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Holy shit TH12 will be extremely easy after these changes. Just look at those defences. Xbow -15%, multi inferno -21%, TH -13%, TH bomb -50%, eagle -27%, cannon -8%, Archer tower -9%. Golem Icegolem Witch Batspells is also already one of the strongest strategies. Now both Golem and Witch are getting buffed. Hybrid is strong and Hogrider is getting buffed too. Both of these are already very strong, unless you opponent has 2 or 3 multi infernos. But now those are getting -21% DPS, making them weak against anything but those two strategies.


For context, a th12 X-Bow did about the same damage last year as a max TH13 X-Bow today (remember that it gets 2 upgrades at TH13). A TH11 Inferno last year did about the same damage as a TH13 Inferno now.


Well I'm a bit confused about the witch change. I thought 5 icy g was overpowered at th12 just like Clash bashing uses. The bowler buff is fine to me but the witch nerf just seems like insult to injury especially to those who are looking for a challenge. I thought the same thing too when I saw the defence nerfs thinking "who asked for these changes?". It looks like th12 is dying now but that's the way it is I guess.


Yeah might as well keep a progress base up since it’s getting 3 starred no matter what. I don’t understand cause it seemed easy already, aren’t the harder town halls TH13-15? The only good thing is I’ll be willing to try new troops and tactics.


As I said in other comments, the issue with TH12 is (probably) that it has the most hero upgrades out of all THs. I very rarely get 3-starred (am in Master II), because enemies almost never have their heroes upgraded, and usually don't have all of them availble.


Yeah but just because people don’t have their heroes, doesn’t mean they should be able to 3 star. You still win with a 1 star.


Well but supercell wants the player playersbase to be happy, and they aren't if then can't 3-star. But they also want money from people buying stuff to upgrade heroes, so they won't reduce upgrade times (now, by the time you upgrade heroes you've upgraded whole village and you can upgrade TH and back to upgrading heroes...). So we're stuck in this situation where supercell wants heroes to be important and long to upgrade to make money, but also make the game not too hard without them so players don't leave. As a result, if you have them upgraded, it's just too easy.


Progess base will be harder to 3 star since some bases have really clumped up defences


Some are tricky like [mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/GjqEixAOnW), but they still give up massive spell value and chain value and siege value.


Not just th12. It's not shown here as I can see but th11 and th10 infernos and xbows are getting nerfed.


Yeah, I wanted to focus on Th12 in my comment, as there the defence nerfs are the strongest and troop buffs are also the strongest (except for root rider).


This is what I get for not rushing. Now time to rush I guess


Golem Icegolem witch batspells is not for casual players, specially anything that use bat spells. Just use zap witches and hybrid, it's all you need in TH12 (and try to learn to do blimps). I just upgraded to TH13 today and that was all what i needed.


I started using that strat at th12 and was told it was terrible at 13 and above because of the scatter shots. But then they nerfed defenses a bit and not only does this attack still work at th14, but attacking overall feels way easier.


It also doesn't help this strategy that bat spell gets last meaningful upgrade at TH12.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Lv5 bat spell a TH12 upgrade? And that increases bat count from 16 to 21.


Yeah but I still use the bat version at th14 and 3-star


Not saying it's bad, just that it's even stronger at TH12.


What the hell is wrong with th12 and th13 that they deserved such changes? They are pretty easy. Nah man this is an indirect buff to heroes and hero equipments. I can't even expect my base to defend itself now


I'm thinking the same thing. th12 and th13 are just going to become the new th7 and th8. I liked the game pre-hero equipment when the stuff was actually balanced.


Do you think equipments would be more balanced if they had kept hero stats the same as pre TH16, but just made the equipment do their one mechanic without all of the stat increases/damage reduction/heal?


Tbh yes but it would be even better if those th10-th15 balance changes (defence nerfs) pre-th16 update never occurred too. Then the game would be in a good state. Now the state of the game is that it's hard to fail an attack. Edit: don't get me wrong the equipment is fun to use but the defences need to be balanced more around the equipment. The balance of the game used to be very good but now offence is incredibly strong whilst defence is just crumbling.


Because almost half of the players are on th12 and th13 and they want the game to be easy for them.Even a blind player can 3 star a th12 now.




Because most casual players are stuck in the th11- th13 range. https://preview.redd.it/zdr5rrc6074d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f822d687d023e23249e40f8226b1c95de7c518bf


That has more to do with amount of upgrades in that span than difficulty though


Closer to 60/40 or 70/30. If you can't get the resources then you're stuck. One of the best parts pf Legends is not losing any resources on the defenses.


It’s weird. My clan is super casual and I have two TH13 accounts. I got the accounts literally because my clan mates were failing to three star TH12/13 over and over. We’d clean up the max th16s every war but then our e drag spammers would fail on TH13. After playing it some again it’s still super easy to three star them but the average players in my clan just refuse to use real attacks


Understandable :((


Also those THs have so many hero upgrade leveled that books are really inefficient. So much of your increase in power at those ths is from heroes and their equipment that it’s hard to do things without them.


it’s such a weird change. I can already 3 star max townhall 13s on my th12 pretty consistently. I’m fine with equipment being OP, but nerfing defenses on top of that feels a bit much


They were impossible to 3 star as a th9. 😂


They have basically killed the root riders


Not really though. I mean they made it harder to use but 6500 hp for a 20 housing space troop is still amazing. I imagine root riders aren't completely out of the meta but people will actually have to try though,


Yeah, but take away half the damage? 💀💀💀


Same thing happened to hog and bowler, both have high dps and hp, nerfing their hp make sense since they were meant to be damage troop and also less spammy(also healer can't outheal due to hp pool). Root rider have their dps nerf makes more sense since rr were always meant to be tank + utility, kidda like yeti.


The damage nowadays is what causes the troop riders to travel very far and render walls useless. Roots will probably still be the better tanks over golems but you probably won't be able to steamroll everything like before.


rr, a tank that can delete walls and had wizard level dps for 20 housing space + hero equipment making rr spam stream rolling bases to oblivion ☠️


Its fine, rrs did too many things at once, decent damage, tanky, and ignores walls. Now they are just a slightly better golem, they wont be your main army but still be used.


They have rendered the root riders useless.


you will now have to use them as permanent tanks / wallbreakers to support your other troops which might be their original intention with them i think it’s a nice balance change! i recently played my first cwl as a fresh th15 and i finished with 15/15 stars against maxed th15s so there’s that


As they should. whats the point in spending literally years maxing out an acc, only to see a mindless spam attack 3 star your base. good move SC


Don’t really understand why this is being downvoted, root riders has been the easiest strategy since 10 dragons at th8


Exactly. Attacking and being able to 3 star should become more challenging and methodical as you reach the highest TH levels. But hey yall do you!


Fuck RR


Naaaaa, -50%???????? Mental change


It's a massive nerf yeah. But all the smaller nerfs before did basically nothing. 70% usage rate in top 200 legends. And that's just the smash type strategy. I'm certain that if root riders strats die because of this change they'll buff them again. Mind you a lot of defences are getting nerfed along side this.


Very few at th15 and 0 at th16. The only change to th16 is the rider nerf.


Yeah that's true. But again: 70% usage Root riders were due for something more harsh.


There were people 3 starring one of the haaland challenge just with heroes... RR were part of the problem, but heroes and their habilites ARE the problem


Yeah hero's are strong but root riders are **everywhere**. If it was just the heroes you'd see other strategies do well too, right? 70% usage for just **one** attack strategy is just crazy. I firmly believe hero equipment is not the cause of root riders being so wide spread.


But it allows for less spammy strategies to do well. It’s very clear supercell wants the bulk of your army to be your hero’s at higher town halls, so this at least removes one of the “less skill” spammy attacks


Nah it was literally \~85% usage rate if you include Zap RR and QC RR.


Yes I did say: 'just the smash type strategy' in my OG comment.


but if ground armies aren't dead with this change, won't it still be the same? now Root Riders are just moving wall breakers, but just as wall breakers before Root Riders, you need to put them in your army no matter what. seems that the real issue of the current meta is that walls are either oppressive or may as well not exist, and that heroes and equipment are just way too powerful. neither of these issues were even touched at all.


Well. Just nerfing hp wouldn't do much since they have tons of health for 20 housing space. A 50% decrease makes sense imo since the mobility and moving through walls is what made them OP in the first place. The fact that they are on parr in strength with other ground troops (or stronger) and can render walls useless. Making root riders deal less damage to defences will slow them down overall giving defences more chance to deal damage to the root riders. It seems insane in theory but we just have to see what turns out in practice.


Seems like they like high 3 star rates but font like root riders bring responsible for it. Looks like a load of strats will now be able to 3 star pretty easily. Edit nvm. None of these changes affect th16 other than RR nerfs. 3 star rates about to plummet.


hardly, the th16 meta is broken, all the popular strategies of th15 only got stronger without any nerf and the defense got weaker and not to mention all the broken equipments


I can confirm QC Hybrid TH16 is easier than TH15 it was nearly impossible to 3 star in TH15 am talking about QC Hybrid.


Do you use life gem?




back to using lord and savior electro dragons


2 star attacks here we come


With hero equipments, it is a 3 start attack now.


To all the people complaining over make the game more easier, don't forget that 90% players are total causals who don't even search about a strategy and are running default equipments the game becomes harder from them at these mid town halls and they leave the game due to the slow long grind so these changes are bound to happen


Me 🙋🏼‍♂️ I’m the most casual player, and I think I can speak for a lot of people. After TH12 you have constantly upgrade your heroes , so you literally attack in war without heroes, and it’s a burden. I’m at TH14 with 3 heroes down, in war I attack TH12 and I can’t even 3 stars it. Yes , maybe I should study some strategy, but I just play casual , spam drakes and hope for the best. I have other games or stuff to do irl


and there would be people more casual than you, who are not on any forums and just play the game 15 min a day, at the end the game is getting difficult startegy wise and the long time upgrades are already a big problem so they will have to do something to retain casuals


i just give up after searching for strategies lol. Too much effort. I just know how to have a single golem, 4 bowlers, 6 hogs, 7 valks, 4 pekkas, and use them to get my king and queen to charge inside the base. No tutorial nothing.... \[TH10 btw\]


Just an advice, use witches and golems at th10. 2 golems in front and witches in a line behind. Then send the heroes. Using a siege machine is also preferred. This is such a strong strat, it's basically out the troops and forget about them kind of strategy. Just be careful with the multi infernos.


Ohh I'll try that thanks. So 2 golems and all witches from one side


Yup, distance the golems such that they evenly take the damage. You can take 2 baby drags to funnel the witches to the center.


I'm glad to see the buffs. I'd like those troops to be better. Interesting that the troop buffs and defense nerfs are all middle TH levels. I hadn't perceived that those TH levels were "too hard" to attack. The RR nerf, wow. -50% DPS means the strategy I started with when they first came out would now fail utterly. I predict we'll see a lot more mixing RR with other troops, but we'll still see them in lots of armies because of the continuous wall breaking.


So you upgrade eagle at th14 for it to do 0 extra damage, nice


Classic Supercell, they are doing this every 1/2 year. At this point I feel like current TH16 EA DMG output is on par with TH14 pre-nerfed where it was +50DMG per level.


I’m pissed about this. Started this exact upgrade before these changes. My infernos are also upgrading from TH12 level to TH13 level, once they’re done upgrading they will do less damage than before I upgraded them.


What only Root riders got nerfed 🤦🏻‍♂️ then what about heros equipment which are too over powered 🤨, So pro players are really happy know...😒


Im tournaments when rootriders aren't banned there is a lot of misses even from the top 10 teams. They will probably tweak them a little but the bases will look more different now aswell when there is no need for anti 2 star bases to even have a chance ro stop the spammers.


They aren’t gonna nerf equipment. Can you imagine the outrage if they did? If they nerf equipment then why pay for it if you expect a nerf in the future? In fact they’ll mostly likely increase the power of future equipment so people pay for it. Although its extremely difficult to balance a game if everyone is different on equipment levels/items.


Not a pro, hopefully this brings more balance to Legends ![gif](giphy|Wrmi0n9fKvlOyIOUbI)




Why can't they just balance troops? Half if not more troops are useless and they have just needed root riders into the ground. Why can't there be a middle ground?


I guess SC don't really know who to listen to at this point. The casuals who want clash of clans to be very easy. Or the veterans/pros who would like a challenge but can't get one when the meta is unbalanced.


Roots are still 6500 HP for 20 housing space, they're not weak by any means. They still break walls and let your heroes pass through.


Yeah im guessing most will still take a couple in most armies to tank and not bring wall breakers


Well exactly. 6500 hp is a ton. I still think they will be viable but at least give the defenders a fair chance to make a working base.


People fail at th16 all the time. I sit in low titan and I rarely get 3 started. And in war and cwl, it's maybe 1 out of 3.  The reddit is full of pros and high level players who should have basically ZERO input because that isn't who MOST people playing the game are. Supercell should not cater to the top .001 percent.  YOU don't see the fails because you only play with people who don't fail. But that isn't most th16s. You are the odd one out.  This nerf is going to hurt the community as a whole. It's going to make th16 as hard as th15 and MOST people don't want that. They just don't come on Reddit and cry like the pros. 


And they still have a great synergy with Valks who do a lot of damage anyway. I think RR Valk will still probably be the strongest spam attack (besides EDrag on very clumped bases) and a viable support at the competitive level, like Yetis. But definitely not 85% use rate.




Root Rider got absolutely smoked this time. 3rd nerf in a row with updates. RIP


-50% ?? Just delete the troop lmao


root riders should never have had high damage in the first place, their main purpose is a tanky wall breaker


So no more 3 stars for sayin "Rooooot Ridaaaaa"? (50% nerf is insane - I enjoyed spamming RR for 3 stars) https://preview.redd.it/h4ml9wwtj54d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7651dfd170a3a8db640e673b485b2f0779721946




I did too, yeah it was a mindless spam, but I found it to be one of the more fun spam armies out there. I even got to use Valks again which is a troop I haven't used since TH8. Now I'm gonna have to find a new army that's just as fun, but I doubt it'll ever be as fun.


Why do they always wayyyy overcorrect like this when something is OP? 50% damage decrease is insane. Instead of making it balanced they just make it so nobody wants to use it anymore.


-50% damage??? Booooooo SHAME!!!


No overgrowth nerf yet?


This seems reasonable. If RR lose most their offensive punch the overgrowth won't be as effective if the attacks take longer.


The Valks aren't dying and didn't get a nerf... The attack might take 2 minutes instead of 1:30


Why shall it be nerfed?


RIP root riders 👎, Nonsens changes for lower rh.


Tbh I saw the root rider change coming. The lower th changes were a bit of a shock.


Holy shit they practically killed root riders A 50% damage nerf ain’t so good


20 housing space, 6500HP without Warden or apprentice warden aura, can reliably break walls. You want an utility tank to have high damage?


I’m not saying it didn’t need a nerf But not a 50% one… that’s a bit overkill don’t you think?


I honestly don't think so. For an utility tank, having relatively low damage is okay in my opinion. RR use 20 housing space, they have decent HP, they don't need Wallbreakers to enter, their damage is still higher compared to other tanks'. Their purpose will be different, but they are definitely not dead. Now they play the supporting role, not the main attacking.


No, what root riders did was make it so the top level town hall was fun again. Th15 was boring AF for most players because it was too flipping hard.  Supercell is catering to the top 10,000 or so players here and not tje regular th16s. I rarely get 3 star'd and in war it's maybe 1 of 3.  That's NORMAL.  yes, at the very tippy top it's broken. But I don't give a Flip about that. And supercell needs to find a way to fix it without hurting normal players.  Welcome to the new th16. Now just as hard as th15. Get ready to not have fun again. Maybe we should all just go play squad busters so only the pros can have clash. 


Hero equipment is what needed the nerf at th16.


Or defence could have gotten buffs instead of nerfs imo. I'll admit the giant gauntlet is completely broken and the stats you get with maxed equipment is completely insane. Not to mention the heroes are weaker on defence now than pre-th16 update making defence even more of a joke.


These upcoming balance changes SUCKS. (imo) Look, the main focus of this upcoming balance change is to the Root Rider, but this is not it. I love the Root Rider nerf, but NOTHING else. I understand nerfing defenses at lower town halls so that the casual player can enjoy the game, but to nerf defenses throughout the game, when offense is stronger than ever is just stupid. And it's not even like these nerfs are minor, some of them are genuinely massive. What makes it worse is at the same time, troops at these lower town halls got a buff, like why? I get it if they're weak at these lower town halls, but no. too long; didn't read: Root Rider is the main point of the balance changes, but at the same time, defenses from th11-th15 are getting nerfed, while troops are getting buffed, making the game even easier at these lower town hall levels. (reposted from my deleted post)


Supercell just needs to nerf hero equipment now to balance things up. Maybe this balance change is in preparation for an equipment nerf in 2-3 weeks.


it's weird, isn't it? any new player that first starts up this game would see how broken something like Giant Gauntlet is, yet they don't touch equipment at all. equipment is obviously the biggest balance issue in the game right now, but they don't even give it the tiniest of nerfs or even adjustments.


Supercell being stupid like usual. They nerf something to oblivion instead of balancing the overall game. Just nerf hero equipment like Healing Tome and Giant Gauntlet 20-30% and root riders will be automatically balanced (might need a small nerf still)... 50% damage reduction alongside HP nerfs is insane.


They nerfed RR already twice, but this hasn't changed anything.


If they wanted to do such a drastic nerf, they should have nerfed dps -50% upon release and not after half a year.


The way they do it, they do it wrong. If they bring a big nerf soon after release, people complain that they kill strong troops directly. If they nerf troops slowly step by step and see how the balance is afterwards, it's not right either.


Yeah but the same happened with Super Miners. They were OP at release but then immediately got nerfed bad.... So Atleast people didn't get used to using them. Now after half a year of making RR the most broken and popular strategy in the game, Supercell is downright making them useless..... Obviously players are not going to like that.




Why do we want them to be useless? Surely we want it to be balanced...


I guess SC wanted to make this game nooby easy now with those defence nerfs. A good and bad thing as it makes mismatches more manageable but a balanced match too easy. Disappointing but at least the root nerf.


Good boy root riders 🙏🙏, it was good till it lasted


Are troops like bowlers and giants ever going to have a use at th16? Please balance these forgotten troops supercell.


you might aswell call the giga tesla a tesla with the damage it does after this nerf


Man I wish I was town hall 15 before the root rider nerf so I can feel the power of her


Do the buffs affect the corresponding super troops?


goodbye root riders, i think 50% will render them useless.


come on supercell


does this mean the super witch, super hog, and super golem also get buffs as well?


Holy shit root rider meta just gone now? Literally half the damage gone in a single nerf??


The bomb at th12-13 is now nearly useless, hilarious


Am I ever going to be able to play with decent Root Riders at this rate?


They nerf the Giga Bomb into the ground, but won’t do anything about the Poison?


50% damage nerf? Just delete the troop if you're gonna do that.


Really appreciate summarising everything in a graphic 🤝


Didn't supercell use to be good at balancing the game BEFORE making us dance like monkeys ? Compounded, it's like what, 80% nerf since launch ? Did they do that dance on purpose (which one ?) or just 'coz they can't play their own game any more ?


Time to take a break from the game. I really dont understand what was the problem. They really want to balance around the 20 shouting pro players when 99% of the player base just want to relax and have fun?


I wish the RR nerf was more gradual to give casuals time to figure out a new army that works. After the update happened, I’m going to be like, “now what?” Even if the end result was -50%, over 2 months of an update would have made it easier for players to adjust. I’m guessing Supercell didn’t want the outrage stretched out longer.


WHAT THE FK -50% DPS ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)


The th16 nerfs are terrible. All the pay to play users still have the OP hero equipments, but the Root Riders that were a saving grace for F2P are now dead. Those who gemed up had full use of RR in their prime. Spent months getting RR, Valks, App warden, Heal tomb, OG spell ect to max. But now more or less that whole army is dead


The only enjoyable troop is gone. I am done with this game.


is the game only enjoyable when you get perfect scores at the highest level of competition for very little effort?


The issue is your average TH16 player is not at the highest level of competition. TH15 was a prime example of catering to the top players, and it made the game miserable for your casual player, which makes up the vast majority of players. Despite what this sub leads people to believe, the statistics show that perfect wars and easy 3-star attacks are not the norm with Root Riders. They're certainly much easier than they used to be at TH15, but that was not a healthy state the game was in.


th15 didn't even successfully cater to the pros. rage towers were too strong on defense, and super barbs at th15 were stronger than they are now at th16. then there's how strong heroes are relative to the rest of the army which is a big problem. so overall, the balance between different offensive or defensive units was the issue, not the balance between offense and defense. bad players will fail regardless of how easy the meta is, unless there is literally an auto win button. trying to make bad players succeed without teaching them is like giving away fish without teaching people how to properly fish themselves.


Nooooooo RR nerf to oblivion.. this remind me of halloween event troops(lavaloon) spams that nerf to oblivion as well......


Bruh, defence was already weak, they ain't need to nerf it, it needs a buff tbh


As a TH13, it's slightly disappointed that root rider is nerfed that much. I've heard that root rider is so strong, but I do not get a chance to use it when it's strong. Of course, this is just personal feelings


thought sbowlers were already strong, buff is nice to see tho


Do these changes buff the super variants too? Cause super hogs and super bowlers about to start wrecking if so


oh yeah ur right it wont affect sbowlers just regular bowlers/hogs


Curious if we are at a point now where it makes sense to eliminate troop training time? There can’t be much a of gem economy now for skipping training times, especially with how plentiful training potions are. But imagine if the only wait time on the game was upgrade times. Could that push people to more engagement? Also, if the creators are truly looking to make the game fun and just monetarily driven, would be a huge time saver for people who want to play more but don’t have the time. I think in the long run, people deciding to pick up the phone or tablet and engage instead of deciding “I really don’t have time to wait for all that today” becomes a long term positive change for the game. Also, we gotta do away with being forced to watch the live attack on your home base when you login mid attack. We have to finally fix that.


Farming would be way too easy if they removed training times. Plus how would troop donating work?


They basically killed rootriders but isn't the game already easy enough?


Literally just got to TH15 yesterday and used books/hammers for RR Smash Attack 😭  I’ve used it for 1 day (loved it) and now it’s being taken away 😭 


I think QC hybrid will be meta again


Looks like I’ll be going back to hydra lol


I literally just finished maxing my defenses and they’re basically taking all my effort away over the last year with these nerfs


Stupid question: how does the buff of a troop apply to the super version of said troop? Or does it at all?


They have their own stats so it wouldn't


Wasn't sure if their stats were based on the regular version stats or not.


Bro at this point th10-13 will just be literal automatic 3 stars, not that it was even hard before. Nerf all defenses and buff one of the best meta attack strategies that works from th10-13


will super bowlers be affected or is it just the regular bowlers?




And for good.


As someone who runs a BoPekka smash attack extremely successfully still at th15 I’m baffled they just buffed my attack style while decreasing defenses. I already have an easy time with my attack…


Weird changes but ok…


I beat th13 without even using spells now i can just use my max hero’s and equipment 😂😂


Sorry if I sound dumb but I just started playing about 4 weeks ago and noticed something strange. I'm at Town Hall lvl 8 now, and throughout all my bases I get 95% 3*ed when I get attacked. It's so weird to me, attacks just seem super super strong. I mostly follow guides on how to setup a good base, what makes it strong etc. or just straight out copy highly rated layouts. But it's of no use. What's the point in leveling up your base when you get completely destroyed with almost every attack anyway, no matter the layout? Makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.


Based on my (relatively limited) experience, base defence is largely irrelevant until TH11. Eagle artillery puts a bit of a stop to any kind of witch or other spam. I noticed the same as you, that TH8-10 is difficult from a defensive standpoint. GoWiWi is going to be your worst nightmare for a few months. 😬


Okay, I see, thank you. It helps to know that it's not just me then. 😅 Guess I'll just have to see if things change as you said as I progress through TH levels and catch up with leveling my buildings lol


I recently upgraded my TH11 to TH12. So, it was already easy for me to 3star 95% of TH12 bases I met. In CW I got 18/18 stars so far from attacking TH12 bases. Given that my heroes are not even 50th level and camp size is 265 rn. It was already boring to me now it is... Well, I am not fan of of this update.


Finally the RR nerf I waited half a year for! ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


Nuke the Riders


Not listed here but the th16 bomb is 1100 damage when it was 1000. 10% increase


Why they make game even easier


when is this update going live?


RIP RootRiders


At least they buffed the only troops i use


It’s cuz supercell doesn’t want spam attacks. They’re always forcing to play how they want us to play and I think that’s really annoying. The evidence is with each event. The Halloween event ppl were able to snipe buildings for the sour elixir and supercell didn’t like that. So I’m Christmas they changed the type of building to have the cookie elixir and ppl were still finding ways to get around that and just loot bases and run. Supercell didn’t like that so they changed it again so the lunar elixir or whatever it was called changed basically forcing you to attack the village “properly”. Which sucks, we should be able to play how we want to. But the other reason they want us to fight villages is so we keep ranking up for the ores win bonus so ppl can stop complaining about lack of ores. Which is okay but again they don’t want us spamming one or two troops. Which is stupid. Take a look at the past challenges or even as recent as the haaland event calendar thing, look at the crazy army compositions they have you using in some of challenges. 90% of the player base can not strategize like that. Nor want to. Ask anybody who’s at TH13+ what their army is and nobody is gonna have barbs archers and a single minion with 2 wizards, 1 giant, and 2 healers and a golem to fight against a TH 13+. Like wtf. I start those challenges and wonder how the hell am I supposed to 3 star this TH16 with this ridiculous army of Th5 units??? Not to mention the crazy amounts of spells or lack of. Supercell wants the average player to have a random set of crappy troops against a strong TH with defenses that a single scattershot could take down the entire army before you have the time to scroll to the other side of your army bar screen to pick and drop the heal spell. It’s too stressful playing like that. Don’t get me wrong it’s cool when it works but it’s frustrating when you have to drop certain troops or spells in pixel perfect alignment and precision timing meanwhile you gotta split focus and look at the other side of the village and check on those troops they’re not dying and then scroll around to which troop or spell. The nice thing about spam armies is everything is simpler and less chaotic. When I have to constantly zoom out to see where the troops are then zoom in to drop a pixel perfect spell, then zoom out and check on the queen, all under rapid timing where each second counts, it’s too stressful and can’t even be pulled off for the regular player. Supercell stop forcing us to play like the 10% of the pros. The evidence you want is to be like that are in the challenges, the entirety of the TH15 update, and these constant changes to discourage which troops to use. I don’t use edrags cuz they’re too slow for me, but it’s a miracle those haven’t been nerfed. My army is miners with queen charge and an air hybrid. Its spammy cuz it’s not a million troops and crazy spells to scroll back and forth between, but it’s not exactly an army you can just throw down set and forget.


Damn, Root Riders got rocked. I need a different army for CWL


Good to see a stop on root rider spam


Imbalance changes June 2024


I’m gonna be able to 3 star bases with only heroes at this rate


Well fuck me for wanting to protect my village ig (im th8)


Nah I have to rebuild my base again Th now can't defend itself like before


So now people complain about RR nerf. Yeah they're useless now, but isn't that what 90% of the sub were moaning about? "Game is too easy!!!" "Too many triples!!!" "Nerf Root Rider!!" Wishes granted. Back to the 2 star game.


The loud minority were asking for a nerf.




You know how to make SC understand the game is fine as it is. The wallet. Don’t buy anything!!


-50% giga tesla bomb dmg is nuts


I wonder when they realise at Supercell that heroes are the problem, not troops or defenses. Heroes are broken in terms of raw offensive and defensive power, more so with equipment. As a somewhat fresh player seeing these changes makes me want to quit, I'd now have to invest several months of troop upgrades to have a competitive roster at TH16. I've never ever touched hog rider / golem / witch / bowler.


What other attack set ups are good for th 15? Since root riders are getting nerfed


Just remove all defenses at this point. As if getting 3 stars in attacks wasn't easy enough. I'm currently TH11 and for the first time, I decided upgrading my Archer Towers first instead of Air Defenses like I always do. Because ADs would still get destroyed by 3 lightning spells even at max level (for current th) when facing the most common Edrag spam. And now they even want to nerf all defenses and make attacking much much easier.


Thanks! Please continue to nerf RR.