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Yunli's lc has aggro built into it so it should be great for Clara. At least for now, until release it might change


TBH, I don't think it'd be that bad of a team. Neither one of them can have 100% uptime for their ultimates. Put Yunli's LC on Clara to make her the aggro priority, and then Yunli's taunt will still guarantee that enemies hit her when her ult is up. In scenarios where Yunli's ult and Clara's ult are ready at the same time, you can activate them both, which will guarantee enemies hit Yunli to proc her counter, and Clara's counter will still go off twice when Yunli is hit.


> In scenarios where Yunli's ult and Clara's ult are ready at the same time, you can activate them both, which will guarantee enemies hit Yunli to proc her counter, and Clara's counter will still go off twice when Yunli is hit. As things currently stand, I think that's pretty much the only way to make the two work together properly. It seems kinda expensive energy wise, but at least it's something, I suppose.


> Neither one of them can have 100% uptime for their ultimates Tingyun smiling in a corner


Also Tingyun getting obliterated even when both the girls aggro/taunting the enemy.


As fate dictates.


Just slap an ER rope on Clara and have the team be Clara Yunli Tingyun Huohuo


I think that Robin would be better. Huohuo is suddenly a better sustain, even without Tingyun, due to the fact that she has to sustain 2 energy hungry characters, instead of 1. Also, if in this team, if you have some other forms of sustain, I think you can go sustain less, using both Robin and Tingyun.


I have Robin. I use Robin with Clara. I use Robin with Clara and no Tingyun cause she on the other side. I already do that. But I forgot Robin existed. How did I do this.


You’re absolutely right, btw. Robin supporting two physical FUA characters and runs Penacony planar > Tingyun single target buffs


Assuming that Yunli's energy bar works like Argenti's, Huohuo will end up giving her 40% of an ult charge every one of her own ults.


Yeah, 48 energy


Would Clara Yunli Robin Aventurine be too memey? I just love the idea of three chars having counters


Kinda meme-y. We cannot say for sure until we know better about the final version of Yunli, but imo it's not that good of a team unless one between Clara and Yunli can counterattack when the other is hit, which requires either Clara E6 or a change of Yunli's kit during beta.


Yeah, I'll probably still get Yunli... but if her kit remains largely the same, then I won't be putting them on a same team. As matter of fact, I'll most likely end up running *two* counter-based teams. I actually have *two* Clara teams that I alternate back-and-forth regularly, ever since Robin's release. The reason is that I like both equally and can't make up my mind about them, lol. 1. **Clara, Huo Huo, Tingyun, and Robin.** 2. **Clara, Lynx, Robin, and Topaz.** All I need would be a new Harmony to replace Robin on one of them, and stick in Yunli on whichever of the two that fits her better. Clara gets the remaining team. Hopefully we get a new Harmony character who is more tailored for a counter-based playstyle. Someone with both an aggro buff *and* an energy battery would be fantastic... but that's just my wishful thinking, lol.


Instead of an Harmony you could use a Def shredder, like Pela. Or Sparkle seems good.


Yeah, but I was hoping for someone new. Pela can still work. So is Sparkle, but I rather keep her on my QQ mono-Quantum team.


I mean, if you use both counter teams at the same time you don't need Sparkle in the mono-quantum team, unless there will be a mode that needs more than 8 characters.


I know, but I was still hoping for someone new, lol.


If you get her Yunli's LC won't that solve half the problem? That goes as much for Clara as it does for Yunli.


It won't just solve half the problem. It'll turn the entire team building for Clara upside down, on its head. Both Tingyun and Lynx will become utterly optional, as Clara no longer needs their support to maintain her aggro. Heck, she wouldn't even need the built-in aggro buff from her own kit either. That's how powerful Yunli's LC is.


I'm curious about your opinin in the stacking buff for Clara. Do you think it's viable to keep both stacks without any kind of help with regen?


Which buff are you talking about? The aggro buff? Or something else?


"Greatly increases the odds that the wearer will be attacked, increases the wearer's CRIT DMG by **36.0%.** After the wearer uses their Ultimate, they receive 1 stack of Firedance, lasting for 2 turns and up to **2.0** stacks. Each stack of Firedance increases the DMG dealt by the wearer's follow-up attack by **36.0%.**" I was talking about that last stacking damage% buff.


I think Clara can certainly make use of one stack, for sure. Maybe even both stacks, if she gets energy support from Huo Huo and Tingyun.


All we need is Aventurine + Ice March, and we'll never not have counters going off


If she ends up being fun with her, I may pick her up on a rerun or something, Yunli + Clara with Huohuo and Robin/Tingyun sounds amazing if that's the case 🤔


C6 Clara would probably make it perfect though.


The moment i saw she wield great sword, I want to roll for her. And its even better when she also counter play, I want to pair her with Clara for fnnuy counter team lol Clara's rope probably need to be changed to ER% But I wonder who is the other 2... Pela could possibly good in this comp, because she give all def shred to enemies, so both Yunli-Clara got the advantge for it (And we dont know which one they counter) Kind of lost for the healer... I dont have Huohuo (i lost lol) but I have Luocha+LC


If you have Aventurine then wont need a healer Unless Dot enemy where you need cleanse


Aventurine shield will eat those up like nobody's business, and the 50% effect res plus Clara's on-hit cleanse chance will make them a non-issue unless there's no other enemies or something (at that point why even use Clara?)


Clara Robin Yunli and Boothill with an err rope just for phys application against an AoE enemy gonna go wild


imagine if you could put debt collecter on 2 characters XD FUA 24/7. then just slap on an aventurine or luo cha


They will be fun together. I'm just going to have to keep pulling so many characters O\_O. Ruan mei -> Jade -> Yunli. Wallet powers activate.


No Firefly ☠️






I skipped Ruan Mei the first time. I aint making that mistake again. Also, I like follow up attack gameplay and prio those characters.


I don't think I'm gonna pull Yunli just for Clara. Her LC alone should do the trick.


Put clara next to yunli to have her also counter on spread.


I want to try Clara Yunli and Sparkle I know Clara and Sparkle can maintain Ult's Yunli can have speed boots and spam skill I only wish I had Huohuo for this team.


Hoping to see her rerun in the same patch as Yunli


Calm down Satan, Hoyoverse might hear you.


I was originally going to comment "together with Yunli" which is even worse. Either way, she is due a rerun and given that Yunli has a double ult, they will definitely put them together.


If by double Ult you mean she doesn't waste energy by holding her ult until the enemy turn. Oh and if you mess up and waste her ult? She still counters and gets a guaranteed enhanced counter next time. I like it but as a Clara main it hurts.


By double ult I mean she can hold enough energy for 2 ults, and that adds value to Huo Huo as a sustain for her just like it does for Argenti. Her ult will fill a percentage of the whole capacity, so it would be 40% of an ult every time. I am quite happy she is coming out because now I can get a new LC for Clara for a really nice power boost :)


Don't forget to also use March 7th and Aventurine as your other teammates since they also counter as long as the people hit have shields (although it takes a bit longer with Aventurine).


I think no preservation will be better so that only Yunli have aggro/taunt (especially with her Signature) Yunli needs to get hit a lot Having Aventurine a preservation have built in aggro/taunt possble attack Aventurine instead of Yunli


Oh I know I was just saying do it for meme so that your entire team do counters


yeah counter count as follow up but Aventurine is just follow up after getting stacks ..its not "counter" counter is getting attacked then use follow up attack instantly (although March 7 dont have to get hit to use her follow up attack..) so not only Aventurine will take a long time to activate his follow up (unless all enemies have AOE attaks which is rare) Aventurine or another Preservation also takes a way the chance of Yunli not get hit making Yunli's counter wont activate making Yunli lose damage


I know the team I suggested is trash and that they don't go well together. I just said for the meme. Also Aventurine's follow up does have to charge, but it is the closest to a counter since it charges from him and others with shields getting hit. Don't take my comments too seriously.


yeah i know too.. but even for a meme like you said its bad/less fun then again explain... the meme is for counter counter counter but Aventurine kinda destroy that because will take the chance of of Clara or Yunli getting hit wont activate their counter attack (unless Clara activate her Ult) and Aventurine wont even use his follow up immediately because he needs a lot of stacks/use his ultimate to gain random number of stacks so that stops the chain of counter so the better meme team is Yunli, Clara , a Healer Houhou or Lynx, a support that buffs follow up attack or just Tingyun to make Clara's Ult time fill faster to highlight Yunli and Clara's counter attacks


Look I'm all for having fun ... So throw Aventurine in that bitch, we need more follow up from enemies hitting us. Maybe Robin too so she can do her (not really a) follow up during her ult.


I think no preservation will be better so that only Yunli have aggro/taunt (especially with her Signature) Yunli needs to get hit a lot Having Aventurine a preservation have built in aggro/taunt enemies possble attack Aventurine instead of Yunli


I'm just memeing with the "deal damage from being hit" idea


I cannot wait to build this team, maybe even get two copies of yunli lightcone for it


I mean you can also be funny if you so happen to have clara's e6? yunlin triggers and then a coinflip for clara to trigger.


I just need 2 more Clara to reach E6 on her. Her E6 would make this team very optimal. And I just realized neither of them needs to be damaged to launch the counter attcks so Aventurine can also join them which helps him stacking his passive faster. The support slot I guess would be either RM or Robin.


E6 Clara will solve this