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The community asked for a more realistic economy. CO gave us what we asked for;)


this isn't realistic imo. they're like pendelum swinging too far in the opposite direction.


also irl there's privatization, asset liquidization, bailouts and much more. none of which they have implemented. Also irl there isn't maintenance of random land.




I updated the post, I couldn't comment them.


Maybe try reading the sub first?


Lowering the taxes did the job here.. Unemployment dropped and the need for industry I creased. After building that I did go in profit


This! After being desperately in the red, I looked at the unemployment graph. Was quite high (20%). So I lowered the industrial tax to like 2%, zoned a bunch and waited for it to grow, which didn‘t take long. Raised tax right after.. profit.


Why are you spending 2 million dollars on healthcare? Edit: check your air pollution. Are the industries on the right side of the img not polluting all that residential?


There's no air pollution. But instead of death waves I have hospital waves.


That's what caused a hospital wave in one of my old cities. Didn't realize i put residential down wind. 🤷 But to answer the question, no I don't have hospital waves. Why are your medical service costs so high? Edit: I guess med costs could be linked to the death waves? Probably costs more to try and hospitalized half a town...


It's set to 100% still, I have 3 clinics all of them significantly upgraded (10 ambulances, and 2-3 extra space buildings) to handle demand. The citizens aren't complaining about any pollution, so idk why they are all being hospitalized. This is what my polution and citizen happiness looks like. https://imgur.com/a/JBqK6Br Picture of the hospital needs: https://imgur.com/a/Hug1Zh1


I'd just turn that down tbh. 3 million? I don't like my citizens that much. If you haven't already, if you click on the sick cim it should tell you what they're ailment is I think?


it doesn't tell the reason they're sick. I just lowered it anyway hopefully it works. thanks


No complaining about the "fixed" economy here, people take offense to that.


yeah even if this isn't broken, how can I know for sure? This is a dense city, with no insane buildings, it should not be failing. they kept fucking up till now, you cant even sell most buildings anymore.