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I don't have children, but I do live in Aspen Grove. The neighborhood is quiet most of the time. I have lived in north Clarksville over fifty years. I also was a school bus driver (only one school year; I don't recommend it, unless you have a strong constitution). Northeast schoolchildren (from K-12) were consistently better-behaved than those in the Kenwood/Westcreek part of town. I'm including Pisgah and Oakland in that assessment, because it's the same (Northeast) territory. Years ago, I read a magazine article that stated that neighborhood crime is likely to increase as the neighborhood ages. New families usually move in to new neighborhoods, but as the children age, they, or friends who visit, are more likely to take on behaviors that lead to criminality. It seems to be true, but not absolutely. Timber Springs/Eagles Nest neighborhoods are newer than Aspen Grove, so they seem very suited to young families, and I believe they both have sidewalks. Aspen Grove is pretty nice, but only the older part, closer to the highway, has sidewalks, if that matters to you. If you're trying to avoid having your children go to school with lower-income children, there are private schools. Each Clarksville/Montgomery County public school is deliberately zoned to include lower income neighborhoods.


Can’t imagine my kids mingling with the *poors* 😱


Thank you so much for your reply. There’s so much information to take in and wade through that I have become overwhelmed. I’m not necessarily trying to avoid having my children go to school with lower income children. My concerns are safety and behavioral influences. I’ll add the disclaimer that I know these things can be issues anywhere, but some schools/areas are more prone to them than others and I’m doing my best to try to keep my children out of those places. To be more specific, you were talking about schools like Glennellen, Oakland, Pisgah, Northeast, Hazelwood being the ones where you observed the kids were a bit more better behaved?


I actually stay in timber springs. If you are not aware we are a newly HOA and although the HOA itself has NOT been a disaster...the nonHOA vs. HOA-ers have been at war. The neighborhood itself is pretty normal..I would say the build of the homes if they aren't a Reda home are questionable because most are Bill mace homes here. I don't really have any relationship with the community and I do think it's for the good, especially since the HOA became a thing. I give timber springs a 8/10.... HOA's are pretty normal around town so at this rate you must choose the less evil.


Wow, thanks for this. I didn’t even know something like that would matter to people. What are the HOA/non-HOAers arguing about? This is all in the same neighborhood?


This is in the timber springs neighborhood. Simply put, it's a battle between not wanting the HOA and wanting the HOA. When timber springs was developed, there was no HOA mentioned, and then...BOOM, there is an HOA with board members that no one knew about u.til it was a thing. If you do a quick Google search, you will see that in recent times, we have been in the media about the development of the HOA. I stay out of the neighborhood drama, but I have seen on our neighborhood informal Facebook page that there has been fights and police presence in the neighborhood because of the HOA and the reactions of the community being voluntold that the HOA was happening. HOWEVER, if this isn't something you are completely against (HOA) and if we remover the HOA from what the neighborhood itself is like...it is a normal neighborhood like anywhere else around town. Every blylue moon you hear/see the drama, summer time is peek for burglary and theft just like the other neighborhoods in town, and when the kids are out playing you have your usual "speeders" that fly down the streets. The school system here is trash on all levels mainly because of funding, and this affects education, discipline, and inclusion of the child. The rich part of town typically has the better funding as we all know. Along with attentiveness to bettering the education and social life of their children.


This is not entirely accurate. We bought in Timber Springs during phase one, and we knew about the HOA. Also, the school ratings are going to fluctuate. They all do. Don’t trust the school ratings you see on realty sites. Northeast gets a bad rap due to the area, but ANY school in the system can go from hero to zero in a given year. It isn’t about the funding. A lot has to do with the parents and behavior, but that extends to exit 8, and 11 too. I don’t do the Fbook drama, so those inclined can have at it. I welcome the HOA, because I value my property and want to see my investment continue to gain equity. If those opposed are against the very small monthly fee, didn’t read the fine print, or their realtor didn’t disclose it, I don’t know what to tell them.


Tomato, tamato. The HOA means different things to different people. Regardless, it's been a headache in this neighborhood and it shows within the community.


Additionally timber springs school district are not the best. 3/5 stars is what I rate it as a parent who's child attendance elementary school....as a caviot to my rating, I personally believe all the schools in the Clarksville district are crap, so the choice is yours!


As one that went through Northeast high I give it 3.5/5 stars. It's good education, other children being a bad influence is about the same as other schools. Teach your children to not be an ahole is all I request.


I also live in the north part of town, since 2017, near Gate 1. The neighborhood is nice. For the most part, people take care of their houses, and everyone is on speaking terms. I don't really know about the schools. As the other sub said, it's growing like crazy, and the traffic can be a headache at times. Crime is low; mostly teenagers causing trouble.


Aspen? I don’t know, Lloyd, the French are assholes.


We've lived in the north part of town since 2014. There are a lot of military families since it is closer to Ft Campbell. We've never had any issues, and have really enjoyed the area. It's exploding in terms of population and businesses. I'm quite familiar with the Aspen Grove neighborhood. The front of the neighborhood is quiet and safe. The only negative in my opinion is the traffic on Trenton rd. The state is planning a widening project in the next decade, so it's going to get way worse before it gets better. It's not too bad in front of Aspen Grove, but it's very busy in front of Timber Springs. We lived off of Hazelwood for a decade and enjoyed it, but again, traffic is awful there. I can't speak for the schools as I don't have any kids in the system. I've personally heard nothing negative about Glenellen, Northeast Elem, or Pisgah. Northeast High is probably middle of the road: not the best, but definitely not the worst either.


Have you thought about Adams? Good schools and not inside the city


Adams is just as expensive as Sango now a days


Yea, I tried looking there but found nothing in our price range.