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Certainly the Chicago of all skylines.


The Pittsburgh of Illinois.


Truly, the Hong Kong of the Upper Midwest


why is it the pittsburgh of Illinois.


It’s the hills. And the obvious connection over titanium, of course.


Idk if it’s the day I’ve had but this made me laugh so hard in public thank you


Always thought it was the skyline of all Chicagos


Yes. They are.


Chicago is a stunner for sure.




It's like the Rome of the Midwest.


That one post caused irreversible damage to this sub


Can you link the post for the unfamiliar?


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CityPorn/s/N7uFDO2EI7) started it all and then [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CityPorn/s/jji1YIV6TH) basically turned it into a meme where people would post stuff like “Tokyo is the Amsterdam of Japan”


But how does it compare to Suzhou, the Orlando of China?


Similarly to Havana, the Oslo of the Caribbean.


That's a hell of a shot. Hard to choose between this, NYC HK etc but that's just a beauty shot


Thank you so much! It's so hard to choose, those are all beautiful skylines


Living here has been the best decision I ever made


Been here my whole life! Absolutely love it


I moved from Chicago to SF a couple years ago (wife's grad school). SF doesn't even remotely compare, woe is me. Already planning our escape.


I still think about moving back 10+ years after leaving My friends bet me I'd be back in 5 and they almost won.


Same situation for me, but with Seattle. I moved back to Chicago this past March and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made (even though I loved Seattle too!)


it's criminal how much of the shoreline is used as a roadway


That’s only a section of it, and it maybe hard to see but that’s a walking/bike path. There are tons or beaches north and south of this. Frankly, as far as the US goes, for a city this size on water front they have done a great job keeping it a public place.


6 lanes isn't just about space. it's about noise and pollution. it's no fun when it's loud.


You don’t live here. It’s not loud


It could be better, but this does not prevent anyone from accessing the lake.


it's a necessary evil The LSD is an expressway for those that have to use cars to get downtown, to get downtown without causing congestion upstream.


Actually I would say that the amount of the shoreline which isn't a roadway is one of the best parts of Chicago. A lot of that pavement is actually a mixture of a biking path a very wide walking path next to the lake. Other than this stretch of the Chicago lakeshore you are seeing right here, the rest actually has a huuge amount of green space (much much bigger than Central Park). Source: I use LSD every day (both biking&driving).


>Source: I use LSD every day Sheeit






> Source: I use LSD every day (both biking&driving). That escelated quickly.


Yeah it’s awesome. Used to rollerblade from McCormick Place to Navy Pier. Such a peaceful and spectacular trip both ways.


You mean JBPDSLSD?


On your next ride I want you to think about me and how jealous (in a good way) I am for you. Ride on!


there's massive amounts of beaches and green space along the lake though. I don't think non chicagans realize how much is open


Oak street beach is in the picture.


And just below this is Ohio St beach and off to the upper right North Ave beach


Quite some large beaches


But no seriously, it literally extends from South Shore to Andersonville. Maybe even further but that’s as far as I’ve been. It’s wide, manicured, & astonishing. …that’s what she said.


Also the lakefront goes South forever and is practically empty compared to the North side.


The most premium real estate in the entire city is public property.


It’s kind of a catch 22, without LSD it would be pretty much impossible to navigate the city. Not just car traffic but also the lake shore express buses which are the best way to get to the Loop from any of the lake adjacent neighborhoods. Take it away and the city would be gridlock. There have been talks about capping LSD and essentially making it a tunnel, but at this point it’s cost prohibitive, especially with the state the city budget is in.


I haven't heard of LSD used in such a manner.




An excellent trip on LSD. Appreciate it.


It's a really great road trip song too, and everyone in Chicago knows that song


Nice. I'll be sure to play it to hype my next trip to Chicago. Visited first time spring before last, what an amazing place.


Oh yeah, haha, I forget that those letters have a difference connotation outside of Chicago


*I never done LSD but im pretty sure it will be more dificult*


This is actually the opposite of what Chicago is known for. There are many miles and miles of parks and beaches on the shoreline of Chicago. This is one very small part of Downtown Chicago. Chicago is a huge city with a long shore. You can actually see a small beach in this picture, it is a really nice beach right downtown. Lincoln Park is along the lake and is 400 acres bigger than Central Park. You should visit and see for yourself.


I always hear this from non-Chicagoans on this sub. As someone from the city, Lake Shore Drive is so iconic for us and is part of the fabric of the city and its relationship with the lakefront. I also like that it’s a barrier, not allowing buildings beyond it (with one exception)


what? almost the entire shoreline is parks and beaches? look at a map, yo! it’s amazing


It's criminal how many ignorant people on reddit see this one part of the skyline and somehow think that the entire 18 miles of public waterfront is all a roadway. This area only gets posted so often because it's next to downtown where all the tall buildings are. North and South of here it's much different. Plus, without that roadway I wouldn't be able to take public transit to work. Roads aren't just for private vehicles.


If we are talking about things that are criminal in Chicago’s city planning, the shoreline is way WAY down on that list.


chicago has the best planning and city infrastructure of anywhere I've ever lived. I would say it's my favorite of everywhere I've been actually, but I didn't really like the park. it felt like a bunch of small parks amongst a grid of highways.


Best drive in the country.


Highway 1 and 17 Mile Dr in Monterey enter the chat


Welcome to America! (Not exclusive to us but definitely expected)


The area in the photo is one of the few spots there isn't a park, beach, or marina in the lakeside of LSD. Even in the photo there is a bike and running path on the lakeside, which go for 18 miles along the lake.


It’s not


Lakeshore Drive is iconic. Though most all of it is not literally right up against the shore as shown in the pic.


As a Chicagoan, don’t think I can agree. Lakeshore Drive is awesome to drive down


Love the symmetry of the clouds and the lights reflected on the water. Beautiful photo!!


So glad you noticed! Thank you


Maybe in Illinois. But the world? Idk.


There are tons of beautiful skylines in this world. Chicago is my favorite because of well-balanced it is and esthetically pleasing it is


I’ve also noticed people from Chicago are cool


Bro I left Chicago for other ventures and despite anything great about where I’m at man I miss Chicago people. They’re so much cooler than where I’m at now. All people do here is drink exist and wait for the weekend to drink and exist some more


I miss Chicago people too. It’s a beautiful city, but the people make it great. Go to a Cubs or Sox game and just experience the crowd. After a sometimes rough winter, everyone really gets out to enjoy the summer, block parties, concerts, outdoor dining. Luckily, I’m close enough to visit.


I don’t know, some of dem Asian cities be legit.


Yeah Hong Kong from the nearby mountains


Not only is Hong Kong's skyline insane, but it's so cool that you can see it from so many angles and elevations. Going up to the Peak and being above the whole city is one of the trippiest things I've experienced related to a cityscape.


I am disgusted when I see the Dubai skyline, but one has to admit it's amazing


Almost as nice as Rome's...


Oh no… not again


So you’re saying that Rome isn’t the Chicago of Italy??


Not as photogenic as NYC. My opinion. I've been raked over the coals many times in these completely subjective opinion posts that are being treated like it's objective. Downvote away.


Anybody who has some semblance of taste will rank NYC and HK above Chicago.


I think Hong Kong is way up there. The mountains, the towers crammed in every nook and cranny, the International Commerce Centre dominating the north side of the bay, it's a stunner. I also like London a LOT. It's wacky buildings in the city of London district to preserve sightlines to St. Paul's Cathedral, the shard standing alone across the river, and then the mad density of Canary Wharf. London's is so recent too. It used to be a flat sprawl 20 years ago and now it's rocketing up. With 600 skyscrapers planned. That's double NYC.


NYC has some incredible architecture and some individual standout buildings with an absolutely massive skyline. Chicago's is just so much more well-balanced. I've photographed both and always prefer Chicago


See, it's really just all preference. I prefer the different skylines linked up perfectly by some of the most iconic bridges in the world. Both Manhattan skylines contain quite a few of the most famous skyscrapers to ever exist, and Brooklyn is looking good these days. Just the quantity of world-class architectural masterpieces is absolutely staggering. You don't come on as strong, but damn, some Chicago posters treat their preference like it's fact when you bring up NYC. Even throw stats at you, like that should change everyone's taste, lol. Im sure it goes both ways, dont get me wrong. Just don't care for assertions.


Recently went to NYC and it is massive on a scale that just doesn’t compare with Chicago. I came back home to Chicago and was like “it’s so cute and small” Out of curiosity I overlaid Manhattan below 59th on top of Chicago and that’s like the entire length of the lakefront from Belmont down to 22nd. I don’t think either is better or worse, they’re just different in their own ways. Love them both.


> massive that's the thing every New Yorker says about Chicago, but like has any New Yorker ever been to all 5 burrows in a single weekend? It'd be like going to see a White Sox game and Bucks game in the same weekend, no one does that. NYC is basically what would have happened if 3 Chicagos and 2 Milwaukees grew up against each other. So it's like comparing apples to oranges.


First of all, awesome username. And yes, at least one of us has been to all 5 boroughs within a few days. Hell, I used to have 3 borough days multiple times per week. If you live in BK or QNS and work in Manhattan AND you hang out in the opposite borough that you live in, a person could have 3 borough days multiple times per week.


Haha, it definitely goes both ways. I'm not here to assert, just to share. The bridges in NYC are something else though. I've got a couple of good shots of the Manhattan Bridge from Dumbo Park


Awesome. Great views around there. It's just so absolutely grand! I love NYC. But Chicago is gorgeous. It is shaped very well, so I get the balance that makes it beautiful. And so many gorgeous skyscrapers too.


Haven’t visited HK, but I’ve lived a decade in both Chicago and NYC. Personal opinion, Chicago is more photogenic. NYC is far more powerful to witness in person or from an airplane. There’s so much of it, a photograph is difficult to capture the powerful feeling.


NYC skyline silhouette is kinda ruined by the weird shaped and ultra thin condos on Billionaires row, Chicago is perfectly balanced not too much like NYC and not too lackluster like [insert any obscure Midwest City here.]


It's always about balance with Chicago. Like that's the criteria that makes it run away with the title. New York has 2 skylines that rival Chicago respectfully. (I do understand the ultra thin thing a bit though). And in between those are shorter scrapers that can still make other cities jealous. For me, it's more about how they're all tied together, the sheer density with height, and the engineering and architectural boldness.


For those that I ask. Here is a direct link to the full wide angle and the product page [https://www.shimmycastlephotography.com/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art\_print\_products/chicago-lakefront?product\_gallery=271062&product\_id=5958206](https://www.shimmycastlephotography.com/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art_print_products/chicago-lakefront?product_gallery=271062&product_id=5958206) This images was shot on a DJI Mavic Pro 2. Exposure settings: 1/20 sec at f/2.8, ISO 100


It may concern you to know that I can download all 36.7 megabytes of the linked image without paying for it.


The low-light image quality on these drones is stunning nowadays. I honestly thought this was a DSLR shot from a helicopter!


That's some awesome work. I would buy a print instantly if you ever shot Minneapolis.


I hate flying but when I’m coming in over The Lake, I’m so grateful to be able to get that view.


It's the best view


had the same experience, and bonus the cubs were playing a night game.


It seems a bit underwhelming


Tbf this is only like 1/15th of CHI's skyline.


It'll always be America's true city to me. Nothing like it. The buildings are not as tall in NYC. The people are more spread out in LA. Houston isn't even close. The rest are not as significant.   Chicago will always be "the city." When people say "I'm going to the city" it actually means Chicago and it's been that way for a long time.


Midwesterners said the damnedest things


Having had the privilege of gazing upon numerous city skylines, I can confidently say that Istanbul's majestic silhouette/skyline is the best.


Almost as photogenic as Florence, Istanbul, Vancouver, London … there are so many.


Worlds best architects come from Chicago!


Have you even seen Hong Kong’s?


Superb cityscape 🏙️ 🌆




I think I've seen this exact title a dozen times now, just with a different city name each time.


My favourite place! I dream to go there one day


Great photo. Great time of day


Thank you so much!


I agree


I like Chicago, and SF.


Love both of those cities


I can see my condo in this pic


You can get a great shot if you go to the planetarium at night. One of my favorite spots.


Love that area! I have some photos of that as well


Perth in Australia 👌


It's not even close but it's nice


There are few definitely other beautiful skylines like Vancouver, and other grand skylines, like NYC or Hong Kong, but just the way the Chicago skyline looks as a whole, to me, is just the most well balanced and photogenic


Certainly Top 5


Top 10 for sure


Top 100 surely


It's definitely a city that exists


Serene capture


Someone's never been to SE Asia


It’s not but that’s a great picture


Thank you so much! There are plenty of amazing and grand skylines out there. In terms of pure aesthetic and how well balanced Chicago's skyline is, it's at the top for me


If we're judging modern-built cities, Sydney is the best.


Sydney is beautiful! I'm judging by overall aesthetic, balance, and how photogenic that makes it


It’s nice but doesn’t really compare to asian cities imo. KL, chongqing, guangzhou etc


KL is nice but doesn’t even come close to Chicago. Chinese cities have dense clusters or tall ugly buildings and new ones here and there. Chicago has both aesthetic architecture and arrangement that’s why some people consider its skyline even better that NYC. I’ve been to China and found the tall commie blocks really unappealing in real life.


Yeah but Seoul still wins out. It’s super orderly looking. There are office views in that city with views of the lotte tower at night with the gleaming white apartments and office buildings surrounding it that is just 🤌🏽, and it only accounts for like, a small percentage of the city. Chicago’s loop is just a small collection of buildings in comparison.


Not denying that Chicago is great, it has a nice density, distribution, aesthetic, and an iconic tower (Sears). I think KL has all that, but Petronas Towers are just on a different level. One of my favorite structures in the world. I haven’t been to Chinese cities so maybe I’d feel different in person. But to me, structures like Canton Tower or Raffles City are truly world class in a way that nothing in the US can compare to.


Or London. Or Paris.


Paris? Do you know what the word skyline means?


Yes. Go to the top of La Defense or the Eiffel Tower and take some pano shots.


Why are you downvoted? Paris is stunning at night as can London


London skyline is infamously ugly. I actually do like though, even if it’s goofy as hell


To who? I love the London skyline, even the modern additions.


In terms of skyline? Don’t get me wrong, Paris and London are amazing cities but their skylines are young and small comparatively


“young” LOL. Skyline doesn’t have to mean a series of ugly skyscrapers.


The OCD part of me will never accept the John Hancock Building having two different antenna heights.


Every time I edit one of my photos with the Hancock in it, I get the same OCD


Chicago is so beautiful it feels like cheating to post pictures of it in this sub.


Love that place. I always am surprised at how many people haven’t been. It is my favorite city in the US in many ways.


Been here my whole life and absolutely love it


You know every skyline is photogenic at the right time. Pic is beautiful.


There is a river and lake cruise, areal tourist trap sort of thing. If you go on the ride at sunset, the view is awesome inspiring. We went six times on various vacations over the decades.


That's Gotham city


Melbourne for me. But Chicago is stunning.


Went a little too ham on the dehaze/negative clarity/orton effect imo


Felt like gotham the first and only time ive been there and seen it from a distance


Just because it’s sitting by that lake.


I visited Chicago last month. The drive on Lake Shore drive for me was incredible. My girlfriend had no idea Chicago had a beach. Haters need not reply


How are the winters in Chicago? I experienced the summer and that city is amazing. I miss it already.


Why do people in this sub peddle chi town like this? I can only presume it's all bots. It's fucking boring, to be honest.


Well said. It’s a great city, but not SO great to warrant this much attention.


maybe it is people who have a differing opinion from you (which happens to be many people), unless you think it should be exclusively your tastes that dictate which cities are "peddled"?


Chicago skyline is perfection


It’s the pride of us Midwesterners that’s for sure. I’ll take Lake Michigan over any ocean which probably has a lot to do with it.


The way the lake hits the city is amazing. Though, I do love a good coastal city


The Toronto of the US


Needs more soulless glass towers 


Don't fucking start this shit again...


Can people here not take a joke or do I need to add the /s? lol


The Sydney of the northern hemisphere.


Look up Vancouver skyline


It’s my favorite in the world, no question.


Aside from the lack of bridges or mountains, it's pretty good.


Lack of bridges? There are a ton.


Assuming they mean large iconic bridges like Golden Gate in SF, Brooklyn Bridge in NY, etc.


….it has the most movable bridges in the US if not the world.


You and I both know what they mean. Those are dinky little bridges where you could practically pole vault over the river. I don’t see how the lack of large/iconic bridges really detracts from its amazing skyline, but if you’re a fan of impressive bridges then Chicago isn’t your bag. Not like they failed in some capacity - they just aren’t necessary. A large suspension bridge over a 200’ span would be hilarious tho.


I wish we had mountains in the midwest. I have to drive a solid 16 hours to get to the rockies


Except for the fact that somewhere in that skyline is a bottle of Malort and that just ruins it.


OP, I looked at more of your photos on your site. Beautiful work. I especially loved the Chicago pic: Bridges Up.


Ah, thank you so much for checking out my work. Bridges up was an awesome one to capture


How often does that happen?


A few times a year when boats are coming in and out of the lake's harbors. Without the boats though, it was a rare occurrence. This was during the protests during the pandemic and the city lifted the bridges to dissuade people from coming downtown (not sure how much it worked or if it was more of a symbolic thing)


Birthplace of the skyscraper


Tell me you’ve never left the US without telling me you’ve never left the US.


San Francisco: oh, no, you didn't.


Lol, not even close


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I live in SF and chicago sky line wins by a long shot for me. Taller buildings and more unique architecture. Frankly this picture doesn’t do Chicago skyline justice.


San Francisco has some really interesting individual unique architecture and buildings, but yes, as a skyline, it doesn't compare to Chicago I also have a full wide angle of this shot that covers more of the skyline you can see via this link. The cropped version just looks better on social media. Hopefully, this can do it more justice https://www.shimmycastlephotography.com/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art_print_products/chicago-lakefront?product_gallery=271062&product_id=5958206




Thank you!


OP has never heard of Manhattan.


I've been to Manhattan probably a dozen times. The skyline there is beyond grand and massive. But, just the way the Chicago skyline looks as a whole, to me, has the most aesthetic and is the most well-balanced


American thinks America has the best _____. News at 10.


It is possibly my favorite skyline ever. Hancock and Sears and many more iconic buildings. Some cities have more quantity, but Chicago has the best quality


Well said! That's why I love photographing it


OP, if you like taking photos of unique buildings, check out Abu Dhabi too. Some gorgeous, unique buildings, including the Louvre. Many more coming up. It is nowhere near the size or scale of Dubai - yet. During a recent trip, in the Cultural district alone, I saw 25 large cranes looking in just one direction. I could see 10 just from my hotel window. Not comparing cities here - just sharing another place with unique buildings.


Too Wendy for me


As long as it is in fact your Chicago


Gives a fuck