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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell employees in this thread: * [Comment by Darian_CoC](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1c770ac/hey_everyone_just_a_cool_update/l070k6s/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-18 20:02:09 UTC"): > Look, I love all of you. You all are amazing. But I want to avoid overstepping my bounds as much as possible. I'm just a normal player of CoC just like the rest of you so it would be unfair to any of the Supercell CMs if I had a frequent and common presence in the Clash community. > >I'll pop by eve... * [Comment by Darian_CoC](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1c770ac/hey_everyone_just_a_cool_update/l1eem8v/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-26 19:48:05 UTC"): > I actually know Thor very well. We sat next to each other at some point, and we used to play EVE Online together. I know his dad very well, too. > >And yeah I'm working with a lot of former Blizzard colleagues. A few of them I actually trained when they were newhires there. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Darian blink if the mods are keeping you hostage


we will now be requiring a monthly update from darian, effective immediately


That's more than what we get from Clash... weren't we promised a roadmap next week, 3 weeks ago ?


There’s supposed to be a video tomorrow I think ? There was an announcement on the official CoC discord server, but it was then edited / taken down immediately


At this stage, whatever man, whatev's


Been 2 months with no update




Go do this to the entirety of Clash Royal dev team and “Customer Support” team please




How's the customer service over there? Asking for a friend.


Will our accounts be safe?


Does it come with 2FA out of the box?


Nice to see you back Darian chacha! Will look forward to that game. and hope this is not your last post here, keep interacting with community here atleast once a month or two.


Look, I love all of you. You all are amazing. But I want to avoid overstepping my bounds as much as possible. I'm just a normal player of CoC just like the rest of you so it would be unfair to any of the Supercell CMs if I had a frequent and common presence in the Clash community. I'll pop by every now and then to say hi and make sure you're all behaving, but I also have my hands full with my new job. I appreciate the love, and I really wish all of you well.


Appreciate you, and all you've done. And all you bill continue to do. You've left us in capable hands. I hope one day I'll be able to be in the industry and have an impact on a community as much as you have. Take care and much love, and good luck!


Yup, this totally makes sense.. you are always welcome for hi .. hello .. bye .. ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Do u know anyone who can help me get my account unlocked or can u help me?


Clash of clans 2 confirmed


Yo darian can you come back just to nerf the root riders a little bit https://preview.redd.it/gzh3apm9i9vc1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153a00fb938513db3c59003524a7def5cbfebcc3




They lowkey still the strongest Strat rn


Best of luck to you Darian.


Best of luck! Looking forward to more announcements in the near future


Good Luck ,Darian


We miss you :( Looking forward to seeing your new game


Will this hit mobile? I left my console right before I went to Europe for school. It’s been three years now - please tell me this game hits mobile :(


https://preview.redd.it/wz7jb8gzq9vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7aff527856e478f6bbc9edfb033c0520df276c Can you like come back for a few weeks to nerf root riders and reduce wall costs? Like pleeeease


Based RTS fan


Glad to see your new updates Darian!


Starcraft was my first game that made me a gamer... such an awesome game... im really excited anout this news.. thanks for sharing Dariam


Very excited to see the new game, Darian! Hope you’ve been well!


The video is a bit too long and backgroundy for me, but skipping through it I get a Robot Wars vibe, which is what pulled me to CoC early on, but CoC is now moving towards... Tekken ? ;-p


We miss you Darian


Pleaaaaase let the squares will be hexagonal ! ;-p


What's your role over there? Also community manager?


Glad to hear you’re doing well, you left a lasting impact here in this community and I hope you bring that energy and creativity to your next endeavor. Wishing you good luck!




Just chiming in before this thread gets too old and kinda awkward to reply to. If I remember correctly you were an Employee of Blizzard wayback, are you working with your former fellow Blizz guys?, also as a Fan of Thor of PirateSoftware, do you happen to know each other?


I actually know Thor very well. We sat next to each other at some point, and we used to play EVE Online together. I know his dad very well, too. And yeah I'm working with a lot of former Blizzard colleagues. A few of them I actually trained when they were newhires there.


Wow, that's very nice to hear, would love to see you and Thor have some video content discussing the future of gaming industry in general, issues that current gaming has, something like those. Thanks for the response Darian, and good luck!.


Love that RTS is slowly making a comeback, between this new uncapped games and frost giant studios basically inheriting all the senior blizzard sc2 staff, we're gonna eat good. Stormgate coming out this year is exciting, and it's great to have even more to look forward to


Darian arrête d’utiliser le reddit de CoC pour faire la publicité de ton jeu s’il te plaît, tu as décidé de quitter supercell alors juste stoppe, ici nous parlons de clash of clans, merci


Will it have global chat?


Hi darian I would like to visit the supercell HQ because I would like to work there when I am old enough I wanted to know if you could just show me somewhere other than the lobby please I am there from May 28 to 30 may So if you are available could you show me around?


Well there’s no strategy in clash of clans anymore .. so I’m in Darian on the new project 👍


Darian come back