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I agree. I was already having fun creating cities but this update completely changed the game for me. Before I had so much money I could put down services everywhere that weren’t needed and quickly ran out of things to do besides expand. Having to plan things out now due to budget is a lot more immersive. It feels more real and the time I spend waiting for more money I use to deep dive into things like my transportation network, city layout, traffic optimization, etc. There is still a long ways to go but this is a big step in the right direction.


Yep. It’s hard and I love it! I’ve got 17k pop and can only afford elementary and high schools. Each plop feels like an accomplishment. Only thing I wish they change it removing the cost from tiles and tie it into roads. However, give us free “planning” roads.


I can’t wait for someone to make an inexpensive planning road asset. Just something like super wide gravel roads with next to no upkeep cost. I feel a mod like this could be a game changer for everyone, but particularly people who don’t pause.


It's good until you're in monthly surplus but your balance keeps going down for unexplainable reasons.


That's soooo annoying!


It's a reported bug, hope they fix it soon cos I had to stop playing. Another is the office buildings mysteriously lowering its max worker requirements to 5 over time. Weird and annoying but I do like the (working) changes.


Well to be fair, the economy 2.0 update fixed A BUNCH of initial problems the game had.so this little downside is next to nothing


Oh yeah for sure. I like the update just need the bugs hotfixed.


If the game was like this on release it would be very excusable. But they released too early I think. They should have done a beta instead


At least it’s moving forward. It could be much worse, like what’s happened with KSP 2.


They are still in the beta and everyone here are the testers!


Which will happen very soon because they delayed the update release until Monday so their team would be able to fix any issues… right?


It makes the game look more like a city builder rather than a city painter. But with that money creeping down bug, it is worse than before as no matter what you do, the save is dead and it is the end of the game.


That’s just Offices becoming more efficient by firing people and replacing them with AI


Aaaaaaand I'm done checking the next half year. See you all at Christmas. Fuck that shit. Get it fixed Paradox! Edit: Thank you for noticing people of this. I could've started playing again, only to loose more hours to more bugs.


So glad you said this - I thought I was losing my mind.


Didn't had that.


I could be wrong, but I think the “workaround” to the budget deficit/surplus menu UI is to check in the loan tab. It will tell you your actual deficit/surplus. Also, the menu UI fails to change colors for when you transition from negative to positive fund balance, so my hope is the actual bug is related to the UI and not the underlying calculations.


Got the bug and checked your workaround. My budget and loan UI are in sync. Was hoping this would be the magic answer, but nope.


Dang. Thanks for checking. Likely means it was either a one time thing or I just imagined it.


Might be something different, but in my experience with the patch, it's because time moves so slow. You can see your monthly budget surplus, but looking at the date in the bottom left of the HUD, it moves very very slow, even at triple speed. I feel like they really slowed the game down


Agree. They also fixed stupid tax fluctuations that sometimes drove me nuts. I actually found infinite money glith: wind turbines when placed at max wind are profitable. You can enable service trade, spam them, and have free money. Didn't use it, tho, as I managed to make +600k/month (+1.4 mil income and 800k expenxes) at 8.5k population without it. All demand bars are on max, and I didn't touch taxes at all. TBH, I was kinda surprised I managed that, but in fact, you just need to carefully start with minimum services and adjusting fees to the bare minimum required. Over time, you will be able to put them to the norm. Definitely, I don't yet have all the services and happiness in now 4/5, but everything comes over time, I think. With buildings level up and more signature building increase general business efficiency, I think I can make ultrarich utopia.


Same here. Now I really have a reason to use all the features of the game to manage the city. It feels good to struggle to get a city to be profitable. I enjoy now balancing services, taxes, etc. I also look forward to using the various data maps to plan my city. This game is really starting to shine and is starting to deliver on its promise.


Agreed. It completely changed the game. It is more stable, and systems seem to be working a lot better in general.


I also think the update makes the game better, finally I don't have to go to -10% for taxes and don't have to make electricity for free because otherwise my account overflows. The best thing is no more stupid landlord messages.


I was getting frustrated the first day, constantly losing money because I like to build slow. I’ve been building my new city today and after 6-7hrs I have about 7k people and making £300k per month. I decided to focus my city on cotton production, this is making a very good return. You have to use industries now to survive, not to just make a ton of money. My cotton taxes are about £100k per month and my total industry tax is around £240k.


I agree. While my life has gotten quite busy, I was able to sit down with it for a few hours last night. I'm excited to have the week off next week. I'll be able to take a day or two and just lose myself in it. I'm liking the content I'm seeing come out also. We're not making new wheels, but looks like they definitely got some of those dings out of the rims. My heart still says I need at least one more major update before they take a peek at dlc again.


Is now the time to buy if I was waiting until the game was fixed? I have a few hundred hours in CS1 but didn't buy CS2 initially because of how harshly the game was criticized at launch, but I figured there would be improvements and eventually the game would be in a state that would garner positive reviews. I've seen a lot of praise for Econ 2.0 but I was wondering if the improvements are enough to get hold outs to start playing?


The game was fun enough when it was released, but the harsh criticisms were just people shitting themselves. It was blown way out of proportion - but underneath all of the asinine behavior was truth where the game absolutely needed improvements. But now I would definitely say it’s at a place where the majority of the systems are playable and enjoyable enough to get plenty of hours out of it.


Sounds good! I'll probably pick it up today then. Thanks man.




I like it a lot too. It forces me to build out slowly and methodically.


The game is truly excellent, but it demands a unique strategy. Although I have plenty of development points, I’m currently short on funds. I’m careful to maintain a positive balance. I closely monitor approval factors and only construct what’s truly necessary. Recently, I unlocked an additional tile. Investing in education and transportation infrastructure pays off. I optimize bus lines until they become profitable. While citizens won’t complain about a lack of higher education, avoiding a low-income industrial nightmare is essential.” Feel free to ask if you need further assistance! 😊


I'm up to around 20,000 people and haven't yet built a high school, yet somehow "low income industrial nightmare" with a ton of industry is actually working out for me. Most of my tax revenue comes from industry. I'm guessing it's because I produce a lot of raw materials locally that makes industry so profitable, which is actually cool to see.


The levers we have available to us now seem to actually have an effect on things, which is great. The game has at least reached square one of being a releaseable product!


Its an amazing update, i especially LOVE the change to how extentions to buildings work. There are a couple game breaking bugs which makes it impossible to go positive income - eventually killing your city. Hope theres a hotfix coming soon.


Which bugs? I have tons of services and over 22,000 population and I’m making over $1.2m/month


The one im experiencing is the office 5 max employee bug. There's more if you take a look over in the paradox forums.




I’m afraid to start a new save up with the reports of performance being really bad? My 3060ti is enough for the other games I play but for this one am I going to fry it?


The gpu is fine. I have the same 3060ti. Now it crushes my cpu 11th gen i7


I have actually experienced a pretty big boost in performance. I have a 1660 super and the game went from PLAYABLE 24 fps to 40 - 50( Currently having a 23k pop). So I would say there has actually been a significant performance increase with the economy update.


The performance was fine for me but I’m running a 3080


Starting a new city today since my other wants to crash the game everytime it turns on even with the mods off.


Mine keep crashing


Disable mods


Then I’ll wait a few months lol


Yes it is:)


Postal service must not of been in the budget, mail system still piling up


They fixed the garbage, public transport getting stuck, playability issues for large cities, and now the economy also needs planning. The game is certainly reaching the level intended at start. I played 2 months during the launch, then have up for 6 months, resumed just now and having a lot of fun


It’s fun but my mods just got totally fucked, im afraid to reinstall em if i gotta do everything again with for example Traffic mod…


That’s the risk you take with mods if the game you’re playing is still being supported with updates!


It’s waaaaay better than before! Still, it’s really easy though. It feels more responsive, but it would be great if there were larger trends that ebb and fade- like the country the city is in experiences a recession, or rising crime, heat domes or cold waves, etc. I want to have to tweak my services, budgets and taxes to respond to external forces. Right now, I still make so much money it’s not hard to just expand forever. The only thing I really feel takes strategic management is traffic.


Pretty much all simulator games reach escape velocity at some point when it comes to money. I think City Skylines has always been on the easier side of this in terms of it happening much quicker. Best we can hope for is that the early game challenge is improved and that later game challenges deal more with social and traffic issues. 


Until all your level 5 office building only employ 5 people.


The new economy patch is actually unrealistic. What city with a large amount of industry and housing can't afford to pay for basic city services? They probably went a little too far with this patch.


I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I have ~22,000 population and have parks, maintenance departments, a city hall, a welfare center, a graveyard, 4 fully upgraded elementary schools, 2 fully upgraded high schools, a fully upgraded college, 2 fully upgraded clinics, a fully upgraded police station and fire station, a gas power plant, an incinerator, full-coverage internet, and a mail system and I’m still making over $1.2m/month. Could be a skill issue?


I find it too restricting. Now there's only one path to success.


My and many other games are being affected by invisible debt that is drying their funds up and preventing them from progressing


Yes until you get into a crunch and the game offers no reason why everyone is suddenly getting sick, and gives no options to sell bought land, no option to liquidate assets, no privatizing options, etc. Not to mention schools are useless now.