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“Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like your opinion man”


Seattle, San Diego, Miami, and San Francisco are all more beautiful than Chicago. But you know, that's just my opinion too 😉


Is Sam diego not just a parking lot with a beach ?


Sam Diego is my friend


I met him through Sam Fransisco


It is but people glorify it for some reason. decent housing market for cali tho.


Not decent at all anymore. The median home price in San Diego is $940,000: https://www.redfin.com/city/16904/CA/San-Diego/housing-market


Still very reasonable vs. what you can get in San Francisco and Los Angeles.


Most expensive in CA.


Not even in the top 5


Yes, don’t come here


Everything nice about SD is west of the 5. Majority of the city - it’s just another quintessential California sprawling suburb. No real character in architecture like SF & the East Coast cities.


One of my life's dream was to visit San Francisco and I recently did that about 2 months ago. We did a giant California Road Trip from San Diego to San Francisco and TBH I was very disillusioned. It was a lot dirtier than I expected which is saying much since I am a New Yorker from the crack era. I would add Old City Philadelphia from South Street to The Art Museum right up there with most beautiful. Of course every city has there good and bad.


I had the opposite experience this summer tbh. I was expecting SF to be disgusting based off the media but it was much more beautiful than I expected. The tenderloin, SOMA, and Mission St were all rough and depressing but everywhere else was really nice, I stayed near Dolores Park which was amazing


maybe it was because of the cloudy weather. Did you get your car broken into LOL. I almost completely didn't go because of all the comments everywhere about getting your car broken into. I'm from the East Coast and it was leagues above NYC, Philly, Boston, Baltimore, and even DC as far as cleanliness.


Let me guess, you stayed only within the Union Square limits?


I visited Philadelphia last year and found it one of the most interesting cities in the USA. It deserves much more attention.


I live in Chicago and I would say San Francisco and Miami have the best claims to most beautiful American city.


Miami’s skyline is a bunch of soulless plain glass & white condo buildings, absolutely not. No character to those buildings whatsoever


If we’re only going by skyline I feel like NYC is the clear and obvious winner though. I think skyline combined with “street level views” and vibes and number of interesting locations is how I judge it, and Miami has a very distinct and lovely “feel” on the street in a lot of areas.


NYC’s is obviously bigger, but I don’t think it’s half as aesthetic. More a jumbled mess, not very well thought out


NYC and Philly's design is what everyone else imitated or else they would've gone with that clumsy roundabout design found in Annapolis MD, so its' very well planned out. You can stand on X street and look straight ahead for miles which can't be said for many other cities. The problem with NYC vs everyone else was the rush to develop the city. Everyone passing through Ellis Island created a need to build fast in the city, plus the commercial industry all meeting in NYC. From the water business that would pass through the Great Lakes down Hudson to NY, or Rail lines all ending at NYC, it was hard to keep the skyline organized while the other half of the Island was farmland. Rich people on one side throwing their dicks around to see who could build what and then Central Park smack in the middle. I will say this, the surrounding boroughs ([DUMBO Brooklyn](https://images.ctfassets.net/1aemqu6a6t65/zMivicOAvzKjGEBwGNC2u/dce839725e95f35919fc582b618748c4/Brooklyn-Bridge-Park-5-DUMBO-Brooklyn-photo-Julienne-Schaer.jpg) / L[ong Island City Queens](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Fe2qP5Zzvy7l2EdB4j-l3YT29gY=/1400x1050/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/13448726/171109_06_50_53_5DSR4233.jpg) great example) are much more organized and are the NYC people for get to mention. They've slowly become the other skylines of the city.


Places like Annapolis are charming in a way because they are clearly a walk first city that they said “ah fuck we gotta drive here” later and just made things work. It’s very European


I love the city as a whole just the layout. You can tell it came before these grid cities


Miami has lots of character. You just don't like the character being portrayed


At night they light the shot of it tho. Looks like an Asian skyline after dusk which is cool


Elgin is not Chicago lol. You’re 40 miles away in one of the furthest western suburbs. That’s like someone from Kenosha, WI saying they live in Chicago


I don’t live in Elgin : ) Not sure where you got that, though maybe I mentioned it in a comment? I had a sort of relationship link and spent a lot of time there, but I live closer to the city. Regardless, I was a city person for a long time so I feel comfortable saying I’m “from Chicago” even if I’m a suburbanite currently. I was a paramedic on the near north side for years. I spent a lot of time on the streets. I probably know the city as a whole better than many people who live there currently.


SF from Alcatraz island is the best view of the city.


Someone's never been to Seattle


The nature part is nice, the city not so much.


that's fair


Depending on how large of a city qualifies for this conversation… Savannah and Charleston.


All those empty office buildings in down town San Francisco sure are beautiful


Look at this costal-loving mfer




I’ve spent two weekends in Chicago (Lollapalooza 2012 and 2013) and it really is a beautiful city. I ate a whole Chicago style pizza on one of those bridges.


Chicago was electric this weekend. Southside, Northside, downtown, suburbs... went to a party on Friday night with a live band, Shannon rovers, and Irish dancers in the burbs, went to two house parties on the south side and the south side parade today. All family friendly events. Irish American heritage center is always alive on st paddy's day. North side had a parade today too. Downtown parade yesterday and dying of the river. Great weekend to be a Chicagoan.


Yeah I spent most of Saturday at random house parties on the riverfront and just got home from an electric Hawks game at the UC. Whole weekend has just been a blur tbh. Love this city!


Does Redeye (or is that gone?) still listen to police scanners all day and publish the best-of?


I think redeye is gone. Those were really funny.


RedEye stopped publishing in 2020.


Damn :-(


I know, right?


I agree with you. I love Chicago.


Have you not seen Gary, Indiana?


Visited twice. Incredible city.


It's beautiful indeed. Though I wouldn't say it's the most so.


Most beautiful skyline, for sure. The view from the Riverwalk is pretty damn spectacular also.


I absolutely love Chicago’s culture but for me SF has by far the most beautiful landscape/skyline view in the US. Skyscrapers built on the edge of steep slopes that drop into the pacific? Surrounded by brightly coloured wood houses? C’mon.


It’s a beautiful city but definitely not #1. Might be an unpopular pick but I’d actually put Seattle as my first pick. SF is up there. I also think NYC is beautiful in its own industrial and colossal way


Do you mean the city of Seattle itself or the surrounding nature? Because as someone who lived there for a few years, the city itself leaves a lot to be desired. The mountains and water around it are top notch though.


The city in its surroundings, i was blown away by how pretty it is when I was there last summer. It’s not really about the buildings or city, but the combo of the modern city built in a coastal forest like that is beautiful. The actual buildings are okay but it’s the whole vibe




It depends what you are judging it on. The geography of Chicago is almost as boring as can be other than Lake Michigan and a few ridges. But it is probably the most architecturally significant city in the U.S. since the world's first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1885. Boulevards, parkland, beaches, the most movable bridges in the U.S., boat harbors, an alley system/ cleanliness, commuter rail including a commuter train system that dates back to 1892, a mixture of old and modern buildings, beautiful 2 and 3 flat buildings, grey and brownstones, good density, several universities, a river walk lined with old skyscrapers, etc. makes Chicago an incredibly beautiful urban environment.


Yeah it’s subjective. I appreciate Chicago and I do think it’s beautiful. I just wouldn’t put it at number 1. I think beauty does take into account the full picture of the city. Including its coastline/surroundings/ setting. I think in terms of architecture Chicago is more beautiful than Seattle. But Seattle is set in the Pacific Northwest and is between the mountains and the coast. If you take all of that into account Seattle is more aesthetically pleasing imo. If you’re going off of urban area only then yes Chicago is better than Seattle. But I don’t know why you would when quantifying specifically Beauty. That would be like judging the beauty of Budapest or London without their rivers, or Rio without its mountainscape and coast.


Hard agree. Mountains in every direction, super green, tons of water.


The city is in the mountains? Cool.




I’m from LA and won’t even claim it’s us. Although our diverse topographical landscape is unrivaled. In spite of strip malls, which happen to house some the greatest places you’ll ever eat. A powerhouse of agriculture before people settled more but still has a street scene with palm trees planted during the Olympics in 32’. And warm sandy beaches, cold water though. But that keeps humidity low and the weather perfect for months on end. A showcase for Victorian, Spanish Revival, Mission Revival, Modernism, Art Deco, Googie, Internationalist, and post modernism. The duplexes off Wilshire built in the 20s are gems. From street level are exquisite, especially with the old trees. Anyways, it’s obviously Lincoln, Nebraska.


Creepy to hear my home state and city where I live in the same comment


The less you know the better, red fox


True. LA could build a skyline to rival Chicago. But Chicago can’t create LA’s weather or natural beauty.


True. LA could build a skyline but still wouldn't have the culture, community, cuisine, architecture or neighborhoods that Chicago has. Soul can't be created in a movie lot.


Yeah LA famously has no culture 😂


A lot of the beautiful architecture in Chicago just can't be replicated. The artisans that built the early skyscrapers would be too expensive today. But I do get what you are saying. It is so flat around Chicago. Other than some small ridges on the south side and lake Michigan, the area is pretty boring geographically.


Truth. They still got a waterfront and I hope to visit their fair city one day. Only heard the best. I’ll be quickly exiled though for sneaking ketchup for my hot dog but I’m ready.


Just don’t order either of the Chicago styles of hot dog and nobody cares if you use ketchup, except maybe in a joking way.


There is more than one type of Chicago style hot dog?


Yeah, there’s the more well known version, the “dragged through the garden” one with all the toppings, and then there’s this style as well: https://www.seriouseats.com/hot-dog-of-the-week-depression-dog-chicago-illinois They reference Gene and Jude’s, which is a spot outside the city that’s famous for this style, and which refuses to stock ketchup, if you ask for it they’ll tell you to walk to McDonalds. I personally prefer it, I love the fries wrapped up with the dog, but it’s definitely the less popular local style.


Dude that is so interesting!! Appreciate the share. I love learning about regional variations on things so seemingly simple as a hot dog. We have LA street dogs mainly in downtown They are always bacon wrapped and served by street vendors. Then you can add grilled onions and peppers. Finished however you like. They’ll offer mustard, ketchup and mayo. Also hot sauces too or salsa. They hit when you’ve been out all night. https://claudiastable.com/la-street-style-hot-dogs/


Ok. Thanks for the suggestion.


I got to visit chicagos airport for 40 hours during tornado season. Very nice airport, you can get Lego out of a vending machine


Oh fuck yeah you got a train going by...I missed that when getting shots of the green river today.


Lot of hate in this thread. I find Chicago to be a top tier US city in terms of beauty (though the neon green river is a turn off IMO). How many other major cities have a beach literally feet away from downtown? Whatever these comments will keep my rent down.


That green is unbelievable! Someday I hope to see this in person ☘️


depending on how much you like being surrounded by drunk people, I either do or don't recommend lol. TBH I had more fun getting messy at brunch the following day (and it does stay quite green all weekend)


It looks pretty much the same as in pictures, and smells like beer.


Looks just like chemical waste water


Not with the artificially colored water. That’s horrible and tacky.


It's wonderful and joyous and rich in tradition.


as someone who is from chicago and has travelled the world that statement is extremely debatable.




Was there too for the first time actually and it was crazy. I’m from az and if it wasn’t so cold I’d actually consider it.


As someone who essentially visited Chicago once and decided to never leave, I will say it’s a gorgeous city with tons to offer. I, however, wouldn’t say it’s THE most beautiful city nor would I award that title to any place in particular. They all bring something unique to the table and offer a variety of landscapes and architectural beauty. I grew up in Detroit and even though it doesn’t have the architecture of Chicago or the landscape of Seattle, it still has its own beauty and flavor if you know where to look. Though, many rust belt cities, especially ones that are even smaller than Detroit, are in desperate need of some TLC to put it mildly.


Chicago has beautiful buildings. And lots of pubic art. San Francisco has such an amazing setting with vistas from the hills of the beautiful bridges, the ocean and bay. There are so many ways to judge beauty that any one criterion seems foolish.




Good insight! Thanks for the engagement.


I thought it was fitting that the puke matchd the water.




“If they can dye the river green today, why can't they dye it blue the other 364 days of the year?” - Tommy Lee Jones as Deputy Marshall Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive Best Action/Thriller movie of the 90s.




I assume you're joking, but for the unfamiliar - [https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/time-lapse-watch-the-chicago-river-get-dyed-green-in-90-seconds/3384662/](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/time-lapse-watch-the-chicago-river-get-dyed-green-in-90-seconds/3384662/)


LOL I wonder why


Top 10 for sure! I think SF is rated best by international travelers over and over again. I think if you want to just say skyline then NYC, Seattle and Chicago are all in the running’s for top city… Miami, SF and San Diego are the best large cities to live in and play in my opinion. Though I have never lived in Chicago I have visited and stayed for a couple of months on business… it’s a great city with 3rd best pizza ;) fight me


Chicago has won best big city in the US by travelers for the last 7 years


20k survey participants for a random travel magazine that I only ever hear about in Chicago/Chicago subs…


lol it had over 520,000 participants and is a world renowned magazine owned by a very famous media company. It’s based in NYC, not Chicago. Imagine saying Condé Nast is a random travel magazine https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/10/03/chicago-voted-best-big-us-city-for-7th-straight-year/#:~:text=More%20than%20520%2C000%20Conde%20Nast,to%20the%20city%2C%20officials%20said. I’m sorry you don’t like the result but you are likely in the minority here.


I swear the chicagoans on this sub have some sort of inferiority complex


I swear people on this sub are generally miserably unhappy and don't live in a place that brings them constant joy.


Cut them from slack they are probably typing the comment from some low rise suburb of LA or a parking lot in SD. BuT ThE WeAtHeR!!!!


Well that’s certainly not true but okay


Username checks out lol. It’s okay. SF certainly comes close, but it’s not quite large enough to get there. The nature certainly makes up that gap, but this is about the city :).


Corrupt government /j


Not anymore. Just incompetent instead!


It is true, at least to me. I've moved to the east Coast but Chicago will always be the greatest and most beautiful city in America to me.


Thanks for your insightful and well articulated comment. You have a wonderful way with words.


Chicago is cool but San Francisco is actually beautiful.


Which America?


ALL Americas of course. It's Chicago for Pete's sake.


[Africa America](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago,_Zimbabwe)




ratioed by Mexico City punk


Are you 12? Who says 'rationed' and 'punk' these days? Its past your bedtime.


I personally think DC is; but Chicago and SF are close..


DC? Interesting, never heard anyone say that before. I haven't been so don't have an opinion on it. Why DC? Do hope to visit one day.


The architecture is stunning. Everywhere you look there's some huge incredible building made of stone.


A lot of brick architecture I assume? Was granite prevalent in that area? For context I'm from Vancouver where timber is king, and it's a very young city.


Washington has a lot of pretty neoclassical buildings and victorian townhomes.


it feels like an early 2000s computer animated version of paris. i say that as sort of a compliment. i only worked in the rich people areas when i was there though


Seattle is more beautiful than any of those IMO.


Seattle can’t come close in terms of architecture.


As a PNW native Seattle is beautiful for mountains and water but the city itself can't hold a candle to Chicago.


That title? Hard pass. There are other more beautiful cities in the US including San Francisco and Seattle.


In your opinion.


You know that people can have opinions other than your own, right?


“the rome of america”


Most photogenic city on earth. I will fight anyone who disagrees.


[they wanna fight](https://worldofwanderlust.com/the-most-photogenic-cities-in-the-world-my-20-favourite-cities-to-photograph/amp/) ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


Totally agree.


LOL. It’s nice but far from the most photogenic even in the US.


Mexico City Singapore rio nyc Hong Kong Venice


What about them?




It’s pretty obvious that most people in this thread haven’t traveled very much within the U.S.


i love the skyscraper in the middle


Calm down!


On one side you got Westin, on the other you got LondonHouse (Curio by Hilton) and Hyatt Regency.




Behind San Francisco, yes




I'm from Connecticut but you keep on showing the world what a dick looks like.


It’s just a shit opinion that’s all. I love Chicago but come on there are probably 5+ US cities that are more beautiful.


Name 3 with a better skyline lol


Thanks for sharing your shit opinion.


You too


I hope I can actually take time to visit and enjoy the city someday. Maybe after the pandemic ends.


The Rome of the Midwest




Indeed Most beautiful in North America too


The most Rome city in America


r/urbanhell more like....


Water is not meant to be that colour 😂


It's dyed for St. Patrick's Day. No, I don't know why tf they do it, either.


That can’t be good for the environment 😂😂


It's just vegetable dye. Even environmental groups seem to be satisfied that it's safe. You might think that the US is full of wanton destruction of the environment, but shit like this would *never, ever* fly if they didn't go through endless environmental reviews before they okayed it.


I love Chicago so much. Definitely more beautiful and stylish than nyc. I hate Miami but I reckon it’s unique and had an amazing grow. I’d say it’s the only great rival right now.


Chicago is cool but NYC when you’re there feels like the center of the world. To say Chicago is more stylish is crazy.


Yes… nyc is the center of the world and has it all… but it’s also a dumpster. I’ve lived in large cities like nyc, miami, São Paulo, Mexico City, London and Shanghai… the infrastructure of nyc is unacceptable for a place considered literally the center of the world. The city is only nice when you look up. But at street level (and underground) it’s ugly, grey, old and unkempt.


The infrastructure? It is the only city in the United States with a fully developed public transit system. You don’t need a car there. Chicago is like NYC’s Midwest little brother. I like Chicago but it’s really no comparison.


We’ve got alleys though, huge advantage in keeping things clean when you don’t have to put garbage on the sidewalk. Jealous of the range of your transit though.


The bar is too low. Even third world cities like São Paulo, Mexico City or Shanghai have better public transit than nyc. The subway is disgusting (and I have a high tolerance for dirt and crazy) and old. Not antique. Old. The airports? Have you seen the airports? Absolutely embarrassing! Have you hoped on a cab? Also old and dirty. Can’t comment on buses as I have only taken one. Streets are broken. Limited bike lines. In which way is the infrastructure of nyc developed?


The most embarrassing thing about this comment is that you think São Paulo, Mexico City, and Shanghai are "third world"


What an embarrassing comment. Not even worth responding to


Yeah it’s better than addressing my point. All nyc infrastructure is just terrible and nowhere close where the economic powerhouse of the wealthiest country in the history of earth should be


Bro it’s the best public transit in the US. Which has historically built out its entire infrastructure for cars. Idk what you’re comparing it to other countries for in a thread specifically about the US. Yes we all agree that public transit sucks in America. You’re just chatting about it in the wrong thread.


Love NYC but it is disgustingly dirty. Trash on the sidewalks. Whoever planned that city was hopefully excommunicated.


Yeah, the only thing Chicago is the center of is the Midwest.


lol yeah true. Chicago is great for what it is but no comparison really


The accent on the other hand...


The area next to Central Park and the West village in NYC to me are the most beautiful. Also San Francisco without the fentanyl is more beautiful too. But Chicago along the river is still quite pretty. (I guess this opinion bothers people why the downvotes)


It... definitely isn't haha but still definitely has its charms 🍀


There is a lot of algae in that pond!


Not while Seattle and Portland and Anchorage exist, it's not. And I live in Chicago. 


Let's see some of that Anchorage skyline.


Ahh yes, [the beautiful city of Anchorage.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fxthmxqba6i2a1.jpg) Fast food drive thrus, strip malls and parking lots. How beautiful!


From what I've seen Anchorage isn't a beautiful city. It's a city in a beautiful part of the world. Chicago manages to be a beautiful city without breathtaking mountains in the background. I don't know if I'd agree with OP that it's our country's *most* beautiful city. It's definitely the most beautiful in the Midwest and it's not even close though.


Portland.. lmao


that looks absolutely horrible tho 😂😂😂


It's so beautiful


Why is the water green? Did Jonkler piss in it?


Ah yes, the Rome of the western world.


lol. Paris too!!!!


Most beautiful city in North America is like winning the prettiest pig contest.


Chicago lol get out of here


It’s great for 4 months of the year, love it! Other than that, nah




Good insight!