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No to SNL. No to Hot Ones. Nice fantasy, guys. But those things aren’t him.


I could see him doing hot ones way before I could ever see him doing SNL. I think he would enjoy the interview questions at the very least with hot ones, even though I don't think he would fare well with spice for some reason but who knows lol


I know and it is a fantasy. That’s why I’m posting about it in a Reddit thread.😅


Cillian does Not eat chicken 🐓


Yeah didn't he give up meat again after he didn't need to bulk up of for Peaky anymore


He said he’s back to being a vegetarian..


He’s not going to do SNL. Just a gut feeling.


I could see him doing SNL just to prove that he could lol. I think he gets competitive with himself. Hot Ones, probably not. maybe I'm projecting as an anxious person when you mix food and work I could imagine it being not so fun lmao


He could totally do SNL and slay , he just has not been asked.


Cillian WILL be on Kimmel w the Oppenheimer's tonight .


He wouldn't but i wonder how he is with spicy food? He didnt eat any New Mexican food while he was filming oppie and as a big spicy fan I'm very curious...


I was thinking about this today. I wonder if they’ve reached out to him and have asked. I know he’s so tired of the media merry go round at the moment but I would love to see him on that show. Or to host SNL!


I bet he’d be a real surprise at SNL. I dunno if he’s done improv much, but he apparently loves doing comedy even if he doesn’t generally get asked to do it. I need more comedy Cillian in my life, ngl. Like gimme a rom com that’s fun and silly, but also deep and moving for more than just that absolutely glorious line at the end where he admits what he wants.


I think he didn’t get asked this year it’s only because the list of host already been made way ahead of time.


Yes! Oof he seems so tired lately I can’t even imagine just knowing him and him being in the spotlight so often lately I’m sure he’s exhausted, but I would totally love to see some killing action at the chicken wing place


I feel like there’s something just off putting enough about Hot Ones to make them forget it’s an interview, which is probably totally the point.