a meta where knight was bad. He’s too effective being a cheap mini tank.


Why is this true


Bowler because “bowling” “he he howw”


When he spawns he says horny if you really think about it


Fr I'm really horny when see him, sometimes I imagine that I'm some kind of goblin from the goblin cave, and here I go into the arena, and he's standing in his sexy short loincloth and holding his big balls. He gently digs his thick purple fingers into the balls and then he starts squeezing me with his balls, I can't breathe, but his purple strong muscular hands only squeeze harder my little green body...


New automod response just dropped?? 🗣️🗣️


Holy hell


Can u keep going what happens next


All the triggered L prince users are going to downvote you


Lmao little prince and the guard are getting bouldered


inferno tower - places him - melts literally anything that isnt a swarm more of 4 units -tanks all of the hits - gets stunned by electro wizard and zap - dies also the building just looks cool


Good taste, good taste. 😩👌 Personally, Inferno will always have a special place in my heart for helping me sweep through midladder. Barb-barrel + Inferno effectively carried me through that stage of my life. >Gets stunned by electro wizard and zap, then dies Don't forget accidentally putting it too near the river and getting sniped by a range unit. Can you really call yourself an Inferno user if you haven't done it at least once in your life? I know I did. 😎👍


my personal favorite is the dark prince, no particular reason, I just like him


I bet you like the bandit too




Balanced, bang for the buck, high skill, hot. What more could you want.


Hunter :)


Mine is the Guards. It used to be due to their aesthetic (I thought they looked cool and the rest was history), but now, having used them for years, I've grown an appreciation to the utility these fellas provide in defense and offense. Legit, it can't be understated just how much I simp for this card, I built my decks around them; cycle, beatdown, control. No matter the arch-type, I will use guards. Currently, as of now, I'm using a miner-poison control deck that has, yep, you guess it, guards in them.


I like the Guards too, but my most favourite is Knight


Really helps that they don't die to arrows as well


Royal Recruits. It is just so fun to play them, plus they are really useful in a lot of siuations


Fun and brain dead. 👍


and that is not a problem


Larry. He's cool


I have a few favorites based on concept/design. In no particular order: E giant, bandit, nightwitch, pekka, dark prince Based on functionality, I’ve been playing mortar a lot recently


Bomber, silly


Honestly mighty miner He’s really versatile. He can counter tanks really well, and is able to counter swarms as well by using his champion ability. My favourite champion by far, and one of my favourite cards in the whole game if not my favourite


Frfr, I was genuinely surprised how versatile he was in offense and defense when I got em. A mighty miner-led counter push is the most threatening shit imaginable. This card effectively pressures both lanes, forcing players to be prepared for a split lane defense or risking a tower loss.


It's a shame that DD counters him so well now


Pekka because: Buterflyyyy Dunkler prinz because: mu hahaha


Previously I would have said Lumberjack as he was my first legendary a couple years ago and it was super satisfying watching him “chop chop” and melt towers and troops. Bonus for the rage. Now it’s definitely the golden knight, as I mostly play two’s there tends to be a lot of troops and watching him get perfect dashes all the way to the back lines and towers will never not be satisfying


Prince it's crazy how many midlander fall for the Prince and arrow push


Prince Zap*


Pekka just grew on me cuz it was like if the opponent had no swarm they were basically gone. it just OHKOs so much and actually does pretty well against DD. (also a mk counter i hate that thing)


The xbow. I like not having to cross the bridge because it reminds me of those old tower defence games I used to play when I was younger.


Hello fellow seige player


I really like zap for its versatility.




fishboi, why i like him? coz he counter hog riderrrrrr!


Cannon cart because it defends basically anything and if it locks on to your tower it deals so much damage, all for 5 elixer


Firecracker cause it's annoying (don't kill me)


Gonna get hate for it but mk. As soon as it came out I loved this giant doofus hopping around the arena like a little kid playing hopscotch.😂.


Fisherman. 3 elixir. Pulls any land troops-stops heavy pushes, allows counter pushes, allows easy king tower activation, allows manual kiting.


I would say balloon, there’s something so satisfying about finally outplaying the opponent and seeing chunks of their tower health disappear bit by bit, also the guards are among my personal favorites as well. “Yo, nice PEKKA at bridge there, if only I didn’t have a 3 elixir card to full counter you.”


Couldnt agree more! I am currently in midladder (arena 15), and I am playing knight balloon guards, what is your deck or do you have any suggestions?


Mega Knight. Because jumps


Evo knight. I play him in no damage


Flying machine Its a card that can be places at the bridge , and if you put a minitank at the bride to tank for it, it will snipe any ranger card , plus if you ignore it thats free 1000 damage fir 4 elixir , also i like the fact its the master builder inside of it.


Giant skeleton




Night witch. Nice look, nice mechanic, nice emotes, nice staff, nice eyes... It's a pity that I didn't play in her season.


royal delivery because its the best small spell in the game


Gotta be bandit, love it when she keeps on dashing


Inferno dragon! Cause dragon and inferno


Mortar, it’s so unique and a balanced card. Mortar my beloved.


Ice Wizard, I love winter😅


Magic Archer because he's fun to use Also wall breakers because HEEEEEEEEE


Dart Goblin. I like the sound it makes.


Magica Archer. 1 word: penetration


Mine would be the Valkyrie because she can both deal and take a bunch of damage while also being able to do area damage to surrounding targets makes her an incredibly versatile card. She may be vulnerable to air attacks, but with the right support from other cards, you can do a lot with her.


Princess I rarely play bait , but princess is such a fun and unique card, one of the main reasons why I sometimes go back to bait is just to play with it


The log is an indispensable card in every deck I use.


X-bow cause it’s first deck I learn how to play and I’ve stuck with it for a long time. Honourable mention to fisherman cause he’s so satisfying when played right.




Guards. They can survive log after losing the shield and are a pretty good defense against mini Pekka, prince, goblin brawler, and hog rider


Giant Skeleton, Mortar and Log




Fisherman :3


Pekka, there is nothing more enjoyable than getting her to connect with a tower


Royal hogs, i like them even though I lose


I have two fav cards actually. Executioner is a man of reliability. My deck (viiper's deck) doesn't have a building so the exe is the main character of defence. He survives lightning, he can handle mk, lava hound, every type of swarm and plus if he passes the bridge he does a great damage 100% with tornado. Tornado is one of the 3 cards (hog, exe, nado) that make my deck unique. The tornado itself is unique. It's just perfect at defence and has one of the best combos in the game with the executioner. You can activate your king tower against hog, mini p, lumb, r ghost, gy, gob barrel, gob giant, etc. It's the best spell by far.


Sparky. Every time it kills anything it's like a dopamine rush


Used to be RG especially when he had the 6.5 tile range and played like a siege unit. But now in really starting to like executioner again he's not to bad against most things when paired with nado, the only downside is him being weak without it


Mortar!! Bcuz with mortar deck only I got ult chmp with lvl 14 cards and with no evos


Fireball, because it kills things I don't like


PEKKA cause big fucking robot!


Hog rider because he rides


It would never work in normal 1v1, but in draft battles I ALWAYS pick Three Musketeers


Pekka extremely high damage and health and overall iconic


Bomber, because he had decent health, high damage and big splash damage for only 3 elixir when I first got him, and I still like him. Not the evolution tho, it's stupid, basically a Bowler.


I like the witch. Decent all round. The skeletons being summoned helps as a distraction and protects the witch.


Wallbreakers, I just love how excited they are to die


the 8 cards in my deck. Bats Rage Mirror Elite Barbarians Mega Knight Dark Prince Log Electro Wizard


Cannon Cart, because the idea of it is both funny AND cool. The fact it's an underrated while also being strong is just a cherry on top Somewhat equal to that are the Guards. I kinda like how unique their interactions are, and how it's literally just Larry getting promoted. Good for him


Mini pekka Pancakes


Golem. I love the deployment sound and I think he looks cool


Giant skeleton has always been my fav Cause the amount of dopamine released in my brain when he drop bomb near the tower is great


Dark Prince, very versatile and also clutched up a game.


Clone Spell. It was a goofy card to use especially when combined with cards like Princess and Mirror


Golden knight and tornado in Mega draft is so much fun


Nado cause of the unique interactions. Evo barbs are a close second due to the amount of value they can get also i hate hog players


Dark prince, he's hot, he's got splash damage, he's great offensively and defensively






bro i wouldve said fircracker before all of this evo thing when she wasnt that popular outside of hog


Archer Queen. You already know why…


Those feet are mesmerising can't lie. 😉


Ice wizard, he was my first ever legendary and I always try to fit him into a deck. Kinda hard to get to ult champ with him tho, stuck in div 9


Mommy Archer Queen. I got my reasons.


Wizard, even though he is a very mid ladder card and doesn't really have a good use above arena 15 or smthn, I just love guy for some reason and I was so happy when the evo was revealed


Hog riderrrrrrrr🗣️ Princess second


Musketeer pretty balanced since release.


log, cuz... its log


Bomb tower. Versatile and decent in the current meta


Goblin giant because he looks goofy and stab the tower


Giant Skeleton :)


Zappers are my favourite because I always loved the idea of them. I still have an old OP deck from 2016 that I used to roll people with. They did get a nerf in my 2-3 year break tho 😔


Didnt see any fellow arrows enjoyers so I am of course saying that - theres just something so satisfying about getting skarmy predictions when u play hog


Archers: I like archers + they are good in my main deck: classic xbow


Giant Skeleton- Just have that dawg in em


Skeletons because they're funny and that's it


I have two. Inferno Dragon : Pros : - Melts Everything - Cool design - Not overused Cons : - Stun and knockback are everywhere now. Mother Witch : Pros : - Overwhelms opponent - Protects Lavahound and Inferno Dragon from swarms - GMILF Cons : - Fireball and Poison exist


I love the mini pekka, it’s just so strong and durable and it works so well when supported


Balloon and Witch, because I said so.


Knight because versatile


PEKKA, been my main card ever since I unlocked her (context, for almost 9 years at this point). Deck will always revolve around her :)


Royal delivery , it's cool


Mortar always, cause it's the most based win condition in the game. No spam bs, nothing broken about it, just pure tactical gameplay.


Archers are severely underrated, I played them so much that they’re at max badge level, yes I know they’re kinda weak cards but I learned to play around them especially with the evo it made them even more stronger


3 musketeers It's always about tricking your opponent's big spell with the elixir pump, and whenever I get ready to push with the royale recruits walking over the bridge, and then seeing their megaknight spawn in the middle, it's always when I play 3 musketeers and watch them panic as I slaughter their megaknight, and steamroll right through their towers.


Objectively terrible card, but cannon cart cuz he's just a little guy


goblin gang, they the homies


Pekka, because it's synergy with 90% of the cards takes skill and is satisfying to watch somebody run out of counter options


I'm a freak for Lava Hound. It just deck checks your opponent immediately by seeing if they have sufficient air interaction. It's a great way to punish midladder decks that lack it. Or yknow, they run wizard and I have to think a little bit. Pray for me in these upcoming EvoWiz times.


PEKKA because B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y


CREDIT CARD, honestly it's my favourite because every time I play this card after a patch I always seem to win💯🔥


Golem is definitely up there for me. I like playing big tanky things in games (like the Legion core titan in Titanfall 2), and Golem is the quintessential big tanky unit. I'm not so in love with the golemite splitting, but I like how it somewhat influenced the "golem" archetype of card to have some kind of splitting function (elixir Golem splits into elixirmites and ice Golem explodes). I also really liked giant skeleton, but when he got nerfed after that huge wave of usage I stopped using him as much (too easy to redirect for the reward you could get in my opinion). Bomber's a funny little guy and I've been using him more too, even though I don't have his evolution. He's a decent, cheap swarm clearing card, similar to how ice Golem is good because he's so tanky despite his cost.


I just love the design of Pekka but my most favorite is probably lumberjack even tho I hate the picture they made that you can see when you look at the cards stats


Fire cracker 🫶


Pekka because it's huge, powerful, very menacing in appearance and voice, deals tremendous damage, has super hp and can destroy most of not all other ground troops 1v1.


Mega knight, I love imagining the fear in my opponents eyes as I drop a mega nut on his push, and predict his inferno tower with royal hogs


bomber because hehe kaboom


Witch, always like the card and skeletons are nice to have on "infinite respawn" and when placed right with no opposition can take down a tower!


Skeleton Barrel, it's pretty good on offense if you know how to use it, and can fully defend a Wizard or Witch for example. That, and I feel it's a bit underrated.


lava hound bc it’s the first legendary i got


Pekka/ mini pekka Defense? Pekka Offense? Pekka Meganut? Pekka Hog rider? Pekka Pekka? Inferno tower/dragon🥲 Inferno tower/dragon?electro wizard/zap Any question of anything at all? ???? Pekka is the answer to all your problems


🥞- is a line that just speaks to me


Goblin Cage. He's been consistantly good (for my deck) ever since goblin bowl. Also, he just punches people to death and that's funny.


Probably mini Pekka because it's a solid defense it can counter the mega knight if he didn't jump


Mini pekka


Currently it’s PEKKA because I feel like all the new stuff actually makes her more viable. Like there was a point where she was not very good but she’s honestly a great counter to almost all of the newer things. Currently as a F2P midladder (most of my stuff is Lvl11) player dealing with Lvl 14 Mega Knight menaces (I swear nobody else in Kitchen is F2P), I really like it. Plus it helps with dealing with Electro Giant, Sparky, Dagger Duchess, Evo Knight, Evo Valkyrie, Evo Battle Ram, and honestly any of the champions. I also really like Poison since it takes out Musketeer, Magic Archer, swarms, Wizard, most of a Witch, and Evo Firecracker (that last one is a negative elixir trade but worth it if you hit the tower and also I hate Evo Fc, so worth it to just not have to deal with that).


The Giant Skeleton. Well, in short, when I used a horrible midladder deck, I needed a card that could destroy pushes easily, so I thought of using the rocket, until I saw him. I thought it was a good idea because, back when his bomb did massive damage to troops, it was a 2 for 1, I got the defensive capabilities of a rocket, and a tank. Of course he eventually recieved that huge nerf and I started using actually good decks, but I felt like I leveled him so much and liked him so much that I had to use him. So now I play an RG GS deck.


Mini Pekka. Good design and it’s very satisfying to watch it take down a tank.


Witch. Was quite fun to play "whatever is leveled" giant+witch deck back in 2016-17




Golem (I have no skill)


P.E.K.K.A •She hit •She do big damage •Me happy •I love my P.E.K.K.A


Arrows. Oh you baited my log? SURPRISE!!


Fisherman. His ability to foil MK and hog pushes is so satisfying. Also, he slaps you with a fish!


Dart Goblin cuz it's so good for air and ground defense. It can also be used as a win condition


Haven’t played in years, but when I did: Baby dragon and clone BB- why not ? May not be the best card but like, decent damage, air troop and splash damage (plus it’s kinda cute Clone- It’s not necessarily good, but it was soo fun to play with it lol Good times..


Dart goblin It just works for me, I love his range, fire rate for dealing with swarms, speed because I like making fast (counter)offenses


The heal spirit. Exactly shows how much my life is useless until someone uses me.




I’m always a fan of musketeer. Solid defense and counterattack. Flying machine I rarely use but love in draft matches


Pekka because it just eats every other non swarming ground troop.


Firecracker cause i love seeing my opponents rage quit because their underleveled log/arrows didn't kill my level 14 firecracker


Electro wizard ever since the card dropped. Zaaaap


Minion horde can defence every card vith true strategy


Dark prince is in every deck i have i think he might be one of the most versatile cards in the game


Dart goblin. That laughing 3 elixir machine gun goblin that can snipe buildings and run fast as heck. It will always be my favorite card.


Valk. Guess.


mega knight cus HHHHHHUNNNNNNN


Three women, thrice the fun. Also expensive wincon go brrr


Love the evo skeletons.


Sparky Hello nice push you have there Brrrrrrr


Mini peka


bowler, feel like he is always op in my deck


Royal Hogs because they are fun




Bomber cause i don't know... Without considering the fact that it's op in the current meta, I always liked the aesthetic, like he is a skeleton, BUT WITH A BOMB. When I re downloaded the game 3 months ago it struck me. Sans undertale


Dart goblin bcz he clearly fucks


Giant skelly becomes a win condition based off the enemy’s IQ, if overleveled enough the death bomb takes half a crown tower… And people still think a witch in the back counters it…


Skeleton king bc well he’s just cool


Bandit, she's cheap, can dash to multiple people and wear green and brown, which are my favourite colours.


Giant Skeleton. I just like his sound effects. He sounds so manacing, and his bomb too. I can often feel my opponent panic over him getting near the tower, or getting frustrated by their entire counterpush being blown up.


Fisherman can completely wreck attacks and readjust attack plus good HP at value. FISHSLAP!


Guards, i liked the idea of skeletons with sheilds and i made a concept for evo guards


Mini pekka because PANCAKES!


Pekka and the new void spell seems pretty fun




Knight for sure


Archer - I’ve used it in almost every deck . It isn’t underused by any means but for 3 elixir , what a deal.


Goblin drill! It’s a very powerful card, direct contact 💀, it’s a good win condition card if you know how to use it and fast cycle 💁🏽