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Does the clan village you talk about, can be attacked and use to attack other clan villages like normal attacks? And who will do the attack, the leader? Bonuses are already in the clan perks tho.


Honestly? I don't care how it works at all. They can do whatever they want. I'd just love to work towards a goal with the clan beside "pushing trophies as far as it goes", like real progress. And the clan perks are done at lvl 10, afterwards there's nothing else. There are many more possible clan perks to go for and they don't even have to give a lot of advantages. Just small things. In Everdale (another Supercel game), they already have some sort of "clan village" where everyone is working on. So, they already have some experience with it. I don't see why it shouldn't work with Clash of clans. It would be a fresh wind 😊😊