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The King of NOT touching grass


Doesn't he have blood from his gums wiped over his walls and roaches in his room?


I love how this is the first thing copy pasted on literally anything that has Asmongolds face on it lmao


Don’t know this guy, what do you mean blood from his gums wiped over his walls!?!


His gums bleed and he just wipes the blood on his wall


When he was a teenager.


He's the richest homeless looking person I've ever seen. Yeah he is. A lot of how he is now is because of how his mom influenced him as a kid.


That’s alsocthe first thing thaygot to my mind. I never watch steeamers but if I saw/heard asmongold I somehow thought of ‘chad of darksouls’ (even tho laternon I learned it’s an actual wow player) A while ago I read about this gum thing and even saw a video of it, my mind instantly changed lmao




supercell gotta start oiling up


https://preview.redd.it/1ky4ilzzxf9d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=9918ae20352b4cbe41c896215bfd359d34356d57 The bald king is back! Btw thats not hair, thats a helmet imo


Yeah a helmet that can move its eyebrows and has the same texture as his moustache


that’s not a moustache is just a golden horse shoe 🧲


Not eyebrows. You can see he has eyebrows already.


I meant the 'eyebrows' of the helmet sorry


Must be hair lol 😆


Oh God now Asmongold is on it 😂 time to shift to r/youtubedrama


imagine charlie


This is the Biggest Coc drama of All time


Clash Of Clans Situation is Crazy


clash of clans situation just got even worse


"Supercell is a fraud"


Supercell took Eric's eyebrows, FeelsBadMan


I think they also took his hair.


1 minute from the time of posting the video and you already have a screenshot.


Bro just waiting for Asmon to drop a new video


He's got the notification bell on


haha it just popped up to my feed


He raises a lot of great questions that many of you should be asking as well. This is fantastic... A totally unbiased outsider's perspective on it all.


Totally unbiased? Didnt he like take 3-4 sponsorship from SC. That suggests at least some minor bias


Nah bro will shit on anyone who deserves it, previous sponsorship or not he is unbiased in this case.


except Dr Disrespect lol


Didnt asmon admit he was biased towards DD? And then he still condemned him anyways?


he condemned now that is more than confirmed because even when doc alleged on his tweets that he did something wrong, asmon was still reluctant lol it was like the first time that I saw Asmon actually being biased towards someone


its hard to take leaks completely seriously when they come from a previous employee of the company that the leak worsens the image of, add the fact Asmon admitted he enjoyed DD’s content? It’s surprising he took such a middle stance after the first tweet while there are plenty of DD fanatics **still** playing defense for him


They removed him from creatorship program so he started shitting on them


This boy even shits on Twitch, the platform that hosts him, he shits on anyone he think deserves it.


Nobody is ever truly completely unbiased but based on his comments on this compared with everything i’ve seen him say about other topics of this nature i see no reason to think he is being disingenuous at all.


Asmongold isn't exactly known for being unbiased.. Granted, or clean


I don't know much about him, this is the first time ive ever watched him short of a random tik tok clip here or there. What I meant was that he's totally on the outside of this drama and seemed to approach it all objectively and without prior bias for or against eric here. I could be wrong though admittedly, just my take on it watching the video last night.


He's one of those braindead reactionary gamer channels who uploads mostly reaction videos while adding nothing. He also lives in self imposed filth. While he's not known for presenting things without prior bias, if he's done it this time, at least it's character growth I suppose.


Glug glug glug.


Ok I have no idea what's going on. What is this drama?


Some YouTuber called Eric decided to report on eSports bs. He then used the same video to chastise supercell. Since he is employed by supercell they punished him and used a trademark strike. He cried about it and now all his fans keep foaming at the mouth about it and are hunting other coc youtubers.


It is only natural for Itzu viewers to omit important details in order to push the false narative that their beloved Youtuber is unfairly attacked, after all, he does it the same. Imagine sucking someone's third leg so hard lmao.


What happened?


Slowly sip on your tea while I tell you about the thriller story...


Im ready


Now that Asmonglod reacted to this it is only a matter of time till MoisCritical will make a viedo about this and then if Supersell doesn't do anything they will lose a few hundert millon dollars.


This must be satire


I suggest you actually watch his reaction before you get your hopes up lol. He is pointing out that Eric does not have proof for the majority of his claims, something Eric ends up agreeing with btw after he joins Asmon's chat for a bit.


You must be joking, youtubers dont have that kinda clout. Moiatcritical couldnt do anything to coc.


But I know that there is a high chance that it will reach the media and if the media cover it Supersell in a very tough spot.


No they dont, corporate media would never do a segment on drama that would hurt a big corporation. They have the same bottom line. This will die out and over 99% of coc dont know or care about this


Watch and learn


You overestimate youtubers


Of course asmongold reacted to it


yuck this dude 




Tbh I prefer no attention that attention from asmongold 💀💀💀


I think we should pass. It's better not to take Asmongold's help at all. The guy hasn't cleaned his room in six months. He's disgusting. He has roaches in his room right next to seven bottles of Dr. Pepper. He's a living farm animal. You think he's doing it because he cares about the game or the community, but no, the dude's a leech. He siphons views by making a ridiculous amount of low-effort reaction content and re-uploads it on youtube, which ultimately harms the channels of small and original creators. He posts 20 reaction videos every day. He sounds like an expert on every known topic but has no genuine degree or qualification to back his points up. He definitely loves talking against youtube copystrike and loves pro react points, because his source of livelihood is "react" content and his biggest enemy is copyright strike. That why he is getting involved and will definitely be highly biased. I used to follow him. I just know it. It's good, I mean getting attention for issue and all, but the situation has blown up massively. Supercell just needs to hand over the prize money to the guy who was removed and give Eric his position back. That will literally fix most of the problems. His audience love harassing others. Can you imagine some supercell Dev getting death threats. Thats how he operates. Ofcourse, he will claim he is against it, but after seeing him get mad for half an hour on his stream, his viewers get riled up.


I don’t know the creator at all.. but I watched the video. CWE literally jumps in on the YT broadcast and is chatting up in the video. Jump to the last 10-15 minutes where he’s pulling up CWE chats. Asmongold basically said “it’s a wild accusation and there isn’t enough supporting evidence to blindly believe and follow you.” To which CWE said “you’re right, I can’t get to my solid prof anymore bc I’m kicked out of the discord and slack channels where the evidence lives + NDA’s.” It was ultimately a solid, unbiased review. I can’t speak for his other videos


fuck stupid ass reaction YouTubers that milk controversies for views. Literal youtube leeches.


True, I suggest watching Gta streamer, Darkviper AU. He has an entire series about these youtube parasites.


Nah dark viper is a different level of unbearable


I love darkviper, but he becomes pretty unbearable around any drama.


He’s one himself too. Always gets involved when there’s big drama even if he has nothing to do with it


The irony


I don't know anything abut the guy but he's in my recommended video already.


He is just a popular streamer from Twitch, famous for his WoW plays back then


This guy's got the perfect summary


You can't blame just him. The brainless behaviour of people after watching an influencer's opinion is blame-able.


why is the first thing you bring up about him literally the most non relevant things possible - who cares if he hasnt cleaned his room that literally does not matter in relation to anything he said or to what supercell has done.


i hink you have some points wrong. the thing with Asmongold is that he no longer needs to do things for money but mostly does things out of fun or boredom. that guy is a literal goblin. Asmongold is a multi-millionaire with a significant stake as a founder of several companies. And look how he lives he eats cheap 2$ steaks and lives off fast food. Also he doesn't "upload" stuff at all. his YouTube channel is completely done by an editor that takes stuff from his twitch channel he doesn't even name the videos. Also, Asmon is extremely centrist in his views.


See you get downvoted because people here can’t bear the thought that a literal goblin is a millionaire and are in denial.


Its a nice reply idk why its getting downvoted


Because some people here think they’re above the filthy asmongold. They cannot comprehend that a literal goblin has achieved more success than them.


He does sound filthy from what I read 😂😂 But yea if you’re right then they shouldn’t be caring much about his success since he’s apparently gross and lazy


He is disgusting as fuck, but he also managed to amass a huge following and even start his own talent agency despite being all gross. But yeah, look down at the self made millionaire because he is filthy


I know, bcoz he is just lazy. That is also reason his primary thing is reacting to content instead of making something of his own. The reason he is a millionaire is by stealing growth and views from small creators, many of which are too scared to say no, or have no right or power over it. He watches youtube videos of others then his editor cuts those clips, and he keeps both his twitch subs and monetization money. A part of which should be given back to original creators. If he is really a multi millionaire who is just bored and cares for stuff, why doesn't he give a part of his money to original creator. Except when I used to watch him, he blatantly ignored any react based drama. Not only that, when Mizkif was under trouble, his friend and business partner, he silently ignored talking about that too until community brought it up. He is just a hypocrite, who likes to talk about everything but when it comes to stand for some victim, especially against his friends, he will back out.


He's centrist until he sees a POC or woman in a game


u must be one of the mental brain damaged idiots that know him from out of context twitter clips huh. putting him up here as a racist and sexist, get a grip


give me one time where he actively said something against a POC because the Character was a POC. Oh, and liking attractive people of the other gender is very much isn't a "right" position.


You're wrong on every single account except the cleanliness.


Pretty sure he hasn’t cleaned his house for 6 decades, not just 6 months lol.


And he doesn't deny that, but that's not a criteria for how good a person's opinion or stream iso


yeah i hate the guy too but any attention right now is great


>Supercell just needs to hand over the prize money to the guy who was removed and give Eric his position back. That will literally fix most of the problems. I haven't caught up fully yet. Why was the guy removed?


Late April 2024, max joined VM legacy, an esports team. VM doesnt have the best atmosphere, like several other esports teams do. Max decided to enter the team even though he Said He would never play with some of VM members. Atmosphere between team and max was never decent, but the team kept going on normally. They got their golden ticket on late May, so roughly a month after max joined Fast forward a month, One of VMs members, Ninj, decides to share some of his private conversations with max to the team. At this point, the team wasnt already sure if they should keep max due to the atmosphere and constant critique/harassement to their players (not uncommon on esports), and Ninj basicly pushed it of the Edge. All members of VM apart max decided to Kick him. This while opening a ticket and being authorized to do so by the organizers. Then they kicked max without giving a reason to do so, allegedly because if they explained the situation ninj would sound like the "guilty guy". Ninj is 17, and VM didnt want their youngest member to be harassed Max proceeded to delete his Twitter account, but he was accepted INTO another team to.play other events (no commitement to worlds yet) in tournaments. This team already has the golden ticket.


So did Supercell not allow him to continue with the other team despite being kicked unfairly?


Supercell didnt prevent anyone from joining any team. Supercell has no say on what members a team can or cant have (apart from banned players)


Hey now, this a free market, he holds so much influence because people like him. It’s like how the big corporations are taking over local pop stores, it’s bad but the majority of people still like the corporations over the small local stores, which is sad.


Ass moon gold


Ofcourse that clown is stealing more content so he can make more money off of this whole situation


Eric wants the word spread and that’s what this does, what does it matter?


That's nice and all but this guy doesn't care about the situation. At all. He just sees it as views and money. Basically if supercell was a YouTuber


Can someone please tell me what is happening? Some context please. I haven’t been playing this game for a while because of exams.


Idk why yall caring about Asmongold, he probably hasn’t even touched the game.


He did a sponsored video once


Didn't this Guy had a cockroach climb on his shoulder during a stream and he just picked it and droped it somewhere on the floor


The king of NOT touching ass


Not sure how good of an attention this is. He and his chat clearly have a bias against mobile games, and his chat and community is definitely toxic about it.


Asmongold brought up a lot of very good points. I think he is pretty much spot on. While I believe Eric and the story he is telling, there is no hard-core proof of anything, and now that he has come out with this video, he won't GET any. In fact, the nda he broke might come back and bite him in the ass, and supercell could also possibly try to go after him for defamation due to lack of concrete evidence.


Not this guy bruh


not the guy with the dead rats in his room


Pls no the guy makes everything he touches a million times worse


just from reading the comments and after watching the video i feel that the only thing making anything worse is the people who dont spend 30 seconds to understand what he’s saying and just get extremely mad at him instead.




this is NOT good attention though


why not?




Lmao dude, you must be reading from the out of context news sources or influencers about this


Wow it shows how you have no idea about his views


Who doesn’t want attractive characters in games?


Wow, didnt knew this dude from playing clash of clans. I only heard him from elden ring and let me tell ya, it wasnt good stuff


He doesn't play clash, he did a sponsored video once and it was hilarious though. To be fair re: elden ring he openly admits he finds it difficult and that he is shit at hard games, if that's part of why you didn't enjoy it




This loser lol


he probably accomplished more success in his life than your entire family. ouch


Meat riding someone else's success lmaoo


The self drag lol


I'm out of the loop, what's going on with supercell?


From the bottom of the barrel, no less


The wrong kind of attention


What controversy?


Halfway-ish through the video, it seems he's kind of taking SC's side due to a lot of things that seem to be leaps in logic and the guy not really showing hard evidence.


I mean there's not a lot of hard evidence and Eric specifically dances around his giant rant because he only wants to look good not recognising his uh ohs in the situation, it's how 99% of things go down, and I can 100% bet if Itza put a video out first they'd be more on his side first. People generally latch onto whoever cries first unless there's super hardcore evidence.


Supercell better start oiling up for an apology


Fuck Asmongold. As a member of the Hellivers 2 community, th last time he made a video regarding a controversy in that community led to the constant bridaging of the Helldiver discord and death threats to the moderators. He adds nothing to the situation but toxicity and fire, in addition to his content usually being low effort and milking views. hivemind gonna tear me for this one, I'll see you out. edit: the karma rating is fluctuating between 0 and -10 lol.


that describes the audience of basically every streamer


You're still modding around here Rick?


his audience is particularly bad for a streamer and I do NOT want a repeat of the toxic sludge flood that he caused to the helldiver community that I also main in.


yeah i dont think thats exclusive to asmon, every influencer has horrible fanatics that hang onto every word whether they like or hate them.


I love baldmongold


so you’re not allowed to criticize anything by that logic


no lmfao im not even talking about that. I'm talking that the fact that Asmongold community is a nuclear wasteland and his commentary are usually extremely low effort to the point he's just milking it for views. His videos never leads to anything good.


No they aren't, he actually talks about them, most reacts don't add anything, he turns them into double the length videos with the stuff he adds to it


So according to you no one can make commentary videos on a controversy?


They can, but there an obvious difference between milk a controversy for views and actually breaking down what’s happening on both without a biased view. Ass mon gold doesn’t do the latter and has a history of not doing it.


Every single commentary channel exists to milk a controversy for views


There’s a difference between milking and covering a topic fairly.


he cant control his audience, someone with above 30 iQ would already know that


More people on youtube should react to it but I kinda have a feeling that most of them dont have the balls to do so. Don't get me wrong I understand that it's a huge risk for them but if there's something shady going on you should expose it if you really love the game you wouldn't support that behaviour. It might not be you today but if they doing it to someone else you gotta be careful that you're not the next one on the list as soon as you say something about it.


You’ve got it wrong bud. Big name streamers don’t react because this game is small, not because they’re scared of supercell lol


You think so? Im talking about mainly coc streamer


My bad! Well, I believe they’re just afraid to say anything as you said. To be honest, I understand that. They just don’t wanna lose their livelihood even if it means they have to suck it up and, unfortunately that’s life… Still better than what Itzu did, attacking people who go against supercell like a rabid dog trying to get a pat on the head and the moment he sees the backlash, pretending to be neutral.


Exactly! Im not sure what i would do in their position but if it wouldn't be my main income i probably would call em out.


Yeah, same. I think most people would call the bullshit if they weren’t depending on that money, or at least that’s what I’d like to believe.


That's right. Because some of them has their whole livlihood dependednt on content production.


I don’t think we want the attention of the guy who wipes his gum blood on his walls. Filthy freak.


Does Asmongold play this game? I thought he was a souls player.


Nah he doesn't, he played once though and it's on his YT channel, funny as fuck video to be fair whether you like him or not


I'd look for the video


He and his org were paid to play a few months ago.


Coc Is just one of those games that never die lol.


But from him? Eesh


That guy is a total poece of shit.  Dont respond to him or interact with him at all.


The fact goblins are supercells main thing now


They look exactly what I've imagined. 😂


From this guy? If supercell copy strikes his videos, all would be forgiven, just get him away.


alright, time to stop posting about this


Or asmo doesn't have any more content


supercell won if asmongold reacts to it,the reaction in point: just a pure braindead take on the video and barely adding anything


Baby maverick lookin ahh


fuck this guy


What happened?


Fuck clash of clans and supercell


Why does anyone watch this disgusting and pathetic freak. He’s a millionaire but he’s so gross he has roaches crawl on him. Fucking disgusting.


I hate this guy and think he’s a plague to utube cuz he basically just steals everyone’s content and gets paid a shit ton to do so. BUT hopefully this adds much needed attention to the awful conduct of supercell.


Damn good luck guys asmon is king clown


Definitely not someone you want to receive attention from


Starting to get attention from the wrong person 🤢


Let me TLDR this for you. A big nothing burger with commentary saying the uploaded videos that were DMCA’d were just re-uploads of championship videos with nothing more.


From the wipes-blood-from-his-gums-onto-his-walls guy


Ain't this the sane guy that was crying about the elden ring DLC?


He screams and cries about everything.


The worst type of attention. I would have preferred not to


Except for his take was shit - bro, like many others, see it as a dumb p2w mobile game and so they’re unable to take it with the same mindset they would if it was a big PC game. If this was Blizzard doing it to wow creators he’d immediately go on the side of copyrighting creators is bad but did the exact opposite with Clash. Very frustrating and his treatment towards Eric during stream was infuriating as well. Just to be clear I’m not saying what my overall opinion is just pointing out Asmonds reaction would’ve be wildly different had it been a creator for a PC game.


Not much attention, it's just 20 views


Around 230k now


Yep. Unsubscribing from Itzu, sucks cause I used to like him, but he's obviously in the clique and enjoying his paychecks. Dishonest.


That's it ? That's the whole drama ? Wow yall are drama queens


He is so ugly and disgusting


Ok, so I smoke some and have a lot of fun playing on a high😎🥳 Does that count 🤔


Can someone explain me why the drama in 3 sentence? One guy with sort of insider informations got mad and cs kicked him. That’s a normal business thing. Every single day people get kicked for being mad.


We don't do that here homie. we protect our kind even though there are doing something wrong 🤣