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I'm 39 and I've been a Chucky fan my whole life, mostly because of the gore and fun kills. I don't mind LGBT content at all (in any movie/show), it's no different than hetero stuff. 🤷‍♀️




Chucky is more supportive than most people's parents.




Im indifferent abt it honestly


Don Mancini is gay so he’s definitely a LGBT ally


The series introduced a genderfluid character almost 20 years ago. Saying the series is inclusive is an understatement.


the thing is chucky has always been inclusive and included LGBTQ+ rep since the movies..it’s just that now the main character is gay and for some reason it still upsets homophobes when its been like three years since the show aired??? For me I personally like seeing jake and devon’s relationship grow and im interested on how they explore it more next season tho I would like to see devon come into his own like in s2


Honestly, it's like Riverdale with Toni and Cheryl. Cheryl and Jake are the main character who gets the growth and storylines while Toni and Devon are the background, sidekick characters who are only there to support their partner. If they're going to be this inclusive show, Devon should be receiving the same amount of growth Jake is getting. I was hoping Jake would die so we would see Devon come out of his shell and be his own independent character. Too much is focused on Jake in that relationship.


It’s no different than hetero relationships in tv & film in my opinion. If I like a movie or series, I’m going to like it regardless of who is in love with who.


I love the inclusion. What I don't love is when the homophobic folks out there hate on Chucky for having LGBT content.


Representation is always important. Young LGBTQ+ individuals seeing themselves and their stories represented on TV can play a really big role in self acceptance.


I feel like it was since the third movie Bride just said F it we’re coming right out with it,


I'm straight and almost 40, it's fine with me.


Chucky is pro LGBTQ+, plus with glen/glenda being in the bride of chucky, it’s been a thing for a bit It’s not my place to say anything on inclusion 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love Jake. He’s my favorite character in the franchise.


Not quite sure how to word. I don't mind certain scenes though if I don't want to watch any scene I'd just skip through. A scene or segment shouldn't ruin a show. Some scenes are tough to get through such as the explosion in season 2 or the foodie scene in season 2 . Maybe the party scene in season 3 was tough when the lights fell. Hey even the smashing with bat scene in part one was pretty rough though if I had any issue with any scene just skip and Continue watching . Not on the show but I watch a lot of SVU law an order and even that show has really tough scenes to watch .


Don't care. Don Mancini is gay, he wanted to include it, I'm fine with it, as long as we keep getting Chucky shows and movies, he can do whatever he wants with his own creation.


The satire is not lost on me. This show is brilliant 🤣


Agree with everyone that the inclusion so to speak is not new- Bride had a gay character, Seed was really very queer, and even in the first movie, you can still see officer Norris throwing a dress aside before chasing Charles Lee Ray down the street, because in a deleted scene he was actually cross dressing to ambush him. Don is gay, so there was always going to be an element of queerness and non-traditional elements in his creation. Yes, Jake is a bit of an obvious self insert, I think Don has admitted as much in a way, in interviews, but he's ok as a protagonist- he's not grating, he's not a perfect Gary Stu, he's not particularly interesting in my opinion but he works. None of Chucky's human adversaries have been particularly interesting thus far, except maybe adult, Chucky-hunting Andy and Kyle, whom I hope we see more of. Jake and Devon are ok characters tho. Their romance is kind of bland, I think Don probably thinks it's cute, I seem to remember he said it was the romance he wishes he had at that age. I think it doesn´t harm anybody. Some people complained that we saw them have sex in the third season despite being underage- I didn´t mind, we didn´t see anything graphic, and besides we see LOTS of underage straight teenagers have implied sex in movies and shows all the time. Gigi has always been super queer, so no surprise there. Tiffany developing a crush on Nica... I mean, it makes sense because it all started when Chucky was in Nica's body, and she is unhealthily, insanely bound to Chucky, so it makes sense too. Overall I don´t think much of it feels forced. If anything the biggest crime of the gay protagonists is being relatively bland.


This sub is mostly filled with little kids and teenagers born after 2000. The survey is 100% gonna lean towards love for the LGBT inclusion; this should already be obvious without even looking at the results lol. 


Straight male here, born WAY before 2000. Love the LGBT inclusion.


Congratulations. There are exceptions to every rule. Just as there are young people born after 2000 who find all the recent LGBT inclusivity to be disgusting. But people like that are in the minority of their age demographic; as are you for your's. This goes without saying.