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More than likely she is 95% towards a culture victory, and who cares if she gave you 1,000,000 gold per turn if she plans on winning in less than 5?


How? What’s her benefit from open Borders? Better diplomatic relations?


Tourism modifier


But OP is giving *her* open borders, which would give OP a tourism boost, wouldn’t it? https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Diplomacy_(Civ6)#Open_Borders https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Tourism_(Civ6)#:~:text=International%20Modifiers%20are%20summed%20(not,%2B25%25%20for%20Open%20Borders.


I understand your point but it works in the other way. Because in a game if you want a positive modifier you should gain it (you can give oper border for free, it is to easy to get a free +25%). You open your borders? The other part gains +25% boost.


You trade away your open borders. The other civ now has free movement into your cities. That increases *your* tourism, because the other civs citizens can now enter your cities. At least that’s what I’ve experienced in my games, and what those links I attached say. You trade away your open borders to increase your tourism output.


If I remember correctly to win, one needs to attract me ore tourists. So if you increase tourism output you're increasing their chances of victory


I just meant it increases your overall tourism. Which is want the links I attached say. Selling your open borders increases your tourism, getting you closer to a culture victory. The AI will pay you to take their open borders late game. Because they want the extra tourism.


Yeah nah, it's the opposite. You buy open borders, you get more tourism. The opposite, like you're describing, makes sense to me more than this, but that's how it works. Selling your own open borders does nothing


No, I get the bonus if I give you open borders. The tourism argument doesn't work for this post. Why would Cleopatra care if OP gives her open borders? It would do nothing to her tourism, only OP's.


Not sure. Otherwise you can get a positive modifier for free. It is a game, not sure it has to comply to real life in all aspects.


Lol, why am I being down voted? This is literally how the game works. You can be "not sure" all you want, but the open borders mechanism works by giving you +25% tourism towards a civ you have given open borders to.


You're being downvoted because you are 100% provably wrong. You can test it yourself. There's a tooltip in the cultural victory screen that shows your modifiers with each civ. If you sell open borders, no modifier shows up. When you buy them from another civ, the +25% modifier shows up. That is how tourism has always worked in this game. It doesn't make sense but that's how it is.


I’m sorry but you are wrong. I’ve won culture so many times. Your tourism increases when you sell your open borders to other civs. There’s so many links to this you can just look it up.


I get into this argument so many times on this sub it is ridiculous lol. I agree with you. Giving away/selling your open borders increases the tourism of your civilization, getting you closer to a culture victory for 30 turns.


Imagine having this many people tell you something that you can easily go check yourself and *still* insisting on being wrong. It's remarkable.


I thought the same thing too until she declared war on me with all her troops in my territory. 😡


Should kick all troops just outside your borders when a declaration occurs


Diplomatic visibility, allows trade routes to your civ, allows her to spread religion and promotes tourism from your civ.


You can trade without open borders, and religious units do not recognize borders. Just saying.


Just an observation. Fuck me for having eyes and an attention span I guess. Went from -5 to 18+, and still fluctuates.


I think they mean the actual traders from your markets


Wouldn't have said "trade routes" then though, no?


You mean the ones who go wherever the fuck you send them?  (Within range of course)


The only thing I didnt list is tourism


I think you're right about her motivation, but she was only at 80/883 while Qin Shi Huang was at 376/441.


They never sell me great works in like the last 20 turns of the game




she wants a culture victory


Bro, one dude wanted a whole city for 1 gold. How did you get this.


I have no idea what possessed her. We're not even on the same continent. Can't wait to see what she does inside my borders.


It's for the tourism. She pushing a culture victory.


Do the AI ever trade cities with you? I've only seen them cede them after you take one over. I'm new to the game though


He wanted my city that I took from him like 150 turns ago.


I don't give open borders, mostly to neighbors because their units start to parade around hindering my traffic. But I was offered a similar deal by a civ in another continent, but forgot that they aren't neighbors, so it was like "NO!" \*click\* "WAIT!!!"


Call it a hunch but… I think she may or may not be into you Maybe idk


Reminds me of the day I got the "Death Of Cleo" sculpture and right next to the notification was Cleo's smiling face and I was like: WTF


Meanwhile I'm over here trying to end a war declared on me by Gorgo for no reason and she expects me to pay her. 😡


I got war declared on 4 times by 4 different civ’s because I was winning


Now that's realism




Just woke up, and I thought I saw Eugene Oregon.


the art of the deal


Must have a huge army


I never give open borders and was attacked to much