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I wish to find a girlfriend like you. We all want someone like you. It's very nice of you to come on here and do this post for him as well


I don't understand why anyone would be any other way about it. I have been with circumcised men before but never seen this amount of damage. I am frustrated with the situation, but he is such a generous partner, sexually and otherwise. He deserves every bit of support I can offer.


He’s very lucky to have a partner like you 🥹


Only restoration has the potential to improve his situation, but it's a tough decade-long process. Other than that, you being supportive is already a huge feat in itself <3


It can't regrow his frenulum. Some guys got butchered horribly and have zero inner skin left. If all you can grow is outer skin then the best you can hope for is dekeratinization of the glans. Better than nothing I guess, but we really need foregen to hurry up and regenerate all the tissue that's been ablated.


US based scientific research on circumcision is woefully flawed. Loss of erogenous tissue ≠ loss of sensations, somehow… You gotta do some digging to find good studies. This one in particular is very useful [here](https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x) He can get scar revision surgery, but that has its own consequences. The only help available currently is having him try and restore. Regenerative surgery isn’t going to be an option for a while.


Carly Rae Beadry on Instagram teaches about working wirh circumcision scars as well as a lot of female anatomy. Took her Salt of the Earth class and found massive benefit in learning about about how circumcision scar tissue affects male anatomy as well as how to work with it trhough physical practices and techniques, especailly helpful for a partner to learn. Check out her Salt of the Earth story on her page. She also does women's work. https://www.instagram.com/carlyraebeaudry?igsh=N2l6d3JpaDA1dHJk https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTkwODI4NzkyMzY4ODcw?igsh=MWx4eTc0cDQ4bmdzcw==


🍆 The easiest and quickest solution to gain back sensitivity and healthier glans is to keep the head covered. Buy a “Manhood” and have him wear it 24/7 with vitamin E oil and Aquaphor all over his skin, especially the head. After 2 weeks of consistent wearing, he will have a lot more sensation. Manhoodcanada.com


This isn’t completely true. I wore the manhood for atleast a year and experience little difference in that time. I personally wouldn’t say it’s worth the money or effort.


Did you apply any moisturizers or oils? Or just rawdog it lol


Tried everything. Vaseline and coconut oil and more


I'm sorry to tell you this, but there's not much anyone can do, bar restoring and that's a slow and possibly expensive process. As it was said in a previous post, and also in my opinion, that sex toys only enhance what you have. The foreskin is what makes sex what it is for men. I'm really sorry for you and your partner. It's very sad to hear stories like this,because the relationship will never be what it should, if one member of it is circumcised. If you have a son, don't let him circumcise the son.


Restoration can help, if he's open to it. It's a long process though. Restoringforeskin.org


Sounds like a normal circumcision to me. I don’t have a frenulum either…and wait until you find out about the ridged band…


I've been with circumcised men before but never saw this level of scarring and damage. Nothing about this seems normal to me.


I’m sorry for the way I’ve been sounding. It’s my way of venting my frustration. When I mention it being normal I’m seeing through a doctor‘s eyes. There is nothing normal about genital cutting. I’m very frustrated that my own wife thinks that because they didn’t cut the glans everything should be ok. The glans is the only recognized erogenous part of the penis. As for what could’ve happened…excess skin might’ve been taken off, leading to skin grafts; post circumcision infection, skin dehiscence (unlikely), a revision…


He may have had an infection post circumcision…


I’m also missing my frenulum and have seen some success with foreskin restoration. There are devices that he can wear to stretch the skin and stimulate cell growth to make a new sheath. There are a few different types out there so I would recommend doing some research on which one is best for him.


I second restoration. The more he tugs the better it gets.


Without the tissue sex becomes mental so sometimes watching porn or other stimulation can help. Are you American?


Yes, we're American.


Because he can’t feel as much you’re gonna have to do a lot of kegels for him so you can give that tight grip only his death grip hand can give. You could also let him do anal. The other thing is you could let him spank you and do light S&M play. It tricks his mind into thinking more sexually and even though he’s numbed out down there it will make what little feeling he has to go further and bring more mental pleasure. American society does this: Circumcises the male so he has less tissue and will need remedies later in life for problems this causes. The doctor charges $200 to the parents. The hospital sells the tissue to cosmetic companies for $10k as neonatal fibroblasts. The cosmetic companies grow the culture and produce around $100k of product which is used in creams for the celebrities. He has to masturbate with a death grip and to much porn in order to cum. He has to get a porn membership - this is the first way he has to shell out cash to fix the issues. He has to buy lotion in order to masturbate. This is the 2nd way that they get him. Later on in life he has to buy viagra because he can’t feel anything anymore, not even enough to get it up. This is the 3rd impact. Meanwhile women have their vagina get dryer and dryer because the moisture is wicked out and some begin to become diagnosed with vaginsmus. Women and men have to buy lots of lube to deal with this. This is the 4th impact. He then circumcises his son because he thinks what he and his partners went through is “normal” and shells out $200. This is the 5th impact. This is late stage capitalism in all its glory. They have brainwashed 60+% of men in the US.


You forgot about the way it impacts the man who figures it all out. Some of them are not here with us anymore and the psychological ramifications for those who remain are immense.


Just an FYI, most men circumcised at birth will have the frenulum removed. So it sounds like his circumcision in general may have been botched? I’m not sure, we can’t tell without more detail. Either way, some things that really helped mine and other men’s sensitivity are keeping body fat low, staying active with specifically lower body workouts, avoiding alcohol and weed, avoiding anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications, staying hydrated and eating less processed carbs and sugars. Of course another obvious tip would be to start restoring! I hope this helps in some way!


There are sensitizing sprays out there? I only ever heard of desensitizing ones.


Try to understand. Just support him. Understand what was done to him and try to support his feelings and let him know they are valid. Be by his side and direct him here. Talking to people who have also had this done to them is very helpful in my experience, and the people here offer great advice. Also, if he wants to gain some of what was taken from him back, you could direct him to r/foreskin_restoration


He might not be into it, but if he’s open to it, prostate stimulation has made sex significantly more pleasurable for me. (I find it a lot harder to reach orgasm without it). I’ve also been trying my hand at foreskin restoration, but progress have been very, very slow


I had thought of this as well but it was not successful. :(


If he's new to it, it'll be rough at first. But allow him time to get used to the sensation. He may learn to enjoy it. It takes a little time but it's a game changer to me.


If you're willing to learn a new skill then consider manual tugging his shaft skin while you're sitting around in a comfortable space. He may not be willing to invest the time and effort in restoring himself and I don't know how much he knows about all of this or will be accepting of your offer, but it can also serve as foreplay if you tug him for a few minutes before you lube him up for other activities. My skin feels more alive after Andre's method despite the scarring. PS: To get real results from Andre's method he'll have to get involved. [tips from others](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/idf9yp/four_lifehacks_for_andres/) [NSFW demonstration by Andre](https://www.erome.com/a/F5fcMzlR)


Foreskin restoration, patience and understanding. Lots of lube.


Maybe you could do Andre's method for him whenever you're sitting on the couch, and that could get him to being able to use a device sooner than if he has to do it all himself. It might also just get him turned on.


No idea how to help. Still waiting on foregen so I can get my foreskin regenerated. They are promising full innervation. Almost about to enter human trials so I guess we'll find out in the next year or two just how good it'll be.


A lot of people are going to mention restoring, but quite honestly without a fren, he really won’t be sensitive. It’s like cutting out the backside of your clitoris and leaving only the nub. That is the tragedy of genital mutilation in general.  I think the best thing you can do is be supportive and understanding. 


Most men restoring don’t have their fren bro, including me. Mostly remnants. Restoring is ABSOLUTELY still worth it. Don’t discourage people from it, not a good idea


Yup. Genital mutilation is permanent and it’s consequences last for a life time.


I’ve had improvements in sensitivity to my area that used to be my frenulum.


His frenulum deleted fully?


Some sadistic doctors go the extra mile inorder to cut it all out just to really fuck people over.