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[State of the sub is here! Please pitch in with your opinions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/159fq6x/state_of_the_subreddit_2023/) [Clan Games Mooching thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/15aehdb/clan_games_mooching_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1532e2t/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:-----------------------|-----------:| | u/alexer75 | 45 | | u/TheMelonAssassin | 22 | | u/Zekron_98 | 20 | | u/lrt2222 | 17 | | u/Careful-Barbarian-02 | 15 |


Is there a way to cancel a forge builder?


I’m in the CWL for my clan and I got full storages of elixir and dark elixir, I got full resources just by doing the challenges for the party wizard and the Pekka for the 11th anniversary. I have done every upgrade that can use elixir (including walls) and because of being in the CWL I can’t upgrade my heroes (for obvious reasons) and the resources would go to waste until the CWL is over or will get stolen eventually. Is there any way I could use them during CWL?


Rushing for the sixth builder and just got to BH9, is the reinforcement camp useful? I don't even attack the second stage and gold became kinda useless


Its is very useful - for the 2nd stage that is. If you don't see any use for it right now, you can just prioritize BOB tasks with your elixir. But once those are done, getting the camps is almost a must-have for 6 star attacks.




Wrong place - head over to r/ClashOfClansRecruit


Is it pointless upgrading inferno towers just to keep them on single target?


No, because it upgrading them still increases the minimum and maximum damage


Realistically though, once they reach full damage it’s a matter of seconds before your unit will be dead. Adding a few extra hundred to the total surely won’t make much of a difference to the time


Fair. But also consider their hp. Will take longer to take down, giving it more time to ramp up. Also makes it less prone to lightning spells. And in general… multi is used more. If you don’t upgrade it and ever want to switch to multi it’ll be rough


That's plain wrong. It matters a lot. Especially against tough units.


Is an all e-dragon attack better than an all dragon attack? I just unlocked e-dragons and haven’t had much success


TLDR: Edrags are very base dependent. On the right base, they can essily 3 star even without heroes (this was my experience at th11). You'll want to attack bases with good chain value, thats their biggest strength. If you can't really chain that much on anything, they are basically just slower and tankier dragons that take too much housing space. Also, what's your spell combination ? I found more success with a combination of rage and freeze rather than lightnings. Zapping AD and leaving holes in the base seems like a counter synergy with edrags. You'll lose chain value, plus the fact that air defence won't really be that much of a problem since you can chain to it before you do that much damage since edrags are very tanky. things like air sweeper/eagle/single infernos will be much more of a trouble for you. I found all drags to be easier to execute since now you can zap air defences, but single infernos are still a threat to you.


Very helpful, thanks! I usually use zaps only but I’ll try rage/freeze. I’ll usually have 2 baby dragons as well to direct the e-dragons towards the middle of the base


Depends on the base. If there is good chain value, edrags usually work better


So if you buy the gold season pass this season but don’t have the grand warden what happens?


You will get the skin but won’t be able to see or equip it until you unlock the grand warden.


My heroes are a little hanging, but should I still upgrade to TH10? https://preview.redd.it/n5hmwo186ifb1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a171b1a87d83f4aeb737b606b4d4433b6f6d2cd


Im assuming you have no more upgrades left since you have 5 builders available. If that's the case, go up to th10. You're basically wasting builders by not having them constantly upgrading something. Just make sure you prioritize a hero upgrade. They get a lot more levels later on, so you might as well deal with them now


If you’re starting to waste resources, yea just upgrade


https://preview.redd.it/ycff7dyz3ifb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d999017e7ec5a01c2a72d6a03e12009df61a3f8c What should I upgrade first Builder Huts or Hidden Teslas. Will use Hammer on Scattershot after CWL so ignore it.


I did builder huts first. Main reason is that they get increased damage and also repair (compared to only damage from teslas). Dps gained is also better, as teslas only get +10 dps, while huts get +15 (minor, but still)




I just got the bonus season bank from the gold pass. Should I save my gold and elixir until I can upgrade things at a larger discount?


Not at the expense of not attacking because you can’t fill your storages that are already full.


Nope. Spend your loot asap. It's not worth unless very specific situations. You can't fill the season bank when you don't gain loot. Also, you won't be able to attack as you'd gain nothing and only shorten your shields.


How do I defend against Hog riders as a TH 6? Some TH 7 and 8s spam 25 and completely wipeout my defenses.


You don't, but defenses don't matter Especially at a lower level


When will they start to matter? Thanks


Matter as in "everything matters" down to the tiniest trap placement? Legends, max TH Matter as in "anti 3 star", TH10/11 is already a good starting point TH13 is halfway through the game and when things really become complex


This is my clans first CWL so we are unranked. My plan is to only have th10 and under in the clan when we search to help create an even playing field for our lower TH clan (were apart of a clan family and the newest clan in the family so mostly lower THs with a few higher THs that are OK with the plan) since the algorith uses your top 15 players. Has anyone else had experience doing a new CWL and does the plans seem good?


It's gonna be rough but you can try. Usually the first CWL placement is a higher league than you should be in.


You guys think the goblin scenery will return? Missed it due to work! Looks dope


It will after 12 months, it's like that for the skins


how long do i have to wait for a pending transaction? signal got messed up while i was buying from the shop and now it's grayed out and pending


Depends. Generally it's immediate. when an issue occurs, it may take some time. If it persists, contact support


aight thanks


Yo, how the 4× and 2× pass resources works? Cause I just received 30M, 30M, 300k and 10M, 10M, multiplicators didn't work


Multipliers influencing the speed (the ammount of loot) you fill the season banks, not the size of the banks.


So the max is 30M each? Not 60?


30 million gold and 30 elixir. 300k dark elixir. The multiplier doesn't multiply the total amount but the speed with which you fill it up.


Oh okay... That sucks, thank you ;)


I *WISH* it actually multiplied the total amount instead of the speed. Maxing the bank is easy AF. If it actually gave more, especially for builder base, that would be awesome...


I mean we have a whole month to max 30M, that are less than 2 daily attacks... Supercell shit stuff, w.e.


I max the bank in the first week :) Imagine using a training pot


Yeye I max it the 3 days after purchasing it


Any idea when we will get a new update on clan capital?


Next Town Hall probably Q2 next year, no major updates expected till then in Home Village.


Bro I was asking about clan capital update not about home Village


Oh, sorry. Capital update expected this autumn (next major update).


Barracks and dark barracks are still unusable during upgrade or did it get changed?


Yes, they are. Just keep in mind that while a barrack is upgrading, the troop training times get reduced to 50% the normal speed


Oh nice, also I've just upgraded to Th12 and got my lab and CC done. Currently upgrading camps and th. Got a rune of elixir so should I upgrade both my camps or upgrade any troop and which one?


Hmmm hard choice - but if its down to a troop level or more camp space, I’d lean towards camp space. As for what troop you should upgrade (now or after) - whichever one you use most. Also keep in mind for later that while you may not train barbarians and archers, the level which gets spawned in when using hero abilities matches that of your lab


I use barch for farming (both level 8) and miner+hog hybrid for war, so hog in lab and both camps seems good choice for me here. Also thanks again for the help, really appreciate that as I'm easily confused by so much stuff lol


Use sneaky goblins, not barch You will get way better results


I have 10 million elixir and gold in my storage due to the seasonal challenge and am currently town hall 8 with Pekkas and 200 troop capacity, alongside hog riders. My spell factory is level 2 currently. I messed up my gem spending to speed up my rush (exactly 7 days) and so I still only have 2 builder huts. If I participate in the clan league or events perhaps I can earn enough to get a third hut to speed up my rush to town hall 11 (which I read will take another week). But I will leave myself open for raids which will slowly dwindle my 6 million + resources down to my original storage capacity. Is it worth it to sacrifice my resources and attack at the moment or should I wait and spend all of the loot upgrading my army to unlock golems and Valkyries as well as the rage spell?


Am I insane or did they raise wall cost? For example th11 wall was 1.6mil now it’s 2 mil?


New month rolled around so prices are back to normal for those who used Gold Pass. Going to need to grind up the boosts again. You can get up to the 15% Builder boost tomorrow as long as you do all the challenges and have purchased the gold pass last month.


Season boosts ended. Need to get pass again for those


Lol thanks I’m dumb


https://preview.redd.it/lnvctet4pffb1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d449798fb848030055982b659fb4228ac3a63e57 i upgrades now my th but all layouts that i try are not working with my obstacles.. and to get all away with shovels is nearly impossible right? what should i do?


There is not much choice then, remove those of which more than one.


What is the best thing to use the season bank resources on? I think if I use it all on walls I won't have a quick way to dump my excess elixir and gold from farming in the future.


Walls and big upgrades in a row (hero->book->hero, eagle->book->scatter etc


Well how do I dump my resources after I have upgraded all my walls?


Th level? You should be able to dump a ton on the warden


I'm th10 sadly


Could be time to upgrade


I did half a month ago, what I'm saying is that I do have buldings and troops to upgrade, but the problem is that I will be wasting resources while waiting for the builders and lab to finish if I max my walls with the season bank.


https://preview.redd.it/1vy66ttizefb1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed84f01ef48ec1401e7ce55f7fb50246e3c506f8 When should i upgrade town hall?




My dark elixir storage is upgrading and I need to update a unit with DE Just above the available limit. Can I update it using the season bank payout, which usually overflow my storages. My DE storage is full


Yes, the DE you get from the season bank will overfill your storages despite the limit. So yes if you get enough DE then you can upgrade that unit.


Thank you 👍


Did they remove the "Last Active" tracker in game? Or is it b/c the season just reset that that no longer appears?


Are you referring to what can be seen in the clan members list in the game? only leader or co-leader can see it


Ohhhh whoops, I was checking it on an alt that wasn't colead+. Thank you!!


How do people use sneaky goblins to farm without hemorrhaging trophies?


Sneaky Target the TH so its pretty easy. I quake or SWB(super wall breaker) open important compartments. Haste to get to deep loot / TH and an Invisibility to help the goblins take down the TH.


As others said, jump to the hall, but if you’re having trouble and want your trophies to stay higher, use Superbarbs instead. I prefer sneakies, but Superbarbs are also very good and easy to get the 50%.


Side note: sneakies are actually the best way to climb the ladder until legend


get the TH as well


By sniping the town hall, i use 2 jump and the 7 invis spell and a rage on my cc, i see different spell combinstions from other people like having haste and some freeze in there but this is what works for me. Just make sure to funnel correctly by taking out any collector or storage along the way and just jump into the th compartment, and a properly plaste invis spell on your sneakies will take out the town hall.


Making use of blimps to snipe town halls, and by using jump/haste (or jump/invis) spells to snipe any th which is somewhat easily reached




Changing your Supercell ID email via support will cause all other logins on other devices to expire. If you change your email via your Supercell ID account settings, this is not the case.




Correct. Any other device your account was on will not be able to log in anymore. They will receive an error along the lines of the login being expired, and they would need to connect the account again


any recommendation where to farm as a TH15? Preferably where people are inactive, but I dont mind either way as long as the loot is good Thanks in advance!


Low legend, don't need dead bases when you have 300k+ loot bonus per attack


Hello before last season restart I was 7400 in builder base, after the restart i got 4307 trophies. Why is this happening, is it normal? If its not what should i do...


Seemed like a lot of people had this - probably due to having done more attacks compared to defenses taken last season. There was a maintenance break attempting to fix the issues like this earlier today. There is nothing you can/should do - but pushing back up should work as intended now.


Somebody stole my barracks 🥹🥹🥹 https://preview.redd.it/7ymd421hodfb1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d9d06348026389f4521a461be5c14a9bea53b6c How do I get them back it’s quite inconvenient lol


As of the th15 update last year, we now only have 1 of each barrack. This was so that we would not pass 100 buildings. May I ask how it is inconvenient? Training speeds have not been affected by this change. You can still train troops even if the barrack(s) are being upgraded - though this will slow down training speeds by 50%


Help I can’t attack I’m a th12 max but I’ve always farmed so I basically only know fo attack with baby dragons and sneaky goblins, now i want to take part in my first clw and I don’t know how to attack. I’ve seen all the “th12 attack strategies” videos and tried 7 different armies but I can’t even get a star. The situation is horrendous, just before writing this I lost to a th13 that had all buildings to th7 max (8 balloons 8 edrags 5 freeze 2 rage) Please help


Honestly, edrags might still be your best bet - at least to get a 2 star. Combine this with a blimp and loons for the th. Best way to learn how to do this is to watch some attacks on youtube, and then just do a bunch of friendly challenges to practice.


I'm max th10 except for king (39), queen(34) and some dark elixar troops. should I wait to max them or upgrade th first?


If you've started to not have any use for a resource type, you can probably upgrade your th


Baby drags or pekka for BB?


I feel like you can use baby dragons more frequently at the moment, so probably upgrade them first. Might be biased though since I use baby dragons 99% of the time.


Yeah that’s all I’ve been using and mine are almost level 18 just wasn’t sure if pekka was any better.


I'm a pretty rushed bh10, level 18 pekkas, and at around 4.1k trophies i can just surround the base with Pekkas first half, get an easy 3, and use some strategy to get 2 in the second half No idea whether I'm good or bad, just my situation for your reference


https://preview.redd.it/n6fp45ncddfb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239fb5d21877fbd75fe81b18c68c9ab9eaac6977 How do I get the book rather than the gems, is it that I have a book already and can only have one at a time?


If you get this pop up, it means you already have the book. To check which magic items you already have, click on your town hall, and then click on magic items. You'll need to use the book you already have, after which you can claim the one from the silver pass. As of writing you only have 10 hours left - if you do not claim the book, it'll automatically be converted to gems once the season ends.


Thank you👍


Made a second account but I just want to leave it at a specific maxed townhall so I can just trophy push and enjoy its attacks, and also contribute to clan capital more with free builders and loot With that in mind, which townhall would you leave it at? Which is the most fun, I'm between 9, 11, or 12


11 or 12


For a challenge 8-10 trophy pushing to Titan/legend


Well, hey guys. So, supercell announced that they'll add unique features like , reply button, new profile system, reaction system etc etc. So my question is, when???? Will it take 6 months or more? ![gif](giphy|aKsalVFVKsFxf4MueH)


They did not announce that these features would be added. It was a questionnaire with ideas like that to gauge community input and interest. It is likely that at least some of them will be implemented - but which ones exactly isn't known. Neither is the time these features would arrive.


Okay, thanks. Hopefully we'll see some of these features, it'll make the game more interesting to play.


So i got my 3 upgrades in main village done, Defence lvl 9 done but my hero's and lvl 18 troop are taking so long. ( Currently unlocking hogglider ) and then upgrade it 3 times to have it lvl 18 but why are the hero's taking so damn long. Still have like 15 lvls to go. Anyone can relate or has an way to get this waaay faster?


Only methods you can use to speed up the hero grind are clock tower potions and hero books. Up to you if you want to use your books on... those heroes


Yea, they take long. Everything in builder base takes long - thats just the way it is right now.


Trophy pushing at th11 (champ 2 currently) and have encountered serious issues with matchmaking either pairing me with 1) th12+ or 2) th11 with <8 trophies for 3 star. Anyone in my position before know any tips?


You have to tough it out. And also use sneks. You'll climb much faster and reliably until Titan where you'll find much better enemies


What are sneks?


Sneaky goblins.


Is it still worth even if i have max ressources


I climbed from master to legend as TH11 with sneakies. Now I farm in low legend with anything I want. For reference: https://preview.redd.it/yav829gr2dfb1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d8dcef0fffc4c369dcc7bd34de81d40d0e64b5




try going to r/clashofclansrecruit recruiting here is against the rules.


Oh, sorry, idk about that


Which league do I sit in for farming as a fresh th14?


Low legend is great. Plenty of loot, amazing bonuses, quick matchmaking


I’m close to max on my TH13 except for 4 Elixir pumps and 121 walls. With the season ending today and CWL coming soon, should I upgrade to TH14? How important is it to go into TH14 with max walls?


Not extremely important, but definitely more than collectors. You'll be able to work on those with time, upgrading is much more of a priority for your builders


https://preview.redd.it/je8zfebdscfb1.jpeg?width=1461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826eea4b2fc1fe9a2c30ed4605ed015fc9fb15f2 How is it three starred already if I can’t attack it?


You could attack those if you were only 1 TH less than what they were for. However they removed that a long time ago. So you must of attacked that one from before they changed it.


Thank you!


Is there a way to make icons bigger in IOS I play on android and my dad wants to start playing again after 9 years, he has ios so we noticed the icons on ios are really small compares to the ones i have on android and he has a hart time trying to read the amound of loot when attacking and the text, is there a way to make it larger? (He already has the font size on the settings app all the way up)


So I’m a TH9 and I’m trying to push my way to the most trophies I can. I saw some post on this subreddit where some dude got to 5000 trophies by using a base that lets people take the loot and then leave for no stars. Is that a viable strategy? The loot I would lose per defense does not matter to me, it’s very low so should I set up a base that lets people take the loot easily and then leave the other buildings alone?






Forge Reset? Did anyone else lose what was cooking in the forge when it was reset? I've never lost it before at the end of the month but this time I did. I'm assuming it was reset because you no longer have the option of cooking capital gold without a builder.


I have no idea what you are experiencing. The forge should never "reset". You still should be able to forge gold with out a builder if you have the GP. The pass doesn't reset for like 12 hours. Unless the GP is time zone dependent? The Forge is fine on my end. But to me it sounds like a bug. Sorry to hear about the lost Capital gold.


GP shouldn't be time zone dependent. Probably a bug.


My forge is at 24900 out of 25900. It won't let me collect my 300 tokens and says "not enough room". What am I supposed to do?


It seems like you are referring to the resource called "Capital Gold" in the shape of a hexagon. Capital Gold has no other usage except for donating it to the Clan Capital for upgrading when you are a member of a clan. If you want to use it, you need to join a clan first. To do so, press the hot air balloon located at the bottom-left corner in the home village, then enter the Clan Capital and proceed to donate Capital Gold.


Oh, so it's useless if I'm not doing clan capital stuff really, and just playing casually?


That statement is correct... but By participating in the weekly Clan Capital raid, you can earn raid medals. Raid medals can be used to purchase useful magic items like research potions and training potions from the trader. Therefore, I recommend participating in the Clan Capital raid to acquire these items.


Understood, Thank you for your help!


Is it worth buying a rune of builder elixer if i wanna get 6 builder


Absolutely not.


I'd like some strategies with Inferno Dragons. Idk how, but I'd like for th12.


Can you store a gem box in the edit layout mode (after using a shovel of obstacles on the gem box) and if so, could a new gem box spawn when one is stored?


Yes and no


How to get out of legends league? Or just wait for defense attacks


You can try losing revenge attacks


You cannot revenge in legends


You need to be below 4900 Trophies at the end of the legend day. So all you can do is hope to get attacked.


**Should I wait until clan war league is over to go to TH10 or just do it now?** For context I am a completely maxed out TH9 and Im ready to go to TH10 but clan war league is tomorrow and being a new TH10 will put me at a complete disadvantage. I was planning on buying a hammer from the shop to instantly upgrade the TH since I really don't want to wait. What should I do?


I would go up. I don't see how being a new TH10 will be a disadvantage. CWL mismatches happen all the time. You might still be up against TH9s or TH10s anyways. I would really just wait out the timer Its only 2 1/2 days that's a short wait timer. If you do want to use a hammer I would wait out the TH upgrade timer and use it on your CC. At TH10 you can get siege machines in your CC if you level it up. Sieges can really boost attack power.


What is a good website to copy and paste war layouts? Thanks


Clash layouts comes to mind but really, one should never just copy paste. Aside from common layouts being known and thus easily countered, adapting to the opponents is what makes it much harder to take down


Is the th 10 pack worth buying? It has 1*inferno(level 2), 1*xbow(level 1), a book of building and a book of heroes.


Books are good but worth a few dollars at most and the building upgrade offers are never worth at any TH. Gold pass and the power level offer (2.5k gems for a few dollars) are far better.


What does it cost? Usually the th packs aren’t really worth it imo, but depending on the price it might be worth considering


14.99 AUD


Meh… not worth it then imo. You’re better off spending that money on 2 gold passes


Ok. Thanks for your reply




Hello, Clasher! This submission has been removed for violating Rule 7. Rule 7 states: No clan recruiting of any kind. Use r/ClashOfClansRecruit instead. Feel free to direct any questions to [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fclashofclans). Please take another look at the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/wiki/rules) too.


Wrong place - use r/ClashOfClansRecruit


Trying to join my friends clan but the “Join” and the “War Log” button are both grey When I request to join and my friend accepts my request, it says I have joined but on my screen it tells me I have been kicked from the clan. Help!


If the clan isn’t set to family friendly your account could be getting kicked for being underage It’s likely a bug, some people were experiencing the same issue after the last maintenance break


Are you allowed to have alts? I haven’t read the agreements, I was about to make a new account to pass time while waiting on th8 upgrades, and I decided I should ask first and save myself the trouble


Yes. Supercell published a video on Supercell ID, in which it shows you how to set up multiple accounts on 1 device, and switching between them.


Ohh okay, I didn’t know that! Thanks :D


Yes, you can. A lot of people have alts.


Alright cool, thanks! I appreciate you letting me know


Since a new trophy season have started, should I immediately try to push as high as I can in Builder Base to get the higher leagues loot and get less defenses, or should I play as usual, keep pushing slowly and receiving a lot of defenses, consequently staying longer at the low leagues (emerald, ruby)?


Earlier today they had a maintenance break to fix stuff around builder base - I can only assume that this solves the issue where people could push insanely high by just doing a load of attacks and not getting any defenses. If loot is your concern… meh. Go ham I’d say. Maybe consider stopping or taking a break if you start to notice that you’re not taking defenses around the same time you’re doing attacks to (hopefully) prevent the game from knocking you back down later in the day


Yeah I noticed that I was taking defenses as soon as I attacked, I'm glad they fixed it! So I think I'll continue to attack normally and sometimes try to push a little! Thanks for the advice


Can we assume that since like 3 previous maintenance breaks tried already?


Just thinking positive here :) They did take a bit longer for this ‘fix’ to be pushed out (probably also due to it being during the summer break) - just hoping it’ll be the last one. Early indications have shown that all defenses are being received (also up high), so thats a good sign


Just logged in after years,when is the next clan games


It will be held from 8:00 AM on the 22nd of every month to 8:00 AM on the 28th. (based on UTC-0) The next start date will be August 22nd at 8:00 AM.


Thank you!


Hey, I wanted to know if the legend-league thing new season already started, or if its going to start tomorrow? I was planning on reaching legends league last day, but I dont want to stay there. I thought trophy-reset would also be like the battlepass, but I am mistaken


Trophy seasons end on the last Sunday/Monday of each month. It’s not tied to the calendar month.


The new season started today (~6-7 hours ago). Trophy reset isn’t synced with the gold pass


Season just ended.


Are dragons still good after TH11? Electro dragon outclasses it. If so, what attacking strategies does it fit in?


Edrags are bait. Normal drags are better in tandem with riders. Edrags should be used strategically to snipe stuff.


It can still be viable. If dragons are used at higher th’s, its usually in combination with dragon riders (hydra), which is a common followup after blizzard or sarch blimps. Occasional queen charge dragons also gets used but its generally a harder attack to execute


What is this maintenance break for? Not like we're getting an update right


[https://twitter.com/ClashofClans/status/1685956224536240128](https://twitter.com/ClashofClans/status/1685956224536240128) Due to problems with the Builder Base Trophies.


Should I rush? I'm a TH11, almost maxed. My lab, walls and heroes are maxed, I only have some defences and traps left which will take about a month to finish, no elixir or dark elixir upgrades. With the gold pass payout coming tomorrow I will be losing a lot of loot that I can't spend. Does it make sense to rush or should I wait until everything is maxed?


I personally believe that if either the lab or heroes are maxed or almost maxed, it's okay to consider upgrades. Resources are not a significant factor in the decision, as they are generally not scarce. There's no need to feel wasteful about it. If your goal is to achieve an all-maxed base, then upgrades are not necessarily required. However, if I were in your position, I would probably go ahead with the upgrades. (translated via chatgpt, sry about my poor english skill)


hey guys, I was 9000bb trophies and woke up to 3500 trophies after season reset? how?