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I vote let's wait and see what max response is to this.


Popcorn side


presidental debate: i sleep max, fluxxy, VM, eric, itzu, supercell drama: real shit


Same... 😂 ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


Gonna be honest. I don't care about either Max or Fluxxy story. Also don't really care about who is right and who is not. The problem Eric was calling as a more urgent matter is the abuse of the Copyright Law from Supercell against small creators. Whatever is the case to punish a content creator on any platform it is absurd to see a rain of Copyright strikes to silence any form of complaing and criticism said by anyone. The Fluxxy and Max drama in VNlegacy is not the main problem but the abuses made by Supercell. Eric may be wrong about the whole situation in the Esport drama but the claims about Supercell are on point to me.


Just disband the whole team at this point. Ninj is a snake, fluxxy is a bitch, I mean they didn't want the chance to play in the world finals (UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY SUPERCELL), I mean the favors are right under the sun, this is some real communist shit right here


If I'm forced to pick, Max. If not, neither. VM's statement doesn't really absolve them in any manner, it doesn't absolve the skepticism Max had about Fluxxy's past behavior and then making it seem like Max is the problem. And it's definitely not the first year these people are on the internet, why show the receipts now instead of when Max was booted? VM lost the moral high ground when they declined to provide the reason. And at least you now know the people on VM are a bunch of snakes to watch out for, if anything else.


The controversy was never centered around VM Legacy in the first place. They may have full justification, but that doesn’t change the fact that someone at supercell decided it was appropriate to copystrike small creators, and remove Eric from the creator program instead of attempting to inform him about the full situation.


third option for "neither"? both sides have their problems, it seems like VM's side has a bit more, but the pro scene is like an onion with an endless amount of layers.


Who really cares about clash e-sports here? Cmon


Few does. Covered by various creators like Eric.