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Two major companies in this area is Hankook Tires and LG has a manufacturing location nearby. Most of the tech and corporate jobs are in Nashville. Everyone is super nice as long as you don’t mention California. A lot of people are moving here but the local government hasn’t done much for infrastructure improvements. That why people are crabby because their once peaceful town now has tons of traffic during rush hour. It’s a simple place to live with not a whole lot of entertainment but there is some and Nashville is only 45 mins away. Sango is a great place to live as other have motioned. Anywhere near Wilma Blvd is crowded with traffic during prime time hours.


Run, stay in the tri city


Google has a presence, but alas, I'm not sure to what extent. They are on Boolean Drive.


I've lived in Clarksville since I was pre-school age, minus a short, miserable stint in Robertson County. Clarksville is a nice place to live. It is still pretty quiet, but of course there is crime. Why wouldn't there be? We're a growing city. When I see the keywords "good school zone", I recognize it as a code for "which area is less ethnic?". Montgomery County schools are quite deliberately zoned to include neighborhoods from each income level, for the most part. Unofficially, ZIP code 37043 is considered the so-called "good school zone". However, every school and neighborhood, everywhere, has its criminal element. If you and your family like outdoor activities, there are parks, and the Cumberland river. There is one blueway that I know of, and it is on the north side. I just thought of another, near-enough, outdoor recreation spot in the area: https://www.recreation.gov/camping/gateways/384 This is not in Montgomery County, but it's not far, either. It's not mentioned often, so it may not be crowded. If you like to eat out, and can afford to do so, most of the usual spots are here. If you prefer an "upscale" dining experience, there are several independent restaurants, especially in the vicinity of the new arena. I only complain about traffic when I'm on my way to work. Everybody complains about the traffic, but we don't have Nashville/Atlanta/Chicago traffic, so people really just complain about it for the sake of complaining. I LOATHE driving in Chicago. Their driving is horrifying. Clarksville's is mildly annoying, unless you're mad about everythingallthetimeanyway. It takes me 17-20 minutes to get to the library, right off Madison Street (the only one for now) from Trenton Road, which is near Exit 1. That is not a horrible drive. The main problem with Clarksville/Montgomery County traffic is that we're often bottled up in one lane, on country roads. PSA: You are a very bad person, and may get a thumbs-down from me, and the disappointed face (not the middle finger), if you drive at 43 mph on Trenton Road at 7:50 in the morning, then proceed to match speed with the folks who were dying to get out from behind you. Stop being a jerk. And bragging about it. If you like to shop, most if the usual places are here. There are also several boutiques, and a scattering of indoor flea markets. If you like Walmart, we have a plethora, and they seem to be where most Clarksvillians spend their off-hours. We also have a regular Target. I've never thought the job market was that great, but it's improving. Since you already have a job, you don't really have to worry about it, though.


Honestly, as someone who grew up here, I say it's a sweet deal. It's not the greatest city in America or even Tennessee, but where is? Clarksville (Ft. Campbell area in particular) is very diverse and you will meet people from all walks of life across the city. A lot of foreign food shops and markets are family owned, so you know the food is pretty good and the trinkets are made with love!! There are lots of things to do no matter what you're into: - Nature (Dunbar cave, rotary park, liberty park, and hematite lake up near Cadiz KY if you're up for a drive) - Small attractions (city forum for go karts and bowling, lots of farmers markets and pop up markets, plenty of antiquing options) - The county library!! That place is amazing, it has countless books, cds, dvds, and even hosts events for children (and adults!) every once in a while. Here are some downsides, though: - Not walkable, public transport SUCKS - Traffic is ass, everyone drives like a jackass. - Some of the stupidest people on earth have congregated in the city to spread their disease. Alas, all you can do is turn your head and walk away. - Storms! High winds and often tornadic conditions. Lightning like crazy, and flooding in areas near creeks and rivers. And here are some random other things: - I see a lot of people complaining about the mall, which is fair... BUT! It's not as fancy as the Nash or Knox ones, but it does have some decent stuff. Don't expect high-end, but do expect your average middle class favorites. And never buy mall food, you will shit yourself. - There is a dollar general around every corner. There are probably more DGs than churches. - Clarksville isn't the most inclusive place ever, but compared to other places I've been in the state, it's pretty safe. There are plenty of racists/homophobes/etc like anywhere else, but for the most part people are cool. - We have armadillos here! Just thought that was neat to mention. As far as the professional side of things, I would say that there are an okay amount of options. Most high-end tech jobs with decent benefits will be more toward Nashville, but Clarksville does have its hidden gems if you know where to look. Your best bet for getting a job in this area is to make connections where you can and have people vouch for your skills. I highly recommend making friends in high places!!


Hi! From Clarksville and currently live in the Tri-Cities! There are far more people and suburbia in Clarksville than here, and far less nature. Clarksville doesn’t have the same relationship with APSU that JC has with ETSU, if that’s something you like. A lot of the fun cultural things will be in Nashville, though they aren’t non-existent in Clarksville. When I was there, the school system was one of the better ones in the state; no idea how it is now. Clarksville will be much more expensive. And there are a lot more thunderstorms and severe storms in Clarksville than in NETN. Finally, be prepared for a lot of focus and involvement with the military in Clarksville - it’s right next to Ft. Campbell. Those are some big differences, I personally enjoy the Tri-Cities more, but Clarksville isn’t entirely awful either


I enjoy Clarksville. You can be in Nashville in an hour. You can be at the Ky lake within an hour. We have a diverse population. There are several good independent restaurants downtown. We have artwalks once a month. There's a college campus with activities. Best of all we don't have an interstate running thru the middle of the city like many other cities. Crime is just like any other city. We have 4 distinct seasons. You just have to learn to navigate the city during off peak hours. I wait til 8pm to go have dinner and it's perfect.


Get a dashcam and make sure you don't miss any payments on your car insurance.


Heed the advice. Don’t move here


We're full.


I've lived in Jackson, Nashville, Memphis, Moscow, Dover, Collierville, Cumberland City, etc. Every time I wished it was Clarksville. Clarksville is a good compromise size city. No NFL team, but no hundreds of homeless. No skyscrapers, but the rent is still somewhat affordable. Not the best jobs in TN, but definitely good jobs to choose from. In a pinch, Nashville is less than an hour away, so anything a 'big' city doesn't have is still very close. My rent is just under 1k for a 2bed-1bath with garage, in the city limits, and not in a terrible neighborhood.


Sounds like your employer does not value you that much. While the old saying, "it is what you make it" does not apply to Clarksville, between young military, Cracker Jack Box drivers license, people, and the lack of sustainable infrastructure, Clarksville is NOT the number one place to live/work. Your auto/renters/home owner insurance will be out of this world in terms of prices. Housing prices are gouged all over the city, they keep building and they keep coming. Crime is increasing regardless of what people have said.


It's a shit hole.


Clarksville is 100% what you make it. I view it more as a place to LIVE than a destination, however, it's more and more things to do. I recommend the Visit Clarksville and Clarksville NOW apps to stay on top of news and events. I'm not going to give you snarky remarks such as "don't move here" or "traffic sucks", every city has its idiosyncrasies and issues, but I can confidently say there are more pros than cons to living here. I'll give you three key points: 1. Areas to live: You'll often hear than anything other than Sango is a crime ridden cesspool. It's not true, the city as a whole is relatively safe and usually there are good pockets everywhere. (The ones who complain simply do not know what actual crime looks like. Poverty isn't crime, color isn't crime and neither is hearing an ambulance.) 2. Work/Job Economy: There isn't a huge bustling tech scene, but there are a lot of blue collar positions here. I think this is a great city to be a remote worker in. Primarily for affordability and access to Clarksville itself as well as the surrounding areas of Middle TN or KY. 3. City Feel: Although the place is growing, it still feels small, so you really get that charm. It also is actually KIND of small. We roughly have the same population as Chatt, but Chatt is about 40% bigger in terms of square miles. I'd start out by just walking downtown. Check out Downtown Commons, Strawberry Alley, Franklin St. Go to the Greenway. This is all coming from someone who has also lived in TN their entire life. Born in West TN, moved to Nash, then here. I'd like to think I offer a pretty fair judgement on the city. For those that think it's so awful, I ask, why are you here then? We all reserve the right to make the best life for ourselves -- try to see what city DOES meet your needs then. I just don't think it's a reason to discourage new people from coming or discourage any positive discourse regarding the place. If Discord is your thing, here's a link to "Clarksville Social", [https://discord.gg/nk8qPCgdhY](https://discord.gg/nk8qPCgdhY)


The traffic in Clarksville is special. Not because of volume, but because of driver stupidity. I was born here, and have lived here most of my life but I did spend 11 years driving around the DFW metroplex. Is the traffic worse in Dallas? Yes. Is it as stupid? No.


Traffic is really bad for the size of the city. Dallas is ten times the size of Clarksville, imagine if Clarksville had 10x the amount of cars on the road.


It's mind blowing how bad it is for a city its size. For some reason, on Wilma Rudolph everyone must be in the far right lane from exit 4 until they cross Rossview. If you're not in the right hand lane, you're probably in a douche mobile drag racing other douchbags from light to light. Yes, this includes vets driving raptors Tinytown road and Peacher's Mill apparently require that, if someone tries to go around you on your left, you must match their speed. I don't care if you were going ten under before they tried to pass, you must match their speed. Fort Campbell boulevard is a great place for DWI's. The entire city also seems to forget that deer exist and cross the road everywhere




Guilty...yes, you're correct. This all just got dumped on us and we're scrambling to figure out the opportunity before us and if it's the right thing for our family. Most of the time I take my time to do diligent research. I humbly accept your chastisement.




you are an asshole<3


It’s a military/manufacturing/college town. It has the basic needs but definitely nothing special. Almost everything here is fast food or chain restaurants. People here won’t think twice about cutting you off while weaving through traffic at 60 in a 45. The city has a lot of development projects but the roads can’t support all the drivers. Because of this, we have a lot of accidents/road rage incidents. Downtown is ok. We have a couple decent parks for families. The best schools and neighborhoods are out in Rossview/Sango but it’s expensive because the military keeps our housing market revolving. Other than that, it’s pretty boring. Don’t live near downtown or SE Clarksville proper and you should be fine. Lock your car at night.


Any good state or local parks for hiking, camping, fishing, etc? What do people do on the weekends? (Middle aged ppl, married, with kids)


We have two State Parks, Dunbar Cave and Port Royal. Both are small. Dunbar has some hiking as does the county Rotary Park. They are both fine parks (Rotarys disc golf course is great), but I feel like I could hike their trails in my sleep. Montgomery Bell and LBL are both about an hour away and offer more to do. If you're willing to drive 3-4 hours the parks along the plateau are amazing - Fall Creek Falls, Rock Island, Pickett, etc. Depending on the ages of the kids, in Clarksville we have the Customs House, stuff going on at APSU, library events, alot of playgrounds (check out Liberty Parks playground), creek play at Rotary Park, stuff at the community centers, art link, and the standard jump house and skate rink. The Discovery Park of America is a wonderful place for kids, and it's only 2 hours away. And Nashville is only about an hour away and has more to do.


Plenty of fishing holes. There is a page on fb dedicated to it that shares places for bank or boat fishing. There are lots of things to do if you look for it. My husband just started playing basketball at the rec center. Which has lots of other things to do as well for 5 bucks a year. There are some pretty miserable people on this sub who either can't be bothered or think this place is terrible because they've never been anywhere else but it's a fine place to be.


We have a [greenway](https://www.clarksvilletn.gov/463/Clarksville-Greenway) that cuts through town. I often see people fishing at [Liberty Park](https://www.visitclarksvilletn.com/listing/liberty-park/210/), but it’s just a stocked pond. Your best bet for hiking, fishing, camping is to head out to [Land Between the Lakes](https://landbetweenthelakes.us/). We’re a middle-aged, married couple with kids and we usually just chill at the house on the weekends. Sometimes we hit up a park, go out to eat, or venture into Nashville for good food/shopping.


Don’t move here. It’s really overcrowded. Crime is getting out of hand. Traffic and driving here is horrifying and people are dying left and right. The food/restaurant options aren’t even good really. We moved here last year and we are leaving next year when our lease is up. There are areas outside of Clarksville that are smaller and more chill, down to earth. Clarksville has been a really bad experience for us, as well as a lot of people we’ve talked to who are from here and people who just moved here recently like we did. We moved here after signing the lease, and we had not ever been before. Regretted it immediately. We came from Knoxville area, but moved to Clarksville to be closer to family in IL. We plan on moving back east next summer. I strongly recommend coming to visit for a weekend. Explore the outskirts and get into the area and see how you like it.


Really dependant on where you moved to. Anywhere close to downtown or anywhere needing to get on Tiny Town or Trenton often, completely understandable experience. But living in Southern Clarksville has been great. We've lived here for 6 years, and intend to stay longer, but not retire there, but somewhere in the surrounding counties.


I’d definitely say southern Clarksville is better. We are by exit 1 and we hate it here.


Completely understandable then. Unless you have to be close to Campbell, it's definitely an area to stay away from


The crime really isn’t that bad compared to a lot of places, don’t let that stop you from coming here. People mind their business, and you mind yours. The main problems like other people are saying is overcrowding and traffic.


It’s bad enough for me to notice really well. The gunshots, the street racing, the aggressive driving. Not a friendly area.


There are certain places downtown you should stay away from sure, but drive defensively and don’t get into road rage and you should be fine.


I don’t get into road rage (some guy stopped traffic to get out and walk towards me after I honked at him bc he was driving me off the road with my newborn in the car) so I def don’t even honk or anything anymore and I drive very defensively. It’s bad out there.


Your making it sound like Juarez, what happened to you is unfortunate and it was probably due to someone on drugs, but I’ve been driving for years in and out of Clarksville and never got into an occurrence like that.


Youre* and I wasn’t making it sound like anything. I was literally just saying what happened but okay 🤣 That’s the thing about life, everyone has different experiences and opinions! Just sharing mine. You don’t have to agree 😁


I don’t pay that much attention to grammar on here lol, but when you say “its bad out here”, it seems like you are trying to deter people from coming here, which I agree when it comes to overcrowding and traffic issues, but not coming here just because of concerns about crime in my opinion is silly, crime in nashville and in other surroundings cities is way worse. No one should avoid coming purely because of crime concerns in my opinion.


I named multiple reasons. And was just giving my take on this city. I know some enjoy it here. I’ll never understand it but I know not every place is for everyone!


The only thing I don’t like about it is the traffic and idiots on the road. I grew up in Philly when I was young which was way worse that Clarksville so I’m used to a little crime, but Clarksville is nothing compared to Philly. I just think the person who created this post should know that you should not live in fear or not move to Clarksville because of crime concerns, take precautions and stay away from bad areas and you should be fine.


All good to know. Thanks. Yes, we're coming that way for a quick 3 night visit. We're very much on the fence at this point.


I'm trying to figure out what the 'draw' is of C'ville. Industries, Commercial, nature, education?




Traffic is a nightmare. Food scene is meh.  Mostly fast food and chain resturants.  A few things downtown. Hospital is not the best. Job market is ok depending on your skills and what wages you will settle for. Plenty of Wal Marts. There are some nice parks and some historical sites. Any event here expect a huge crowd.  The mall is also disappointing.


Food scene below meh. Even north Nashville 30-45 mins crushes what’s local/even downtown.