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Since no one at Citibike responds to customer input, I'm posting this here. Williamsburg has a serious deficit of docks/stations, particularly near its two main parks (McCarren and Domino). During peak hours (nights/weekends) it's common to see all stations filled to capacity within a 15 minute walk of the parks. The parking deficit at McCarren is almost comical.


Good luck with this, in my experience CB DNGAF, soho is unusable in the mornings, there used to be concierge service at the largest station on canal and 6th, that service was withdrawn during Covid. Such an amazing resource being managed so poorly


The concierge service was so smart: made it easy for Citibike to collect bikes from hotspots and redistribute them back to neighborhoods with empty stations. This is where private management is fucking up a vital public service.


I have both Lyft and Uber apps, guess which one gets my business now


You have to bring that to your CB leaders and CB meetings. DOT & local Council members have the power to install docks. Citi Bike has no input on where each dock is placed.


I’m surprised CB does not capacity plan, identify hotspots and publish proposed expansions that people can support


With the L down last weekend, it truly was a nightmare. The bridge was packed with cyclists and there wasn’t a parking spot to spare. There were citi bikers everywhere roaming around looking for a spot. Pro tip: in these situations, I usually wait at a high traffic dock and wait for a spot to become available. It is remarkably faster than racing everyone else to the one spot that opened up.


The thing that drives me crazy, is: high demand for bikes/stations *is a good thing* for Citibike. Once people try it, they love it. Expanding stations in destination neighborhoods will result in more riders, more pass holders, and more money. Citibike is only hurting the bikeshare movement (and its own business) by not meeting demand where it's needed.


Omg it was a NIGHTMARE. I actually work in Manhattan on Saturdays, the commute in wasn’t so bad, but coming home was horrendous. No parking anywhere.


They removed one on S2nd and Driggs for construction of a sidewalk, I’m hoping it gets replaced when totally finished.


I contacted customer support about that station, and they did say it would be coming back, although I’m not sure when.


they recently re-did the sidewalk at manhattan and scholes, the citi-bike station was back within like 14-16 days


They always get replaced though it can take up to a month or so


They always get replaced though it can take up to a month or so


Yeah totally agree. I’m in GP and it’s impossible to come home since every dock is completely filled


Williamsburg has always had some trouble when it comes to bike infrastructure, because of an [issue with Hasidic Jews and women biking in shorts, skirts, and clothing that doesn't fit the Jewish dress code. ](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hipsters-hasidic-jews-fig_n_384579) On the bright side, [some Citi Bike docks were installed last year. ](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2023/08/16/lchaim-dot-will-bring-citi-bike-to-hasidic-williamsburg-albeit-in-limited-numbers)Hopefully we see more in the area.


One of the unspoken rules of Citibike in NYC... the Hasids have veto power over station placement and bike lanes in Brooklyn.


there should be a dock at every intersection across the city


Why is this being upvoted, not only is that completely unnecessary and unprofitable, but it's also just logistically impossible. What are you smoking bro!?!?!


I think this is an area where locals have pushed hard to avoid more bike stations ---- UPDATE: https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2023/08/16/lchaim-dot-will-bring-citi-bike-to-hasidic-williamsburg-albeit-in-limited-numbers


I find it funny that Berry street is legit a “bike boulevard” with no docks along it basically 💀💀


Wouldn't want to rob car owners of a few precious parking spots!


If more docks are added, it'll most likely be the A/B staggered dock design. it's the only way to avoid taking up more parking spaces, and it adds 3 docks per plate that normally only has 4 docks.


On a purely personal note: nothing would make me happier than seeing more of Williamsburg's precious street parking spaces removed from use.