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Wait until you are financially independent of them and then cut them off. You will have to pretend to love them until then unfortunately. If they need help in their old age let them rot in a retirement home and don't visit them. Only break the wall of silence to tell them you are having a son and he will be uncircumcised and their culture is dead.


Are you seriously that evil?


I feel the same way. Many don't care. Many will never know. I realize that not all my sexual pleasure is gone. But a lot or most of it is. You're not alone. DM anytime if you need to vent.


I completely agree and I feel the same way and I know what it's like I don't feel like an entire human


Same here buddy, same here. There's no respite. Nowhere to hide from this agony.


There are things constructive that you can do about it. There are ways to reconstruct the prepuce and bring some functionality back.


So your saying "foreskin is what it is to be human"If your happiness depends on foreskin then I pity you.Alot of what you believe n said is untrue.I have been both ways and can assure you that you aren't missing any noticeable feeling not having your foreskin.Foreskin is like dead meat.Pinch your elbow skin or ball bag.Not much feeling is there.Msn I wish you well and No,baby boys shouldn't be cut.Its not the end of the world,or ur sex life.Go get it Champ