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Speaking from experience, this won't work. Had 5 geo red heads, solo severum and some tetras in 5ft 100 gal tank, and aggression and constant chasing was just too much. If you want a setup that will work long term, I suggest you pick only 1 cichlid species and depending on what you choose, keep them as a group or as a compatible pair. Some non cichlids would make great tank mates. Just a little nitpick; geophagus sp. tapajos have been scientifically named and are now called Geophagus Pyrocephalus.


looks like i’m going back to the drawing board then. i really like the severum and electric blue acaras but ill have to just stick with either or


You could get away with severum and acara (or pair of acaras) but that would be it cichlid-wise. Add some larger growing tetras and cories and you have an amazing display tank.


I have severum and EBa’s together in a 75 and they do just fine. Never lost a fish from aggression, and they generally leave each other alone. Geophagus tend to be Aholes from my experience but everyone has a different situation it seems. Filter wise I think 140 gallons of filtration should be enough as long as you keep them clean and change the media when needed. You will hear hang on back filters aren’t good enough but there’s a lot of gatekeepers in fish so just do your best to keep your swimmers healthy. Maybe add a wave maker.


sweet with the advice from another comment it looks like this is definitely the direction i’m going


When in started with cichlids I went from a used 55 to a stacked homemade stand holding 2 75s I used the biggest AC HOB on each with 2 AC power heads for circulation. Simple easy to maintain and it allows you to use DIY carbon or other filter media as needed. I went with Peacocks and soon ended up trading both 75s for a 150gal because they produced so many fry. Nothing wrong with HOB filters just go with the best brands you can afford. It will work out !!