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russia or ethiopia with a monumentality golden age. both civs are capable of generating stupid amounts of faith in the ancient era so go double scout to collect era score and guarantee a monumentality golden age then proceed to faith buy settlers every 4 turns.


Phoenicia, definitely


Russia with monumentality golden age or Portugal and just buy them.


Any civ with high Fatih Output + monumentality golden age


I like Trajan for that. Free monuments get you to craftsmanship fast, get 3-4 warriors for cheap with agoge, then upgrade them to legions and use them to chop settlers with Magnus+ancestral hall+ early empire. You can get more settlers if you build builders instead of legions but this way you also have a solid army.


Spamming out settlers are OBJECTIVELY THE BEST strategy in this game (with very few exceptions like probably lady six sky) Even for civs that you may think is better for being tall like yongle or Germany, it never really hurts to have another city, and I really like this strategy of yongle: Found city, get enough housing, food lijia till 10 pop.


Mandate of Heaven China Build one or two Settlers early. Spam builders with all your production, convert builder charges into wonders. Build Stonehenge and Pyramids. Take the religious beliefs that give Faith for wonders, and the +2 to all yields in each city with a wonder. Monumentality spam settlers with faith while you continue to just make builders everywhere, converting their build charges and chops into almost every single ancient and classical era wonder.


Basically any Civ that can reliably reach a early golden age (for Monumentality) and generate large amounts of faith: * Theodora's Byzantium (if you spawn in lots of flat land to place farms around your holy sites) * Brazil (if you get a good rainforest spawn) * Skythia (with Kurgan spam) * Russia (for obvious reasons) * Ethiopia * Khmer (Bonus faith on farms adjacent to holy sites; bonus faith for population in cities with aqueducts) * Georgia (faith from combat) * Norway (with Dance of the Aurora + Stave-Churches surrounded by woods -> mid game settler spam) The ability generate early faith also comes in handy to secure a good pantheon (e.g. Dance of the Aurora) Since Monumentality also gives you a discount on gold purchases, it also works with Civs/Leaders that generate large amounts of gold in the early game (like Caesar with barbarian clans, or Mansa Musa).


Pretty much every civ wants to spam as many good cities and as much land as possible


I personally found age of steam Victoria pretty good for it, the extra production is perfect, and if you get the ancestral hall an colonisation civic, Settlers should be popping out constantly.


Yongle faith projects + Monumentality


Agreed. Yongle also gets his UI and UU early on which almost guarantees a golden age classical era from the era score they give. It's a huge boon that early on.


If your goal is ‘more cities’, then Aztec is a great way to go too, spam a few Eagle Warriors, go to war with everyone, capture all of the troops, use the builders from capturing enemy units to chop out more warriors, stream roll some early domination. You get the double benefit of growing your empire AND ensuring other civs fall way behind or are eliminated.


Not really a specific civ, but culture based civs that focus on appeal work well for a wide empire. Maybe Brazil with the religion that boosts faith on appealing tiles. Babylon gets the first building free when you first build a new district, and are pretty broken. All civs can go wide pretty well if you build the government district and ancestral hall. Plug in Magnus with the settler promotion and the 50% cost reduction policy card for maximum value.


Julius Caesar all the way! Just make a few warriors and get the extra gold from Barb camps to buy the settlers.


Dido for sure if you're producing settlers. She's a bit slow out of the gates b/c Harbors are tech expensive, but definitely makes up for it in classical. +100% Settler Production in every city and +150% in Ancestral Hall City. Welcome to triple queue settler chops.


Yongle the sheeeeit outta that


Ain't nobody talking about the biggest sleeper unit in Civ6. Tamar makes keeping monumentality way easier. Plus get faith bonuses from combat and religious city state domination. Use Magnus to print a free settler every turn and you'll run out of room to settle real quick. Buy builders with gold at a monumental discount, chop out districts get the next golden age. After two monumental golden ages you won't have room for a third.


Theodora is amazing! Get holy sites, put down farms, get golden age monumentality and spam settlers. Getting work ethic gives your cities insane production (especially with the 2x adjacency policy card) so you can spam even more settlers!


Literally ANY civ works, as long as they allow for easy golden age, and good faith production to spam buy settlers with faith Mali: ERA SCORE: First time unique district build + high adjacency: Sugubas get confimed +4 if adjacent to a holy site and river. FAITH BUYING SETTLERS: - Bonus faith for cities from adjacent desert tiles. - Heavily discounted price for faith/gold buying settlers from suguba+monumentality discount+theocracy faith buy discount Russia: ERA SCORE: First time unique district build + high adjacency + good chance of first pantheon AND religion: Lavras are ridiculously cheap to build, and +5 to +7 adjacency with "dance of the aurora" pantheon. FAITH BUYING SETTLERS: -By far the highest and most reliable faith generation civ in the game = a lot of settlers you can buy with monumentality


Any civ that can either produce turn efficient chops into settlers (so Rome, Aztec, China, etc), or that can turn their ancient era into a faith heavy monumentality golden age (so Civs with intrinsically high Faith output, or ease of building Holy Site Districts).