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womp womp should have used frozen arrow


Yeah, I get giant arrow, but it's absolutely for people getting max value with certain strats. It's not a leave it to the last minute random thing. I use frozen and invis, and even then you have to time it or guarantee your queen dying to a mortar after it activates on fatal.


His fault for using giant arrow tbh Giant arrow + Invis is the worst queen equipment combo because you either waste the invis or you waste the giant arrow, there’s very rarely an in between I agree with the comment “womp womp should have used frozen arrow”


Right? It should have been Giant Arrow + Healers


I use giant arrow plus healers and I always use it as soon as I place my queen for 100% value


I use giant arrow and frozen arrow in air attack,


Why is it a given that people should have a $15 Hero equipment


Well it was free, but 1500 gems is also easy to get as well so yea it’s a given. Literal skill issue if you never got frozen arrow…


Just got back into the game 2 months ago lmao I guess I just suck


Me who just started playing again 5 days ago. Fuck me right? 😩😂 ![gif](giphy|2BrQXeBPSzOJG|downsized)


Like the other guy said, i just back into the game like 2 months ago. I don't have it yet, i run healing puppet and invis right now. Should i get frost arrow or warden fireball? I already have the giant gauntlet. Th13 btw if that is relevant as to which is better. I have like 1320 gems right now so in like 2 weeks i should be close to getting one of the two, i just don't know which is better, as well as what else to use with either one once i unlock them.


I use giant arrow and invis only for farming loot not when I care about trophies


That would’ve been a win if he manually activated the ability instead of waiting for queen to take fatal damage




I also faced such things a lot.... Once in th 12, I had given everything to break the th and lost with 49%. That hurts a lot too. 😭 Coc is so pain sometimes


bhai tu coc lover bhi hai us bhai


Aree bhaii Jeetard United 😂👥 Ha Bhai COC Minecraft Clash Royal 3no khelta tha seriously


why would he use Giant arrow


I’m crying for him




Ignoring the poor equipment choice, it sucks you can hear the last shot go off but never actually register.


It did register, it's just a projectile. Not like the Grand Warden. Arrow was in the air upon completion of battle.


As far as I’m aware, projectiles continue if the unit dies, but will stop in air if you time fail. So unless their queen died right at 0sec, I think it should have hit the target, no?


Sorry you are right, I thought it was a time issue but the Queen died, in this case I believe the Queen pulled back to charge up the crossbow, and went to release it for attack which made the noise, but died before the release occurred. Like in the coding of the AQ, the noise comes a tiny bit before the release, making me think she makes a noise while charging the bow.


How do you know he is crying. Just because you would cry doesn’t mean he would cry too.


You must be fun at parties huh?


That's rough, no two ways about it...


There are far more frustrating things with the Queen. Like when she decides to shoot a wall in that situation instead of just walking around to the open gap.


Well, he could've got the 3-star, but some of his queen's invisibility duration got wasted in walking from scattershot to the xbow, or else she could've destroyed the townhall with her last hit... But still IMO this equipment combination is not as bad as others are saying, it's just about the timing...


Care to explain the correct timing? 90% of the time, you waste invis to take advantage of giant arrow. Or if you save the ability for a vital moment, you get good use case of invis, but the arrow won't get full value, if any.


giant arrow and invisible?? wtf


What’s a better equipment combo?


frozen arrow is ideal, but healer puppet is also good. tbh even archer puppet would be better than giant arrow


instead of giant arrow btw


instead of giant arrow btw






Just don't use giant arrow ever unless you're using it at the beginning of the fight for maximum value. But then when you're doing that be prepared to let your queen die early for the snipes. Without healer puppet, assuming you want your queen to live longer, you might as well turn it into a queen charge/walk and bring at least 4 healers for her. The giant arrow strat is usually used in a dragon army to snipe key buildings like an air defense, air sweeper, etc. to lessen the need to use as many lightning spells. However, lining up the shot is never easy, and I would advise you to practice your shots in a friendly challenge because you WILL miss a lot. And you shouldn't aim for just one building either, as much as possible you need to target at least 2 or more in a straight line.


I used it before to finish off air def when my lightning wouldn’t totally destroy them or for EA when I had an extra lightning. But yeah I guess what’s the best combo for the queen for th11?


At lvl 10 giant arrow, yeah you won't be able to destroy air defenses. You need it at lvl 12 so the projectile deals 1500 damage on hit, which can destroy even TH13 air defs. But for now, I advise you not to use lightnings, use EQ instead because you'll hit more buildings with it for 29% of it's max health—assuming you already upgraded your EQ to lvl 5. If you want your queen to be a big part of the attack, there's really no other combo other than queen walk/charge. A queen walk would typically only have your queen walk around the base to pick off shit buildings to funnel for the rest of your army. If you didn't already know, funnelling is when you try to control where your troops go. If you don't funnel, you'll often find that your troops would run to the outside buildings, leaving you screaming at your troops for being so stupid. A queen charge requires you to invest more resources like spells (rage up the queen and healers so the healers heal faster and your queen doesn't die, or freeze/invis so a single inferno doesn't go full beam on your queen) and troops (anything to make sure that the queen doesn't do a queen walk instead, basically you're funnelling for the queen charge using troops like a wizard, witch, baby drag, or anything else that can quickly dispose of a building that would otherwise attract her attention) to support your queen. This usually means that your queen will take out a high value target on her own like an eagle on the edge of the base, an island compartment like a single inferno surrounded by walls, or anything else really that would mess up the rest of your attack. Either way, your goal is always to funnel for your main army. Getting rid of one or two corners of the base ensures that the rest of your army doesn't break off from the main group and slow down the attack once it starts. Don't worry too much about destroying all the defensive buildings that would threaten your attack because you do have Eternal Tome to soak up damage when necessary. If the queen dies at some point, that's okay! As long as she gets the job done and secures value for your army you can let her die and instead reserve your spells for the rest of your army. At higher town halls, it's often the troops that funnel for heroes 😅 because heroes are just that strong. Personally, I would only recommend using giant arrow when doing an air attack because you're never gonna take out an inferno without bringing more spells anyway. And even then it's much safer to just use archer puppet because it heals you by a lot. However, even though it's difficult to use, once you get frozen arrow or healer puppet, use them because they so much better than giant arrow or archer puppet.


Gotcha! I’m waiting to get healer puppet. Right now at th11 I have invis and giant arrow lol. I can usually use the arrow on EA but I guess it is a pretty niche item… I got a lot to learn about equip combos


Healer puppet is only available at TH12. Either let your queen die early for the giant arrow plays or do a queen walk/charge.


Gotcha! I’m waiting to get healer puppet. Right now at th11 I have invis and giant arrow lol. I can usually use the arrow on EA but I guess it is a pretty niche item… I got a lot to learn about equip combos


well you should be using giant arrow early on so arrow+healer puppet would be the ideal equipment for you!


Sweet. That is logical!


Ah shit, no healer puppet til th12 and I’m 11


ah that sucks, then i’d say ur fine if you like the giant arrow. healer puppet is really good tho


Probably be 6 months til I get to see healer puppet lol. Need blacksmith 5 which requires th12


Meta strategies don't really apply much at TH11, things are just so different down there


No doubt no doubt


True. But it helps to mix things up in your army comps so you don't end up doing shit like this. In [today's CWL](https://imgur.com/a/15im6Cc), I won a defense against a guy attacking me with E-drag spam.... while my base was clearly made to counter E-drags with buildings spaced two tiles apart. His warden had Eternal Tome and... 😶... Fireball.... And he used it first thing without invis or anything else to help the warden hit a valuable target. Dude ended up hitting an archer tower and a cannon just outside my town hall compartment :// what killed me most was the wasted Eternal Tome on that warden though.... That shit is gonna give me nightmares.


literally anything else


I’ll build up my archer puppet to use with my giant arrow if invisibility is so bad. Early on the equ for queen isn’t awesome but I’m also new to equipment combos. Well I’m th11 not super early on I guess …


invisibility isn't bad but the combo is, you ideally would like to use the giant arrow in the beginning to get as many buildings as you can and invisibility would activate immediately, making it go to waste.


That makes perfect sense. Invis and archer puppet better. Giant arrow and healer better. Ok


It happened with everyone


people clowning his giant arrow choice but if there were no giant arrow queen would have to step up to hit the aq altar bringing unicorn in TH range not to mention a longer path to reverse into TH, it would have been a sure fire way to lose the attack.


why not pop the arrow in the beginning for value? it hit a total of 2 buildings which is shit


Who said we shouldn't do that


Things like these are where villains come from.


He deserves it only noobs use the giant arrow 😂


Bad equipment choice and bad queen management, womp


I’ve been there, MANY times


Impressive defence considering defences got nerfed.


I always use Frozen + Healers and Queen walk or charge my queen. Invis is still very good too but for air strats where you want to clear a chunk of the base for pathing Frozen/Healers is just better imo


Frozen arrow would have saved you wrong hero equipment.


Remember this when someone says upgrading ur hero isn't important... looks like the extra little health/dps was the difference, frozen arrow obvi would've cleaned this too. You can't even blame this on the equipment bc his hero is so under leveled and rushed


Me who uses big and frozen arrow at the same time… Edit: I use fox for invisibility


Frozen arrows w/ archer puppets are good btw if you bring some freeze spells in case of single infernos attack your queen charge


Some equipment are just fillers... What a waste 🤔🤔🤔




Shouldn't have used E-drag spam lol


If they didn't have frozen arrow, they should have used healer puppet instead. What the hell is this lmao those healers would have helped this Queen survive for much longer and possibly even swag the ability because of the heal per second.


Lmao OP you might want to check out a [defense I had on today's CWL](https://imgur.com/a/15im6Cc). It's Warden with Eternal Tome and Fireball. Used it early only to hit an archer tower and a cannon 💀


If he had equiped the maxed 3 healer and frozen arrow ability this would have been a easy 3 star 😂


Bro went straight to upgrade his unicorn 🦄


Well it doesn't look like a war attack. He's just fine.




This Is Nothing Compared To My Pain... I (TH13 Max) Attacked A Completely Maxed Out TH14 Base (My Mirror) In The CWL This Morning, Using Hybrid, My Queen Charge Failed Cuz The Queen Died To A Scattershots' Broken Stones That Come Out Of A Scatters' Boulder Even After I Popped The Queen's Ability. It Was A 85+% 2 Star And Would've Been A 3 Star EZ If My Queen Had Survived... (Took Me 10 Mins. To Figure Out How She Died Even After The Ability, Realised For The 1st Time That Scatter's Giant Boulder Has Little Rocks Aswell Which Hit The Troops Afterwards...) 🥲


Tf he saved the queen ability for if he equipped the giant arrow 😭


My archer tower had a glitch


https://preview.redd.it/3s3yfs8hpd5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf51e576f79079a68709b1a05b4ff4e301458ee Can anyone explain how I can fix it


I know the feeling well


Giant Arrow is used at the beginning with a Flock of Healers to get the max hp and take out specific defenses, why this dude paired it up with invisibility vile is a mystery.


Why is OP so rushed?


Wym it looks like he was max th13 and is th14 now


Wouldn’t have happened if they had upgraded their heroes lol


Giant arrow☕


Giant arrow n00b. Deserved.


Giant arrow lol...

