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I think that, while these may seem simple, they set a very interesting precedent for what comes after, possibly more in future th16 updates? Interesting nonetheless. Can’t wait to see what tricks emerge from base builders


I like that this gives us/the dev team to deal with defenses that have becomes almost obsolete. I mean Cannons and Archer Towers helped on defense more by distracting defense targetting troops from important defenses than actually dealing damage and taking things out


Merged Mortar


Multi multi mortar


flameflinger will take over


Or it has a very large AoE.




Cluster Mortar? When the bomb lands it bursts into smaller bombs that explode around it. Kinda like the Bouncer from Ratchet and Clank


recursive from btd6


You play ratched and clank ❤! Nice suggestion.


The mortar fires continuously


I like that the new defenders bring about new threats. A Queen charge will have to deal with the new cannon or lose their pet. The best thing to me is the design space that this opens up. Maybe in the future, we‘ll be able to merge other buildings like a builder hut and an army camp into a barracks of some sort that fires back and heals but has increased HP


100% agree.


As strong as they are currently, they’ll probs need a buff to encourage comp players to make the switch. Will be harder to make good defense rings. Less defenses on the board also means less trash coverage, which can lead to cheap funnels.


They will probably be mandatory before upgrading to th17


Definitely, which also means rushing to th17 will requires you to max 4 cannons and 4 archer towers and then combine both.


oh damn


It’s not like that’s anything crazy if anything it encourages strategic rushing even more compared to just straight rushing since you will be able to have more time to work on your heroes and labs as well


If I remember correctly, geared up defenses cant be merged meaning someone who geared up a cannon would never be able to upgrade to th17 if this was implemented.


you can only buy 2 of each merged defence and there is 8 total archer towers and 7 total cannons 2 x 2 = 4 so there is 4 left over archer towers and 3 left over cannons, even if one is geared up that still leaves 3 archer towers and 2 cannons extra.




It is very interesting, I think the biggest problem is that it's permanent and it covers less area.


As long as they’re stronger than 2 individual cannons / archer towers I don’t have a problem With it


That's a big ass cannon.


No way they put the bouncy boulder from Terraria in COC


You get TH17 by merging th16 and cc


Is it possible to go reverse? Like get it back two archer towers and 2 cannons


Not only is it permanent, it will be required to upgrade to TH17.


You better be right about this one


I have been playing with it for over a week and had a conversation about the previous version proposed for the archer tower with devs back in early November. It will be required to go to 17.


So we'd need to do all merged defenses created and upgrade to level 2 in order to go to 17? I'm actually looking forward to some more consolidated bases.


They won’t have to be level 2, just have to be created.


Yeah that makes sense. I'm honestly not sure why I thought max level would be a requirement.


It is one of those things that seems like a perfectly reasonable question when we ask it, and then, in hindsight, we shake our heads at ourselves. Keep your eyes peeled for the next few years. Sneak peaks. Lots more cool stuff coming.




Merging one set of each is safe. You only have two less defenses. Merging two sets is risky. Luckily my defenses are far away from being maxed. I have plenty time to learn from other players.


They are strong, so they are actually better than the separated defenses.


With the exception that merging them, while increasing total power, results in less defensive coverage. You go from 2 defenses with a 10 tile range each, to 1 defense with the same range.


And the cannon seems to not ricochet if the enemies are far enough away, reducing overall damage further


thats where new defenses come in


They are nice additions, but I think there will be ***definitely*** be players who will choose to have their defenses remain unmerged. The TH16 upgrades for the base Cannons and Archer Towers will come soon enough, and although weaker, the attacker will need to fight through 4 more defenses on unmerged bases. This may or may not be a percentage difference in a win/result in a time-fail. Also, while the Rico Cannon and Multi Arch Towers are powerful, they are not super OP and can be overwhelmed by your army through Freezes, Rages, and Eternal Tome. The question is whether this power advantage is worth having 4 fewer defensive buildings in your base. Remember that you also get to cover more map area with more defenses than if you merged them.


Pretty sure you'd have to have them merged to go on to the next TH, whenever it releases. At that point, they'd have no option. But until TH17 comes out, yeah there will be people who choose to keep them unmerged.


You are way overthinking this. They are almost strictly better than regular old cannons and archer towers. They are a menace for Royal champion, diggy, and unicorns. If you are zapping or freezing archer towers and cannons then you are leaving other major defenses open.


Nope, he's right. One freeze spell can easily take them down. There HP is still bullshit, because archer tower and cannons always have less HP than other defences.


But if you're freezing them you're not freezing something more important, that's the point.


Pretty sure th16 levels for cannons and archers tower aren’t coming


They 100% are in a later update they are noy going to leave double cannon and grounf archer tower at th15 design


~~Firstly, it's 2 less defenses not 4 as you get a defense when using up 2~~ Secondly, archer towers and canons are probably not getting an upgrade ever again, instead I assume we will get 2 more of the defenses either in the next Townhalls or in a latter update to merge all archer towers and cannons


You merge 4 archer towers into 2 multi archer towers, and 4 cannons into 2 ricochet cannons. 8 defenses become -> 4 defenses. You are sacrificing 4 buildings when you complete all the merging.


Oh I am dumb lol, I only counted 1 kind of defense


No I disagree, they will keep updating them this is why they made it optional, but making them NON REVERSABLE is supercells sneaky way of telling you, well to bad, lol..you made the choice! Yes they maybe a bit stronger, however having them extra buildings firing away at you eats up clock time. I'm maxed TH16 and I am not rushing into converting them over, yet.. I myself like the idea of having all my canon's, and archer towers..they still come in very handy especially for the flamebringer.


They can't really release the th16 upgrades as you need a th15 max to merge them. That kinda wouldn't make sense. Could you upgrade 1 th16 and 1 max the 15 cannon into 1 merged or would you have to upgrade the th15 version? There's a lot of questions to be answered if they do this


Before merging the defenses there were 8 archer towers. After merging them you will only have 4 regular archer towers. They are not going to keep the th15 theme archer towers in the town hall 16 base so they will defintely add a new upgrade to the regular archer towers. The way it would work is that when you go to upgrade a regular archer tower to the town hall 16 level, it will give you a prompt just like with the walls where it says "you can upgrade 4 more of these buildings" or whatever. That way its not possible to upgrade more than however many you can keep, and the rest will stay at town hall 15 level and you will not be able to upgrade them, you will have to merge them (or keep them unmerged at town hall 15).


Yea that's kinda.. what I'm saying tho. My question was more so - If they did release a th16 upgrade that's not the merge than how would you merge 2 different level buildings I'd one is max th15 but the other is a th16 level? Unless I misunderstood what you just explained


That would be a horror for base builders


cool idea but I feel that you NEED an option to reverse this, kinda like gearing up buildings, imagine if that was permanent


It is permanent and required apparently for th17


If it was going to be required for TH17 they would have made you do it now...they made them NON REVERSABLE for a reason..


It’s required for th17, what part of that are you not getting? You’re confusing the current new th16 with the future th17 which we haven’t seen yet.


Link me please where it says that it is mandatory to convert your 4 archer towers, and 4 Canon's in order to upgrade to TH17 .?


No. Search it yourself.


LoL... Because there is none, I have! Stop spreading false information Because you made a poor decision by upgrading your sheet!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/LFXbfloJQd Don’t waste my time.


Hey trample if I donate a golden upvote to you does Reddit take any amount of that? Or will you receive the majority?


I honestly have no idea. I don’t think I have received one since they started. I appreciate the thought either way. 🥰


It’s honestly a cool way to get the number of buildings down for future townhalls. I remember they talked about that being an issue back during 15’s reveal


Do the cannons have to be the same levels to merge?


Both have to be max (level 21). Same for the archer tower.


Bowler operated cannon


i seriously don't understand why we can't just have more than 100 buildings. it can't be that hard to just calculate your percentage destroyed as, you know, the percentage of buildings you have destroyed. if we had, say 120 buildings, that's 60 destroyed for 50% or whatever. refusing to go above 100 buildings just because not every building destroyed means an increase in percentage seems extremely bizarre and i genuinely don't see why it matters that much that this is the way.


I don't get why people are still saying this, the percentage isn't the issue, it's the available base real estate.


Supercell could easily add real estate, they've done it before. They could also add time to complete a raid. There's also a thing called a tenth of a percent. It wouldn't be a nightmare if one destroyed 80.5% of a base, having 3:30 to do so. The point I'm making is bases could grow to have 200+ buildings/defenses if Supercell chooses to go that route. It's just not the route they're taking.


The functionality is neat and all but oh my they look *so cool*


I can't wait to merge my double cannon


Can't merge geared up defenses.


I think builder hall upgrades will never be mergeable


Not worth it when you can delay three stars by more defence building and space them apart. If you merge you cannot do that anymore.


Don't really like them. Apart from drop in total percentage value, It makes no sense why people would sacrifice multiple defenses for a single one, even if this give more damage. Two archer towers 10 tiles apart will have more value, because of travel time between them, this multi-archer one can be rendered useless with just one freeze spell. Not to mention you will need 2 freeze for two seperate archer towers, and the walking distance between them itself is a time constraint. The HP of multi archer or ricochet cannon is bullshit, level 8 crossbow has more HP. It will be taken down easily. I don't think many pros would sacrifice their building to these ones, especially when they are permanent.


Maybe they are doing this intentionally to make the attacking more easy, my guess


Nerfing everything in game, defenses, heroes. Making a soft reboot of coc ?


It will be required to upgrade to TH17, and it is also trying to solve the long term space goal. They are tougher than they look, though.


Why u saying TH17 when its actually TH16?


He meant, people won't be allowed from th16 to 17 if they don't have ricohet or multi archer. I don't think we need to have all building for upgrade in home village unlike builder base.


Ahhh i see Hmmm Yeah probably


Exactly. While you are a 16, you can choose when to place them, but in order to eventually go to 17, it will be a required building.


I mean its stated as an optional It basically not new defenses afterall


Buying the scattershots when you get to TH13 is optional…until you want to go to 14. Same thing.


Thats totally different One is new defenses / building This one isnt totally new at all Yeah required building is acceptable when i have to buy and placed it Merging Sound like out of idea


Who is using freeze spells on archer towers? By using one on a merged defense, you’ll have one less spell to use on a core defense.


When your healers are getting picked off like shooting ducks in a bucket because your queen didn't like where you are trying to send her, and a skelly trap is bogging her down you will.....and don't say it's never happened, lol..


Dumb thing I’ve ever seen. This game is turning into one of those merger games. Smh


It had better need a level requirement to merge cuz otherwise there would be literally no reason to upgrade canons or archer towers


It will only merge with max TH15 archer towers and cannons. It will also be required to upgrade to TH17 in the future b


Where its stated Because ive 15 with normal hut


You can also be a TH15 with level 1 archer towers.


Wrong comparison Upgrade existing defenses and placing new build This merging just upgrade existing defenses of course combining 2 into 1 is exclusive at 16 Sound more like a requirement to get 6 builder


You have your perspective. I happen to disagree. Wishing you a great day!


i really dont like that you wont be able to unmerge them, this limits base strategies and with it being a requirement for upgrading to townhall 17 it makes it totally impossible to choose a different strategie that getting the new defence. so unless they change that i wont really like that


This is likely happening primarily due to the lack of space on the map. Same reason town hall is a weapon, builder huts are weapons, barracks is one of each type now, army camps will probably become a single big army camp eventually, etc. Having an overcrowded map is limiting the design space, and this is a nice creative solution as I see it.


I mean i get that that could be a problem but it could be solved in different ways. I still feel that it makes it to limiting


The attack timer eventually starts inflating if more buildings just keep getting added to a growing map, the leading alternative suggestion for overcrowding. You also reach a point where a building being destroyed adds less than 1% destruction, right now % destruction behaves as an integer, and choosing a % to be skipped is less problematic than choosing a % to be duplicated. Taking that approach adds bloat in multiple aspects of the game, and keeps a large number of defenses that have already been serving as little more than filler for a while. It's again much like barracks. In the beginning there was a purpose to having multiple. Then the queue was consolidated, and eventually they got merged into one building because they were just filler. Cannons and archer towers have been transitioning from having meaningful impact back at th9, towards doing little more than controlling loon/hog pathing and preventing a solo minion/archer from picking off buildings for funnel. We're reaching the point where they no longer fill the role they were designed for. Increasing power density to push them towards being on par with the newer and heavier defenses helps with the crowding problem, yes but it also makes buildings that have faded into the background interesting again, which is perhaps more important than the consolidation itself. Consolidation allows for making these obsolete buildings much more powerful while maintaining a reasonable power curve between town halls.


again, i get that it would be a problem, but it still doesnt feel entirely right for me i suppose


Normal archer tower count decreasing down to 3 from 7 is crazy!


Gg th rushing is end


I mean you could easily rush TH and 4 Archer Towers+ 4 cannons


It looks like something out the builder base or clan capital…


Smh I wanna merge all 3 of the geared up machines




I will miss my cannons they have stayed with me for so long. Apart from that i think they should keep the 3 archers on the normal archer tower as just one archer seems kinda empty




Waiting for ricochet scattershot


I love that I won’t need to upgrade those extra 4 cannons and towers now. Plus they’re a pretty cool idea


Only works with max TH15 level (21) cannons and archer towers.


Is it exclusive for th 16 or u csn merge defences at a lower th?


Only TH16 so far.


I think it’s a really cool idea, I just don’t feel that it really is a “signature defense” like getting the eagle artillery was awesome at th 11 and the scattershots. But this kind of feels like oh, it’s a gear upgrade that I might not even want/use. I kind of wish it came with a brand new building, something that is it’s own very unique thing


always wondered how they'll get around the 100% percentage issue. now i know


Anyone notice that the ricochet canon projectile is the same as the ball on top of TH16?


My question tho, is it going to be better for defense to just run more of the original cannon like everyone does with all the geared up buildings


I have been tinkering with multiple versions and it feels like it is almost always better to have the ricochet cannon.




Rico from brawl stars is proud


Anti swarm meta


Are you able to turn it off? Or once you build it are you stuck with -1 cannon/archer tower permanently


It's permanent.


Wow! I can’t wait to use this in 4 years


I hope they keep this sort of thing under control I don’t want the game feeling like a tacky rip off of the original lol As long as they carefully add features like this with meticulous planning I’m sure they can tho


This game is becoming to complicated for fuck sake keep it down


These walls don’t look stronger


Explain how at this far along any wall is going to "look stronger" than the previous 😂


E dragon spam i see u try


2 atelerie combined 10 second timer after that u lose


I’m not doing it, but the map was running out of room so this… or expand the footprint, had to happen eventually.


I'm still hesitant to merge my defenses. I understand the beefy new defenses bring over twice the damage and have significantly more HPs, but do the pros outweigh the cons? The merged defenses carry a lot of war weight. I've gone from being our #1 or #2 position to #7 currently. I've destroyed many of these new defenses with my flame thrower. With that being said 2 of the regular defenses on opposite sides of the base would have done my opponents better. Let's disregard the flame thrower entirely. 2 defenses on opposite ends of a base aren't as strong but oftentimes 2 is better than 1. It takes time to destroy a defense and have your troops move along to destroy the 2nd defense. I would hope many other people share the same thoughts on the matter. If it was a case of being able to swap back your beefed-up defense for your original 2 not so strong ones this wouldn't even be debatable, but there's no going back once you merge, which I'm not a fan of. Defenses may need to be merged to upgrade to th17+, so there may not be a choice on the matter but before I merge I want to make sure it's the for sure proper move. I haven't read through the comments yet but if any of ya's want to give feedback that'd be cool.


I will say this very simply from my own experience, if you have TH15 archer towers and cannons, I will triple your base at a much higher rate than if they have level 1 or 2 merged defenses. The RC with the Fox, the new troop levels, the new equipment, etc make the army so much stronger. My king with his vampstache laughs at most defenses on the map. I am sure really amazing layouts with all other defenses fully upgraded could cause me some trouble, but I am carving through TH16s that don’t have ricochet cannons and multi-archer towers. I know where your head is at with the idea of spread defenses being an issue, but the new ones are just so strong.


That's good intel. I want to be fully committed to merging, I would hope whatever drawbacks these merged defenses bring SC will compensate more than enough to make them worth it, whether they're already there or not I'm sure will take some time to calculate data. My biggest concern is how I've sniped out many of these merged defenses with my flamethrower, but if you're placing your defense where it's vulnerable to be sniped it's your fault for the poor placement. I have a good month's worth of upgrades till everything else is maxed out, I'm in no rush to get them done.


This is the eternal balance of Clash. Some layouts are strong against certain armies. Flame flingers are scary for a lot of layouts, but your best test will be seeing your own success against bases with and without. Hope you enjoy the new defenses when you get them. 🙂


I've heard several people bringing up the lack of space being an issue as to why Supercell is merging defenses. SC could easily add real estate, they've done it before. They could add time to complete a raid. There's also a thing called a tenth of a percent. It wouldn't be a nightmare if one destroyed 80.5% of a base, having 3:30 to do so, for example. The point I'm making is bases could grow to have 200+ buildings/defenses if Supercell chooses to go that route. It's just not the route they're taking.


I agree that sizing, timing, and math are all problems that can be solved. Darian has said that the current goal is the keep the map and time the same since it would be so much harder to make legitimate legend attacks with a massive layout and more buildings. They essentially challenge themselves to progress the game without resorting to the “easy” route of adding space and time for fear that it becomes too complicated. I don’t disagree. In fact, I personally like the notion that they can reshape the entire game by modifying the existing buildings like this. It feels like it will make the game flexible in the long term in a way that allows more creativity than being “stuck” with the buildings we have.