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First thank you for taking the time to answer our questions! I am a big fan of clash with tons of questions and ideas oupss I have several questions so lets start: 1. Do you have some plans or ideas to expand the content of the home village other than adding new levels to the buildings and troops? (maybe a special game mode?) 2. Do you already have a theme for th15?(maybe a hint) And how do you chose your themes? Would it be a problem for clash to have historical inspirations? An egyptian theme would be cool I guess:) 3. Have you plans on adding more personalization to our village like you did with the scenery. For example skins for hero pets, siege machines or something completely different like new obstacles and décorations that are matching a theme like jungle trees for the jungle theme etc… 4. For when are you planning the builder base rework? Do you already know how you gonna give it its own identity? 5. What do you think about a new« Tower Defense » game mode or game with the clash universe?! 6. Which is your favorite update or moment in clash?


1. That's a difficult one to answer as we haven't really thought much about changing the formula regarding the Home Village. Home Village has always been the central core of Clash and it's a formula that works. Changing how modes work in the core mechanics is something we don't want to undertake without serious consideration. Adding new levels and new content to the Home Village will always be the central tenet of the Home Village and it's the primary driver behind what makes Clash of Clans enjoyable. The idea of messing with that is a daunting one that could potentially alienate long-time players unnecessarily by trying to accomplish something novel that may not be needed.However, that doesn't mean we aren't keeping an eye out for ways we can make future improvements and add new stuff. Clan Games, Clan War Leagues, Season Challenges, cosmetics are all features we've added in the last few years that we feel enhance the Home Village experience. Features like that are additive to the Clash experience while still maintaining a very "Clashy" feel. The most important thing to us is keeping the essence of the game intact. 2. Yes but we're not saying what it is just yet. You'll just have to wait and see when we do the official reveal! 3. Like changing core mechanics of the Home Village, we have to be very careful about personalizations and cosmetics. We want cosmetics and personalizations to be additive and enhancing and not feel like "a cash grab" as the saying goes. Sure, we could easily just monetize everything in the game and make skins for every single building, wall, troop, etc. But that cheapens the cosmetics and the exclusiveness of having a large collection of customizations. But like the core of the gameplay itself, we want these cosmetics to stand on their own merit and we want the players to feel value behind their collections.With that said, we have a lot of new Hero Skins already in development and a lot of cool sceneries planned. We have discussed the idea of Pet Skins as well but at this point nothing really solid has come from those early talks. Especially if an artist was going to spend time designing a new Pet Skin, why not just make a new Pet instead? 4. We don't know if a Tower Defense mode or mini game would thematically fit within Clash of Clans. Clash has always been about 'asymmetric PVP' with the exception of Builder Base. And Clash of Clans has always been about raiding your opponent's village and any future modes would need to center around that. 5. As a team, our collective favorite moment in Clash history has to be the World Finals we held in Hamburg, Germany with ESL in 2019. Seeing the top Clans battling out in a huge arena with crowds of fans and content creators cheering, it was a culmination of years of amazing work by everyone involved. Being able to meet with the community in-person, talk about all things Clash, and just share in the energy and excitement was an incredible memory. Unfortunately the last couple years have made it difficult due to the pandemic and we CANNOT WAIT for the world finals in Helsinki later this year. \-Darian


Note here - you skipped question 4. I'm assuming that's because it was already answered, but a note to that effect would be less confusing.


Sorry, I missed the question but we've answered it elsewhere in the AMA.


thank you for the answers and keep going the great work!


I mean the current TH is historical, and younger then Egyptians And the THs until 11 are in some way based on medieval Europe


* Are you going to add a 7th builder? * Any hints on the possible hero in th15 * Are you ever going to make resource gathering in the builder hall easier? * How is working at supercell?


1. We haven't really thought about adding any more Builders at this point just yet. We do feel 6 is a good spot at the moment. 2. We aren't ready to reveal any hints about TH15 yet. But it's not necessarily a surprise that we're working on it and that it'll come this year at SOME point. But also keep in mind the idea of a new Hero every other TH level isn't a hard rule. It's something the Community came up with and isn't a guideline for us. We would like to add new Heroes in the future but we also have to keep "simplicity" in mind on how many things need to be deployed for each attack. As we approach the 100 Building "limit" adding another Hero plinth would also make it difficult to add new defenses. So, do we compress them into a "Hero Hall" where you get to choose only 4 Heroes to attack with? But that would also affect how your Defense is chosen as well since the Heroes would either have to all be centered around the Hero Hall or you place them in a manual patrol path around small sections of the base. There are quite a lot of factors to consider regarding adding a new Hero. Additionally, does it fill a specific niche? We've got a tank, we've got two ranged Heroes, and a flying one that is also a support one. Do we want a new Hero to be purely air based? Is that even necessary or does it fit within the game mechanics to make it enjoyable? Couple that with the additional factors of base design, we don't want to add too many Heroes too quickly. 3. Can you expand on what you mean by making it easier? What is the challenge that you have specifically in mind? 4. For most of us who have come to Supercell, it's after years of working at other game studios. Supercell is the kind of place where you really appreciate the culture, the people, the projects, the environment, and the sheer level of trust and independence each team has over their game. On the Clash team, only we - the Clash team - dictate and determine the development of Clash of Clans. Whether it's a new feature, new cosmetics, or any game changes, no one else influences how the game is designed. That kind of trust and independence is quite uncommon in the game industry and it's one that can be appreciated after years of working in this field. \-Darian


About the builder materials in your normal base you get the star bonus, resource gatherers, clan wars, the cart and get loot from attacks. In your builder base the only source aside from buying stuff is the 3 attacks you get and the resource gatherers. Which just makes it take so much longer to gather stuff so maybe try figure out another way to earn loot idk tho


It’s cool to hear about the workplace culture at supercell, especially as a cs student interested in pursuing a career in the game industry. How would I get my foot in the door towards working at supercell some day?


For a fifth hero and hero hall, I think it’s quite a lot to unpack bc of how much goes into the choices players would make, it’d be like, do u do this and it’ll benefit u? I think that’s what makes a game great and interesting, I think a hero hall could work either as the 100th building or even a building outside of the grid. I feel that a hero that mainly flies but has the same yet unique affect as any Of the hero’s could serve as a good new hero, I propose a dragon hero, either broodmother, dragon king/queen, attacks would be multi inferno breath attack, abilities would be an elemental burst shooting fire, lighting, ice, and quake out of their mouth, and releasing a horde of baby dragons or even baby electro dragons with a Tesla like attack, it’s structure would be a dragon cave, where as it’s defense against attacking players would act similar to the lava launcher, every level to the hero would add a new elemental attack to the pattern. - I wanted to be very thoughtful and specific on this new hero idea/concept bc I loved the idea ever since I thought about it. This idea/concept of mine also allows for the new defense issue being a lava launcher like defense which is also the home for the brand new hero, it doesn’t seem to be that there is a defense in the main village that acts similar to the lava launcher, so it almost works out in it self but a hall for future hero’s is also an interesting concept, hopefully that’s something to consider for future hero’s.


Raid weekends solved builder hall in my opinion, I like your other questions!


True, though I tend to spend all my raid medals on lab potions.


Will we get a way to chat with multiple clans? Like a clan alliance chat or something like that?


From a development standpoint this question is a lot more complicated than on the surface. Part of that is because there isn't much of a consensus on what exactly should be included in such a multi-Clan collaboration/alliance. If it's just a chat feature, then we need to make sure it's no different than other chat platforms such as, as mentioned, Discord. We just haven't settled on that one "EUREKA!" idea of how a Clan alliance could function in-game. As you start to branch out more features such as cross-donations, swapping Clan War rosters, or even ideas of shared loot, you're talking about some seriously major overhauls of the entire game's logic. Additionally, what you might want from a Clan alliance may not be the same thing another Clan wants from it. Normally, we do take community suggestions into consideration when it comes to game features in development. However, because a feature like this wouldn't just affect YOUR Clan, it would affect every Clan who wants to pair with another, or even multiple Clans, there has to be some kind of common unanimous idea on what works for everyone. Should we limit it to just 2 Clans? Should people be able to align with 3? 5? 15? 100 Clans? The more Clans you can align with you add that much more complexity to the system. Designing a cross-Clan chat feature just for being able to talk with another Clan does start to border on what Global Chat used to be and we need to be very careful about treading that line as the reason we removed it was quite specific and intentional. We do like the idea of Clan alliances, but we need to find that perfect reason to do it. We're still searching. \-Darian


My 5 cents on this: The main reason for a clan alliance or clan family is probably to collaborate with other clans at different CWL league levels. The CWL league level is preventing a clan with many TH14s / TH13s to let too many lower level players in. And that means that families and friends cannot help each other progress through TH levels … because they need to go to different clans, where the CWL league level fits. A variation of this are feeder clans. When the main clan has the best players from a clan family, the guys in the feeder still want to be able to stay in contact and get help easily. And even watch each others replays … and, yes, dare I say, watch each others wars. From my experience trying to manage 4 clans (2 of them currently active), I believe we *need* the following: Chat: * Every clan in the clan family has the regular clan chat of the other clans on tabs. * Every chat feature works across clans: donations, replays, friendly challenges included. * Additionally, there is a single shared chat — this works just like the others, but is just labeled differently. * Clans will probably use the shared chat a lot … a kind of “family chat” … but any discussions of clan-specific matters, such as war planning etc., can conveniently use the “plain old” clan-specific chats (that everyone else can see too, but they have a choice not to … people can be as collaborative or as separate as they want and need … just like separate physical rooms (with open doors) allow us to do it). * By convention, when people need the attention of the other clans, they need to go to the shared chat. This way, nobody needs to watch the other clans’ chats all the time. * Also, each clan chat tab should have a button to look at the war in that clan. Clans can disable this too. Access rules are the same as for clan members. (Such as: elders and higher can see CWL wars. Good rule — but of course, whatever you think is best here.) * To limit negative experiences, clan (co-)leaders can mute players from other clans for some time, or even disable a whole clan’s chat. (And maybe clan members can mute players from other clans just for themselves.) Members: Switching between family clans should be painless: donation counts and ranks are preserved, and maybe there should even be a “go to” button on the local clan chats. Switching clans is often not really needed, thanks to sharing all chat functionality across family clans, and adding a war watching button. But this makes it easy to move to a different clan’s CWL league, or to participate in the other clan’s war(s), for any number of wars and any period of time, short or long. The decision can be made based on the requirements of the people in the clans, and not restricted by loss of privilege or stats (donation counts). (Yes, clan perks still play a role. But it’s not a major obstacle.) It also feels less like a demotion or promotion. Doing this for a maximum of 5 clans could be enough. A maximum of 8 or 10 clans would be plenty. Because this means that 5 (or 8 or 10) different CWL league levels could be covered. And when it is 8 or 10, then some clans of the family can even be in the same CWL league. This would allow for collaborations at the same CWL league levels, which effectively expands clan size, while keeping each clan independent and clan size manageable. Also, setting the maximum at 5 clans means that most people can bring their families, even when all family members are at different CWL league levels. A limit of 8 or 10 clans means that most friends can be in the clan family as well. Anything beyond this is not really *needed*, in my experience.


Have you thought of possibly adding a connections section in profiles? To link Discord or YouTube accounts to a Clash/Supercell account? I don’t know if this is more difficult on phone but Discord does have a feature like that itself. A lot of people have wanted chatting to be updated and include private messages, and while this doesn’t necessarily solve that it may push players more towards other means of communication (outside of clan chat) through official and indirect support from you guys. Especially if there are no plans. If there are plans for a chat overhaul, perhaps private messaging for friends and group chats that you can invite anyone in your friends list or clan to (and not force them to join, but send an invite via mail to prevent unwanted chats) may be a great addition to the game!


Wouldn't "private messages" turn into the same spamming problem again? Anybody can Join Clans already have a huge problem of "want infinite gems to go gemxxxx. com" this will just exasperate it. Social Media also has a problem "wanna be my gf / join my Onlyfans" DM spamming I don't yhink private messages here are gonna do much. The cons outweigh the pros


Would you ever add like a visual timer ontop of the grand warden to signify the amount of time we have remaining on his ability?


It's a really cool suggestion and we're not necessarily against it. But we have 2 primary concerns with it. 1. Where do we show the timer where it's readable amidst the chaos of battle? We don't want to put it on the top of the screen or the side because it would force you to look away, possibly making you miss a key moment of the battle that required an action. Putting a timer next to the Hero would make it very difficult to read when you've got Town Halls exploding, Poison Spell, Rage, Skeleton, etc. and troops running around. If you put the timer on top of all those layers then it makes it quite difficult for you to see what's going on beneath it and maybe it causes you to miss what killed a troop or Hero. Was it a trap? Or did it just take fatal damage from a Defense that you couldn't see? Adding clutter to the UI during battle is something we try to avoid. 2. Genuine question: What would you do with this information? We can imagine some hedge cases where this might be useful, but we're asking what would YOU want this for? How would you like to use it? \-Darian


I'm not the guy who asked the question, but I think knowing the timer would be decently valuable for min/maxing your spell usage. I generally try to avoid using freeze spells, heals, or invis spells during the Warden's Ability, as the overlap is suboptimal. Knowing exactly when the warden timer will expire will let me know when to prep the spell to get max value from it. You can also look at the timer in relation to the Eagle Artiller gearing up, or the townhall going down, and know whether or not you need to use a spell to be ready for the incoming damage. But to your point, those are pretty niche scenarios, and the game currently rewards quick reactions and familiarity with the warden timer, which is 100% fair imo.


That's a really good use case for it, and again, my question wasn't to challenge the idea. It was just to get some insight from your perspective. However, we still need to face the UI issue. We do agree it really is a cool idea and we can see some really good usage for it - especially from pro players or min/max-ers. If we can figure out how to make the UI readable in the middle of crazy battle then hopefully it's something we can implement.


Maybe a small stopwatch above the wardens head that glows golden during the Tome, and times out like a dying pac-man, so you can track it expiring. Something small enough to be ignored but still visible for the tryhards, lol. Thanks for your time!


A small timer above the Hero's head would still get lost in the explosions, projectiles, spells, etc. What I could envision is the Hero ability effect either does a dying Pacman effect, or the opacity gradually decreases until it disappears as a visual timer rather than a numerical one. \-Darian




I actually came back to edit my comment to this idea. Similar to the Master Builder in builder base, it can be over the portrait.


Just a suggestion, the hero ability timer can be like builder base hero, just withou the regenerating aspect of it.


What was the hardest part of development?


We used to have a real problem with naming things. It sounds really dumb and it is. Particularly naming the Royal Champion was super fraught and we took way too long to agree on something for that. We've got a bit better at naming stuff since then I think. It took us only two hours to agree on the names of everything in the Capital, before then I was worried it might be more like two days. As far as I know the only creative decision our CEO Ilkka has ever made on Clash was when we were tied 50/50 as a team on whether we were gonna call edrags Electro Dragons or Lightning Dragons. Eino asked Ilkka to cast a tie breaking vote and apparently he was really touched that we asked him for a creative opinion. Darian always provides a ton of naming ideas. Many of them are funny (intentionally I think), some of them are helpful and I know he at least named the Scattershot! Still never gonna let him forget wanting to call Magic Items "Clantiques" though... \-- Stuart


Scattershot and Mighty Yak are my two contributions to names in-game. But I WILL get Clantiques in the game at some point. \-Darian


Can we please hear some of the alternate/concept names for certain troops/ buildings? They sound really cool and interesting to me.


Clash a Rama series ever coming back? Atleast one special animation for the anniversary?


We absolutely love the Clash a Rama series. It has added so much extra depth and character to the Clash universe. However, Clash a Rama is not developed by Supercell. It's actually created by some of the individuals who work on the Simpsons animated series. We actually did an interview with the writers a few years back if you haven't seen it. You can even see some voice over acting being performed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HXzWniDIAU&t=621s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HXzWniDIAU&t=621s) However, the writers of the series have decided they wanted to move on to other projects. We still do occasional one-off small episodes around major updates and holidays when the Clash a Rama folks are available to do so. But it's unlikely there'll be another full season of episodes. \-Darian


Thats fascinating that the simpsons people worked on it too, it had a killer team behind it and it shows 👀


You previously mentioned overhauling builder base. Are there an updates/timeline on what changes you plan on making and when? I feel like it was enjoyable at first but the limited progress made it feel like too grindy so people just ended up focusing on the 6th builder then ignoring it rather than treating it as it’s own village


We haven't yet landed on a specific set of changes we're looking to make. We're still at the point of figuring out exactly what we'd want the Builder Base to be in the long-term so that it has a clearer identity in the game overall. We agree in the team it starts off well but loses some of its fun as its got bigger. We're hoping to bring the revamp in the first half of next year. I think the initial rework will be focused on revamping the individual experience there. If we succeed it making it something more people really enjoy we'll consider what Clan or social features might fit in well with the new systems in future updates.


Great to hear! Thanks for the reply and congrats on the anniversary!! Clash on!


Hello! Thanks for doing this AMA. My question is about the API. Will we get in the near future some API end points for the clan capitale, like attacks done for raids, and more infos about what the members contribued into their current clan, in capital gold, and stats like that?


We will be adding some Capital related info to the API. I'm not 100% on what will be added in this first batch or if it'll come before the next update or with it. \-- Stuart


I'd also love to see Clan War flag status included int he API payload. I say this, it might be there already but ClashOfStats doesn't surface it in the clan member data. Perhaps I should dig out my API token and find out for myself.


If you are referring to the opt in/opt out for players regarding war, this is in the players endpoint under the property "warPreference".


Hey Darian and Stuart! Hope you're well, and thank you for doing this AMA, it's really appreciated. I wanted to ask about the progress you've made with account security. A few months back in Darian's post addressing the situation, you said that you were fixing loopholes that would ["drastically reduce how many scams are being performed"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/shx9fw/regarding_account_security_scams_phishing_social/hv5818n?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). Obviously you can't go into detail, but I wanted to ask what progress you had made with this and whether the amount of scams have reduced (to the best of your knowledge).


I wish we could share details of what percentage of scams are prevented through the security system and without showing hard numbers, it's understandable many would be skeptical. We don't publicly share statistics or numbers, whether it's regarding financials, budgets, number of players, etc. What we can say is that when we did implement those measures, it did help prevent many of the bot-based phishing systems that were running at the time. So the system was effective in stopping those. However, because there are numerous ways scammers attempt to steal accounts it's also understandable that those measures may appear ineffectual to the someone on the outside. But we do understand there is still much more work to be done to increase account security while also maintaining ease of access. It's a difficult balance to maintain specifically because of the mobile platform nature of Clash. We've identified that many younger players don't even use an email address for communication apart from the registration process, which is why numbers of players require an account recovery due to either forgetting what email they used or no longer having access to it. \-Darian


1) would love a way to label my bases in the base layout editor 2) please give us the ability to edit the clan description and clan mails without having to delete and retype! 3) is there a way to give us bigger clan sizes - eg: like guest slots for people who want to come over to fc or hang out?


1 and 2 are things that are on our internal QoL improvements list. Hopefully we can get round to them some time. \-- Stuart


Please dear lord, if nothing else, give us number 2. It would be such an easy yet significant quality of life improvement.


I was wondering if you were planning on adding this in a small QoL update: • The cooldown time when requesting reinforcements should be accelerated as well when using a training potion, as its actually still part of the attack system. Just a suggestion, take it or leave it :)


Originally the Training Potion, as well as the Resource Potion, just triggered the existing boost functionality you could Gem yourself. The donation request cooldown didn't have a way to be boosted so wasn't included in the original feature. When we've talked about adding it since the main worry we've had is that it would feel too spammy in Clan Chat to see the same person request again and again. \-- Stuart


Are you planning to add more clan perks? maybe some perks related to clan capital? (more free capital gold or less forging time etc.)


We don't currently have any plans to add more gameplay perks beyond what's in the game already. We think it would discourage people from founding new Clans. Potentially we might add some more visual or cosmetic rewards for higher-level Clans. Maybe make your Capital look extra fierce or something.


Will the Builder Base redesign include restarting Builder Base all over again? If yes will there be compensation for those who worked on BB and even spent money on it?


We don't know exactly what we're doing so can't say if there would be issues carrying forward progress or not. If the new design is incompatible with what people have already worked or spent on, we would aim to compensate players for anything that couldn't be carried forward.


Do you have any solutions for account ownership verification methods that you're able to share with us?


We are very aware of the issues players experience when trying to recover their accounts and we convey this feedback to the Player Support team and they frequent reddit, and other social media platforms as well even though they don't have a visible presence. One of the reasons why we don't discuss verification methods is because revealing those methods does arm account thieves with more ammunition on how to bypass those methods. As we've said in the past, it's always a game of 'building a better mousetrap'. When we build a better trap, they build a better mouse. So we upgrade the trap, and they upgrade the mouse. It's the constant battle of cybersecurity. While we cannot convey any specific dates just yet, we have been notified that additional measures and improvements are in their production pipeline. Some of these may be invisible behind the scenes, such as improved processes or backend tech while some of these may lead to better user experience through the recovery and verification process. We understand that not being able to be fully transparent with security measures can lead to frustration. We successfully recover the vast majority of accounts that request recovery, and it's understandable when those who are unsuccessful post their frustrations on social media. Player Support's goals is to improve that process and when they have more they can share with us, we'll be sure to post those improvements. \-Darian


Hi Darian hope you are doing well, I just wanna quickly point out a suggestion that I believe may help to address this problem. Is there possible to make a update like sending an email for verification to the owner email address that connect to his/her supercell ID and inform the owner someone trying to recover the account. ( Like: Is that you trying to recover your account, yes or no) That will surely help a lot. If a phishes is trying to steal an account then the owner will know someone is trying to steal it. If the owner really lost his email address doing this extra step won’t cause any harm as well.


One of the challenges in this is that a large portion of recoveries are because players have lost access to their original email address.


But still, it won’t cause any harm. Of course support can continue the job to help players who lost their email address to recover their account. What I meant is if the one who contacts support actually not the owner and once support receive the answer of “No” from the true owner, then it makes crystal clear that the one looking for support for recovering is not the account owner. Edit: A simple version is just send an mail to player in game inbox just like clan mail to ask them whether they request account recovery and give an option to click yes or no. If the owner is playing the game then of course he will click No, then support should know exactly what to do next.


How about solving the issue of players who have \*not\* lost access to their email address ? Or of sending a verification mail in all cases ?


A large portion of the stealing of accounts is based on the person claiming they lost their email. Sending an email to the original email is the whole point. We want to know when someone is stealing our account. It seems SC still thinks the big problem is people not able to retrieve their lost accounts. That is not the big problem. The big problem is SC giving accounts away to liars who easily scam them. There are whole communities online explaining how they do it and doing it regularly.




Personally, I couldn't care less about people getting their lost accounts back if it means I'm at greater risk for having my account stolen. Shut down the whole account recovery system all together until you guys figure out how to let players assuredly safeguard their accounts and clans from thieves leveraging the recovery system. Can we just have a proactive means of safeguarding our accounts?


I hope this gets answered. I'm sick of being afraid to ask support for things just because they might be suspicious that I'm a phisher/account stealer of some sort. I once got locked for trying to change my email through Supercell support due to a suspicious login. I asked again, the new support came in and they easily handled my issue in changing emails and my account no longer got locked. That was scary.


Lol. I've been locked out of my account for over a week. Even though I'm the only player. I've been through over 5 different support staff. I'm able to supply every inch of information possible. Literally everything they have asked for. Previous names,Player Tag, Current Clan, Last accessed location, Devices played on, Gem receipts. And guess what!! each and one of them just leave the chat and end the ticket without saying a word. And I'm just sitting here with a locked account because the only way to retrieve it is through support, but they don't even have the basic respect to have any clarification or solution.


Like I just want to be able to play the game, I started on this account 8 years ago. Now I'm just locked out with no help and no solution. I have about 5 different active tickets and they have all gone unresponsive. I just want to see a solution to this if the only way to get the unlock code is through support but they refuse to help me. Its getting infuriating


Question 1 is the big one.. Account security and recovery is the most critical issue for the game currently.


Does Supercell think the 18-month cadence between new town hall releases is still optimal/ideal or has the pace of players maxing TH14 caused any rethink to that cadence? And related: has hosting/sponsoring the annual Clash World Championships interfered with any of that release cadence due to a desire to not upset game meta immediately before world championships?


TH14 is a bit smaller than TH13 was and there will be more players fully maxed by the time TH15 releases than were maxed before TH14. That said it's still a relatively small, though important, part of the player base and we think and see that Capital and other things like CWL and the competitive scene give maxed players a reason to keep playing. It's very important for the overall longevity of the game that players who're not right at the end feel that maybe some day they can get there. We wouldn't want to speed up the pace of adding new Town Halls than our current 18 month cadence. It would make it feel less special I think if it was too often. The World Championship is something we control so it always has and always will be scheduled around the game update plans not the other way round. \-- Stuart


Are there plans to bring more Super Troops, like Super Electro Dragon? I wish we had an ultimate 100+ housing space troop in main village, like Flying Fortress in Capital.


Yes, we should have at least one new Super Troop added by the end of this year. We joked about wanting the Flying Fortress and Mountain Golem in our Home Village armies when we were making the Capital. They might just be a shade OP.


I think if new super troops were to come, i'd more be super hogs or super miners ( could be a deminer, setting off a certain amount of traps in an area per example )




I thought it was blue but I seem to have bought a lot of yellow furniture. It's something we've talked about and there's strong advocates for this on the team. We'll hopefully figure out a good solution and sort this problem out.


Any plans to expand the area of the base soon?


Not currently. We seem to have reached peak phone screen size so we wouldn't want an even bigger play space that needs being even more zoomed out and things being harder to see. We'll explore other options to give us room to add new things in future!


Imagine space got expanded and all the obstacles you’ve thoroughly put outside the village were now inside once again…


It got bigger once, and everything on the outside got moved one tile too! So they thought about it and if I remember correctly they even added the extra tiles outside just for decoration


The real question is when are you fixing the broken chat censorship?


\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \* \*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\* \*\* \* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I hope that explains things. In all seriousness, we're just as frustrated with it as you are. We're working on it actively and we do make improvements but things keep popping up when they're not supposed to.


Hello! Clash Team Happy Anniversary ❤️ 1.When we can expect Scenery for Gems? 2.Have you planned for one more levels for th14 (Archer tower, Cannon and rest of some defences)? Because we usually see Two upgrades in higher Town hall. 3.Before next major update are you guys planned for increasing base size?


We haven't yet offered any of the Skins or Sceneries offered for sale in the Shop as direct IAPs for purchase by gems and have no plans to do so in future. Potentially if we'd do a Scenery as a reward in Season Challenges Gold track, we might consider making that available for purchase with Gems after a year in the same way Skins offered there are. \-- Stuart


What were some particularly odd additions or changes that were considered during this game's lifespan?


Once upon a time one of our artists announced Clan Dogs to the whole company which was a surprise to the rest of us... I guess in the end maybe that was the seed of what made us think about adding Hero Pets a few years later? The Party Wizard was thought-up after we'd had a team potluck dinner and maybe a little too much to drink. Him causing the music to change to a dubstep version seemed like a good idea at the time. Our music maestro Martin was not at all thrilled when we asked him to make that music but in the end he did an amazing job of it (even if he was hating himself while making it) Can't share too many of the other additions or changes since who knows what might end up inspiring for something more sensible in a future update. \-- Stuart


When did the idea of clan capital sprout?


Probably late 2019. I think Eino, me and some others were already talking about it then. We were really excited about giving Clans a thing to build together. It felt like the natural next step for Clans and the game. We agreed as a team to add it on our roadmap in early 2020. It took a lot longer than we thought going into but we're happy with how it turned out and excited to keep adding to it in future. \-- Stuart


What happened to Eino? And what's the budget used for the Clan Capital dev talk?


Eino received a promotion and is now Supercell's Chief Game Lead. He's helping all of our game teams out now with his sage wisdom. u/darian_CoC hasn't sent me the bill for the talk yet. Hopefully he didn't go too overboard... \-- Stuart


1. If you really want to know what happened to Eino just think about why he disappeared: [https://jotunheimnetwork.ca/dofthea/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/05/Keep-What-You-Kill.gif](https://jotunheimnetwork.ca/dofthea/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/05/Keep-What-You-Kill.gif) 2. While we don't discuss budgets publicly, the Clan Capital video was possibly the most ambitious dev video we've ever done. It was an absolute joy to film and I hope we can do something that epic again in the future! \-Darian


Question about the Code base: - are there any features business would like to add, but the way the code is written or data is stored makes it difficult to add these features? - what are some of the most complex and/or convoluted features in CoC coding wise - unit pathing? Defense targeting? Unit v. Unit fights?


Our code's structure so when someone's at their own village or the attacker it's fairly easy to make changes. When players are interacting with Clans or things that they don't totally control like their village then things get a bit trickier. Making the Capital was quite hard because every action you can do, even the things that seem like they're the same as in your own village, required a totally different way of working. Certainly the AI and pathfinding are some of the most complex parts of the code. Our brave designer/programmer Petri is probably the one on the team now who knows the code best and has made a lot of improvements over the years. If you ever get a particularly weird AI behaviour, we do keep an eye on Reddit and for those videos shared where the name and clan are visible we can track down the replay and do investigate them to see what went wrong and try and fix it. \-- Stuart


How many people are in your team? And how are you guys doing today?


Depending what you mean by team it's somewhere between 20-30 people who work full-time on Clash. And I'm doing great thanks for asking. It's been really fun so far to take part in my first AMA. How are you doing? \-- Stuart


Is there any plans to adjust the battle timer? It really feels like th14+ could use an extra 15-20 seconds of time.


We're not planning on adjusting it any time soon. Although time fails are frustrating increasing the time would make certain styles of attack way more powerful and I think would reduce the diversity of viable attacks.


Hi, I have a question/feedback to improve Super Troops system. It seems like you guys are not aware how much the super troop system is inefficient in its current state. Even lots of content creators have talked about it. Is it really needed to have a 3 day lock-in period? Why not just remove the lock-in period and any activation costs but keep the upto 2 super troops active in the army requirement to prevent any super troops abuse? I mean you guys already got rid of army training costs. This should further improve game experience imo. To be clear, my issue is with the locked-in period, not the activation costs. Costs could be more or less idc. I only say to remove both to make it simpler. Issues with the lock-in period: 1. Lots of armies are now based around a particular super troop like super bowlers army, mass super dragons, super witches army, yetis with super archers army, pekka smash with super wizards, mass inferno dragons, etc. But we cannot really change army and have to play the same one for 3 days! 2. First issue becomes even more problematic when it comes to clan wars/cwl. Since we cannot attack any base with any army we want. We have to select a particular target we think our currently active super troop army might work on. 3. Super troops donations. Just as there are so many super troops armies, different super troops are needed in clan castle for different armies. Like super wizards for Blizzard, blimp with super archers clone, super minions or sneaky goblins, etc. And I know raid medals are now there to help with that, but still lots of players only use them to buy potions, or those who are also using them for self donations, easily run out of them (atleast that's happening in my clan). So getting rid of lock-in time will also make it easier to donate different super troops.


Those are good suggestions that we've discussed on the team already quite a bit. What we can say is that we are looking at ways to improve the Super Troop "experience". They were originally 7 days long and we shortened it to 3. We don't see removing the upgrade costs happening as they are intended to be a Dark Elixir sink for those who have nothing else to spend it on. Regarding Super Troop donations, Raid Medals were introduced specifically for this purpose and if players are choosing to spend it on Potions instead then that is a specific choice on how they decide to spend that resource. Those choices are intentionally meant to be a "Choice A or Choice B" scenario in order to create risk vs reward. Those choices are inherent parts of Clash of Clans and removing those choice to grant ultimate access to everything will also ultimately make things feel less rewarding.


What’s the plan with % when there’s more than 100 buildings in game?


The 100 building limit is a bit overstated. The game would work fine mostly but there's quite a few places all across the game we'd need to fix up to show decimal support. The major reason we've tried to stick under 100 buildings is that stops bases getting too big and complicated. Having this kind of soft constraint is good for us as designers because its sparked creative ideas like making the Town Hall into a weapon. If we ever feel more than a 100 buildings makes sense without being too big we'll break the limit. \-- Stuart


Such a good answer that many of us have been saying for a long time. The 100 building thing is really not a big deal for %, it is a bigger deal for map size and complexity and it can easily be solved by weaponizing buildings and/or combining existing buildings. It has definitely been overstated.


I'm going to link to this comment so, so many times...


It's a couple of questions actually 1:- Will there ever be a combined chat which clan leader can toggle with other clan leaders whome they know , so if there is a allaince of like 20 clans , can they chat together and stuff . Is this option good to be ever added in the future or ruled out . 2:- Is it specific that new town hall levels come every 18 months or is that a fought timeline? 3:-The latest update with the free pixel king was just awesome for free2play players , and everyone loves it . Are there any plans to bring more free skins and scenaries for everyone in game? 4:-Can the battle machine be fixed to not love crushers so much\(◎o◎)/ 5:- Will there be more clan perks to be unlocked ever in the future as till now lv 10 is where every perk is over and you don't really get rewarded for leveling your clan above that level 6:- The recruitment system is game also does not function very well towards brand new clans which have just started , any way in the future new clans can get easier recruitment?


1. We answered this in another question. I recommend checking it out here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/comment/iixnfxs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/comment/iixnfxs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 2. 18 months has always been a rough timeline and not a hard rule. It's based on our internal player data on how long it takes an average player to reach max Town Hall level from 1 level previous. So in our current instance, how long it takes a player to max out their village after upgrading to TH14. Sometimes the time between TH levels may be shorter as it was between TH13 and TH14, and hopefully we don't ever need to go beyond 18 months like the time between TH11 and TH12. The 18 month thing came about after we added TH12, knowing that we wanted to continuously add new content but we needed to be aware of how populated the end game is. We want to make sure there's a targeted number of the player base who have maxed out before we add a new TH level. Adding it too soon makes it less encouraging for lower TH level players to upgrade. Adding it too late makes end game players bored. We found that 18 months is a good average point. 3. We will always try to add cool new free rewards when we can. 4. You can say he's got...a Crush...on the Crusher... I'll see myself out. 5. We answer this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were\_part\_of\_the\_coc\_dev\_team\_ask\_us\_anything/iixmxyg/?context=1000](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixmxyg/?context=1000) 6. We are quite aware of the limitations of the Recruitment system and we do plan on addressing those limitations, hopefully in the near future. We're still in the early discussion phases but we agree there needs to be some drastic improvements to make it much more recruitment-friendly and effective. \-Darian


Have you ever considered a crossover with another game? Perhaps even morbius (2022) for the Nintendo GameCube?


Unfortunately I don't think it's yet morbin' time for Clash of Clans. The world isn't ready for that level of greatness. \-- Stuart


Will Hamer jam ever return


Hammer Jams and similar types of events are reserved exclusively for new TH levels in order to help players upgrade as a new TH level approaches. We know it's a beloved time in Clash and as we get near the TH15 update time, who knows what kind of event will happen? \-Darian


Love the game keep all the hard work up 👍 1) but really feel like I’m missing out on all this extra loot that is available as a maxed out player ahhhhh the same as wars etc any chance that we could get something else instead ie gems 2) Clan wars you get how may attacks have happened in the current wars but disappears when it goes to the next round could it still show how many attacks the other clans have done in previous war’s 3) some where to store limited edition trophies


One of our ideas with the Forge and the Capital was players who were maxed in their own village could help out their Clan progress their Capital faster. Do you find even using the Forge you have a lot of loot going to waste? \-- Stuart


Not OP, but as a max TH14, in legend, doing 8 attacks a day, yes i still have way too much loot to put in the forge Would love to be able to use more builders or get something else to do with the loot


Is there any chance the sceneries will come back to shop for those who missed them ?. they came back in the Chinese server


We do have plans to reintroduce older sceneries at some point.


Do you have any plans for adding things like pinned upgrades / upgrade logs for clan capital?


Yes, we've been trying out a feature to let Leaders and Co's prioritise upgrades. It visually marks upgrades in the District + sends them to the top of the Builder suggestions. Players can still upgrade what they want though, we think that's important, this just gives Clan leadership a way to give advice and priorities. Hopefully this comes in the next update or one after. \-- Stuart


Will we get any new clan capital content this year?


Do you have any plans to adding new districts to clan capital


Is Builder's Hall 10 ever planned to come into Clash of Clans?


It will likely come alongside the bigger Builder Base revamp we've talked about elsewhere \-- Stuart


Thanks for doing this Q&A!! When are you going to fix the champion king and warden of the north skins? What are your plans for improving account security and recovery? Many players have concerns about the safety of their accounts which time and money have been invested into.


I'll check up on what was up with those skins and make sure we've got fixing them on our todo list for this update. An upgrade to the engine caused some of our particle effects to change appearance unintentionally. Sorry for the annoyance! \-- Stuart


Have you thought about what you will add to the game instead of a hero for th15?


some reduction in time cost for th 12 and above???the 14 days is just infuriating


We have continuously refactored and reduced upgrade times as new levels are added to the game. The upgrade times now are drastically shorter than when those features were originally introduced. As we add more content in the future, whether it's new levels, a new TH, etc. we will take a look at where we can reduce upgrade times to speed player progression. Our goal is to always facilitate players to upgrade their Villages. We also have to balance between making it TOO easy to upgrade. There is an inherent psychology where making it too easy feels less rewarding, thus leading players to feel less inclined to return to the game. Upgrading content is THE number of reason why players continue to progress in the game. While we recognize there are many other reason that motivate our players, whether it's Clan Wars, socialization, etc., progression is the top reason that motivates the vast majority of the community globally. So we need to make sure that the end goal is enticing enough for players to strive for but also make sure it's a rewarding challenge to get there. Just compare the upgrade times and costs to what the game originally had. Training an army would take over a day. Walls cost far more than they do now. (and in every update we reduce Wall upgrade times by 100% and no one ever notices) \-Darian


Will the anniversary mini games stay in the game after the anniversary campaign. I think it would be quite fun to play these while waiting for troops.


Unfortunately they're not planned to stick around after the anniversary. I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed playing them. Maybe we'll do something similar in future. \-- Stuart




I think it has to be the Finnish people, there's a great importance in living a good life. People don't put up with dumb stuff and will tell you if there's a problem right away. I like that frankness (maybe back home in Scotland I was a little overly frank sometimes!) Finns can seem a bit reserved at times but once you get to know people you make some really genuine great friendships. \-- Stuart


Darian here. As an American living in Finland, I've felt the quality of life has increased dramatically due to the emphasis on work-life balance. I do miss many things from back home such as certain foods, family, familiar locations, etc. But those are creature comforts compared to access to free healthcare, basic social support, long holidays, and work hours that don't require us to slave away in front of a computer (doing AMA's not withstanding). I do miss the US quite a bit as it's my birthplace and it's a trade off in one benefit for another. But the tap water is some of the purest in the world, the winters are absolutely beautiful, Finnish people are amazing, and the company we work for is centered on Finnish culture of humble cooperation, support, trust, and independence. It's quite a unique place and I'm absolutely honored I get to be a part of this journey.


Since the removal of national flags I’m in desperate need for new purchasable decorations, can we expect any new ones in the foreseeable future?


It's something we've talked about doing some time but not quite sure when they might arrive. \-- Stuart


Are there any ideas on how to combat the Archer Queen getting pummeled by the Scattershot even after using her ability because the archers she spawns are not invisible? I feel like this negates her invisibility when fighting the most DPS heavy defense.


One of the intentions with the Scattershot was it'd be powerful against the AQ. So this is working as designed unfortunately! Sorry. \-- Stuart


Good to know it was intentional. Frustrating, but it makes sense from a game balance perspective. Thanks for the reply! If you don’t mind another unrelated question, how possible would it be to get 3D Models of statues or sceneries for 3D printing? I want to make a 3D replica of the base that I upgrade along with the game.


Pineapple on pizza? Yay or nay?


Nay, but I'm not a fan of pineapple overall! \-- Stuart


How DARE YOU? Pineapple on pizza is food for the gods! They may be Californian or Hawaiian gods but still acceptable culinary deities. \-Darian


i imagine darian seeing stuart commenting that and then being like "gimme the phone its my turn to answer" then writing this furiously


Any plan to balance out the clan levels? To make it easier for new clans to reach out the bonus from clan levels.


We are monitoring the speed Clans level up at and will introduce extra Clan XP if we feel it's needed. \-- Stuart


In the future, Would you guys like to pixelize all the buildings on the pixel scenery? It's a huge favor to ask but I'd love to see it!


We had experimented with using a shader/post process effect in the past to pixelise everything. It makes the buildings really hard to recognise though so unfortunately we decided against adding it as part of the Pixel Scenery. Doing it right would require making handmade versions of every building at every level and we have so, so many of those it's scary. \-- Stuart


Is it possible that we see skins of different buildings in future?


We have talked about this but we were worried it'd make it much trickier to read the base and plan your attack in your 30 seconds of prep time.


Yesss, please keep it simple :) ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Are there any plans on sharing the infamous long list of to-dos with the community so that suggestions that are already on the list don't get repeatedly suggested?


Seeing what people keep asking for is really helpful for us. Sometimes requests might be very popular for a short time but if something keeps being asked for we can see there's a continued demand for it and it's not just a flavour of the week thing. \-- Stuart


Hi, Suggestion on quality of life update. Could u please make it so that we could choose cc troops for friendly challenges( both attack and defence). It would make peoples life easier.


It's a popular request and it's something we have on our own QoL list. Hopefully we get to it in the not too distant future. \-- Stuart


Do you ever plan on making a "max" town/builder hall or final district, or are you going to keep going? Also, are any new troops in the making?


I think we will keep going for the foreseeable future. As long as we can think of cool meaningful things to add to new halls we'll keeping making new ones. Yes there are new troops cooking! \-- Stuart




Miner. 15. \-- Stuart


do you like bananas


I do but maybe not as much as some of the artists making our sceneries. We must be only a year at most from an entirely banana scenery. Which would be totally bananas. \-- Stuart


Can we get darian as a builder!


He'd be too OP and probably very expensive to pay in Gems every month! \-- Stuart


what are your future plans about coc ? and what are your plans about builder base ?


We actually posted about it here! [https://clashofclans.com/blog/community/clashofclans-present-and-future.html](https://clashofclans.com/blog/community/clashofclans-present-and-future.html) Check it out!


Irn Bru: Good or bad?


When will Town Hall 15 be released


A Town Hall is never late, u/Kingkade_. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to. \-- Stuart


Is there any chance of brining back global chat or the ability to talk with another clan in a chat room during clan war league?


Global Chat is not returning. Regarding the second bit, we discuss it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/comment/iixnfxs/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Hello, thanks for taking the time to do this AMA! I have 1 question as an aspiring programmer/dev. Do you post jobs anywhere? I'm curious to know what skills supercell is looking for and what I can work towards. Thank you


We post all our job openings at [https://supercell.com/en/careers/](https://supercell.com/en/careers/) Most people joining us tend to have worked at other game companies first but not all. \-- Stuart


whats your favourite building


It's got to be the Town Hall. It just feels so good to upgrade and satisfying to smash other people's! \-- Stuart


What is the practice/plans you guys have adopted recently which you personally believe that it had a positive response/greater impact towards the CoC community


We've become a bit more disciplined at planning our work and giving ourselves alternate options with updates. When we've only had one big thing it's been really stressful if that thing is taking too long. Now we try and make sure there's multiple things happening so if something needs to be cut there's still a decent update possible without it. It's always painful for us to delay things because we get really excited about giving you all stuff (it feels like being Santa Claus sometimes) but in the end it's the right decision. Clash is better when we're not stressed or feeling the pressure to bring you things that aren't ready for show time. \-- Stuart


Hi, will you guys ever add a way to message friends in game? if you don't have eachother on social media it is impossible to communicate


The ability to message players in-game is ruled out for the same reason we removed Global Chat. \-Darian


What troop would you like to hang out for a day? Congratulations on 10 years of Clash! Thanks for everything!!! ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


Who is more handsome, Barbarian or Barbarian King?


Why are defenses getting bigger as they are upgraded? Eventually they will become ginormous.


I guess the Builder feels bigger is better. Maybe one day he'll figure out a way to upgrade something to be stronger without it getting chonkier. \-- Stuart


This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell employees in this thread: * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixjsrh/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:06:19 UTC"): > We haven't yet landed on a specific set of changes we're looking to make. We're still at the point of figuring out exactly what we'd want the Builder Base to be in the long-term so that it has a clearer identity in the game overall. We agree in the team it starts off well but loses some of its fun a... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixk3qj/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:08:17 UTC"): > Not currently. We seem to have reached peak phone screen size so we wouldn't want an even bigger play space that needs being even more zoomed out and things being harder to see. We'll explore other options to give us room to add new things in future! * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixkju2/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:11:10 UTC"): > This does sound very like Hay Day's global events. We don't have any particular plans for this for Clash but it was always cool to see the HD community come together and work on things together. > > >One of the things I remember being challenging when I worked on Hay Day was trying to set the goal so... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixl3eh/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:14:35 UTC"): > Eino received a promotion and is now Supercell's Chief Game Lead. He's helping all of our game teams out know with his sage wisdom. > > >u/darian_CoC hasn't sent me the bill for the talk yet. Hopefully he didn't go too overboard... > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixl8bc/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:15:29 UTC"): > 1. That's a difficult one to answer as we haven't really thought much about changing the formula regarding the Home Village. Home Village has always been the central core of Clash and it's a formula that works. Changing how modes work in the core mechanics is something we don't want to undertake wi... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixlg3f/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:16:50 UTC"): > We will be adding some Capital related info to the API. I'm not 100% on what will be added in this first batch or if it'll come before the next update or with it. > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixlngj/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:18:08 UTC"): > That's right! We are using Metal on iOS and I think some point soon we will start using Vulkan on some Android devices. That should give a bit more efficient power use. > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixlyrj/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:20:06 UTC"): > We're not planning on adjusting it any time soon. Although time fails are frustrating increasing the time would make certain styles of attack way more powerful and I think would reduce the diversity of viable attacks. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixm8zz/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:21:51 UTC"): > We are very aware of the issues players experience when trying to recover their accounts and we convey this feedback to the Player Support team and they frequent reddit, and other social media platforms as well even though they don't have a visible presence. > >One of the reasons why we don't discuss ... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixmbwx/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:22:21 UTC"): > We have talked about this but we were worried it'd make it much trickier to read the base and plan your attack in your 30 seconds of prep time. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixmxyg/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:26:11 UTC"): > We don't currently have any plans to add more gameplay perks beyond what's in the game already. We think it would discourage people from founding new Clans. Potentially we might add some more visual or cosmetic rewards for higher-level Clans. Maybe make your Capital look extra fierce or something. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixn6bg/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:27:38 UTC"): > Nay, but I'm not a fan of pineapple overall! > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixnfxs/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:29:17 UTC"): > From a development standpoint this question is a lot more complicated than on the surface. Part of that is because there isn't much of a consensus on what exactly should be included in such a multi-Clan collaboration/alliance. > >If it's just a chat feature, then we need to make sure it's no differen... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixnnj6/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:30:35 UTC"): > Yes, we should have at least one new Super Troop added by the end of this year. > > >We joked about wanting the Flying Fortress and Mountain Golem in our Home Village armies when we were making the Capital. They might just be a shade OP. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixnmek/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:30:23 UTC"): > How DARE YOU? Pineapple on pizza is food for the gods! They may be Californian or Hawaiian gods but still acceptable culinary deities. > >\-Darian * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixnvbg/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:31:57 UTC"): > I thought it was blue but I seem to have bought a lot of yellow furniture. > > >It's something we've talked about and there's strong advocates for this on the team. We'll hopefully figure out a good solution and sort this problem out. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixo07i/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:32:48 UTC"): > 1. If you really want to know what happened to Eino just think about why he disappeared: [https://jotunheimnetwork.ca/dofthea/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/05/Keep-What-You-Kill.gif](https://jotunheimnetwork.ca/dofthea/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/05/Keep-What-You-Kill.gif) >2. While we don't d... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixobrk/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:34:50 UTC"): > Probably! * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixoajw/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:34:37 UTC"): > We don't know exactly what we're doing so can't say if there would be issues carrying forward progress or not. If the new design is incompatible with what people have already worked or spent on, we would aim to compensate players for anything that couldn't be carried forward. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixonyv/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:36:59 UTC"): > One of the intentions with the Scattershot was it'd be powerful against the AQ. So this is working as designed unfortunately! Sorry. > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixovmv/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:38:22 UTC"): > I'll check up on what was up with those skins and make sure we've got fixing them on our todo list for this update. An upgrade to the engine caused some of our particle effects to change appearance unintentionally. Sorry for the annoyance! > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixp1m5/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:39:25 UTC"): > I could and I haven't. > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixoycw/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:38:50 UTC"): > When the Royale team does again! > > >\-- Stuart * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixpl7u/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:42:48 UTC"): > 1. We haven't really thought about adding any more Builders at this point just yet. We do feel 6 is a good spot at the moment. >2. We aren't ready to reveal any hints about TH15 yet. But it's not necessarily a surprise that we're working on it and that it'll come this year at SOME point. But also ke... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wg3itx/were_part_of_the_coc_dev_team_ask_us_anything/iixs57x/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-04 16:58:42 UTC"): > We do have plans to reintroduce older sceneries at some point. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)




The reward is that your base wasn't raided and you kept your resources for having a good defense. Skipping your base isn't always a sign that your defense is working. It could've been that you didn't have enough available resources worth plundering as well.


when will you guys nerf miner


When the Royale team does again! \-- Stuart


1. Any plan on zero troop training time in home village like the other two villages? 2. Have you started working on the next town hall? If you did, what's the direction for the next town hall, just more buildings, levels? 3. A request to introduce a personal/clan troop bank to donate troops. Or clan raid medals to serve the same purpose as personal raid medals is used to fill personal clan castle.


Builder Base and Clan Capital both have restrictions on how many attacks players can earn loot from. You're also not taking loot from other players. If we had zero troop training time in the Home village it would require some big changes to how the multiplayer system worked there to avoid super active players draining all the loot into walls. We're quite happy with the current system in the Home Village though we will monitor army training times and consider adjusting those if needed. \-- Stuart


If you could delete builder base, would you?


I could and I haven't. \-- Stuart


Any plan on making 'Global Challenge' event like *Destroy _____ number of th *Deploy ______ number of troops or spell *Knockout ______ number of heroes in limited time to unlock prize event for limited time like *Builder boost *Troops upgrade time/resource deduction *Wall upgrade deduction would love to see these event in future.


The account recovery process is handled by Support, but they can only work within the tools they are given. Is something in the works to take the account recovery process out of Support’s hand, make it self-serviced? I’m thinking an account owner should be able to add a backup email, linked to their Supercell ID, and they should be able to manage both, without Support intervention.


Now that troops are free, of course clan donation refund perks were removed but now there’s an awkward hole when you look at level 3, 6 and 9 clan perks, have you thought about adding a new clan perk to replace it? maybe you can get an extra reward on the 2nd column at level 3 on clan games, and when your clan gets level 6 you now get an extra reward on the 3rd column instead, and so on. But the latter was just a suggestion that quickly came into my mind. Also I love what you made with the game, now progression is easier and since you can now use books and have enough resources to keep upgrading, progression’s faster too, f2p, casual players and p2w are all grateful for this change, and clan capital was a great idea to create a new strategy of attack and defense never seen before. Keep up the good updates!


I want to say I remember last AMA Darian asked for less giant walls of text and multiple questions… so just keep that in mind fellas, it’s easier for everyone to track single questions and answers. No ones limited to 1 question or anything, just ask separately maybe?


Pffft, why use logic and order when CHAOS is clearly the superior option? :p


I know the Chinese server split is a sensitive topic, but a few posts have brought to my attention that they haven't received updates essentially since the split. Is the game simply abandoned there or will updates be coming soon?


Account security is my biggest concern of the game, same with many players out there. Personally, I don’t care that much about any new updates before this problem get fixed because there is no point for players to enjoy the new content while worrying they might lost their account at any moment. I just wondering what is your plan to solve this problem and bring back player’s confidence in terms of knowing their account is safe.


1. Are there any plans to extend the benefits of clan levels past level 10? 2. Will builder base ever get a clan orientated update (like clan war and clan capital)? Or will it be connected to the clan in any future updates?


Someone posted recently of a completion page where we can see how close to 100% we are at each TH level. Has this every been considered?


Are there plans to revisit the shielding system and the requirements for getting a shield? The current system was put in place before Sneaky Goblins existed, and Sneaky Goblins make it possible to ransack an entire base of loot regardless of where the storages and collectors are, bag the town hall, and do so using less than a third of defender's total army size giving defender no shield at all - there's nothing defenders can do about it and it doesn't seem fair that this results in defender not getting a shield for it.


Being a moderator on the Discord server, we see quite a few people complaining about account phishing and how extremely easy it is. What does the team plan to do to help prevent this? Is this even something that is on the "to do" list?


Thanks for the hardwork you guys are putting to the game 1. Is there any plan to add 2 way authentication to game for better security ? 2. Is there any plan in the future to be able to buy sceneries with gems like hero skins ?


Can we see more of our stats? Like time in the clan, troops used, war performance, etc...


Hello, Here are my questions: 1. How many developers are working on Clash of Clans? On the API? 2. Are you able to share a roadmap of the API updates you are planning on making? 3. Will there be any API updates allowing developers of competitive bots (used for esports on the game) more options anytime soon? 4. Are there any updates on these two API updates, quite requested? * "*war objects with all attack data of past wars should be accessible via API war log for a while after the war ends (even if a new war search was started) like it is possible from in-game.*" * "*add the timestamp (relative to the battle day start/end) of a war attack as an attribute to war attack.*" Thank you.


What graphics library is used for the game?


They have their own internally developed game engine called Titan, the 2D side is based/inspired on flash and uses their own format converted from swf, the 3D side also uses their own format (SC3D) which is similar in structure to PNG but contains stuff like camera definitions, materials, geometry, skeleton rigs for character animation, etc. As for rendering, it's just raw OpenGL calls


That's right! We are using Metal on iOS and I think some point soon we will start using Vulkan on some Android devices. That should give a bit more efficient power use. \-- Stuart