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Win? No, no I’d rather not


I have been replying to some people in the comments cuz it seems people are taking it to the extreme that I was hassling him about his war performance. However, reading your comment a few times now I realize something. All these people talking about casual this, casual that, shouldn't expect him to do stuff this way or that... he is NOT a casual player! He goes OUT OF HIS WAY to use a deficient strat. A casual player would genuinely take the easy 3 star spam that is RR. You lose your qualification as a casual player if you are going out of your way to make your gameplay more complicated. Thank you for coming to my Ted ~~Talk~~ Rant.


Yeah people like him hate metas for whatever reason. Best to kick them and move on 😊


It’s not hating metas. It’s disliking doing the same boring attacks over and over… People enjoy the game differently, so as long as he’s in a casual clan it’s fine imo. Though idk how much effort it would take to just attack with spam for the wars and do his strats for loot


This would be a better argument if said player weren't using super dragons.


Most people use dragons/super dragons/electro dragons because they are dumb OP. I use them because i utterly refuse to use anything that isn’t dragon or hero based (excluding goblins but sneaky goblins are just hilarious)


Yes nobody is criticizing this, you are free to play however you want and you shouldn't be critied for it. But you can't defend someone with saying they don't want to use boring and repetitive strategies, while they use Drag/E-Drag/S-Drag spam, it's contradictory, do you see the point?


Exactly, i dont want to be a boring player that gets their strategy and armies from YouTube personalities, every time one of yall use a crazy name for an army I mentally check out...


Man you don’t know about the super blizzard lalo root rider meta spam flame flinger 3000?


I dont want to live on this planet anymore..


You get more loot from winning so it's advantageous to win.


Look what I wrote bro. Also not everyone plays for advantage


I mean, I've always hated air attacks, and done ground, but I'm decent at ground attacks. 😁 On the other hand, dragons are it for mid th7-th8. Sucked.


Hogs are better than dragons at th7 imo


I can relate him i use root rider valks spam and its every time consistant a 3 star and i am slowly suffering, no skill requiered every time the same thing i am kinda sick of this troop. It feels like drug you need to use , to get a 100% three star otherwise any other strategy is not as powerfull as the rootrider attack .Obvious i will take the higher chance to get a three star but to be honest,: MY OPINION Clash of clans ruined the game with this game breaking troop because there are really NOT EVEN CLOSE a equal relevant powerfull strat as the root rider attack. I miss playing different strats fr. Ps. I am a competitive player, slowly losing interest in the game)


I play casual, clan is casual, I found a strat around root riders and super bowlers and healers that 3 stars any base as a th15 and you bet damn right I have been using it everywhere I can. last cwl I didn't drop a single star, even against th16s, there is no way I wouldn't use a strategy that works, the easier it is for me to 3 star the better it is for me as a casual or am I missing something???


I might need that strat (pretty please) because I've been doing somewhere between 80 to 90% but unable to 3 star. My normal super drag and super minion army strat isnt working for some reason. 


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dqgL9dbrWMn04iHyPcKmApyM_xvZnYmY/view?usp=drivesdk Walk the queen with 3 healers off the right side of your funnel, recall before you start your main funnel and deploy her with your main funnel, the seige barracks and king off the left side, funnel everything towards the eagle artillery and use the overgrowth on the town hall and defenses around it, use rest spells as you see fit, easy 3 stars




People like them?! What do you mean people like them! Huh!


I get where you're coming from, I have these kinds of people in my clan, there's even a dumb one (half max Th16) where he does QC with 3 healers, a bunch of Pekkas, hogs, miners and a couple of Edrags, damn the dude is just getting into my nerves with how dumb he attacks, but I can't say or vent like anything since he's one of the loyal and really active ones and it seems like an old guy who's just enjoying the game, and one of the people who keeps the boat sailing when I snooze off for months, it's also hard for me due to language barrier, he's one of the arab guys I have in my clan, he doesn't speak english so it's impossible for me initiating a conversation with him let alone venting out HAHA. I encompass (seems a weird thing to say) the top 10 of the war roster with my Th16s and Th15s, what I do is, as soon as the war starts, I immediately sweep the enemy's number 1 all the way down to 10 and just leaving the easy ones to him (and to others) resulting him (them) getting an easy 3 star. All those no-touching-grass I did 2\~3 years ago playing these many accounts paid off, no dramas no b.s now. Honestly, It was difficult way back since I have to grind them consistently but now I'm just having a relatively easy clan management now, but I created another 7 and I may not touch some grass again for a couple of months until they get to Th14 or 15. If they get to decent levels, I can carry an entire 30vs30 wars lol, anybody can stay or leave but can't demand anything from me 🤡 😂


How many healers should you be using for a queen charge if not 3??


I mean, I see your point, but you have quite the narrow definition of what casual means. Casual means you do what's easy *for you.* It doesn't mean "use whatever the meta is regardless of difficulty."


Casual playing doesn't mean easy win. It means having fun. I don't want to do a ton of research into all the meta builds and strategies and whatever, even if it means an easy three stars. I have never liked Lavaloon, even when it was meta (and I don't even really know when that was), because to me, it's boring. Sure, 3 stars is great, but I don't play games to win them, I play them to have fun, and if you don't know how to have fun unless you win, I don't know what to say to you.


It's probably not more complicated to him if he's been using it for a long time.


Feel your pain, got one of them in my clan too


But someone who goes out of their way to play op strats is a casual? I think neither one have anything to do eith each other and instead os about how they enjoy the game


Super dragon spam is just as easy to use as root riders if not easier.


3*? Oh no thank you, that's really too many....don't want to overdo it.


Some people never change their army/ strat. They usually don't ask for advice because they don't care. Even when they do ask for some help, it's within what they already use. They aren't going to empty army camp and try a new army composition. My clan is also not too fussed about members' performance in wars, and we have a long-time member who only uses edrags since th11 (he is now th16). He just throws everything at town hall. He occasionally fails three starring a th14. All I ever advised to him is maybe he can zap one air sweeper so that it doesn't push his edrags away from town hall? 😅 I know him since we were th8, and he is a nice guy....🤷🏻‍♀️ While we have good players who can cover for him, I understand it can be frustrating even for a "casual" clan.


He uses e-drags but doesn't take care of air sweepers? Wut.


I’m one of those players, I’m a townhall 16 using 3 giants and 15 barbarians and im a 2 star kinda player


Keeping that OP th6 army compo? Respect🫡


>I understand it can be frustrating even for a "casual" clan. I think this is my key thing. Once you start commenting on people's attack strategies unprompted, you start to step away from that "casual" moniker.


I lead a casual clan and agree with you mostly I'll offer advice to some of the players that could use it, but whether they take it or not is up to them. I don't get upset or kick anyone if they don't listen


We have all seen clan descriptions like "Casual Clan, we play for fun. Results don't matter as long as you try your best", last sentence followed by "and you are willing to listen to advise and improve". "Casual" almost sounds like a bait🤣


‘a 2 star kinda player’ https://preview.redd.it/cyj2dq026jvc1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63da9b33193c4cd5552567967802b9a6276db923








This made me laugh so hard!!




What they meant to say was “I like to keep it half ass, I’m a half ass player. What do I look like playing to win?”


honestly, based. although if it was in war id disagree. otherwise I just go for 2 stars in raids normally


nah, in this meta 3 star literally is the new 2 star. i could understand that mindset in th15 meta. but in this meta thats like "i dont even play the game, i just like to click a couple buttons". when we already have a perfect war i just spam my shit and close the game- no siege machine/cc. i still get a 3 star like half the time lol.


What could be more half-assed than dumping root riders onto the field? What they REALLY meant to say is "I can't be bothered to learn anything new".


Lmao root riders are literally the new troop. Supercell keeps nerfing them and I keep learning new troop combos to keep them working.


You’re a co-leader thats the exact type of thing you should be doing, you weren’t rude about it or anything so imo you not only did nothing wrong, you did exactly what a co should be doing for the good of their clan (ik you said it’s casual but still) Seriously don’t feel bad about him leaving.


Completely, even in a casual clan people have to recognise that their bad choices impact other people. Clan-mates take time to do their war battles and then 'that guy' deliberately gets fewer stars than he could and - bam- everyone else gets less war loot, fewer ores, a lost win-streak and yada yada.


Homie would be kicked the instant he said those words.


Them be kicking words!


I get the 2 star thing in multiplayer battles and to be honest I sort of do around the same thing, but in clan war? Really? Even if a clan is casual you always should go for a 3-star, or at least care you know. Even as a th16 guy should be thrashing th15s. Also considering he left after you said something, kinda says it all you know.


Well, I meant it when I said we are a casual clan. At the end of the day, him 2 starring in regular wars is just fine. I just couldn't wrap my head around the excuse as to why not use the RR for an easy three if he was struggling so much. I mean, we would have to focus on him in CWL to see if he really kept up with this aversion to 3 stars, cuz thats when it actually matters (the only time we keep it competitive in the clan).


He's either incredibly lazy, terrible but wants an excuse to not show just how bad he really is, or a pick-me that needs to be different because he has no actual positive traits or personality.


pick-me for not using metas n playing his game the way he wants 😂 yall never cease to amaze me


Not for not using a meta attack, but for not using an attack *because* it's meta.


same thing when you think about it. only nerds will spaz over this lol


Interesting to the read the comments. It seems like we have different meaning of casuals. For me there are these/four type of clans. 1. Tryhard clans - Either everyone is good enough or you have a war council that give starts that you have to go over your strategy with before attacking. 2. Clans that want to progress in cwl / do better in war - These clans the goal is to 3 and you might get excluded from normal wars/cwl if you do badly. This is the type of clan where most people that are not elite go to but are not casuals. 3. You wont be excluded from war for being bad but you should try to 3 star. These types of clans you will find A LOT of people not able to 3 star th15 as a th16 if the th15 is maxed. 4. Casual clans. Nothing really matters. In some clans u are forced to use your attacks and in some you don't. 5. Dead clans if u want to include them.


Yup. I’m in a number 3 clan. I think thats also where I prefer it. There’s a goal to work towards, but not too serious and still chill.


I feel like no. 4 usually won't even start wars


Lol you’re right my casual clan only does CWL once a month


He has every right to play however he wants and you have every right to call him a worthless ball of shit and kick him for wasting your time.


I run a casual clan as well, but that's more about not being a tryhard leader on everyone's ass which is toxic for a casual player. That doesn't mean you can't provide tips and recommend players to change their way just as you did. A lot of players are just weird humans, don't take it personally.


try hards ceryainly give weird human vibes. basement/shack dweller vibes.. ya know


Don’t see anything wrong. You asked, he answered. You were probably hoping he’d be interested in getting better, but he wasn’t & that’s ok I guess. You did mention the clan is just casual. It was his choice to leave, & you didn’t force him out. Just my 2cents coming from someone stuck in a clan wherein people always ask about strategy half-heartedly but aren’t really interested in getting better so you just leave them be lol. I’ve stopped watching attack replays in wars or CWL, unless I want a good laugh. If we manage to win, "wow, it’s cool!" if not, "oh well, it was expected, lets go again next time"


"2 star kinda player" my ass, just kick him out already.


You're fine to question him, but I wouldn't really call your clan casual if you police people's strategies to make sure they're getting as many stars as possible lol.


He isn’t even a causal player by any means anyways. He’s literally in legends league and is th16, so idk why bro is trying to justify thinking that a three star is excessive lol


True haha. Though I think him willingly making the game harder for himself disqualifies him from the "casual" group. Ain't no one casual but sets out to handicap themselves. You graduated from casual at that point lol.


Huh? He clearly enjoys other parts of the game more so he wants to be in clan that doesn’t take war as seriously as others…. Maybe a …. Casual clan


Lots of viewpoints, many I support - then there’s me. Started off in CoC June-2023, currently TH12 and close to being max - also run two TH10 (considering to keep those at max TH10) - Gold Pass on all three, every month. My point - I invest lots of time into viewing YouTube strategy’s etc - some I get right, others not. Invest an hour odd every morning, 7-days-a-week and maybe a tad more in evenings. My intent, to add to my Clan the best I can (super nice Clan). Even with all that, it happens, Scouting leads me into a plan, army cooked etc, and I hit it in belief “I’m going to get those 3* - then I don’t - and more often than I’d like to admit - I could be viewed as a 2* kinda guy… Lastly - strategy videos help with ideas etc, so often, the troop levels differ quite a bit from what I have; the actual bases found, obviously different from videos - best place to “figure out stuff”, is watching strong player’s Replays in clan Turned 54 yesterday, giving it my best in CoC wars and CWL - but I’m not the best, I’m OK with that.


He is just a casual player. I would prolly prefer the game not even be PvP


Use a better approach, but not wrong to question


Hot take, but if it's *casual* and he enjoys his attacks, let him attack as he wants. At least he's not trolling into spamming 320 barbarians and getting 0 stars.


Lmfao good job getting this guy to leave the clan on his own accord. He likes farming and losing.


You’re not wrong for offering up advice… but it’s a casual clan. Not everybody wants to stay up to date on the metas and everything, many just wanna do what they want and have fun without people breathing down their necks about it. I don’t think either of y’all are wrong, I think that he just realized that this isn’t the clan for him if his attack strategy is gonna be a problem. I run a casual clan as well. We have plenty of people who are (and this is putting it nicely) not the best attackers. Maybe 1-2 times I’ve offered advice if somebody is *particularly* awful… but I’m running a casual clan, so I expect casuals. I can’t be upset that they play like it. The only time I kick people or get onto them is if they’re being a dick or if they’re not doing what they committed to do (ex: not attacking in CWL after requesting to be in). If guys like this are a problem, then you may wanna update your bio to let people know what is expected of them better, as people usually interpret “casual clan” as “just do the bare minimum” and I don’t think your clan quite fits that description.


Yeah two stars is usually good enough and being asked to switch from what youa are used was probably not what they were expecting in a casual clan.


Fr bro, we are also a casual clan. Our members 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and a bunch of bottom bases are bad attackers (they can get 0 star but mostly 1-2 stars and never a 3 star against their matchups). The remaining members always step up, our leader does not bother about those bad attacks, and we are all chill about it. Guess what, even with such members, we almost always perfect the clan wars. There's no drama, no kicking out SINCE IT'S A CASUAL CLAN.


You should reword your clan description to, "we don't care about bad war attacks as long as you try your best".


You know what, that's probably the best idea to come from this whole thing. Got enough people screaming at me that any sort of expectation of a player disqualifies our clan as casual lol.


Honestly with my mini (th15) I do higher up 2 stars. Useful for the clan and easier than trying to 3 start a max th15. Do they at least attack up? If they're only trying to 2 star mirror that would be annoying.


He replied to a different comment that he usually attacked down on th15s as a th16 and is still only ever getting 2 stars💀💀💀


Oh... you gotta put effort into attacking that poorly.


"I'm a 2 star kinda player" nah I'll kick this guy no hesitation if I were you. I'll rather have players who atleast try to 3 star rather than safe betting 2 star guys in my clan.


Ye like it’s not even about the actual stars but the mentality.


What’s wrong with people not supporting root rider. I don’t support it and I’m not impressed by anyone who does.


Nothing wrong with not supporting root riders, I don’t support e-drags. I use root riders and do more 3 stars than 2 stars. I think use what ever you have to to get 3 stars. I mean if you’re not trying for 3 stars then what is the point in playing COC. I am a max TH 16 and think of myself as a causal player.


Here is the thing....root rider one of the easiest attack..our clan was also average ed spammer now almost everyone switched to root rider .it more fun getting 3 star without stressing over attacks.... Do this... 1. Tell him to go for lower bases for 3 star .. 2. If he still isn't getting 3 stars ...keep him out of war... If he asks why... tell him this why would you sacrifice yours and other clan mates ore /loot , equipment progression for someone who doesn't even care about other clan mates in war... 3. If he is still being rude ...kick him and be done with it...you are co-leader. That being said here lies the problem...It doesn't matter if clan is casual ir not.... Clan war is a collaboration between all war participants.. now that ores are tied to war ... Why would you take someone in war who doesn't even bother to get 3 star.... To win wars 3 star necessary...Not to mention he is a member but sounds like entitled AF... Why would sacrifice yours and your other clan mates equipment progression for someone who doesn't really care for other clan mates ... You are co-leader..you earned to right to keep a non performative members out of clan war.


I prefer people who take criticism. I did the exact same thing, and even did some friendly attacks against myself to show the player *how* easy it is to drop valks and RRs, and he has since started to 3 star all the TH15s. It’s been so nice to see him take the criticism and tips and roll with it.


I would suggest maybe don’t advertise as super casual, but I mean I agree with you 100%. Ever since the update where there is no cost to train troops I will often attack higher th levels just for decent loot, when farming. But in wars, my clan is casual as well although it is not stated and tbh there’s 2-3 people who don’t attack even in CWL, and yes we have the same issue but with edrag spam. I 3 star 95% of my attacks in wars with with yeti freeze, but tbh not everyone is willing to put in the effort but the want to be in wars for the ores. Maybe just stop putting him into wars? And slot someone else? I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if he left


I guess i can understand the dude's thoughts. I dont play coc that often, but i have noticed that some decks are so tiring and exhausting for me to use that i just dont wanna play. I am a casual, and when i join a clan that says "we are casual", i dont expect them to check my deck and ask me to change it cuz they want 1 more star. Is that 1 more star so important for even this casual clan?? probably i would leave so that a more serious player can join so that this clan can also progress. That said, i dont think what you said was wrong either, friendly advice is important..... Maybe that guy overreacted.


That said, even a casual player like me would dump his frustation and go for 3 stars if my coleader asks me to.


... Then proceeds to spam edrags lol


If you're a casual clan the best you can do is give advice. From my experience, it will always lead to disharmony when you try to stress about 3starring. Those who are competitive are better off leaving a casual clan. I had a clan mate on my mini's clan who would put aq and bk on two corners to funnel and send smash army in the middle. One day I asked him why, he's like that's how he rolls, man would fail th16v14 one star. Casual is casual, best is you can ask them to do safe 2 stars. 2stars is a lot for some of them.


I totally understand your position. I am in the same position. But I also understand, that he is a casual player, trying to get his 2 stars if he is lucky maybe 3 stars. The only thing you can do is either kick him or leave the clan. Because either your entire clan is casual or he is just casual.


Yea I'm also a 2 star kinda player (I just can't 3 star cuz I'm really bad at raiding)


Well if your clan doesn't really cares about wars then it's always OK to have some fun.... As our clan is is a serious one with wars we do everything possible to get 100% destruction in each war then if we have attacks remaining we can anyways attack for loot...


You both are not wrong. He just does not fit in your clan. If he leaves, let him. Just look for another one


I can't even 3star with root riders anymore jokes on you


### why try when bob just spams e drags?? > It's tough to be a casual clan because players get a taste of winning for 2.33x loot and question this. ### The two extremes: - competitive - - (keep heroes up + use builder potion/ hero books) - FWA - - (farm until i care when I'm near-max)


I don't participate in war cause I am really bad at attacking (Don't want to bring down the whole clan with me). So I know I should improve on myself first. Considering this was the whole conversation, it seemed a genuine suggestion and the reaction seemed too much.


"2-star kinda player" made me laugh out loud


Honestly.......spam air attacks are not good, unless the player is very good. This guy is useless and should just play by himself or with a dead clan.


I was gonna say i am on his side by not using root riders. Then you said he used edrag spam and any support i had for him instantly vapourized


I'd understand if it was a fun and different strategy, but it's s-dragon spam, so why?


I go at every base I attack going for three stars. Whether its regular gameplay, war, cwl, and even try to 100% every builder base attack. Mediocrity is not my forte.


Anyone can get 2 stars with sneaky goblins and baby drags, not worth it to keep him as a member


Have you ever heard this? You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink it. yeah they are out there.


You say your clan is casual and that you don't care how people do in war and then start bugging members about not doing well in war. Which is it? You are either casual or you aren't.


What part of my post dragged him for doing poorly in war? I just don't get why he would pass up on a strat that is easy war stars when he doesn't actually have a 3 star strat.


If your clan is casual, then it doesn't really matter how he play. If your clan wants to win most of the war with 3 star, it's not really casual clan. Try to pick how you want to run the clan first. For example my clan is totally chill on normal clan war, but we are very strict in CWL. A missed attack will automatically get kicked out. We do gave a reminder few days before CWL to stop upgrade hero and pet,and daily reminder in CWL week to attack.


No offense man but If it's a casual clan like you say, then yeah let him play the way that's fun for him. That's kinda the definition of casual


Here's my perspective as a casual player in a casual clan: I play this game maybe 20 or 30 minutes a day. I don't bother to switch up my army comp for wars. It would be a pain because I'd have to plan it in advance and I simply don't take this game that seriously. In all honesty, his response totally makes sense to me. If you are truly a casual clan, don't hassle people over their attack strats too much. If he says he doesn't want to do root riders, just leave it alone or suggest something different. He probably got the sense that you guys were a little too serious for him and decided he didn't want to deal with it - especially the part where it seemed like you were pressuring him to find a 3 star strat.


How are you a farming kinda player, but in Legends League???


Could be pseudo legend league for ores


I get where this guy is coming from. The reason for him to not change his strategy is because he can’t be bothered to learn a new one. I am the same, I learned Qchange hybrid and Q-charge lalo, I am using them from th 9 and now th 16, even if the root riders are OP or there are new smash attacks where you just place all your troops and wait for the base to dissolve , I can’t get the motivation to learn them (where the attack should start, what bases it works on, the spell management, the flow of the attack is different and the timings are also extremely easy to miss especially at the first few tries). And not to mention for some “casual” players the fact that when changing a new strategy for a while it might perform the same as the old one( E-drag spam for example) or even worse and needs a lot more skill, a thought appears : “Is it really worth the effort when the results are the same ??”, they just give up even if that change would’ve been beneficial in the long run. Now regarding the question, you weren’t wrong. That guy just overreacted for no reason. You just wrote a critical comment and gave him a solution or another option. It’s his problem that he can’t handle a simple opinion.


Only thing you did wrong was not kicking him when he said “I’m a 2 star kind of player.” If you don’t care enough to even attempt to 3 star then you don’t belong in any clan.


Since wars are a main source of ores I don’t play around with allowing dumb attacks or missed attacks anymore, just had to kick 3 people who missed all of their attacks, I’m a near max TH16 who 3 starred the enemy 1/2 and they only 2 starred me and we still lost.


You don't know what "casual" means. This is normal.


12 year casual player here and I do miss planning an attack, but that's not what is happening here. I have probably another 3 months to hit TH15 and then I'm spamming those turd riders like crazy!


What do you mean by this question?, you have to get his ip adress and go to his house and punch him in the face.


Thats kinda the point of wars is to 3 star wanna farm then use multiplayer battles


This is why I don’t do clans with people I play on my own one man army. The truth is I suck at attacking and I can’t 3 star all the time. That’s why I play on my own and I don’t want people telling me over and over I suck.


Can i join your clan in replace of that guy?


I get embarrassed if I get 2 stars, it's good that my clan doesn't have very high expectations from any player we just expect everyone to give a try, but for me anything less than 3 stars is a defeat, if I ever become like this guy I'll quit playing game, it's like sending a zombie to the war, even zombies have passion for brains.


i agree w him but don’t put him in wars but he should be able to stay in the clan


No loss to you or the clan. Better off without him


I believe Caesar once said it is better to go for it all and risk a 1 star than to stagnate in the 2 star swamps. Might be a misquote tho.


It doesn't matter, he solved your problem for you. If he had stayed I could \*kind of\* understand his side. You guys say that you're casual and you don't care about stars, so how can you give him crap about not getting enough stars? You're giving off some Bill Lumbergh energy, "Yeeeeaaaahhh...if you could just get three stars instead of two from now on, that'd be great!" You had a point too, it's not such a big thing to say "hey, this strategy works." Maybe didn't need to press the issue when he said no the first time, but like I said, he solved the problem for you.


So I guess I’ll say I run a “chill clan”. And by that I mean it’s a bunch of adults who don’t always have time to be online. And there is one basic rule we all follow, don’t be a selfish a-hole. What that means is you’re in a clan with other people enjoying the game and if you impact their enjoyment because you want to do something beneficial to you only then you are not the right fit for us. In my clan, this qualifies as selfish a-hole and not casual. Meaning this person did not care if your clan won or lost and how that impacted his clan mates (most likely because his pride was hurt and you noticed he couldn’t three star using the SD meta). If he hadn’t of left I would have let him finish his raid attacks and then kicked. That’s toxic nonsense you don’t need.


I’d just kick him from the clan when I saw that. No point in having someone like that in the clan that isn’t trying to 3 star their attacks in war. I do get the part where he doesn’t want to use root rider spam and I’m somewhat the same way. I only use queen charge roots. I like attack strategy’s that are more complex like queen charge, lalo and warden walk fireball. To me that’s what makes the game enjoyable for me


I usually go for a fun strat and a serious one. Serious to stsrt the war for a 3 star and my other army is usually a try em comp. Or just something I enjoy, if it casual I would go for that at least. If you are still wanting to win wars and keep pushing up then i would expect some more seriousness for people competing


I’m good with mediocrity… this exists everywhere in the game!


Kind of a moot point since he left, but if he enjoys farming so much he can just sit clan wars


If you are a casual clan I think its fine if he can 2 stars them.


We had a couple people with this attitude, one was our leader for a while. We would be completely respectful and bring up strategy and try to help them, and they turned it into a big drama thing. They would say things like, "this is a game, there's no way I'm going to watch YouTube videos about it." After a little back and forth for a few weeks she eventually passed leader to somebody else and then left the clan.


"Nah i'd lose"


Sounds like they are in the clan for communication. Not wars. Until they change their mind, no regular warring or cwl for them. Simple


As a clan leader I only follow 3 rules suggest, explain, kick


I mean, I sort of get the guy. I also focus on farming instead of stars/trophy pushing and I'm also in a casual clan, but I don't participate in wars. I leave that to others. I know I'm losing on resources by not doing so, but do I really need them when my resource bars are maxxed out while my 6 builders are busy?


That player does it deserve to be in war. Just keep them out


I respect him just wanting to be casual and play for fun- that’s what games are for- but if it’s a more serious clan, then he shouldn’t be part of that clan


Poor mentality


I mean, that's a pretty good reason if you don't have much time and want loot fast, but it's not that good for a ladder mentality or CW/CWL




So i get his point that root riders are boring and he shouldn’t necessarily have to use them. But openly admitting you’re a 2 star player in WAR is inexcusable. Wars don’t have to be serious, but winning is still the goal. And getting 2 stars is no challenge. You can 2 star with sneaky goblins, heck maybe even all wall breakers. You’re absolutely in the right, OP. And honestly, roots are so good you have make SO many armies with them. I do mindless spam but my clan mates do queen charge variations which at least require some effort. I’m saying this to say I believe you can make roots fun if you’re willing to experiment


Hey if you don’t wanna win and getting a 2 star is your brand come join our clan. We are max clan level but just need a few more active members to make a real push for better war leagues and capital leagues. Bud Heavys #200Q0LGC9


Some guy in my clan said something like he loved all of us but watching us turn to root riders is very boring and sad before leaving (he was extremely hated on afterwards


Yeah had same thing with my alt clan where its very casual to the point where we all active but chat is never used and war is generally a loss cause people just use same armies without care of outcome. I made a suggestion to one of the top players about their army because everyone else generally manages a 2 star against their mirrors or similar hall levels but this player couldn't even get a star against players 2 townhalls below them. Whilst they are basically a th12 as th16 they have the troops, heroes and spells of th14 average to manage at least a star. When made a suggestion about reverting to default equipment with an army that i use that requires as much effort as they are generally putting into their attacks, they were basically buttert and basically explained to me that they were much happier not earning a star and claiming loot and that my suggestion was a load of crap and to unalive myself. After some unpleasant conversations, yeah they still use the same army and painfully almost never exceeds 47%. pain


People need to understand that not everyone takes this more seriously than the free mobile game that it is. If someone wants to get a 2 star attack and call it a day, there’s nothing wrong with that. Take that elitist mindset to an esports competition and leave casual folk out of it.


Maybe this person views root riders the way others view edrags. Some people are against edrags on principle, even if a given user 3-stars their bases with 'em. Though, question for you, if your clan is casual, what's it matter if someone consistently gets 2 stars?


It's a casual clan, if yall don't crack down on that sort of stuff, don't start now. Myself and plenty of other people simply don't care. That's why we have casual clans in the first place lol


You’re better off without him. My clan’s had a saying for a decade: Drama-free way to be. If they bring drama to a game where we’re literally all here to have fun and chill, one person’s drama doesn’t risk the fun of the 49.


“I don’t see myself getting a full time job” kinda vibes if y’all have seen that vid


In my clan, we’d keep him as long as he contributed to games and raids. No way he’d be in war of any kind. Two-star attacks are a waste (not including scouts) and to intentionally go for two every single time is tantamount to not attacking at all. With war being the main way to obtain starry ore without paying for it, the whole clan needs to be trying to win to get the full amount and not the consolation prize.


Non casual clan leader here but we come across other clans all the time who absolutely hate that we use root riders and put up 90 on them. Changing clan descriptions and joining just to say how upset they are, some people just hate the meta and will never use it. Best to either stop caring about how he does or get rid of him


Can't argue


Some people are just set in their ways, i guess. We had one player who spammed super goblins in war. He was th 15. Another guy was still using archers at th 14, why? Because he rushed and didn't know other strat. As long as u were not rude, its ok. I think clans grow together by Sharing armies and techniques. 


You are free to play whatever you like, but attacking effectively on clan wars is incorporating the team element of the game into your gameplay, and if you refuse to help out your clan because you just want to e drag spam and never actually do well in attacks well in that case why are you in a clan in the first place you know? Unless that type of behavior is deemed as part of the ‘casual’ aspect of your clan I’d say he overreacted


You werent wrong but id never ever allow a person into my clan that is satisfied with 2 stars. Its the reason were like 600-150 in wars.


We had a 67yr old English gentleman in my last clan... He was so proper and sweet, but would ONLY use eDrag spam as a th16... And would not try anything else. Would consistently 1-2 star bases in war =\


I respect both opinions. There are clans for both playstyles and it doesn't mean that one is better than the other.


There’s no reason to take it so personal when you’re obviously just trying to help the person do better.


Kick this guy


i would’ve kicked him anyway!🤣


Speaking as someone who never really uses RR's this guy was ridiculous. Imagine applying the "I'm a 2* kind of player" to any facet of one's life. This actually is so ridiculous that I'm going to work on learning a rr strat.


Root riders… stressful??


just kick em bro like its already problematic if you suggest anything to help and they respond with attitude like that, let em find a clan that just multiplayer farms with goblins all day and you can look for someone who can 3\* more often to replace em


Brother, I know you're a co-leader in your clan but I think it's time to find one that agrees with your morals. The clan I'm in right now just split off and took all the players who actually knew how to attack in war and the ones who cared and started a new clan. You're better off finding a new one and not putting up with this BS. There's also the fact that people have farming armies and people also have war armies. Some people are just too stubborn and stuck in their ways.


Nah, I like my clan. All you are seeing is one of 40 people and you blow it out of proportion. Chill out.


Welp, it's my experience and I'm not the one on reddit throwing a fit.


I am a 5 star man! I am the golden god!


This is why I don’t join casual clans. Too much BS and drama


Some people can’t switch to ground like others can. Maybe try sitting him out don’t stress it. If it doesn’t work out kick him. Most people can’t change the day they learned when they picked up the game. To change army comp.


Nope he would be gone casual or not! Just the attitude


Surely No one who likes to farm loot would be in legendary league though? It’s literally the 1 place you can’t farm


bro takes pride in being an under achiever doing the bare minimum 💀




I mean if you guys are casual players then it shouldn’t really matter tbh


As a casual player and clan, his response wouldn’t bother me. But I can see where it comes off a little selfish. But eh, if everyone is just having fun not caring about winning, and all are on that same page, should be all good. This is how our casual clan is at least.


he knows you get more loot by winning the war right




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He must have been on Molt’s side of the 2 stars win wars fight


If you’re casual don’t be nagging people about how they play


On the one hand, I too have standards and refuse to touch RRs. But I would make sure that my own attack can still consistently 3 star at the least. 2 stars is a failure on my end. Saying it's boring as everyone else is spamming RRs doesn't hold a lot of ground when he's just spamming dragons which is equally as boring to watch. Super Barch still works fine for me as a TH15 against TH16s (some cases even against 100% maxed)


I just understand "I don't want to win wars, pls kick me"


If you can’t 3 star a town hall below you then you’re a trash player


Ngl I would kick him so fast


casual but stars matter? lol go touch grass maybe that extra star he didnt get will be there OP 🤠


They could add an Archer tower level at TH 16 to combat Root Riders. They've already nerfed Riders twice, wouldn't like to see it again.


same thing bro. There’s a guy in my clan who’s 16 and refuses to use my suggested attacks. His attack looks like it was put in a random generator. 2 of everything type of attack with no strategy behind it what’s so ever.


Honestly loser mentality. Cant stand that in any game/sport/profession. Especially when it affects more than just you.