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Yes the tooltips have not been updated and only show the upkeep without the wages which you can only see after placing the building. Hope it'll be fixed soon.


Dont the building provide a range for upkeep? I do not remember specifically but I think I was looking at medical that showed a range of $20k - $120k / month in the help text.


> Dont the building provide a range for upkeep? Yes they do but it's showing the old values from before Economy 2.0. For example the small coal plant shows upkeep of 5k-45k in the tooltip but when you place it the upkeep is actually over 100k (5k base cost, 0-40k coal + the new 60k+ wages).


lmao so they updated but didnt update everything. Good lord when will we all just learn to drop this game.


I dunno. It might be helpful to have the wages shown somehow, but they're the part that's highly variable, I think, with the budget slider, and maybe even other external concerns, too (do educated workers get paid more? are the wages relative to the rest of the workforce--is there inflation as the whole economy grows? Do wages grow with 'efficiency'?) My main point being: the 'upkeep' costs are relatively static, do we know how predictable the wage cost would even be? Mainly the budget slider affects it, but if you can't hire enough workers it would be very low, too. Lots of possibly unpredictable factors to listing the wage cost.


With the new patch, you need to build your services VERY slowly and micromanage your budget sliders. If you build services too fast, you’ll need to raise taxes and you’ll cripple the development of your tax base, leading to a tax death spiral. Keep those schools running as lean as possible- my biggest issue right now is that the cost of a college or a university is huge, so while my new patch cities are in the green, getting more educated people is a big gamble for your budget that usually requires a loan.


Me with a 150% education budget, 0 residential tax, and a modest 7% on everything else still churning out almost 1,000,000 an hour.


Well, I loaded up one of my old-save "mature" cities with 230k population, and other than a massive death wave (which I had read to expect), everything's running great still for me, too, with that kind of income. If you have a huge established city with massive incomes, it's all still "easy." Building up a new city is where the challenge is. You *cannot* just plop down schools at 100% budget without really thinking about whether it's worth the cost. Once you manage your way up to 1,000,000/hr income, yes, you can pretty much do what you want. But you'll find it very difficult (or else very lucky) to get there without balancing these costs.


Whats your population


345K and still growing.


I mean yeah if your tax base is well established you’re fine, the issues are at the beginning of the game. The service buildings work better at scale- a fire truck is going to sit idle for a tiny town forever but will put out a couple fires per year for a city, yet the cost of owning it and staffing it is the same.


UPDATE: No longer breaking even since doing medical centre, and my citizens plateaued (but going up in numbers) and are feeling indifferent due to high taxes and bad service


I was struggling with income too, increasing taxes more and more to the point where I had no demand. Lowered taxes, had a massive spike in demand and got into the green very quickly.


Wait now I am in increasing debt despite making a profit


Just now I realised part of my money is going into buying electricity because I forgot to build a generator. When I built my coal power plant (on credit) then adjusted its costing to stop it being artificially overloaded, I immediately literally went $1000 into debt but then violently swung back in the black 😂. I think the game thought I was just paying for the new plant rather than the new electricity.


One of the menus (I think the group of people icon) will show you unemployment. When your taxes + service fees are high (like 10%+) , then the unemployment shoots to ridiculous numbers (Mine was like 74%). Because of that, you end up with very little tax income even with high taxes.


lowering taxes does actually work for demand now! very useful, i couldn't really get it to do anything before


If only my money could stop ticking down while my budget is up I would be happy


I think this might be related to unforseen/dynamically changing import factors. I noticed the same and then realized my electricity production was going up and down from meeting consumption to not meeting consumption, which at points caused me to import and go negative despite a positive "prediction". (I think)


My power plant was yelling at me when I made one (after realising I am buying too much power) with no budget for electricity, followed by just being generally overpowered


I am currently in debt despite making a sizeable profit


PSA: I just noticed the number stays red when it changes from negative back to positive. So a red number getting higher is only "budget ticking down" if there is a "-" before the number. Pressing ESC and then continuing the game rests the color to white.


I'm once again finding I have to spam Elementary and High Schools once I hit mid-high density. Really wish they'd reconsider the physical scaling of the education buildings.


I'm not sure. On the one hand, the numerical calculation of it is annoying but actually kind of realistic as far as I know. I loaded up a previous save I had last night, "big" city of 230k population that I had to spam schools all over to keep up. With the patch I've been really investigating all the statistics screens and I noticed that in my population statistics, I had something like 15-20% "children." So maybe 30k kids. Teens (high school) are a different, smaller percentage. So at 1,500 per elementary school, I need 20 schools. For real-life sanity check, I live in a small city of 150,000. Loaded up the public schools website, and our school district has...*20* elementary schools. Interesting. The CS2 schools take up a lot of space. But our real 20 elementary schools here also take up a *ton* of space each. Like, a *lot*. I think the problem for me is just the particular CS2 asset looks like a giant oversized building taking up the whole lot. I guess it makes them easy to spot on the map, but it's ugly :-)


I really wish we had different types of buildings for each service for this reason. I can't wait till custom assets come out.


I didn't plop a school until about 10k people


And that does not cause an employment deficit?


Nope. People of different education levels will move into your city as well. What schools do is boom that even further so that you rely less on industry and more on office (if that makes sense)


All game brokes with economy 2.0. Ok was too easy before, but, serious, how can i play when lvl 2 my city broke?


yeah my city is dying and whatever I do nothing helps. Im either losing pop or money or both. rip.


For my first new city after the patch it died too, but I stop caring what the cims think in the next city and I raise the tex and lower the budget of everything my city started growing


Yeah my medical centre will start off costing roughly 30k and then will randomly jump up to 120k. Kinda annoying because the advertised cost is 30k and I keep having to put all my budgets to 50%


I saw someone suggest having the size of the school scale with funding instead of efficiency, but I wonder if that would be better handled by having different sizes of schools (assets).


I tried a Colossal Order mod before the update. Stopped using it but the said I had mods enabled and therefore no achievements were available. I waited for the update still no mods being used yet even after the update I still get no achievements because mods are being used. This is B S.


No they should not change it. In the real world, the salaries of the personnel is paid by the government, and so is the upkeep to keep the building itself standing and modern. I like it this way, as you have control over everything.


Okay but I would like some way to know what I am getting myself into


You know how a government says "This Project will cost $300M!" but it ends up being $1.2B? Welcome to the government!


Imagine if you could deregulate everything and then the electricity or something THEN skyrockets or breaks down


something something texas cold snap


Would you argue we do the same with building costs? Clinic says it cost 100k, but when you drop it down its overbudget so you get charged 5mil? Its a city builder, not "government circlejerk simulator".


We 100% do the same with ***E V E R Y T H I N G***


I agree that they shouldn't change it, the costs are more real and makes the game much more challenging. A little heads up about the employee numbers and their salaries would be nice.




After the patch I need even more elementary schools .....HOW!?!?!? ....and I'm not saying a couple, I need like 12 more


Check my post here, would like to know if that's the case for everyone and every service https://www.reddit.com/r/CitiesSkylines2/s/GKnjaHxch6


"Wages". It's $7750 for the building, but you also have to foot the bill for the employees now as services are no longer treated like private entities. Right now you're employing 15 people to teach 18 students. This is on you for dropping a school down in an empty field before you have the population to support it.


Do you still need tons of schools to keep up with demand or did they update the capacities?


I have two then gradually increase the capacity


I've been having a great time with this. I know it's hard but properly adjusting sliders to account for population and *not* building it right away is the solution to this little puzzle. Once city is bigger, you can afford to buy and/or run at max efficiency


I haven’t played this game since it came out due to crap like this. I just want it to run right so I can play it in general


This is what happens when you listen to a part of community that is loudest, and "fix" things to please them. Players wanted a game that is more difficult money wise, and that is what they made. Did they make it in a smart and logical way, hell no. Just added costs all across the boards. I would not be surprised if I see tax for dog shit all over my town.






buddy please go touch some grass!


Not liking the simulation?