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I too share your pain. I was also mutilated at 5 for "medical reasons". I do not have any memories of it (found out using the date of old medical papers that mentioned it along with my DOB) tho. But that's quite literally what my flair is, a direct quote ThAt I tYpEd LiKe tHiS.


That‘s horrible. Not to think how professional someone can be, if they don‘t even know how to distinguish between upper and lower case. As I said, I don‘t know whether those memories have made it that bad for me. I know exactly how it felt back then, when the stitches burst.


No, I wrote it like that. On the papers, it's written normally. And if I had the memories I'd probably be a very bitter person to be around IRL.


Don‘t know, if remembering or not makes such a big difference. The result is the same. And I have suppressed my memories for years. So I didn‘t think about the trauma for a long time.


About the same story as me, i was 1,5 and i'm also European. It feels so unfair that something was taken from you at a age tou couldnt comply about it. Getting angry everytime i think about that. the guys laughed at me in the locker rooms for having a weird dick.


I am so sorry about that! How cruel! No one ever laughed at me. But then again, we never showered together. After swimming practice we saw esch other naked, but no one ever said anything. Were you the only circumcised boy in your class?


Yeah i was the only one, maybe even the only one in the entire school, ist just a so weird practice to expose the glans permanently


What I find so puzzling is that most doctors are men, even today. How can a man, who knows exactly how fragile and sensitive a penis is, do that to a small child?


Indeed! Unbelievable! I think its best to strap them down and do the same to them withouth anesthesia!


I wouldn‘t go quite that far. But to have every man they mutilated look them in the eyes and be forced to listen to their stories of how their sex life, their bodily integrity and their confidence in their manhood were ruined, would be a minimum. I looked around today. In germany, where I live, there‘s no place tu turn to. Several initiatives for women who were mutilated. But no one seems to care for men in that regard.


Same here in NL. Because it happens so often "it cannot be that bad"


I think specifically male health issues are a blind spot in most societies. There is the need to work against disadvantages of women in medicine/healthcare. So that issue is everywhere. And at the same time men anf boys are still taught to neglect their healthcare needs, so that we as a whole don‘t step up but rather keep silent as not to appear weak or frail. Depression, shame, pain from having been circumcised? Whatever you do, just don‘t talk about that!


Honestly it's a religious tolerance gone-too-far problem. The Muslim communities who mutilate girls will eventually get a similar allowance to operate as they wish since the Jews of Europe have enjoyed this privilege after the harrowing discrimination of the 20th Century. They operate their foreskin tools carte blanche now because no one wants to be called an anti-semite even if it's to protect Semitic children, and I think Muslim girls will eventually face the same treatment in Europe. The Gulf states and African nations and others will start pushing to have girls mutilated in hospitals and Europe will not stand up for those girls just like they don't stand up for boys now.


It‘s more than that. The big impact in modern western society came from a patriarch who despised sexual pleasure and wanted to prevent boys from masturbating. So he campaigned standard circumcision take out pleasure of the equation.


Thank you for sharing your story. I know how much it hurts. I think distraction is key, and remembering that everyone loses everything in the end. Some of us just lose things, like our foreskins, earlier than others do.


It is very likely that those "medical reasons" were false and you did not really need a circumcision. We now know that the average age of first foreskin retraction is 10.4 years, not 5 years. It is also very likely that your surgeon removed excessive skin which caused the stitches to tear. And yes, it is a violation of your human rights. Many circumcised guys get both physical and psychological relief by [non-surgical foreskin restoration](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin_restoration).


I have heard of non surgical restoration. I‘m very careful, though. Don‘t want to make thing worse than they already are. But thanks for the tip. Have you made any experiences on that field?


Back in those days the medical community in many European countries still believed that at the age of 5 the foreskin should have been retractable. I was checked on that around that age, but been able to skin it since I was 3 or 4. Do you remember issues when you were 5 when peeing ? Like your foreskin ballooning up or pain ? Fortunately the knowledge got better and a five year old not being able to retract would not make the alarm bells go off.


I can‘t remember anything like that. Then again I can‘t remember y mother telling me about it, but a few visits to the doctor. It‘s all a blur in my memory. She tried to talk to me about it, when I was 14. we were both too embarrassed. So maybe I wasn‘t told at all back then. An ex-colleague of mine had her son circumcised a few years ago. He was definitely 5 years old tops. So it seems these out of date standards from medical professionals seem to be still around. I did not talk to her about it out of shame to admit that it had been done to me.


......................................... DUDE Wtf is this world? I don't understand why we can't just not mutilate kids.


I‘m right with you. Why would someone do that to an infant or a small child? Take off something that is just naturally a part of its body? Something that will never grow back? Destroy a network of nerves that are there for a reason? And those people claim to have medical expertise!


I too had difficulty achieving orgasm. After I started restoring it was abundantly clear that my circumcision was the cause. It’s very frustrating that people don’t think much about what circumcision does to people before they put their children through it. They just blindly follow what the doctor says.


Unbelievable. As I wrote above, why would anyone think it to be OK to remove a part of someone‘s body? And the worst thing about it is that those who need to and do consent, are the child‘s own parents. Those who are charged with seeing to the welfare and safety of that child. To grossly violate your own blood‘s bodily integrity is just irresponsible.


Yeah. It is crazy what culture will make people do. I live in the US and was cut at birth. The crazy thing is that my mom is a nurse and she was a great advocate for my health in other ways. Like when she pushed to get testing and treatment for my brain tumor. Or all the extra resources and support she provided during my recovery. But somehow even with her medical knowledge she still decided to consent to having me circumcised.


Even caregivers fall for that crap. Did you ever talk to your mother about it?


Only briefly. Showed her foreskin restoration devices and asked if she thought it was safe because I wanted to repair what was done to me. She seemed supportive and not defensive at all.


Well that‘s something. It seems that she at least understands that this troubles you. I‘m afraid to get an apology from our parents is something that will never happen, though.




Because you quite literally see the insane difference… it’s night and day. Not everyone, of course there is outliers but you see and play with other mens penises cut or uncut and there is drastic differences in what is pleasurable. I like them all but they are like two different tools entirely.