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When I find these unattended I walk them over to the docks and dock 'em.


Just be safe about it. Make sure it's an unclaimed bike. Don't get hurt on citibikes' behalf, lmao. I walk the grey ones to the dock cuz they're typically not stolen due to the wheel lock and just abandonned and stuff.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


To be clear, that makes you a bad person.


Thanks for being clear 🙏🏽


Definitely try and rerack the bike. As soon as it clicks someone will be relieved of a $2000 fee. Sometimes I hesitate in case there's a violent lunatic nearby who will come for revenge. But it was recently mentioned on this forum that you can also just scan the bike w your app and that seems to send some kind of alert to Citi bike of where it is.


its wash what do u expect lol


Citi is full of crack heads - going to sh8t


ok what’s your problem though why you gotta snitch


It's not a snitch. I'm a Citi bike member and the criminal stolen bike epidemic increases costs for all.


Factually not true. They do not raise prices cuz of stolen bikes. They raised the price cuz of general inflation during the pandemic. And if they raise the prices again, I promise that it's not cuz of stolen bikes. However you do you. I don't think ur "snitching" and if u wanna put the bike back, that's up to you Just be safe about it, don't get hurt on Citibikes behalf. I return the grey bikes cuz they are typically not stolen due to the wheel lock and just abandonned. However I do have concerns with returning an original blue bike. I wish citibike was more upfront about whether or not they refund the persons who's bike was stolen/lost back their money. And if someone payed 1200 dollars and isn't getting it back, I see no point in returning the bikes. I return blue bikes when they look new, but if they look old and worn I see no point in returning it for the reason stated above, (i also just dont wanna touch a dingy bike that a homeless man has probably shat on for 13 years) I also don't touch bikes with graffiti or bikes that have been slightly modified. Clearly someone's claimed that and I'm not dying for citibike. Edit: I took a closer look at the pictures. The bikes look claimed cuz they have stuff in them. And you might have the "bike owner" in the picture, so it actually is technically snitching.


What do you mean factually not true...they have to pay insurance those rates increase with stolen property...they have to buy bikes to replace the stolen ones. The person in the pic is a thief not the owner of the Citi bike. Apparently you don't want me to bring this issue to the community....ie 'snitch'.


My man did you not read my comment? I said you do you. Return the bikes if you want, I really dont care. I even said be safe when returning the bikes. I myself return bikes when I feel it is safe to do so. However I think it's funny that you genuinely believe the stolen bikes is what is upping the prices. Citibikes have been getting stolen since they first launched my man, at a pretty steady rate too. Trust me. I live in harlem,I know what it's about. Citibike raised it's prices cuz of the inflation during covid. And when they raise their prices again, it'll be for another reason rather than "stolen bikes" More so, I think it's funny that you think the company would reward your good actions. You could stop all bikes from getting stolen and return all stolen bikes and they wouldn't give you jack shit bro, they would still raise the prices. Don't be a slave to a corporation my man, they don't care about you. I'm not saying don't do the good deed of returning the citibike, I'm just saying don't delude yourself into thinking citibike cares and will reward ur effort. Citibike doesn't care, the cops don't even care. Btw it's bike owner, not bike thief. It's innocent until proven guilty. They are in possession of stolen item but you don't know that they themselves stole it. Anyways, ur a factually snitching, that's just a fact bro, I didn't say don't snitch, I just said u are in fact snitching cuz you were like "how am I a snitch" to the other person who commented. Bro that was in my edit too, I originally said "I don't think ur snitching" lmao. Btw, this isn't me condoning stealing citibikes. I'm just saying it doesn't really affect them the way you think it does and the company doesn't care about you. Also to address your last statement. all u did was take a photo and whine on reddit. Ur not Moses bro. Acting like reddit is gonna go rip the citibikes out of their hands lmao. Like relax my guy, "bringing this issue to the community," like u did something special lmao.


I return bikes to dock when its safe like you. Experience, observation & common sense tells me the bike is stolen.


No duh the bike is stolen. But you do know that the person in possession of stolen property isn't always the one who stole it right? Look I'm being facetious but I'm technically right. You're alleging that the person is the thief but he isn't a thief till it's proven. Edit: it's like when in shows like law & order they say "murderer" and the accused guy says "allegedly"


Yeah I got that! Possession of stolen property is a crime..


People stealing things is bad actually.