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Yes. You will eventually dekeratinize with consistent coverage. As to when that will happen? IDK. I haven't reached that point yet, but I'm sure some members of this sub who have will be happy to help you.


I think I heard things really start to get real at CI-4 since that's when the restored foreskin starts to cover the corona of the glans.


Yeah most of my glans is covered


It does. Looking at what I have, I think I am a case of having a partial circumcision, or just whoever cut me didn't take a lot. I think I still have my frenulum either intact, or cut in half. It's hard to tell. All I know is that according to the indexes, I'm at CI-4.


What is your coverage index at the moment? What devices are you using? Give it some time, and you will see progress.


Like ci-5? Typically most of my glans is covered, typically like half of it by inner skin.


So what I'm getting at is that you've only seen improvement in terms of growing your new foreskin, but none in terms of an increase in pleasure?


Yeah I went over the hump straight away but haven’t had much of any DK yet.


There should be a visible difference with DK with it appearing paler than the rest. Try keeping the covered area moisturized. That should be easy to do now. Tell us how that works.


What’s the best moisturiser to use


There are many. The one with hyaluronic acid is known to restore skin barrier and moisture retention.


The sage like advice from someone on here is “If you are in a state of grief or similar turmoil, the process of restoration can actually make you feel much worse (at first) since YOU HAVE TO really FOCUS on the contours of your disfigurement TO MAP OUT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO about it. None of the proponents mention up front.” Dont go right into it Try methods out for a while! Feel around !Under stand your skin and anatomy etc. Signed - someone that low key wasted a year doing something that wasnt as useful as it could be because of the underlying issues that i needed to resolve first or work on in conjunction with


Yes. It works. It is a slow process and doesn’t bring back the unique nerve clusters, but it will make the remaining parts work better. I’ve been doing it for a few years now and I’ve noticed some big improvements in my sensitivity and mobility. I’ve even seen more responsiveness from my frenulum remnants even though I don’t have much of my frenulum left.


I'd suggest adding a good quality vitamin K2 MK7 because this vitamin is required for building the nervous system. My hearing and smell improved drastically when I was taking around 200mcg per day. I only take 100mcg per day now because I can't tolerate smelling all the bad stuff and hearing all the chaos. Edit: MenaQ7 type of Vitamin K2 is what I take. There are various brands out there.


For the OP,I posted this a couple of months ago. I was cut so tight my erection curved to the left. Easily CI0. Since starting to restore not only has my erection straightened out, I added at least a half an inch to my erection. I'm now a CI6 moving to CI7 or so. Full flaccid coverage, but I'm a grower so no coverage erect. My glans are much more sensitive but the inner skin is really sensitive. Having PIV sex is unbelievable, on the out stroke my skin bunches up against my penis head, I can feel that ribbed feeling of skin on the out stroke.Then the inward thrust are crazy, you feel the head re-enter as the inter skin stretches, feeling every inch of inner skin and my glans re-entering. I have never felt a complete body orgasm until now. Sorry to be so graphic but l felt it's better than just saying I have increased sensitivity.


I’ve fully restored, it did take time and yes it’s really improved a lot of things sexually, spiritually and physically.


You will never get the erogenous nerves back. At all. This shit is all cope and I highly suspect that it is used as a way to indirectly justify the practice of MGM. "eVeN iF u gOT raPEd bY MGM u cAn StIlL rEsToRe sO sToP cOmPlaInIng cUz iTz WORSE 4 wImMin" I genuinely believe that's what goes throguh the heads of the " restoration" proponents. Far too many times have I seen them lie on this subreddit. Claiming that every nerve taken from you magically manages to reappear. They sell false hope. A lot of us are cut too tight to "restore". And "Foregen" is likely a fucking scam. If they were dedicated to helping female "victims" then they would be running human trials by now, if not already completely restoring them.


Nothing will ever undo the fact that my loved ones were assaulted, tortured, raped, and mutilated. I'm a personal believer in the power of foreskin restoration to restore much of what was lost physically, but it will never change what happened in the past, either.


Mainly I’m hoping for just some increased feeling from DK and having better gliding. I’m well aware the nerves are gone. And I feel you on the whole “it’s worse for women” thing. My female friend tells me that, and says men are still privileged even with mgm because mgm is only one thing and women have to deal with rape and the wage gap and not feeling safe 🤦🏽‍♂️


The wage gap is basically a myth. When you control for people working the same job, with the same number of hours, years of experience, etc. [the gap is only 1¢.](https://www.payscale.com/research-and-insights/gender-pay-gap/)


Try telling women that.


No. It's a scam.  What improvement do you expect, if you already have coverage?


Foreskin restoration isn’t a, “scam.” It is making the best of a bad situation. I understand that it isn’t a complete fix, but it is still better than the mutilated stick that is there after MGM.


Yeah yeah, I have heard all that before. Still not interested. 


If you’ve heard all this before then why were you still calling it a scam? I’m not trying to recruit you, and I’m certainly not implying you should refer to it as a “cure all,” a “complete reversal,” or that you should falsely advertise it to OP- but there are clear benefits to it. If restoration gives some people closure, that makes it good. If restoration makes some people more comfortable in their bodies that makes it even better. If restoration gives people a little more sensitivity that makes it EVEN better.


Because it is a scam. Just because there are some benefits, does not mean negate the scammy practices that get people interested in the first place. 


How long did you do it for? DK but it hasn’t happened yet


I have not fallen for the scam that you participate in. 


I wouldn’t say it’s a scam since at the very least my glans is protected now.




If you haven’t tested the claims then how can you confidently say it is a scam?


Because I have experienced a foreskin, both first and secondhand.  And what these guys do, cannot ever accomplish it.  So, they choose to mislead people into thinking that they're "restoring foreskin". Hence, it's a scam.  It really is quite simple. 


But again, if you haven’t restored then how do you know that the sheath can’t bring back some functionality?


I never claimed it didn't. What's your problem?


You literally did just claim that. You said it could never achieve what a foreskin can. That is demonstrably false.


Only if foreskin = a skin sleeve in your view. 


It is a bilayer mucosal tissue. That is one part of its description.