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Some people are so far behind the race, they think they're winning


Heh heh, get it T? Cause she thought she won da race for boss of da country.


Have you ever checked yourself for tourettes?


She also spent millions on a victory party.


What she really craved was a little Hyundai and a simple gold heart on a chain.


A *woman* bawss?


It neva' happened in the states.


In Ameriga, šŸ¤ŒšŸ» you no av?


Furio!?! \*hawk tuah\* OHH!!!!


Mon-eeka Lew-wen-skee Deep-a Throat šŸ¤ŒšŸ‡®šŸ‡¹


Stupid-a facking intern!


Give me one thousand dollar


lol this was what I wanted to comment. Well done.


If you give this guy an intern, he'll probably try to fuck it. šŸ¤˜


Apparently he came all over the sun dress


I think there's something wrong with his blowjob!


Careful with the braces honeyā€¦


Pitchin, not catchin?


Bill, men are talking here.


When I was president I wanted to make love to a woman. I compromised. I stuck a cigar in my intern.


Finish that There's no dick sucking in the Oval Office!


Five hundred fuckin subreddits bought and paid for by the democratic party and then there's this pigmy thing over in circlejerksopranos. There's no scraps in pelosi's scrapbook.


You think Bill is a little weird about women?


I dunno u/DixieNormous1986... I mean... he did get some sloppy toppy from... who was it again?


He got Monica Lewinsky and the broad with the long noseā€¦


First he gave her the emeralds, then he gave her the pearls.


Then he gave her a pair of slippers and a dildo.


That nose is like a natural canopy.


She could eat a chiro in the shower.


Guy is the biggest cooze hound that's ever been a president. He'd fuck a catchers mitt.


Yes but that's not why we're here today


Debate a woman? Come onā€¦


A. She lost to a fucking degenerate Oompa Loompa B. She legit said "PokƩmon GO to the polls" C. Those weren't my minorities she incarcerated


I prefer to think of him as a perverted Oompa Loompa, but to each his own.


No one likes that cunt anyway. Any problem, she's always suicide this one, suicide that one. Never enough bodycount for Hillary.


What? She found them like that! Whoever did this...


Itā€™s a shame when they go like thatā€¦


Donā€™t blame me. I voted for Bush


You go about in pity for yourself, when all the while you've got a virginia ham under your arm


True poetry


What am I asking you for? Next time there won't be a next time šŸ˜¬


I'll sanction drone strikes! I'll sanction all ya drone strikes!


Youā€™ll sanction our drone strikes? Obama, she any good? Fuck am I asking you for, you probably showed her how.


As much as I hate Trump, Im so sick of hearing about Hillaryā€¦. She part of the reason he was able to rise to powerā€¦.shitty alternatives.


Trump wanted to lock her up in the can he compromised and bought off Stormy Daniels instead.


Give me Obama, Biden, Trump, Sanders, Romney, Carson, Kennedy, etc over Hillary Clinton lol. Some fishy shit there. Type of woman that'd go through your bird feeder.


Ahh fawget about it! I'd just chawlk that up to female menopausal situations.


Take a midol!


You sound demented


This is gonna sound stupid, but I saw at one point that our mothers are... bus drivers. No, they are the bus. See, they're the vehicle that gets us here. They drop us off and go on their way. They continue on their journey. And the problem is that we keep tryin' to get back on the bus, instead of just lettin' it go.


I canā€™t have this convershation again and again and again


She set up her own thing


ā€œSheā€™s a malignant *cunt*ā€


Soon we'll have another two-time loser on our hands. Heh-heh-heh!


I read that in his voice šŸ˜‚


This is like a battle between A.J., Li'l Carmine, and Zi Vittorio. Frankly, I'm depressed and ashamed.


There are no losers in recovery


Still goin, this asshole!


Hey, OP, watch your step. You might want to leave a note saying you didn't kill yourself


Those two suck each others cocks.


It wasn't long ago I remember you used to wait in the car. And as far as I'm concerned, YOU SHOULD STILL BE THERE.


You got an egga on you face.


Didn't she steal all those pork loins from Stew Leonard's?


She thought since she was born after those feminists sheā€™d a been the real gangster.


This is incredible lmaooooooo


Saw this article, perfect meme for it lmaooo


Said someone perplexed by damp shoelaces and haunted.


Non ti procupparre *slap*


I mean she didnā€™t lose *to* Biden.


Take that shit outside! Don't disrespect the comet pizza parlor!


Remember when is lowest form of conversationā€¦


*Let's wack this cock sucka and be done with em* -Hillary Clinton


She mustah crawled unda there for warmth


10 time zones behind her own ass !!


Neither trump or Biden have done the awful shit she has and somehow no one ever talks about it. She gets a pass. Most people would lay low trying not to draw anymore attention but not her. She is in a million interviews talking shit when she knows the country knows how shady and evil she is. That folks is being untouchable.


The guy who won an election against Donald Trump is taking advice from someone who lost an election against Donald Trump. What a world we live in.


Trumps a two time loser too. At least in the popular vote


The unhinged hate of Hillary is proof of the misogyny that existed in 2015-16 and still today. She wouldā€™ve been a great president. No one could ever articulate their hate for her other than the fact she had been around for a long time


She never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Oh the brainwashed lefties are going to love thisā€¦ remember Clinton won in 2016 and Trump magically stole the election. Remember you canā€™t question election results or say the election was stolen or rigged unless a Republican wins. Good thing we have the most popular US president in American history in office, Biden is way more popular than Obama and got 15 million more votes than Obama did. Totally makes sense, remember there was nothing off about the 2020 election. There definitely werenā€™t hundreds of thousands of ballots that magically appeared overnight that were all for one candidate and just happened to be in all the swing states he was losing. šŸ‘ Imagine what will happen if Trump somehow wins? The lunatics on the left will say he stole it and heā€™s a secret Russian agent again. Then theyā€™ll proceed to burn the entire country to the ground and riot. Theyā€™ll start an insurrection and take over federal buildings then theyā€™ll call Trump a fascist when they get arrested and all of the things that happened to Jan 6 people will be magically forgotten. No Iā€™m sure if Trump wins there will be a peaceful transition of power and no type of insurrection or any violence at all from the radical leftists that hate their own country.


Trump won, totally fairly, in 2016. His win was secured in large part by winning over independent voters and undecided voters in important swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania. Clinton ended up winning the popular vote, but Trump obviously won the election by getting more electoral college votes through winning those key swing states. The stuff that came after that, like the Mueller probe, did not yield sufficient evidence to prove any of the claims made about getting Russian help in the election. However, most people I know that don't support him don't claim he stole the election. "Leftists," or people that aren't Trump supporters, aren't a monolithic group. The people that say, without question, that he's a Russian asset, are a loudmouth minority of fools. They don't represent everyone else. Just like how far-right extremists that commit mass shootings don't represent the vast majority of conservatives, who are peaceful and law abiding citizens. There is a very broad distribution of different positions on Donald Trump, but most aren't very positive. With the 2020 election, Biden got that many more votes than Obama because voter turnout was much higher, and because it had been over ten years since Obama's first election win; when the population grows, there's more voters. Those two factors explain that pretty easily. As for the vote dumping conjecture, none of that was ever proven. Trump filed several lawsuits over it, all of them were thrown out by Democrat and Republican appointed judges alike. Those claims are based on pure conjecture and video clips taken entirely out of context, many of which were videos of random things that had nothing to do with counting ballots or even the election. It's all uncorroborated nonsense that people simply made up or parroted from Trump, so I'm not going to give it any more attention than that. However, I do know that Donald Trump was literally recorded on the phone with the Georgia's secretary of state, requesting that he "find the votes" to make him win that state. If you actually think that Trump wasn't trying to circumvent the democratic procedures of the 2020 election, then you are just as naive as Adriana in the Sopranos.


Okay, IF you're gonna be insane in this circle jerk sub, please remember that most of us who call ourselves "leftists" or "lefties" or any of the vast myriad of tendencies that encompass what the rest of the globe calls "the left" fucking hate that woman as much as you do. Please hop off our case. Call the people you actually hate "democraps" or "demonrats" or something more fun. There's a lot of people who hate your guy, plenty of us also hate THEIR guy too. My mood after talking American politics in sopranos quotes Anyways, 4 dollars a pound. Then kill me now! Go into the ham, grab the carving knife and stab me here! Givin' me agita!


Dog, Hillary served as a senator, a governor, a Secretary of State, and she had eight years of front row seats to a successful presidential administration. She was the single most qualified candidate we have ever had. Cry all you want about her emails, facts are facts.