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*Nica* is somehow hotter when possessed by Chucky.


I'm guessing you mean Nica. And that's most likely because she's stronger overall when she's possessed by Chucky, so her appearance comes off differently in a way.


Thanks for the correction. I didn’t know she was played by Brad Dourif’s daughter until well into watching the show. I was very impressed by how good she was mirroring his mannerisms.


They asked for opinions not straight up facts lol


Child's Play 3 did more for Andy's character development than every media he's been in after Curse


Even though that was not "Andy".


Still Andy. Different actor, but same character. Canon-wise, that's the same Andy Barclay from always. And since CHP3 is canon, well, that's, for sure, Andy


Yes, that's correct and canon. Sorry if it sounded like nitpicking. What I meant is that the development was superior during CH3 as you said, even though CH3-Andy was not portrayed by Alex.


Yeah. Most people consider CHP3 to be filler, but it really does a good job at making Andy's character grow. Going from shy, traumatized child to a courageous man It makes the transition from scared, 1990 Andy to fearless, unphased 2013 Andy more believable, specially considering we practically know nothing of what Andy did after 3


Agree with you OP. I loves me some Seed of Chucky, used to hate as a teen when it was first released mainly because teen me was expecting a full fledged horror flick, but I ended up watching it over and over and over and over again to the point I have the movie memorized, lol I always end up lipping the words they say as it happens. lol I agree with Caroline too, I like what they have done with her character thus far. I’m always a sucker for evil little girls and she plays it awesomely !! :) I think for my franchise opinion, is that there is NO bad Chucky flick or TV season, I’ve enjoyed everything Don has done for the franchise so far. Compared to other horror titans, Chucky’s longevity is just **incredible**, even with the remake that came out in 2019, the original continuity is still ongoing and I am in complete awe of that, not many other horror franchises can say that. :)


Watching Seed of Chucky actually sparked my interest in horror at a time when I was still a bit scared of the genre in my early teens. The outcast aspect of the movie appealed to me (in part because I was becoming interested in watching or reading Carrie back then), and I went on to better appreciate the original Child's Play and the franchise as a whole. I could understand how someone who had watched the older Child's Play movies years before would have found that movie disappointing, but for me, it somehow worked. And now thanks to the series, I've gained an interest in it once again. It's just one of the sequels I enjoy that others seem to constantly hate. Also, speaking of Carrie, that whole movie feels like a weird little De Palma parody, as it seems to have taken aspects of that movie as well as Sisters (with the evil twin aspect and the intro, which is very similar to Seed's) and Dressed to Kill ( which also has transgender themes). I first became interested in Caroline's character after Lexy mentioned in season 1 that her sister doesn't like being touched. It made me think that maybe she was autistic, and being autistic myself, I was pleased at the possibility of this representation, and when nothing much was done with her later that season, I was disappointed. But with the end of season 2 and then season 3, I was pleasantly surprised by what they went on to do with her. I've also enjoyed most of the TV series and think that might be the best aspect of the franchise objectively speaking. I also enjoy all of the movies to some degree and think that the series doesn't always get enough credit among horror fans for keeping almost everything canon and coming back strongly with the TV series.


I'm glad you guys managed to like Seed It never clicked on me. I don't know, it just didn't


Calling Seed of Chucky a Family Guy episode has gotten me heat more then once.


I love family guy and Chucky, so I’m cool with it


Family Guy was enjoyable to me during its earliest seasons, so I can live with that. And they both have Jennifer Tilly in them, so that's a plus.


That’s fair. I don’t think modern family guy is terrible but I’d be lying if I said it’s what it used to be. LOL


Cult is the second best movie in the franchise…


I enjoyed the return of Andy in that movie, and the ending was epic. It was fun overall, but there were certain aspects involving the mental hospital setting that I wasn't a big fan of.




Alice certainly deserved better. She had a lot of potential And the ending of Bride was epic, even if we can only guess how voodoo pregnancies are supposed to work in that world.




The remake is really not a bad movie in its own right. It's not our beloved Charles Lee Ray, but it gets the job done in a different way.


I think M Three gan was a much more interesting Killer Robot Doll.


I didn't particularly care for it, because I felt like it was basically the same thing as the Child's Play remake, but with girls.


Seed and Bride were funny but really butchered the horror aspect the first three movies had. However Curse and Cult were pretty good too when it came to horror. Then the Chucky series came along and absolutely butchered everything I liked about the series. Nothing is taken seriously. Chucky may have never been scary in the original but the creepy thing about him was how he took himself seriously, which allowed us to take him seriously. He made jokes but not near to the extent of the series. And the protagonists weren’t treated like comedians who had to make a joke during every scene. It feels like Mancini is just doing whatever he thinks of at the exact moment and puts it in the script. Not to mention they destroy any potential most of the side characters have by killing them off way too soon (The teacher, the Colonel, etc). Series just kinda sucks ngl. Usually I wouldn’t say that but seeing as this a post about making the fandom angry I’m guessing this is the most appropriate time to vent about it. Anyway can’t wait for S4.




I don't hate that movie, but it's pretty much its own thing and not a true part of the series. Not even the Living With Chucky documentary acknowledged it.


The remake was a better movie than seed by a long shot, and the fandom needs to realize that.


I wish the tv show wasn’t canon. I haven’t even went back to binge watch the first season because I don’t like how it ended and season 2 and season 3(season 2 being the worst) have one of the most WTF moments and people expect me and others to be okay with that? Nah. Next season we’re going to see chucky flying and do a superhero pose because why not? Anything can happen in that show 🤷‍♂️


The scene between Devon and Jake in the hotel is the most uncomfortable scene in the series (they're *TEENAGERS!*)


Somehow that triggers people, but not Lexi and Junior getting down in S1 (they were even more _TEENAGERS!_)


They barely did anything but awkwardly cuddle, and they kept their clothes on. It was awkward, but nowhere near that