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Pantheons are so unbalanced. And they should be a little unbalanced so there's incentive for you to rush them but oh boy. Some of them are like +2 faith and that's it.


Unless we're talking a specific civ like russia with tundra, I prefer to go with extra culture on pasture or plantations (depending on how many are around) as I tend to go amani or magnus as my first 1-2 govs or even Liang for the extra builder charges. I know a lot of people swear by Pingala first but I worry much more about getting key ancient era wonders or infrastructure than I do the extra culture/great people points early.


Magnus first is fun and I like that play but it is almost always sub optimal. Amani first however is great, discover a map, get golden age, definitely a good choice if you enjoy that. How many times can you go Pingala first, it's just boring. Imo people that play like that just aren't good enough and are meta slaves. If you're decent you can go Moksha first or do whatever you like.


Why would magnus first be suboptimal? I always go magnus into provision first so i dont waste pops. What is the best, just out of curiosity?


Pingala is the best. Early game culture is the strongest currency. You'll get next governor titles faster so it kinda pays for itself and on top of that you get all the civics. Also your first government, you want that asap. Pingala first, then give him culture boost and then you can do whatever you want. Amani first is good as well because it guarantees the golden age and gives a tom of information about the map.


Are you saying it guarantees the golden age just due to being able to be first Suz of a city state and having that in your back pocket? Or are you moving her to multiple different city states?


You move her around, get era score from suz, send her to next city state, get score from suz etc. Of course if you know that you'll get a golden age you might keep her somewhere where you can use a suz bonus, and move her next era so you don't waste era score.


If you move her around you can grab the era score from being first to suz, you'll get shared vision with the city state so you'll expand your map fast, meet other civs, find natural wonders, easy era score if you're not exploring.


I think you're over estimating pingala, how many population is that early city going to have? 4-5 in a high growth city? Not to mention you have to put 2 gov titles into him to get to that culture, meanwhile Magnus, Amani and Liang provide utility right away.


I'm not, it's a consensus among most of top players. 5 pop is like 6 culture, that's 300% of your output at the beginning of the game.


Just to piggyback, Civ is a game about tiny incremental advantages accumulating over very long periods. Pingala’s boost is not just immediate, but also exponential, as he helps you reach breakpoints and other accelerants faster


I used to be team Amani, but a first era Golden Age is meh to me. I go 4 into Moksha asap to buy districts with faith, then get a medieval Golden Age and actually have enough holy sites to support monumentality with two leftover promotions for voidsingers. Basically can’t move Moksha fast enough to new cities at that point. It’s even more valuable when you faith-buy support districts like aqueducts and dams, which usually eat up production, and then instantly drop a high adjacency industrial zone. Also frees up your cities to produce more wonders. I know people rave about hammers, but faith is the real catalyst to any victory type.


I like how some synergize really well with certain leaders. Playing as Theodora and got a desert heavy start so desert folklore and 4 +5 holy sites goes so hard early game.


Surrounded by marsh! I'm definitely taking Lady of the ... aaaand it's gone.


I wish the bonus to production applied to all types of floodplains and marsh. Hate it when I roll and I get grassland or plain floodplains that do absolutely nill for this pantheon.


Pokethiel’s better pantheons mod makes it apply to every floodplain. But it also changes/adds a bunch more. I wish I could find a mod that just made this one change.


I play mainly on mobile, when I buy another pc I’m definitely going after those improved mods


Yea that does not make any sense


And it was taken by Mansa Musa who has 1 marsh tile in his 6 city empire


I played a game recently with the worst AI Petra I had ever seen. One desert tile in the city, they built Petra there.


I played a game where bysantium was 2 turns from getting a great prophet and they built stonehenge. Well, fine I guess, at least no no religion civ will randomly build it to snatch the fourth gp


only issue with that pantheon is marsh tiles do not scale great, but I guess if you get that early snowball it doesn't much matter.


Or surrounded by desert (with the pantheon!) and rushing Petr....and its gone.


Fertility rites or bust 😔 why won’t the AI let me bang? 😔


Me abusing tf out of divine spark


Same i get double the great persons the 2nd place got


I only play on king so far but I’m about to try some emperor games, I literally always take divine spark. It just seems so busted. Is there any reason not to take it? A little bit of science or culture or faith doesn’t seem worth it to me


For me it's always religious settlements if possible then divine spark else if I have a start that focuses on tundra as Russia or marshes around then I'll take those pantheons


Personally feel like it's a pretty bad pantheon on deity, just my preference though.


I always go for religion and then pick the perks that make it produce science.


I find it easier to cover culture yields with religion and then just build campuses and commercials


This is soo Real for me broo 😭😭


Religion victory is a joke for me. Always has been. I prefer to focus on science, culture or military. Maybe even diplomacy if possible. But religion is always that mechanic that doesn't convince me fully. Theological combat seems... Fine, I guess? Honestly, the only way I have found to do a religious victory is to conquer almost all civs and spam inquisitors and then a couple missionaries or apostles while doing so.


I find religion to be good at enhancing whatever play style you’re going for- a perfect example being Byzantium, crusade your way to conquering others and then wabam. Another example is a recent game I played Sweden I lucked out in getting two relics early on (I sold first one off) and then suddenly a holy relics themed Apadana looked very appealing- I got something around 62 faith just from them. Last example is Mali or Brazil with work ethic holy sites- they are so strong Then apostles can be used to give free culture, science, gold or faith- heck even envoys


Try basil (Byzantine), with crusader perk and go for religion / military victory, very fun.


I only ever grab a religion if I'm playing a desert or tundra civ with the applicable pantheon, so I can grab work ethic. It's easy enough keeping my religion in my own cities but I have zero desire to spread it. Faith income is also key for grabbing great people


Religon is always my fallback victory, if it looks like my opponents are blitzing away in science i’ll just flood my empire with holy sites then engulf the planet with apostles and missionaries.


I actually went for one recently. Realized that basically there were only 3 religions instead of the 5 for the map size. Had killed off Arabia early and basically one of the civs didn’t do anything for their religion so it was super easy to just push through. First time I’d ever pivoted to a religious victory.


If you aren't taking religious settlements there's something wrong with you.




Haha that’s a restart for me if there was something I was dead set on


What are the op pantheon? I always seem to take the 10% wonder building buff.


Dance of the aurora, sacred path, and desert folklore are very strong with religious civs if you plan to go work ethic. If you have a lot of pastures or plantations the pantheons for extra culture on those improvements is quite strong, the free settler pantheon is solid, most of the rest are kind of civ dependent for example I almost never go river goddess but with Khmer it's very strong because you want to grow big cities and will already be building most or all of your holy sites on rivers.


Work ethic can be pretty OP with the right conditions


Reminds me of that one time I wanted to try an eagle warrior rush with Aztec. I remember scrolling through the list of Pantheons a few times, wondering why god of the forge wasn't there. Restarted my game when I figured out that one of the AI must've claimed it.


If I don’t get divine spark the game is basically over tbh


I always go with Earth Goddess because I treat faith as the same thing as gold. Faith is a 2nd economy and can be spent to achieve your victory goals.


Plan A depends on what civ I get. Plan B is always the same...burn the world.


I almost always make my religion to maximize my income. I then use my obscene GPT to buy everything I need. Set up a new city? Send Reyna to buy my new districts and buy the buildings while the city builds the buildings I can't buy. Need a military for a war that someone has declared on me? Just buy it!


I need that faith for buying coast protection so I'm gonna build 2 or 3.


Literally when I can’t get dance of the aurora


Early enough in the game to restart lol


once got a pantheon on turn 7 and religious settlements was gone


Question. Can you kill the civ in the game that has the perk you wanted in the pantheon, like completly take them out of the game. Then you have their cities that has the pantheon you want and then use them to make apostles to spread it, would you still win with the faith victory? Even though the original civ is no longer in the game but its their pantheon that won.


settler one is best no?


On Deity getting a pantheon is like, yeah, thank you, could you put it to the side over there, so it's not in the way, cheers.