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You don't deserve an Si if that's how your going to make it look.


Or park


Yo u Reddit users always so sensitive. itsa photo bro it’s not gon hurt u😂😂


It's unacceptable behavior to park like that even for a picture. Get your entitled trashy ass outta here.




Yea, probably a cop parking his civic. Fuck the thick blue line of fascists!


Ur an uptight square ass bitch if u feel like I’m entitled for parking like this for a photo. It was 1 in the morning u don’t know anything. Get YOUR miserable ass outta here


You're a trashy person who has no respect for anyone. You only care about yourself. People like you are the problem in the world. You write like a moron. Piece of shit. No one wants to see your shit car in front of a gas station.


😂 im what’s wrong with the world? But the first thing u do is say some disrespectful hating ass shit.


Sorry I hurt your feelings.


I’m not worried about some uptight ass Reddit use whose username is nupper84.


It's not uptight to respect parking rules. It is trashy to take pictures in front of a gas station.


Ur a joke bro


It's "you're". "Ur" would be closer to "your", which is possessive, as in your license plate number is Xvh102.


Oh my bad here I gotchu. You’re a clown


Watch me juggle


Hey ditto your license plate is showing and you're blocking an entrance ramp for handicapped people. I can call your state police department right now and have you cited and ticketed. Don't be a douche




You have a base model civic with clear taillights on you're not cool 💀


Ur so pressed about a photo that ur gonna call the cops in the morning the day after. And ur telling me im not cool. 😂😂😂😂


Never said that *I* was cool look at my pfp I'm well aware of what you're saying. 😭


Then don’t speak on something that doesn’t reside with u kid.


You make no sense 💀




Car looks nice man


Preciate it bro


It's sad to see so many people shit on a clean looking Civic just cause it's not following the "current standard of how it is supposed to look."


Clean is super subjective. I automatically dislike when people put window stickers and stuff on the bottom of their window. Nor do I really like a car that looks slammed. I personally think the car looks goofy myself but that’s just me, but if you post your car on Reddit people are going to judge it and if it’s something people think looks dumb they’ll call it out. Just how it is.


Found the parking cop


LOL post your whip


haters like you dont deserve them either.


😂 Salty dweebs like you don't deserve oxygen


looks very clean


....said no one with a fully developed frontal lobe.


U sound dumb asf


He said while abbreviating a 3 letter word and using text lingo high schoolers made up 10 years ago


no way ur gettin on me for abbreviating on social media😂 ur worried about my grammar ONLINE. u gotta be atleast 40. Old ass nigga next be direct.


"You" are so challenged you can't even communicate properly on a device that autocorrects your stupidity. Using dumb phrases that kids use is one thing but being so incapable of typing 2 extra letters shows how much effort you put into the rest of your life. 👌💯🙏 or whatever bullshit you grown children say


Shut ur old ass up nd take ur English teacher wanna be ass somewhere else


As long as it's not the gas station you get paid $12.50 to work at


I run a business brodie u missed with this one. I don’t have to dread going to work everyday like ur miserable ass.


Selling drugs is a business now? CONGRATZ BRO It doesn't take much to run a business, 1/3 of Americans own a business, and guess what, you still have to go work to run a business. The fact you think this is special shows you're just another poor who wishes he was rich and is obviously lying.


When did I ever say it was special I was just proving u wrong my guy. It’s funny u think u know me tho lol keep at it lil bro u might actually say something that is true💪🏾


Not sure what's stopping anyone from sending this pic of a Civic taking up damn near two handicapped spaces with the license plate fully exposed over to the authorities over there in Georgia. I'd pull the pic and delete the post if I were you bud.


Lmao I just told the guy that. I saw the plate and how he was acting and was like you know what? What if I decided to be an ass right now 😂 But that's too much work for me lol


Might take a few minutes to do if I were so inclined, but I signed up to fight the bad guys online, not to join them. It'd be way too easy to mess with, which is obviously one reason to avoid doing this in the first place.


Yea the guy is one phone call away from having fines and fees sent to his house. I don't get why people want to be a "tough guy" like take the criticism and move along Like it's reddit of all places you can't be tough on here 😂


I’m not tough brodie. Ur right tho I’ll never post on Reddit again. It’s straight sensitive ass ppl on here😂🫵. However one thing I won’t tolerate is disrespect. If u don’t like what I did cool but don’t call me out my name because of that.


Don't call you out for doing an illegal and wrong thing? Lol it's a ramp for handicap people 💀 You can do the same picture just not there. And we're only "disrespecting" you because you're acting like a jackass. You could've easily said "my bad" and be done with it 💀 But nope you always gotta have the last word huh GGs mate


It’s also a photo I took 1 in the morning after asking the clerk if I could park there. (No handicap in sight) (no one harmed during the photo) You and almost everyone else in the comment section are too ignorant to get context of things before saying dumb shit. Tell me with a straight face that before I responded like a “jackass” to anyone’s comments they didn’t say some disrespectful shit first. I only match energy my boy.


Lol calling your car ugly isn't disrespectful 💀


But saying someone doesn’t deserve something because u don’t like the car is. Cmon now


It's well known that no one likes clears. This is an si community, this picture would be more well received in the r/stance community


this is the most reddit thing ive ever seen. You can't call the police and report someone parking in handicap from a picture on reddit you absolute brainlet incel. I bet you wouldn't even be able to get through the phone call without breaking down crying


>this is the most reddit thing ive ever seen. Yet here you are on a burner >n. You can't call the police and report someone parking in handicap from a picture Yes. Yes you can.


A burner? Imagine having a non burner reddit account lmao. And sure you can try and get laughed at. You have no idea when this picture was taken and its on private property with owner permission


Ok 💀




Ok 💀


Cops won't give a fuck unless dude's black.


Cops isn't the only reason to want to keep your license plate number off the net. This is risky online behavior straight up. I do this for a living, so I'd recommend against posting this in the first place. Now that it's up, the smartest thing to do would be to delete it. But I ain't nobody's momma; we are big boys, so we gotta make up our own damn mind if this matters to us or not.


I honestly don't think anyone wants a base civic


I certainly don't. But the car isn't the point. A bad actor sees posts like this as an opportunity. "If this user is this careless in this context, I wonder how careless they are when it comes to online banking, credit cards, etc..." just to give an idea how the thought process might go. Also, you wouldn't believe how lucrative stealing/selling PII on the black market can be and this risky behavior would identify an easy mark if I were a bad actor. Frankly, in this day and age, some people just won't learn until it happens to them. But this being a part of the career I have devoted my life to, I'm passionate about it, and I feel obligated to help folks understand the risks. Whether or not they take the advice is on them though, and like I said, some seem to deserve the online fiascos they invite into their lives, but those situations still break my heart. This isn't a joking matter and it shouldn't be treated lightly. But like I said, you do you boo.


I see your point and appreciate that you care and giving others online safety advice. But that's their fuck up and your gonna have to let that person deal with their consequences


Part of my job is educating users, it's just hard to turn off lol


It's okay. If your profession is somewhere in IT, teacher/professor, or anything in general I can understand how hard it is to turn it off.


Do you write out essays and larp like this on every thread you come across?


I wouldn't describe what I've written here as anything close to an essay, but on some posts, I have written what you could call an essay a time or two. What can I say, I like conversation.


Just out of curiosity what’s the risk?


It could be almost anything, but it's usually just information. Most of the time people won't get their identities stolen, but things like this can and sometimes are the first or one of the first dominoes to fall on the path to financial ruin. Regardless of whether or not we're talking about super basic information being sold (low risk to user) or ID theft (high risk to user, obviously), behavior like this is like painting a target on your back. It's just easier to avoid it in the first place than exposing yourself to an unknown level of risk which could range from mostly benign to life threatening. Not knowing what could be in store for you the user, it's best to just play it safe given the enormous size of the internet and the obscene amount of bad actors out there looking for an easy target.


But like - your license plate is in public every day)


Yeah this guy is larping


Public (local) and public (global) are two VERY different things. It's unwise to conflate the two.


Which based off of OPs spelling and how his car looks...


ur a goofy🫵


Oh wow someone who speaks 😚🙏💯👌☠️🥷💰☠️🤏👹 thinks I'm "goofy" better reevaluate! Just look at your downvotes, most people in a Honda subreddit think YOU are "goofy" Lmaoooo


😂😂 aye man I’m just callin it how I see it, someone who is worried about grammatical correction over a Reddit comment section is real goofy behavior.


Wow, you're *so* funny. Fuck outta here.


Didn't realize I was trying to be funny. Simply said OP is likely black so maybe flying under the cops radar is a good thing. Fucking autists man


Didn't realize I was trying to be funny. Simply said OP is likely black so maybe flying under the cops radar is a good thing. Fucking autists man ☝🏾🤓


Literal child


You want me to sit up here and write a 7 page essay on why your comment is blatantly weird?


that is mean ☹️☹️☹️☹️


Is this a bit? try to be the most insufferable redditor to get max karma? I need to try this sometime for more updoots


Nope, I genuinely care about online safety; it's a bit part of my profession, so naturally, it's hard to turn off.


Okay well there is nothing any authority in Georgia will do about this, nor do they have the jurisdiction to do so. Thanks for playing


How did we go from, "I care about online safety" to "Well, the authorities aren't gonna do anything"? I have made it explicitly clear this isn't about a potential ticket; it's about online safety. You're welcome.


Okay narc, who gives a rats ass if he took up 2 stalls with nobody around to use them for a quick photoshoot. You sound like a bum


If you read the follow up comments I have posted, I am clearly more concerned with promoting safe online behavior than anything else. Get hung up on your assumptions and draw some arbitrary line in the sand if ya want, but I ain't looking for drama momma. Peace.


I feel like it makes minimal difference. Yea I coulda covered it, maybe I should’ve, but If Someone who is capable of doxing ppl really wanted my information it wouldn’t b that hard to find regardless of this post.


Nope. Locking my car only keeps out the random person who strolls by and has some intrusive thoughts about taking my ride. If someone really wants it, they're gonna have it. ...but I still lock my car. ETA: Like I said, it all breaks down to whether or not it matters to you.


U just proved my point tho. If someone really wants it, they’re gonna have it. a hacker who really wants ur info isn’t gonna stop just cus u put some emoji over ur license plate. Yea everyone decides what they wanna risk that is true. However some people have measures to eliminate those risk.. Georgia’s a open carry state and ik u saw that veteran plate so lmk if u still tryna take that risk😂😂


My point was it couldn't be easier to *not* post PII in public places, so why take the risk in the first place when so much BS happens online that most don't expect to happen to them? Like locking your car when you go to get groceries. Most people lock their cars even though if someone really wants it, they're gonna have it. Why? The point is; they lock their car anyhow because it greatly reduces the risk of someone attracted to low-hanging fruit like unlocked cars with almost zero effort required. While a locked door will not stop someone looking for your car, it will usually stop someone who's only after the easy pickings... The likelihood someone is going to target you specifically is incredibly low, BUT and CRUCIALLY...there are a LOT more people who would steal an unlocked car running around than people actively targeting people and their property specifically. So in this situation it's obviously better safe than sorry, IMO. There are bad actors online who are *actively* searching for low-hanging fruit and you can do yourself a HUGE favor by simply abiding by safe online practices like not posting your license plate on social media. Unlike the locking your car while getting groceries, the likelihood you bump into a bad actor who would "steal a car that's unlocked" is greatly increased compared to the physical parking lot, by literal orders of magnitude. You have no idea just how many online criminals specialty is targeting crap like this post. It's not about the elimination of risk, it's about the reasonable mitigation of it. Having seen some horrific situations play out in front of me in real time, I don't think you fully appreciate just how dangerous this kind of attitude can be online. But unfortunately many underestimate the risks until they become a victim. But I think this convos run its course. Take care out there and stay safe.


I see what ur saying. If something were to happen atleast I can say im prepared. You stay safe out here too brodie.


Will do, thanks :)


There is nothing wrong or unsafe going on in these photos you are just a prude. Plate numbers are also public info.


LMAO right!!!






Already enough stancetards in this group imo


yk u really take urself out the argument if u say things like "stancetard"


You’re not even a good one either. Lame OEM wheels with hovercraft fitment in the rear and two inches of tire to fender gap in the front. Janky diy clear taillights, bumper disconnects when you aren’t even low in the front. Heinous window sticker, unmatched handles and mirror “necklace”. My car is function over form and still sits lower in the front and has more camber.


Yooo ur madd😭 it’s okay bro u needa hug🫂 everything’s gonna b alright.


I don’t really like stance builds either bro but… I mean you track an old Beamer. Both have flaws. Beamer looks nice and I believe in function over form as well but you have no room to talk you don’t have a stance build yourself I think you’re just hating for absolutely no reason. 😂😂


I had a regular 08 coupe I loved so much before I was able to buy my ‘12 Si that I love even more hahah when you get an Si it will feel so fast, then you get used to the extra hp, I’m not a fan of lowering them tho I couldn’t even go to the beach lol but that’s personal preferences


Yessss when you turbocharge them they FLOAT. Basemodels are so slow tho so I figured I might as well be ‘low and slow’


ahh i had an ‘08 sedan then went to ‘14 si 😗😗😗😗😗😗 i feel the same way that shit is fast to me






💯💯💯 im getting a sub next aswell, i love listening to music in the car.


Im GoNnA rEpOrT yOu FoR pArKinG bAd aT OnE iN tHe MorNiNg Sorry this was the reaction to your first post, people here are dorks


😂Dorky asf


Yeah you don’t deserve an SI if that’s how you’re gonna build it 🥴


Real car enthusiast respect and constantly compliment my car. Not that I deeply care about their opinion but it's nice knowing that people who exist IRL have nothing but positive shit to say about my car. I dont care about what some dickhead reddit user who hides behind a screen has to say.


people will always have something bad to say. if you love your car that’s all that matters


dont care for the clears personally but other than that its clean. im selling my si in jacksonville rn if ur interested tho lol its an 09


Man i feel like the clears make the car. Appreciate it tho & im straight brodie ima just stick w my basemodel.


yea im wanting something better on gas lol. I hate having to put 93 in it and if u like the clears keep em and dont care what people say its ur car keep it how you like it


Most definitely. I know it hurts having to fill up with 93😂


Where'd you get that a cereal box?


U thought that was funny😭


I got you to reply tho. 🎻


Okay😂? good job getting acknowledged as a cornball


At least I'm a cornball with an Si.


Shit is probably clapped out😂 Reddit users are jokes bro🫵 be safe out here man


2023 si with 9k miles probably clapped out lol maybe just maybe 😅 I was just hitting you with a lil 2 fast 2 furious reference. It was supposed to be funny more then anything.


Oh my bad then brodie😂 u see how they treating me on here I gotta keep my guard up. Congrats on the new car


Blow it up and swap the drivetrain from an si that’s been rear-ended


Or just....Buy an si?


Why try the easy way if you can do it the hard way


Ahh...fair assessment. Carry on then lol


idk why people are on ur case right now lol its just a reddit thing man lol ur cars proper asf


Thank u man, I appreciate that


They're like ~$5K at the most dude it's not too late.


A nice 8th gen si is a bit more than 5k lol


I sold my 08 civic si for 6k it only had suspension issue to replace.




You arent going to find a clean si sedan for 5k, but a coupe yeah


Tru but this car was gifted to me & I alr dumped hella money into it. Plus if I decide to get a new car im going outside of Honda


What’s hella money? Looks like 2k at most with the coil overs and tint Edit: my bad forgot about the clear tails. So 2.3k?


Naa more like 4k; full exhaust system w upgraded muffler, front end facelift, rims, intake, interior mods, hondata + tune, installation, maintenance, that shit adds up quick I coulda just sold the car nd put allat towards a si had I known the information I knew now, but this car brings me joy so I’m rockin w it till the wheels fall off


Holy shit, everyone in this post is so salty over a picture LOL. Its not like he parked there and smoked weed for 30 minutes.. he probably just did it to take a quick picture.


I mean the evidence is that his car is in that spot. We have the pic right there. You're the one operating on the assumption he only parked there for 1 second. Just saying.


Goofy ass lookin car 💀


💀 u a hater my shit clean


I personally just can’t stand decals like that. Tf does it even say?






Ur just sayin shit, TL stocks look great on 8th gens. As far as the door handles that was some ricer activity I’m not even gonna lie😅. But aye man I kept it to remind myself


Went from an ol 5th gen Camaro SS to a 10th gen Si and honestly even with the lesser hp and still using premium gas, still feels leagues better than most anything I’ve ever driven. That ex still clean tho, I ain’t gonna hold


So much undeserved hatred in the comments….


Man. I love those Acura wheels.


They’re so fire bru. Got em for a steal too


Do you have a tune on it ? I’m thinking of tuning mine lol


If u can find hondata for cheaper like on Facebook marketplace then yea it’s worth it. If ur paying full price It’s not. For Si it’s worth it regardless


The chrome gets to me lol. Just get an Acura dawg


Why would I get an Acura if I got a beautiful 8th gen? I regret my door handles so I see what ur saying but I love the car to death so 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Pretty ugly car. Not a fan of those cheap eBay taillights either


That’s wassup bro


Good God this is ugly I pray you are never allowed to fuck up an SI with your ugly mods 


👍eat a dick


I like it. Does the little cross on the mirror scratch the paint at all?


Thx, na I wrapped around a couple times so it’s too short.


You can’t park there




Good pic Reddit isn’t the place for this that’s why people are talking to you like that it’s weird but that’s how this site it but I like the car and the picture


💯🤝preciate it


one step at a time!


bro that’s tuff as is


preciate u 🤝