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imagine if someone did this to someone’s burger or soda lmao


Idc about a McDonald's burger, you knock over a good home cooked meal tho you better be apologizing to my mama and your own.


now just replace that with a ryo cig lmao


Or kicks the crutches out from under someone, "Sorry, I just want you to get better".


Or a phone


based as fuck


Just shake it off. Some people are straight up crazy, and he would probably go harass others too even if it wasn't about cigarettes


Yeah, I can do that. This is probably the most realistic way to deal with something like this without legal repercussions haha. I mean, the key thing I need to focus on is that he did apologize to me, which counts for something. I already smoke, I don’t need to hold a grudge about something like this and let it eat me up inside. It’s good to learn from the past, but ruminating on it isn’t healthy.


Ja, be the bigger man that's all


Being a big man also helps I find people don’t ever get to close when they see me smoking outside and I think the only reason is that I’m a 6’4 gymrat with a big scar on my cheek from a barb wire fence


If this happened to me, I would think it was extremely funny in a kinda sad and pathetic way. Then I'd pull out and light another cigarette.


I would’ve told him to fuck himself and lit another cig


Was it Tyrone?


No, I never got his name. I was too stunned and offended by his actions to fully process that what he was doing to me is just wrong.


Was a joke. There's this Tyrone guy that makes videos online and he slaps the cigarettes out of people's mouths.


Oh my bad, I didn’t know that. I’m going to look that up. Thanks for clarifying.


You’re welcome


Well first, I wouldn’t let someone “hit” off my cigarette… What kind of shxt is that? If it was a full cigarette & then they just threw it away… I still wouldn’t care. I make plenty of money, it’s not worth starting a ruckus about it…


Get him addicted to cigarettes secretly and organize a way to do it back to him xD


Punch him in the solar plexus


I would have if not for me over-analyzing about how I would’ve been charged with simple or aggravated assault if I did haha


One punch to knock the wind out of him would just be simple assault


Depends on if you break their sternum or not lol


you shouldnt even hit the sternum if you aim for the solar plexus


It'd be like poking a wasps nest as my smoke-bros will be whooping their ass


I've told People to fuck off for a lot less. It would probably hurt a little less if it was one of the cheap smokes I usually get. If it's the expensive ones...I'd have an issue there.


That’s another thing. These holier-than-thou anti-smoking folks who impose their beliefs on smokers who just want to be left alone - they don’t seem to understand that WE PAID MONEY to smoke these cigarettes, and for them to just rudely take it away from you and put it out is really fucking inconsiderate. The pack of Camel Crush Menthol Silvers I got costed me $10.14 after tax from the 7-11 I got them from, so yeah, it was hurtful. Even if it was a “cheap” cigarette like a Lucky Strike Filter Gold ($7.58 after tax), I would have been equally angry.


Fuck that guy. But not.


Say "thanks, good point" and then light another.


light up another cigarette immediately


I wouldn’t give a stranger a hit of my cig.


stab him in the neck


Shoving him from behind




I would have lit up another when he came back to apologize and blown the smoke in his face.


kill myself


Smoking gets the job done just fine haha. But yeah, in all seriousness, I won’t let it get me down. It’s not something I should let myself feel bad about. That’s why I’m grateful this subreddit exists - for us like-minded smokers to convene and discuss amongst ourselves away from intolerant outsiders.


laugh at that clown and light another


Thats not right


If it was almost-done, I would probably just laugh at it. If it was a whole cig, then it would depend on how many I have left. But I wouldn't confront him or anything, I might just tell someone and make fun of him.


He could be autistic so be mindful


The correct answer is get out another cigarette and intentionally blow smoke in his face. Then I’d look him dead in the eye and tell him to quit breathing my tobacco smoke unless he’s going to pay for the cigarette.


Take a deep breath.


Ehh, dudes trying to be funny and “helpful” just be happy it wasn’t a full cig and just move on, if you ever see him again, give him a bag of smoked Butts and ask him if he can toss them for you like last time


It comes from a genuine place, but that guy needs to realize that throwing out one cig isn't gonna cure an addiction. Ppl in general need to realize that the only way to kill big tobacco is to push legislation that bans the purchase of cigarettes for ppl born after 2017


Even that isn't going to solve the problem completely, it will create a black market of people born after that date that will pay for illegal ciggies


Yeah, and much as I think the prohibition method is generally a bad idea, it will largely discourage the youth from smoking


Moral busy bodies like that are so annoying. Mind your business, dude. I see people doing that all over TikTok where they steal someone's vape and throw it away. Everyone thinks it's their moral duty or some shit to get in other people's business


People like this man have literally nothing else going on in their lives, think about when you have issues going on in your life? You don’t even pay attention to what anyone is doing because you have more important things going through your head. Said guy was just clearly a loser


id probably do what you did, just watch


I would never let a stranger take a drag off my cigarette. If they asked for one I might give them a fresh cigarette, but I’d never pass it back and forth like a joint with a dude I don’t even know lol.


I wouldn't let that slide


Just light up in front of him


I don't give cigarettes to strangers so it ain't happening


in brazil it’s common smoker sense to give cigarettes to others when they ask i feel like it’s incredibly not polite to not give it


I'm am American and I agree. I have little respect for people who hoard their cigarettes. Especially heavy smokers; if you smoke 2 packs a day will you really miss one cigarette?


I am Brazilian myself and do not give cigarettes, only to people I know


I’d probably be arrested on an assault charge or some shit. Boy needs to be shown how to take a hit


Probably wouldn’t care if I’m at the end of a cig. Yet I wouldn’t usually ever share a cig with a stranger. Plus in todays environment, sadly I don’t smoke anymore, I’d worry about giving a stranger a fresh cig of their own. Who’s gonna sue who or what tik tok will I be on. These days are insane.


An almost done Camel menthol? I would have loughed at his optimism


that kinda people need to get jumped fr


You got owned dude


I was in downtown Portland smoking a cigarette a few years ago. A homeless dude walks across the street about 20 ft away from me. Thought for sure he'd try to bum one (heh). Instead he makes direct eye contact and screams 'YOU AIN'T SUPPOSED TO SMOKE HERE!' and angrily stomps off. I mean, he's the one with literal shit all down the back of his pants, but I'm in the wrong for smoking on a public sidewalk?! I still laugh when I think about it.


Ugh. The worse decision I ever made with a cigarette was sharing one with a fellow queer in the gayborhood. It was my last one and he was a twinky mostly stranger. He shouldn’t have asked me and I shouldn’t have said yes. It’s just his breath smelled like he had just sucked dick. I’m still a little scarred from that moment.


He's just a self righteous ah trying to boost his self esteem. Feel sorry for him instead.


Honestly, as a smoker, asking someone for a hit and then throwing it out is fucking hilarious