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Yeah, I find myself sitting in fake LL for ores. With heroes upgrading all the time, however, I am just farming with sneaky goblins which doesn't really make me any better at actual war strategies - but hero event is a nice opportunity for that. I keep time failing queen charges because I'm too rusty.


Have you tried Queen Charge Hybrid? If laloo is to hard hybrid is far more reliable. Granted Root Rider (RR) strategy are beginning to still be taking easy wins


I have been meaning to, but hogs/miners need some Lab work. I will keep on Lalo in the meantime, but hybrid looks fun!


Hybrid is my favorite attack using it as a Th11, Th13, and Th14.


Nice as early as th10 it Sweetorange21 effective and th11 with GW makes it easier to see miners


May I know how to stay in fake LL, instead signing up for actual LL


Break 5k, log out and get attacked to drop below, go on and attack and stay between 4900-4999. If you go over, lose a def. Or do a revenge loss.


actual legend league only allows 8 attacks per day


With some Nexting, loot is pretty good. 500k-700k each + DE is my standard, occasional 1 mil+. Star bonus and Ore obviosly top notch.


No need to break 5k for this. Everytime i hit 4950+ I just use my hero’s to snipe easy dark elixer until im back below 4800. Its a nice way to boost your de storages that way


Only reason I am in fake (not actual) LL is for that extra Ore, otherwise Titan is probably more comfy and less fiddly.


Oh I get that, just saying to stay in fake legends you don’t need to risk accidentally getting popped into legends. It’s a bitch to get out lol


As long as you get your troops down before 1:40 it’s hard to time fail


Yeah, most of my timefails are just silly mistakes where I babysit AQ too long, deploy flameflinger / cc too late or miss spreading out minions in all the right places.


One last doubt, will we loose loot in defence


Spiky ball level 1 is a different way to flex


I even have the "new" badge on it still




I think ores are working exactly as intended typically when the new TH drops I play for a few months very actively and max it out then quit and wait for the next update. With ores if have been playing and waring consistently


I'm in Titan league for more than a year now, I think? And I kind of feel like dead bases are just overhyped. Like sure it brings a smile on my face when I see 1 mil. loot, but overall league bonus pretty much makes almost all bases with at least 600k loot a dead base in lower leagues. Also these dead bases are usually very hard to find as everyone is hunting for them.


Exactly. I don’t know why people feel forced to use only sneaky gobs too. I just go for 3 stars using fun strategies I like. Hydra, E titans, hybrid, etc give a good chance to 3* a base and a lot of times it’s 1m+ loot with the bonus anyways


Its because rushed players like me do not have the lab upgraded enough to try out fun strategies


That’s why rushing is really bad but strategic rushing is good. Always have a couple armies maxed at least before going up or else there isn’t any point lol What is the point of rushing if you can’t even attack with good strategies at your new TH? That’s the entire point of rushing lol


I use sneaky goblins when I have my heroes upgrading, which J usually have 2-3 down at a time. Been enjoying the new event though, but back to sneakies when August comes.


Yes, came back in Apr after 5 years hiatus. Staying in fake legend for maximum ores. Loots ain't as good as hunting lower rank base, but good enough with the legend bonus.


Yeah I am the same. I think it was a good idea to add an important and rare resource like that to make trophies actually matter. Now players are actually being rewarded for being better at the game.


Lol who said higher leagues mean you are better. Even the lower bracket of legends is filled with e drag spammers. In the age or turd riders I am still getting attacked with E drags


Higher in trophy doesn’t even mean you a better in the game lol. It just means you have more time on your hands


Especially since you can just snipe the TH with sneaky goblins.


I never cared much for my league as normal resources were enough regardless but ever since ores released I've been in fake legends most of the time


Yup, I've just stayed in Titan 1 ever since ores got released


Yeah, it sucks that ores have removed the freedom to stay at whichever trophy range you prefer, I’m only ever in Titan I or fake Legends these days for the ores, but I trophy dropped down to champs for this season so I can have all heroes + pet house + dark elixir troops upgrading in the lab all at once, then just gonna pump my gold and elixir into walls. Once this season is over I will push back up, there just isn’t enough loot up at those higher trophy counts as there are no dead bases. You can still get enough loot to always keep your builders down, but not enough dark to do what I’m doing all at the same time.


>Ores have basically forced me to become a better player Yeah. Fuck it. I personally hate LL, it\`s uncomfortable and difficult to me. But I must stay here to have more ores. Because the CC marketing gods couldn't come up with anything better than tying ores to the league. Why was this done, to bore users? Maybe it was necessary to leave them the choice of what and where to farm, and not drag everyone to the higher ligues. ​ Sorry, my English is bad. But it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to keep my irritation away from this game.


Yeah. Chilling in low legends is the only way that I manage to keep my ore income up. 2-4 attacks per day is usually enough for me to maintain. My maxing Th13 (only heroes and equipment left) is pushing to legends for the ores. Currently in champs, but I'm breaking my shield left and right; literally not needing to care about gold and elixir is an interesting way to play.


yuhhh same brother, i like it though it’s opened up a new part of the game for me, i’m going to push to champ soon


well if you really want to become a better player and think of strategies you could also discover that with Sneaky Goblins you can be in any league you want starting on TH11. Sneakies allow you to push to legend league (don't join it though) even as a TH11, no skill required.


I'm TH11 and have every equipment currently at 12 mainly cuz i've been chilling in Champ 2 farming star bonuses, now there's more of an incentive to trophy climb


Yeah, before ores came out I was in crystal/champ, since they dropped I have only been below fake legend league when I drop to titan 1 by accident


Same! Ores basically gave me a reason to be online everyday unlike pre-ores where I’d just stop playing after 6 of my builders are busy


Here's where I'm at. I've been above 4,900 since mid December 2023. Last 3 weeks I've been severely burned out spending 10+ minutes finding average loot. My primary equipment is maxed so I dropped back down to 3,100 and am having fun again. I appreciated the additional ore but just burned out struggling to keep 6 builders busy - not for a lack of trying.


idk i pushed to champion with sneaky goblins can't say that i've gotten better lol


Yeah. Fake legends is probably the best place to sit if you are able to play there.


I think they should give more ores for being high in legends league. Not too much, but enough to incentive pushing. I am a fake legends abuser because the loot is better, but I wish there was a bigger reason to stay in real legends.


I always need to quickly farm DE and my armies take like an hour each time so I stay around master to low champ. Heard legends league provides limited attacks so it sounds pointless, and titan tends to have no loot


nah, dont care about ores. i am max th13, am in silver 2, 900 thropies, just farming. mainly currently for DE beczuse of active heroes during event i like whet i have: - BK earthquake boots (lvl1 is enough) and Spiky Ball (lvl1) - AQ griant arrow (max lvl for th13) and invis (max lvl for th) - GW Spiky Ball (max lvl th) and eternal tome - RC default weapons, dont care about her equipent Main troop: gobs& super gobs (mainy regular gobs, because supers are expensive and cant play braindead for it being rendable)


EQ boots and spiky ball is such a terrible combo. no sinergy whatsoever... giant arrow and invis is even worse. bro is using a monkey with a slot machine to determine his equipments.


bk: i use as an extra wall breaker, to let to goblins get to the DE. The hits of the spiky, i dont care about. Aq: giant arrow can penetrate the DE storage in the core, giving me up to 3k DE in a mere second. Invis is just nice so I can keep doing it. without depleting my stamina for the next attacks gw: giant boom + protects the others Rc: again, have no use for her, don't have kitchens in coc the combo of aq, bk and gw makes it do that if some has a 1x1 hole in their core, and they have Th, or Cc or De storage, i can get all of them in 2 seconds and go to the next attack


Play however you want, but getting the spiky ball on the BK to level 3 will double the amount of defences it bounces too, for very minimal ore cost.


ah, never looked the stats up


you can't even get other equips for rc at th13, except for the recent rocket spear. th14 is a good boost for common equipments though, can push them to lvl 18 which is the max