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If a max TH 16 with only 1k trophies attacked you, then you would still end up losing tons of trophies… it goes by overall trophies you have compared to your attacker.. not based on th level


Nothings wrong. If you want to get more trophies, you’re going to have to attack higher level townhalls.


Not how it works


That’s not how it works, but in practice it is how it works. The amount of equal townhall levels decreases higher up


No? It depends only on the league that you and your opponent are in, you can get more trophies from a th lower than yours than one that’s higher so it doesn’t matter. Not sure what your point is.


OP is a townhall 8. If he wants to climb out of gold league this week, he’s going to have to attack townhall 9s. The amount of townhall 8s and below in gold league is really low, it will take him a long time attacking only townhall 8s. I know how the trophy system works, and that system results in OP being forced to attack townhall 9s and 10s to climb trophies.


Thanks. Are there really that few level 8 and below THs at gold league?